Waruhi-tan — SH | Aizawa Kiyoko

Published: 2016-01-24 19:29:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 590; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 7
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Description like i drew this before 2016 even happened but I procrastinated on the written history so here it is just now-

Name: Aizawa, Kiyoko
Nicknames: Kiyo, Aizy
Age: 22
Gender: Cis Female
DOB: 4/13
Height: 5'3"ft | 152cm
Weight:  103lbs | 47kg
Nationality: Japanese
House/Curriculum: Shirohebi
Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual

+ Adaptable
+ Charming
+ Clever
+ Focused
- Careless
- Dishonest
- Messy
- Uncooperative

    Kiyoko has little issue with change. This is perhaps because to her, the world moves so fast that she never has time to get used to anything as "normal." She can adapt to any situation with relative ease and doesn't quite understand when others complain about life's alterations. Kiyoko is also a rather likeable person. She has no problem using this to her advantage when hunting spirits. Gaining a spirits trust only to betray them later on is something that Kiyoko is somewhat infamous for. Needless to say, this causes informed spirits to be rather wary of her. Perhaps the reason she fits in so well with Shirohebi is her cleverness. Kiyoko never runs out of ideas, though they can be rather... mischevious in nature. She is a very intelligent girl, and improvision comes naturally to her. Although Kiyoko is not the most clean while completing missions, she is quite adequate at it. This is because she devotes all her time and attention to completing them. When deep into a case, Kiyoko becomes extremely focused, no matter how long it might take to complete.

    These positive traits Kiyoko possesses may be overshadowed by the not so positive ones. While focused and clever, Kiyoko tends to be rather careless. She frequently leaves things behind and forgets to mention important things to others. As a result, Kiyoko is know for being somewhat airheaded. A somewhat toxic trait Kiyoko possesses is dishonesty. She is a stellar liar, and people often have trouble deciding if she is lying to them or not. Her peers are somewhat apprehensive of her because of this, though her charm still manages to reel them in. One would expect someone so dedicated and focused to be somewhat tidy, but this couldn't be further from the truth in Kiyoko's case. She is incredibly messy with her belongings. Her backpack is known as a black hole. Kiyoko's messiness leads to her losing a lot of important things, and prolongs issues that should be relatively simple to close up. Kiyoko also preforms rather poorly with others. She finds that her ideas often conflict with whoever she is working with, and is unwilling to cooperate with them if this is the case. Her stubborn nature causes her to most often take cases alone, even if said cases are a bit too dangerous for a single girl. 



Before the incident.

    Kiyoko was born into an upper middle class family. She has two older brothers, Raichi and Tomoya, who were 2 and 4, respectively, at Kiyoko's time of birth. Kiyoko's parents were both rather well off, her mother being a veterinarian and her father being a stockbroker. Kiyoko lived a rather cushy childhood because of the money she was born into.

    Her parents enrolled her into a private academy when she reached age six; the same school her eight and ten year old brothers were taking classes at. The school wasn't very good for Kiyoko. It was probably the root cause of her nasty personality. At the academy, Kiyoko learned to lie. It wasn't something she decided to take up intentionally. Rather, it seemed as if practically everyone attending the school did this, so it developed naturally. Kiyoko wasn't sure if this was because of the students' posh lifestyles, or just a strange coincidence. She tended not to think about it though, because she frankly didn't care.

    Her newfound attitude didn't please her parents. Kiyoko knew her parents considered her "the worst child," as her two brothers didn't exhibit the traits of a liar as Kiyoko did. It wasn't as if Kiyoko was proud of herself. She really wasn't, but lying came to her on impulse. At the age of 13, Kiyoko's habits had worsened. Her parents decided it would be best to send her to a therapist. She attended, begrudgingly, weekly, and was eventually diagnosed with a pathological lying disorder. Her parents sent her away to a boarding school located in the city of Seishinawa at this point, believing that it could reform their child. Kiyoko wasn't happy.

During the incident.

    Needless to say, Kiyoko didn't spend very long at the bording school before the incident happened. At the bording school, she managed to make a few friends, though not very good ones. Kiyoko learned that these children were sent away for similar reasons as hers. She felt a natural connection to them because of this. Kiyoko seemed to be completely cured of her lying habits after a few months of attending the school. Everyone was quite pleased by this, especially her parents, who were written to monthly by the school.

    She hadn't been "cured" of anything. Instead, Kiyoko had mastered her craft. She no longer exhibited any traits of a liar. This, naturally, lead to Kiyoko lying as much as she wanted. She would frequently skip class and later come up with a flurry of excuses, all of which were believed. Kiyoko didn't see anything wrong with what she was doing. It wasn't hurting anyone, and she frankly couldn't help it. Whenever she tried to say something honestly, a lie would tumble out instead. Perhaps this was because she was insecure about telling the truth because of how often she hadn't done so in the past. Kiyoko didn't know why this was the case, but she didn't really care either.

