Weasele β€” Domain of the Wolf: Gale [RETIRED]

#dotw #gale #wolf #fellfang #originalcharacter #roleplaycharacter #domainofthewolf
Published: 2022-05-19 11:03:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 11295; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 5
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Edit 1: Saw Domain of the Wolf was having an opening and decided to try my hand at this again! Gale is still under construction for now!
Edit 2: Gale is now completed and ready for his tryout into the Domain- fingers crossed!
Edit 3: Gale is OFFICIALLY in the Domain! He is open to plots, roleplays, and collaborations- just comment here or DM me on Discord if you want to interact with him!
Edit 4: Gale's reference has been updated to reflect his scars he received from his encounter with a Hive drone.
Edit 5: New application art!
Edit 6: Gale has aged up to a full adult and received new application art to reflect this! :3
Edit 7:Β Retired as I am leaving the group for personal reasons.

β€œπ•‹π•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£π•Ÿπ•–π•€π•€ π•’π•Ÿπ•• π•œπ•šπ•Ÿπ••π•Ÿπ•–π•€π•€ 𝕒𝕣𝕖 π•Ÿπ• π•₯ π•€π•šπ•˜π•Ÿπ•€ 𝕠𝕗 π•¨π•–π•’π•œπ•Ÿπ•–π•€π•€ π•’π•Ÿπ•• π••π•–π•€π•‘π•’π•šπ•£, 𝕓𝕦π•₯ π•žπ•’π•Ÿπ•šπ•—π•–π•€π•₯𝕒π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿπ•€ 𝕠𝕗 𝕀π•₯π•£π•–π•Ÿπ•˜π•₯𝕙 π•’π•Ÿπ•• 𝕣𝕖𝕀𝕠𝕝𝕦π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ.”


Name: Gale
Meaning: Jovial, pleasant, or merry in Old English; also carries the alternate meaning of storm.
Age:Β Adult
Gender: Cismale
Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual
Pack: Fellfang
Rank: Drengr [Gamma]Β 
Task:Β The Hunt [Hunter]


Height:Β 36 in [91 cm]
Weight: 120 lbs [54 kg]
Build: Rather tall and sturdy, he is an impressive wolf with plenty of energy and muscle to carry his statuesque frame.
Scars: His left ear is torn off towards the top with a jagged scar that runs from what remains of his ear trailing to his cheek along with bite scars on the upper left side of his neck that show through his mane currently. [Given by a Hive wolf encounter.]
Accessories: None
Scent: Rosemary and with a slight hint of salty sea air.
Voice: Josh Keaton as Voltron Legendary Defender's Shiro .Β Voice has deepened into adulthood and sounds a fair bit more level emotionally than it did during his young adult days.
Theme: Theseus by The Oh Hellos


Parents: Ares [NPC|Father|Deceased] & Crystal [NPC|Mother|Deceased]
Sibling(s): Tempest [Sister|Unknown]
Extended:Β Family Tree

Mate: None
Offspring: None
Adopted: Illsa Β [Bondsister|Alive]
Other: Mortimer [Familiar|Alive]
Relationships: Tracker

(+) Traits- Affable/ Compassionate/ Genuine/ Thoughtful

Easygoing and good natured, Gale is a kind and friendly soul who loves meeting and interacting with others. His amiable nature makes him rather easy to get along with for the most part and even if someone is being unkind or malicious towards him he remains quite pleasant and courteous. Socializing and communication are important to Gale and despite his best efforts he tends to care immensely about what others think of him. Empathetic and caring, Gale is very much a softy with a heart of gold due to his idealism. He wants to be a good wolf and as such is a kind and gentle fellow with a strong desire to leave a positive impact on the world. Incredibly altruistic he puts the needs of others before himself constantly, even if it is detrimental to his own wellbeing at times. Sincere and honest, Gale is not one to hide his intentions or much at all really. His candid nature and guilelessness help him express his true feelings and though his frankness may catch others off-guard from time to time he would rather be upfront than deceive anyone. Overall he is a decent fellow who does his best to lead a life he can be proud of. For most of his life, Gale has been the one to take careful consideration and care of others along with their feelings. The last thing Gale would ever want to do was make someone unhappy, and so he puts a good portion of his energy into being as mindful and attentive of others as he can. Full of diplomacy and tact, he is overall a polite and well-meaning wolf.

