wcueflamepelt — Events of Cherry'Wing (Lived to be 116 moons old) by-nc-nd

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Description This will be a long story or events:

Meet Cherry'Kit! This young she cat was born to mother Juniperfur (dark-colored), and father Beechspring (white). She also has a brother Nettlekit (pale ginger). Cherry'Kit was born with only three legs. But her best friend, Larchkit (dusky brown tom), keeps her company, saving her from all the mean kits in camp. 

Mini add-on before continuing:

Your Clan:
Clan: EagleClan
Leader: Spotstar (colorpoint she-cat, she has 7 lives left)
Deputy: Sunstone (light cream tabby tom)
Medicine Cat: Robinbranch ( ginger-and-white she-cat)
Rival Clans: FlickerClan, DandelionClan, and BillyClan
Enemy Clan: None
Territory: An expansive grassland

- At two months old, in a game of hide and seek, a kit named Dapple'Kit cheated and quickly became rivals. 

- One moon passes and a medicine cat has retired. Cherry'kit never took notice of the now elder cat since she had no reason to be in the medicine den.
Playing with her brother, Nettle'Kit, Juniper'Fur complimented both kits but bragged about Nettle'Kit. She could help but be upset to see her mother brag about one kit and not the other. 

- Cherry'Kit has finally reached the age of 6 moons, and Spotstar has made you an apprentice, with the name of Cherrypaw! Your mentor is Troutbreeze, the medicine cat! Cherry'Paw was a little disappointed to find out she'd be a medicine cat. She dreamed of being a warrior like her parents and having kits. but she knew that medicine cats were never to have kits. At least that was the "Warrior Code" Pfft. To clear her mind, she went to collect herds to restock while Trout'Breeze helped a warrior. 

- When she returned, she saw that Trout'Breeze was gone and the den was destroyed. Who could have done this??
Cherry'Paw tried to clean up when she heard fussing and mumbles until she saw Trout'Breeze drag in Danglingpaw!
"You will apologize to Cherry'Paw! She's worked hard for this clan for the past moon!" Trout'Breeze hissed.
Needless to say, she got a not so sorry apology.

- A moon passed and was met with horrible news, her best friend, Larch'Paw has eaten a poison berry and was brought to meet with StarClan. 

- While mourning for her late friend, she was out looking for herbs when she was greeted by Snip'Paw. Not long after, they became best friends. Cherry'Paw wonders if it was a sign from Larch'Paw and smiled at the thought of it.

- Now she was 8 moons old and EagleClan has suffered a doubt, leaving Cherry'Paw to get the water for her clan mates. While going back and forth, Snip'Paw said Cherry'Paw should've been a warrior apprentice. She explained why she couldn't, he wasn't understanding and they part ways.

- Out training, Nettlepaw injures his leg, and Troutbreeze is proud of her for giving him the necessary herbs! When she finished, Cherry'Paw went out to pick herbs to restock. Taking a break, she gazes at the distant hills longingly; she's always wanted to see what was beyond clan territory. Her thoughts were distracted when Hawk'Paw, a warrior apprentice, offered to help gathering herbs.

- Everything was going so well when she decided to take a nap in the medicine den. She woke up to sound nearby. When she opened her eyes, she saw Dapple'Paw stomping on the herbs she recently collected. "Hey! What are you doing."
"You must be a disappointment to you parents for not being a warrior apprentice. You're just a useless three-legged she-cat." Dapple'Paw said with a stupid smirk on her face.

- A few moons passed when the clan found out Sun'Stone, the clan's deputy has retired to the elder's den and Spot' Star had made a senior warrior named Lakewhisker the new deputy. When Cherry'Paw when to walk up to greet the new deputy, she was tripped by Dapple'Paw. She turned around and went back to the medicine den to cry for a little while. 

- Leafbare has arrived and Trout'Breeze and Cherry'Paw had a hard time searching for herbs. when she walked back, some cats including Dapple'Paw made fun of the three-legged she-cat, when she was about to sulk in the med den, Thrush'Paw came and comforted her.