    After around six or seven months of attending the bording school, the incident occurred.  Kiyoko was skipping class in her dorm room when the sky was dyed with an inky black. The 14 year old stared out the window in awe as spirits were set free into the atmosphere. All she could manage to utter was a "holy shit...

    Things didn't change as drastically as Kiyoko had thought they would. Of course, there were a few changes. News channels began reporting on spirits frequently, and "what not to do when encountering a spirit" signs were posted all around the school. Kiyoko rarely had this issue, though. She continued attending the boarding school until the age of 19. This wasn't of her own voilation, of course. Her parents refused to let her come home. (This irritated Kiyoko, as she thought that her parents believed she was "cured.") Despite the fact that the boarding school was less than fun, she managed to struggle through it with little issues.

8 Years After.

    Eight years after the initial incident, Kiyoko had matured into a "cute" woman of short stature, much to her annoyance. People often treated her with the utmost delicacy, believing that she would break or something, if the wrong thing was said. This did, however, only fuel her lying habits. She could get away with it so much easier with such an innocent face. At the age of 22, however, Kiyoko realized that she needed to "fix" herself. She couldn't live a healthy life as a pathological liar.

    She eventually decided to attend Seishin university. Kiyoko hadn't become particularly interested in any career paths during her childhood, and figured that her slight interest in the spirit world was enough to attend the school of "spirit hunting." It was something to do, and hopefully she would be able to work on reforming herself while helping the city at the same time.

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Shopping - Good god, don't let this woman into a shopping mall. She will go ballistic and consequently leave broke.

+ The atmosphere around holidays - Oddly specific, but Kiyoko loves feeling the energy of everyone else around holidays. She ends up getting super pumped because of it, and often goes overboard when it comes to decorating and preprations.

+ Korean Dramas - They're usually so ridiculous, but Kiyoko always becomes immersed in the world of K Drama, gasping in disbelief at every crazy twist and turn. On nights when she has to work when one of her shows is on, she usually has a small breakdown

+ Vacations - Kiyoko loves visiting places around the world, especially ones she's never been to before. The whole experience is very exciting for her, even getting there.

+ Liquor - Pretty self explanatory-

- Celery - The first time Kiyoko tried celery, she threw up all over the place. Turns out, the vomit wasn't the celery's fault, rather she was just sick. Even still, ever since Kiyoko refuses to eat celery, claiming it will make her vomit.

- Small Children - Particularly those 7 to somewhere around 10. Kiyoko believes this is the age where children begin to purposefully act as annoying as possible. She absolutely hates this, especially when said children are up past their bedtimes. It only gets worse from there on out.

- Earrings - Kiyoko finds that her earrings almost always end up getting caught on things and ultimately just cause a lot of pain. Once instance when Kiyoko was in high school, she forgot to take her earrings out for softball, and a girl trying to keep her from a base got her sleeve caught on Kiyoko's earring, nearly ripping it out in the process. Bleeding ensued.

- Her hair - Kiyoko doesn't always detest her hair; only when it is unruly, which is needless to say, rather often. It's rather difficult to pull into a pony tail, and straightening it is nearly out of the question.

- Scary movies - Horror movies are certainly not in Kiyoko's spectrum of enjoyment. She doesn't at all see the point in being scared just to be scared. Why would anyone want to be scared for fun? (Kiyoko is very terrified of horror movies. She will cry.)

"I'm so bored! Why is this taking so long?!"
"Shit, my gum is all gone..."
"Hey, you can't tell me what to do!"
"Back off, I have info on you that you wouldn't want me sharing!"
"I look pretty cute today, huh?" (she says while doing a small twirl in the mirror.)

Skills and Flaws :
    + Skills : [Knowing info she shouldn't-] [Lying] [Playing softball] [Pretending her room is clean] [Coaxing animals into loving her] [Somehow?? making money appear??? out of nowhere???? (spoiler she just steals it from innocent people- usually her friends- why does she have friends-)]
    - Flaws : [uh stealing money from friends] [ l yin g??? - most of her skills are flaws-] [Waiting. Very impatient] [doesn't getting along with others while working] [can't cook or bake.] [Not going through with something she isn't interested in]
Voice: Kana Hanazawa as Ichiko Sakura. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYitiA…

Doesn't realize she comes off super strong-

loves to get her nailk done, but always ends up ruining them within the first day

kpop trash

When she was 10, she wanted to be a kpop idol

Seems to kill any plant life she tries to raise.

Her room can be described as organized chaos. She knows where everything is, but she has to move a bunch of shit to find it

Once took up extreme exercising so she could come off as more intimidating. It lasted two weeks-

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