(O) Traits- Humble/ Obedient/ Pensive/ Perfectionist

Modesty is one of Gale's top policies, he will always put others and their achievements over his own. He is far from self-important and does all he can to boost others over himself. Though many probably appreciate this quality of Gale's, there are still many who believe Gale should take more credit for his accomplishments as well. Gale has a tendency to concede to those with higher ranking or even just louder voices within his pack. Gale struggles with making up his own mind and would much rather follow orders and is quite dutiful when it comes to his task. Though this makes him an excellent packmate, his leadership skills are definitely lacking. Gale is a thoughtful and introspective wolf, constantly lost in thought and reflecting over his actions or lack thereof. More often than not he tends to get caught in his own head when left to his own devices, leading to him loathing being on his own for too long. He tends to overanalyze things because of this trait and more often than not gets trapped within his own mind because of his compulsion to overthink everything from his own behavior to trying to project onto other wolves and guess what they are thinking as well. Overall Gale is an absolute perfectionist and gives his full efforts in order to prove himself to those around him. A lot of his self-worth stems from what others think of him and because of this he is constantly applying pressure on himself to be the perfect pack member. He often overworks himself and feels exhaustion constantly due to the energy he puts into pleasing others and trying to prove his worth. His pedantic and critical nature is strictly reserved for himself and he is the only one he holds to these intense standards he sets.Β 

(-) Traits- Anxious/ Pushover/ Sensitive/ Repressed

There is a void that he is constantly looking to fill, though he is not entirely sure if this is a reality or an illusion created by his desire for something more. Constantly on guard, Gale tends to have a hard time relaxing or just letting things be.Β  He feels great anxiety and guilt as well towards the untimely passing of his mother and disappearance of his sister, despite both of these issues being out of his control he still feels like he has let them down. This is part of the reason he tries so hard to please others, in the fear that they are only keeping him around for his usefulness or what he can do for them- just as his own mother did. At the end of the day, as much as Gale puts on a nonchalant front- he deeply cares about the opinion and approval of others to the point of fault. He is very much a people-pleaser and is very uncomfortable with the idea of being disliked by anyone. Because of his overly accommodating nature he tends to forgo his own instincts and comfort in lieu of attempting to garner the respect of others and has a very hard time telling someone β€˜no’. Despite his positive attitude, beneath that cheerful exterior lies the potential storm within. Emotional and sympathetic, Gale tends to wear his heart on his sleeve and his actions are heavily dictated by his emotions. Gale can pick up on other's emotions somewhat well andΒ  does everything he can to cater to the feelings of others as opposed to his own. Because of his emotional nature, he has a tendency to take a lot of things personally, even if the other party did not have that intention. Despite being so in-tune with the emotions of others, Gale does hardly anything to acknowledge his own feelings- especially his negative ones. On a day to day basis he constantly internalizes his feelings and struggles until it overwhelms him. He does this to protect himself as well as others from his own emotional state and this shows through his constant cheerful faΓ§adeΒ he puts on.

Classification: ENFP-T β€œThe Campaigner”
Temperament:Β Melancholic-Sanguine "The Diplomat"
Alignment: Neutral Good

Likes: Entertaining others, working, fishing, hunting, and the Summer.
Dislikes: Upsetting others, being used, arguing, fighting, and the Winter.

Tall and hardy, he is built for endurance and agility.
His optimism and general disposition help him see the brighter side of most situations.