- Cherry'Paw has reached the age of 14 moons, and due to her loyalty and skill at healing, Troutbreeze makes her a medicine cat, with the full name of Cherrywing! Nettlepaw graduates with her, and becomes Nettletail. Hawkpaw graduates with her, and becomes Hawkstorm. Thrushpaw graduates with her, and becomes Thrusheye. Dapplepaw graduates with her, and becomes Dappletail.

- Cherry'Wing was so happy to have graduated to being a medicine cat now! After struggling to find more herbs, she returned with very little and Hawk'Storm came to comfort her after a long day.

- A moon passed when her mother, Juniper'Fur caught whitecough, luckily, Cherry'Wing was able to heal her before it could get any worse. after she finished and some days passed Juniper'Fur said she was the best Medicine cat ever! It made her happy to her this. 

- Some time passed when Hawk'Storm offers to help gather herbs as an excuse to hang out with Cherry'Wing.

- Nightfall has come and everyone was in their dens and slept. In the night, Cherry'Wing Dreamed of the down fall of EagleClan. She woke up in a panic and looked around to see everything was okay. She decided to wait until morning to tell Trout'Breeze.

- Three moons passed when Spot'Star finds out about Cherry'Wings crush on Thrusheye! She's disapointed in her, but she eventually convince her to let you become mates! 

- (Gets Struck By Lightning) She wondered if it was a sign from StarClan for their disappointment in her having a mate.

- A well respected elder dies from old age, and her mate blames Cherry'Wing! She tried to explain to her mate what it was natural causes and it was in StarClan's paws now, but gave up when he wouldn't listen.

- 10 moons had passed. Cherry'Wing seen many deaths, saved injuries, and even encountered a badger. She sighed as she went out to look for herbs to restock the den. While lost and thought, she strayed too far from the camp. Losing her way, a loner offered to shelter her.

- While speaking to Spot'Star then to the clan after given permission, Dappletail doesn't believe her when Cherry'Wing told the clan about a recent vision from StarClan!

- Your apprentice becomes Blizzardfur, a dedicated and kind cat!

- Lakewhisker, the deputy, has retired to the elders' den, and Spotstar has made a senior warrior named Willowfern the new deputy.

- An elder volunteers to help Cherry'Wing gather herbs, because of a current burdock root shortage.

- Cherry'Wing and Thrusheye share tongues while others awe about how cute you are together!

- Cherry'Wing (33 Moons old) found out she was expecting kits, You find out that you're expecting kits! Her former apprentice, Blizzardfur, takes over medicine cat duties in her place.

- Cherry'Wing and Hawkstorm practice fighting techniques to keep your skills sharp.

- She share tongues with Thrusheye.

- The medicine cat checks on her in the nursery.

One moon passes. You are now 35 moons old. It is currently Leaf-fall.

- She gives birth to four kits! They are a white she-cat, Seedkit, a dark-colored she-cat, Pebblekit, a silver she-cat, Stormkit, and a cream tabby tom, Ashkit!

- teach Pebblekit some fighting moves.

- A patrol rescues an abandoned rogue kit. Cherry'Wing decided to take her in as her own, and called her Stemkit!

Pebblekit died of greencough. Cherry'Wing was devastated and mourn for days.

- She and Thrusheye share prey while she closely watched her kits playing.

- DandelionClan has declared war on EagleClan over stolen prey!

- EagleClan wins a battle against DandelionClan!

- Cherry'Wing finds out that she was expecting kits! The other queens welcomed her into the nursery. Her former apprentice, Blizzardfur, takes over medicine cat duties in her place.

-  She gives birth to three kits! They are a golden brown she-cat, Silverkit, a reddish brown she-cat, Shredkit, and a calico tom, Rushkit!

- Willowfern, the deputy, has retired to the elders' den, and Spotstar has made a senior warrior named Poppywhisker the new deputy.

- Rushkit was killed in a battle with DandelionClan. She was devastated and mourn for days. Nothing could ease her pain.

- A patrol rescues an abandoned rogue kit. She decided to take her in as her own, and call her Emberkit!

