WaroftheSigns — Aries: REF + BIO

Published: 2013-06-22 19:53:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 759; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 1
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Description Name: Aries

Nicknames: Ram, Hot-headed freak, Hardies

Age: 15

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Residence: Underground; shares roommates

Occupation: Freedom Fighter


-Went to basic grammar school; had to cover her chest even on hot days.


Height: 4'11" (1.50cm)

Hair: straight, red ,goes down to her shoulders

Eyes: Teal

Skin: Pale

Body type: Thanks to the excessive lack of food when Aries was younger, she didn’t grow properly.

Style: Practical; since the weather is extremely hot where she lives, Aries usually wears a red top and shorts. She wears long boots not only because it’s practical for her to go around at night but also because she says “this is totally my style and fits my clothes”.

>>Marks/Scars/Tattoos: The Aries sign on her chest, which is a birthmark.


>> her past self (male)


» Aquarius: Best friend; Aries found him a little cold and detached when she met him, but since they learned how to accept each other's differences, they got along quite well. Not only they work well together as a team in fights, he always gives her new ideas of what to do when she runs out of ideas herself. They tend to get in trouble usually but since both of them enjoy adventures and excitement, this seems to be no problem for them. The only problem that she finds with him is his stubbornness and rebellious nature, as well as her possessiveness bugs him.

» Sagittarius: Ex boyfriend. Aries fell quite easily for him when she met him; their personalities are similar and he was so excitable and happy she couldn't help falling in love for him, making it pretty obvious even for him. Sagittarius also fell for her, but not for a long time. He started to feel uncomfortable and had no choice but to tell her that he didn’t feel anything for her anymore. This caused Aries to snap and getting brutally physical with him. Not only she lost her temper but also her emotional control.

» Leo: Friendly rival. They tend to fight to see which one of them will be the leader and they’re always fighting, mostly because Aries usually prefers to do things on her own than just following his rules. But besides this, she considers Leo as her brother and if anything happens to him, she’ll do everything to protect him.

»Gemini: Good friends. Aries tend to find them fun and energetic and never gets awkward conversations with them, since both always have topics to talk about. The only things that annoys her about them are that the twins like to tease her and that they don’t get out of the laptop very often.

» Scorpio: They don’t like each other nor speak with each other very much, mostly because being a Feminine sign, Aries doesn't exactly trust her, but they will work together if they need to.

» Taurus: Rival. Aries loves to challenge her to prove their strength and Taurus isn't very fond of it. Aries’ risk taking nature annoys her and Taurus’ slowness pisses Aries off. They’re kind of “tsunderes” between each other but always know when to stop with the silly rivalry when one of them is danger.

» Libra: Friends. Aries tends to find her opposite annoying but always tries to get along with him, by challenging him to something. Libra has knowledge of her short temper and avoids this though; he doesn't want her to lose. At all.

»Sulphria: Aries doesn't like her near Aquarius very much. She gets jealous and thinks that he'll be more friends of Sulphria than Aries herself. But Aquarius had warned her that she needs to try to stop to be so possessive, so she doesn't say anything at all.


>Overall: Aries likes to finish her business super fast, sometimes not finishing what she starts. She might like to be in actions too much and won’t hesitate to save her friends from the dangers out there. In dangerous situations, Aries keeps calm, worrying more about her friends than herself. When angry with someone, she’s really not the sensitive person, she gets hyperactive and will scream at them, if not beating them up. She’s extremely energetic, rarely seen to be tired, and won’t mind at all to give orders around when Leo’s not present. Aries’ impulsiveness might be frustrating for her friends and in arguments, she’s really stubborn when defending her opinion. She shows jealously when Leo becomes the leader of the group (she wanted to become the leader herself). When she thinks someone makes the same mistakes again and again and again she gets intolerant and will tell them how they are, even if she doesn’t mean to say this (once again, really impulsive). Putting her tough side apart, she’s a very sweet and shy person when people get to know her well. Aries also shows a very big interest in accumulating money.


» Wining
» Money
» Salty foods
» Shotguns
» Being the number one in everything
» Her closed ones
» Adventures
» Taking risks


» Losing
» Being bossed around
» Being teased
» Losing control of her emotions
» Boredom
» Seeing her friends hurt
» People messing with her hair


» Being left alone
» Losing her friends
» Being weak and useless


» Shooting
» Working out
» Learning to play video games (and failing)
» Learning how to cook (also being disastrous)


» To be free
» To be respected around community
» To be rich someday (who knows)


- She's very enthusiastic, bringing light when people are feeling down.
- Her braveness has saved many friends.
- She tries her best in everything she does.
- She's very protective of her so called family (the masculine signs).
- She never gives up.
- Her leadership is really good.


- She loses her temper way too easily, being easy to be provoked.
- She’s really bossy, annoying some people.
- She rarely finishes what she starts.
- She often is called of arrogant and egotistical, when in reality, it’s a mask of how insecure and self doubting she actually is.
- She’s highly self critical, feeling that she constantly needs to prove that she’s good enough.
- She gets extremely violent when people want to finish a relationship with her ( Her previous relationship with Sagittarius)


- She has marksmanship;
- She’s physically way too strong and only gets stronger when really angry.

Fun Facts:

- She often falls out of her bed when sleeping
- Even thought she looks like a tomboy, she does have a couple of dresses and feminine stuff ( note: she wears lipstick)
- She might not say it but she does love affection.
- She takes Leo’s sunglasses when they day is way too bright
- Sometimes she switches her weapons with Aquarius
- She says she never loses but when playing video games she’s actually a big loser.
- She bites her lips a lot.


Aries was born 130 years after her past self died. She grew up in a really hot desert with lack of aliments and water, making her resistant to hunger and excessively warm days. She lately moved to the city, being the only survivor from her birth town. She survived violent attacks and explosions, leaving her without almost nothing, making her steal clothes from abandoned stores and try to cover her Aries symbol and going to school. Her classmates discovered that she was a masculine sign, bullying her and trying to kill her by themselves. She escaped with 12, collapsing onto Leo in the Masculine Side, who made her join him in the rebellion.
Some years later Leo and Aries found more masculine signs (being Aquarius the last one). Aries grew to have a strong relationship with Aquarius and Sagittarius, falling in love with the last one. After 1 year, Sagittarius decided to dump her because she was way too possessive and bossy, causing Aries to become so chaotic physically that nearly killed him. She obviously regretted this act, trying to at least say sorry to him ( who was caught and was already in jail). In the way to the jail she and Aquarius ( he tried to make sure she didn't get in danger; in case if she did, he’d try to help her) got caught by the guardians, throwing them in a robotizator, turning their body metallic.
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