Water-edDown — Morgan || OTL

Published: 2019-03-15 22:13:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 603; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 1
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                Name | Morgan Addison
                Age | 23
                Gender | CIS Male
                Pronouns | He/Him
                Height | 6'2" - 188cm
                Ethnicity | Hispanic






Morgan is incredibly outgoing and loves to be in the company of others. He finds it easy to pick up a conversation with a complete stranger and keep it going. It’s a rare occasion to not see him joking around or having a dumb grin splayed over his face.

He has the traits of a hyperactive dog. Never sits for long, always wanting to play, and will nip at your heels if you aren’t moving fast enough for him. He is known to sit and beg until he either gets his way or whatever it is you’re eating.

Everything he does is always emotionally driven, which means his decisions are usually impulsive and dont always turn out the best for him. Morgan is a confident, hot-blooded guy that goes all out in whatever he does; most notably when he’s fighting. He believes in a straightforward fight, no cheating or underhanded methods to win. He’s not one to cut corners or slack when he’s already made his mind up to do something.

There is no hiding how this man feels, because he will either show it immediately just by expressions alone or he will just come out and say exactly what he’s thinking. He’s not shy and if someone is doing something he doesn’t agree with, he’s going to tell them exactly how he feels.

While he does have an unruly personality and doesn’t look like he’d be one to follow authority well, he’s surprisingly obedient when it comes to those he looks up to or trusts in. He only wants to be able to choose who he follows, not be told who he must listen to. Morgan has a strong sense of loyalty and will do nothing short of sacrificing his life to help those he’s close with. If something is asked of him, he will do anything to get it done. He's always willing to throw down for a friend.

Morgan easily gives into peer pressure and is susceptible to goading. He’s also incredibly gullible, believing whatever someone tells him to be total truth. If someone told him it’s possible to charge a phone in the microwave, he wouldn’t miss a beat putting that sucker in.

    +     Dogs
    +     Giving back massages
    +     Getting back massages
    +     Sports or any sort of physical activity
    +     FOOD AND BEER
    +     Classic rock music

    -     Going literally 3 hours without food (He will shrivel up and die)
    -     Having to sit still or be silent for more than 0.5 seconds
    -     Being talked down to like he'd a child
    -     Sleeping with socks on 
    -     Bats
    -     People without any teeth


Morgan lived a fairly normal childhood for the most part. His parents were nice, even if he did think that they made him clean his room way too often.  He was an only child until he turned turned, when his younger brother Matthew was born. He wasn't a huge fan at first because his parents were all over the little guy but with time he realized that having a bother would be nice. At the time his dad never wanted to throw a football around with him anymore and he could use a friend at home. What he didnt account for was how long it was going to take for Matt to grow up.
As time went by Morgan noticed that something wasnt quite right. His dad had slowly become more and more aloof and withdrawn. He hardly ever saw his dad after he started locking himself in his bedroom. Morgan listened to his mother when she told him that he was just tired and needed the extra sleep. Slowly but surely, Morgan stopped believing her. He watched his mom grow tired and hollow. She went for walks more often and then it escalated to long night drives until one day, she wasn't there anymore. 
Morgan was 17, a few months from 18, when he suddenly became the man of the house. He saw this coming but didn't believe it would happen. He learned his mom had been taking care of his dad for years. Some time before he was born his dad had fought in the Vietnamese war. After coming home he met Morgans mom and they got married just a few months afterwards. It wasn't until his dad started getting older that the PTSD really started to hit him hard. His mom tried her best to handle it but it eventually became too much for her. Morgan never had any confirmation but he always knew that his mom had been cheating on his dad. She disappeared for too long and never had a good enough reason. He assumed the day she left, her and whomever shed been seeing had finally eloped. It was the only explaination he could come up where she would leave him and his brother behind. You couldn't take two children with you when you were starting a new life with your estranged lover. She was miserable with his father, and while Morgan resented her for it at the time, he's come to place now where he was able to forgive and somewhat understand her. 
Morgan left high school only months before graduating, but he found it too hard to make enough money with a part time job and go to school. He reasoned that he was probably too stupid to graduate anyways and this would be for the best. He didn't care what happened to his dad, who by now had no job and spent whatever money was left from his time at war on beer and cigarettes. Morgan was working his ass off for Matthew. He was going to keep a roof over his head, clothes on his back and food on the table. He worked multiple jobs and odd jobs on the side where he could. It was hard at first, minimum wage and whatever pennies he could scrounge together, but eventually it became easier. His name got around town and whether it was pity or respect for his work, he got more work in the handyman business. 
Morgan is by no means a wealthy man, but at this point hes confident that Matthew can live a good life. He's started up a college fund for him and is pushing him to do his best in life. He has no words to describe how proud he is of his younger brother. But he knows that money isnt enough for him to be happy. The town isnt safe. And that's not going to fly with Morgan. 

 ◇ TLDR ◇ 

Morgan's mom abandoned him and his younger brother after his fathers PTSD became too much for her to handle. Morgan dropped out of high school after that to take after his brother and is looking for a way to make the town a safer place for him. 



  • He can speak fairly good Spanish

  • Incredibly protective, especially of his younger brother

  • Insecure of his intelligence

  • Has dyslexia

  • Gives way too hard back pats to his friend

  • Breaking and entering? That has no meaning to him. If you’re a friend of his, be prepared to come home to a Morgan sitting on your couch if he's in the mood to hang

  • Always down for a good friendly fight

    • Only fists though

    • If you dont use your fists to fight, what kinda dishonorable person are you??

  • He draws a vERY dumb looking bear on everything he owns

    • Everything

  • Always ready to give a piggyback ride

  • He assumes hes a morally sound boy, but he struggles with bribery

    • Especially if its a food bribe

                           ◆relationships◆  ◇
                Matthew: 16 y/o. Younger brother. Apple of his eye. Would sacrifice anything for this boy.
                David: 56 y/o. Father. Vietnam vet with debilitating PTSD. Cares for him but doesnt feel a connection with. 
                Loretta: 43 y/o. Mother. Left town out of the blue with the man she was cheating on David with. 


                RP Style | Paragraph (can adapt)
                RP Location | Discord (can adapt)
                Timezone | Central
                Availability | Weekends and whenever physically possible on weekdays since I work 9pm to 6am
                Comfort Level | Open to anything if it's talked about before hand - 18+ is fine as long as other party is also 18+ and is alright with it

            Questionnaire | sta.sh/01y7rcdgp6tm

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