Not the fastest wolf out there and his lack of experience in combat or group hunting will be a challenge for him.
Often overthinks his actions and bends over backwards to please others- even if they do not have his best interest in mind.


Reader Advisory: Gale’s history includes mentions and descriptions of a toxic familial dynamic, gaslighting, mental/emotional abuse/neglect, and parental death- please be advised.
Word Count: 2,278 words

Pre-Group History:Β 


Brought about by the union between the power-hungry Pack of Somnus' leader, Ares, and his obsessively loyal mate, Crystal, Gale and his siblings were poised to be the heirs of the large pack. However destiny had a different path in mind for the blossoming royal family... Before Gale and his siblings were even born the place they would have called home was erased by a sudden and rapidly spreading wildfire. They never anticipated the fire that swept through the valley they called home after a stormy summer evening. Ares perished to the smoke and flames while Crystal barely made it out alive, a miracle by all means considering her pregnancy slowing her down. Scarred from the flames and alone, Crystal was left to fend for herself with most of her pack either taken by the fire or split far apart because of it.

PUPHOOD [0 yrs to 1 yrs]

Gale was the first in a litter of four, however only he and his sister survived long enough to be given names. Before Gale and Tempest could even open their eyes, their mother kept her remaining children close- refusing to let them out of her sight in fear of losing them on top of all else she lost. Her overprotective and obsessive nature impacted her children early on- instilling anxiety and paranoia into her young pups. Fearing the stories of the outside world their mother spun, both Gale and Tempest were obedient and cautious pups. Early on the pair of pups were filled with stories of their father's bravery, as Crystal could not help but put her former mate on a pedestal- despite the cruelty he displayed to both outsiders and his own pack members during his rule. Gale and Tempest grew up believing their father to be a gallant and bold wolf, which was far from the truth.

Besides being a weaver of many stories, their mother did all she could do to keep her children under her control- desperate not to wind up completely alone. Most parents feel bittersweet watching their pups grow, but Crystal only felt bitterness as the lonely she-wolf wanted nothing more than her children to protect and stay with her for the rest of her life. So...she did what she knew how to do best and manipulated her pups into being dependent on her- barely teaching them any of the skillsets they would need to survive on their own. The pups' mother walked a thin tightrope between just enough for her pups to be useful to her and too little for them to confidently want to set out into the world on their own.

ADOLESCENCE [1 yrs to 2 yrs]

As the siblings grew, so did their mother's control issues. Rarely they left the den site, unless it was in her company. The stories she spun about the dangers of wolf packs and the world around them instilled fear and awe into the juvenile wolves- making them anxious at the thought of being among their own kind. Crystal was hellbent on keeping her children under her control in the fear they would leave her too. As Gale and Tempest grew older- their mother began to play favorites. Who was the favorite child solely depended on how Crystal felt that day, and she constantly would pit the two siblings against one another in a competition for her affection and praise. When either teenager tried to call her out on this, her silvered tongue would convince them otherwise. Between the gaslighting and constant competition, both Gale and Tempest struggled to be around their mother. Often Crystal would rely on underhanded tactics such as pretending to be ill or injured in order for her children to lavish her with attention. Gale often played right into her hands while Tempest's patience grew shorter and shorter with each negative interaction.

Throughout their adolescence, Gale stayed by his mother's side- desperate to keep her around and make her happy. Though Tempest would bring up the idea of running away, neither youth had the guts to abandon their mother and try fending for themselves. Both children felt they were in a prison of their own mother's making, both dealt with this in their own ways. While Gale became more withdrawn and submissive, Tempest began to lash out and rebel. Crystal would often pit her children against one another, forcing Gale to watch over his twin as if he were the elder of the two- creating resentment between them. Gale would beg and plead with Tempest to just behave and listen to their mother so he would not have to be forced to enforce his mother's will, but his sister refused to back down most days- leading to arguments that were only stopped by storming off and leaving everything unresolved.