- Expecting kits a few moons later

- gives birth to four kits! They are a mottled pale she-cat, Badgerkit, a silver tabby tom, Duskkit, a dark ginger she-cat, Mosskit, and a light cream she-cat, Dawnkit!

- When Cherry'Wings kits were apprentices, DandelionClan recently lost their medicine cat, so she offered to stay with them to help for the next moon. 

- (71 moons old) She gives birth to four kits! They are a white she-cat, Dandelionkit, a light cream tabby she-cat, Lionkit, a calico she-cat, Cherrykit, and a dark blue-gray tom, Leafkit!

- (76 Moons old) Returns to being medicine cat 

-  Trout'Breeze, former mentor, has sadly left to join StarClan, and Cherry'Wing is now the main medicine cat!

- A warrior questions her loyalty to EagleClan after she healed an ill rogue. With a hiss, saw said she did!

-  Poppywhisker, the deputy, has sadly left to join StarClan, and Spotstar has made a senior warrior named Sunspring the new deputy.

- After a long life of serving your clan, Cherry'Wing finally decided to retire to the elders' den. Rainheart, her former apprentice, takes over her duties as medicine cat.

- Cherry'Wing watched the sunset with Thrusheye.

- Cherry'Wing and Thrusheye reminesce about old times.

- Juniperfur was crushed by a tree and died. Cherry'Wing was devastated and mourn for half a moon.

- Sunspring, the deputy, has sadly left to join StarClan, and Spotstar has made a senior warrior named Applefur the new deputy.

- Cherry'Wing needs help to walk around camp, because of her missing leg.

- Rainheart, the medicine cat, has retired to the elders' den, and Nectarwing, her apprentice, is the new medicine cat.

- Beechspring ate poisoned prey and died. Cherry'Wing was devastated and mourn for a quarter moon.

- Spotstar was hit by a monster and died. Unfortunately, it was her last life, and Applefur has been promoted to leader, with the new name of Applestar. (Cherry'Wing is 114 moons old at this point)

- Finally at 116 moons old, Cherry'Wing passed and was guided to StarClan by Beech'Spring.

Name: Cherrywing
Pelt: Dappled tortoiseshell-and-white
Eyes: Dark orange eyes
Gender: She-cat
Traits: Decisive and Impassive
Scars: A scar near your left eye, a long scar on your front-left hindleg, a large scar on your muzzle, a nick in your right ear
Mother: Juniperfur (dead) (dark-colored)
Father: Beechspring (dead) (white)
Brother: Nettletail (pale ginger)
Rank: Elder
Apprentice: None
Apprentices Trained: 3
Best Friend: Hawkstorm (flame-colored she-cat)
Rival: Dappletail (dark-colored she-cat)
Crush: None
Mate: Thrusheye (silver tom)
Seedwhisker (white she-cat, 81 moons old)
Silverpelt ( brown she-cat, 70 moons old)
Shredmist (reddish brown she-cat, 70 moons old)
Emberstep (silver tabby she-cat, 66 moons old)
Badgerspring (mottled tabby she-cat, 58 moons old)
Duskstripe (silver tabby tom, 58 moons old)
Mossdapple ( ginger-and-white she-cat, 58 moons old)
Dawntail ( cream tabby she-cat, 58 moons old)
Dandelionbranch (white she-cat, 45 moons old)
Lionfeather (dark cream she-cat, 45 moons old)
Cherrytail (calico she-cat, 45 moons old)
Leaftail (dark blue tom, 45 moons old)
Disability: Three-legged

Hunting: 1/10
Fighting: 2/10
Herbs: 9/10
Reputation: 3/10
Happiness: 2/10
Social Skills: 0/10
Bond with your mate: 10/10

Your Clan:
Clan: EagleClan
Leader: Applestar ( gray-and-white tom, he has 9 lives left)
Deputy: Snakefur (smoky black she-cat)
Medicine Cat: Mistfur (red tom)
Rival Clans: FlickerClan, DandelionClan, and BillyClan
Enemy Clan: None
Territory: An expansive grassland

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