Because of his pushover nature, Gale more often than not began to be the favorite of his mother- and she was sure to make both children aware of this. Tempest's resentment of Gale only grew because of this. Loathed by his sister and wound tight in his mother's web of deceit, Gale began to shoulder a heavy burden upon his young shoulders from an early age. Constantly he would have to play both the peacekeeper between his mother and sister or worse yet his sister's keeper when his mother had enough of her and shouldered off her parenting onto Gale. Anxiety plagued the young male, forcing him to walk on eggshells around his own family at almost all hours of the day. His existence felt exhausting, even from an early age. The worst part about it all was that Gale saw no way out, the fear of being on his own or abandoning his family anchored him to this unfortunate set of circumstances.

ADULTHOOD [2 yrs to Present]

Upon reaching adulthood, Tempest further drifted emotionally from Gale and their mother. Crystal did all she could to try and reel Tempest in, but to little avail. Tempest had grown wiser to her mother's tricks, and resisted the temptation to play into her mother's histrionics. Unlike his sister, Gale was still well under the control of his narcissistic mother and would try his best to cater to her every whim. No matter how hard he tried to make his mother happy, it felt as if his efforts were being put into a void. No matter what he did or how he did it, his mother was never satisfied- much to Gale's dismay. It seemed that not giving her children a strong foundation may have been hindering what they could do for her.

Between doing everything for his mother and his sister's distance, Gale felt a hollow loneliness. He was coming to the realization that over the course of his life he had not even spoken with anyone outside of his own family for the most part. Was this all there was to life...or was something bigger out there for Gale to pursue? He did not know, all he did know that the itch to head out on his own was growing stronger. However, he was not alone in this feeling...it seemed that Tempest was getting a similar desire. Due to the rift their mother put in between them, neither sibling knew of the other's urge to leave this unnecessarily chaotic life behind.

The day his sister disappeared sent their mother into hysterics, breaking down and playing the victim despite Gale knowing deep down that she was the one who drove Tempest off in the first place. Being the sole recipient of his mother's nonsense dragged Gale down and without his sister's presence he felt even lonelier than he had in his youth. Without his sister in the picture Crystal began to harp on her son's every action, reaction, and inaction...unable to keep her criticisms to herself. She forced him to do the hunting for both of them, despite barely showing him how to take down anything noteworthy. Should he come back empty handed she would refuse to speak with or acknowledge him until he brought back something worth her time. Often Gale would go hungry just to make sure his mother did not just to keep her satisfied for a brief moment.

Between his sister's abandonment and his mother's spiraling... Gale was beginning to crack under the pressure. Tried as he might to find brief moments of time to himself, his mother hovered around him even more so than in his youth- unwilling to let her remaining child abandon her as well. Her smothering, selfish nature eventually forced even Gale to distance himself from her. Seeing her son's growing distance, Crystal's clinginess only worsened- furthering playing into this vicious cycle. Eventually Gale was pushed to the point of lashing out at his mother- sending her into a breakdown unlike any he had ever seen. For once, she was the first one to storm off, leaving Gale to his own devices.

Left with the choice to stay or go...Gale stayed. However...his mother did not return. He waited for a day or so before realizing that something might have happened to her, upon this realization he desperately began searching for her. It took hours for him to find her, and by the time he did...it was too late. It seemed that she had taken a tumble too close to the edge of a nearby ravine. Though Gale was beyond distraught at this sight, he could not help but feel a mixture of guilty relief. He was free...whether he liked it or not.

After burying his mother Gale realized a familiar scent was lingering on both his mother and the area in general...Tempest. But why? He thought his sister would have been long gone at this point...just how close was she? Without hesitation Gale began to try and track her, only to be led on a wild goose chase that was ultimately fruitless in the end. The further north he traveled, the further his anxiety spiked. This was the farthest he had ever been from home. Hell, the trip to the ravine was as far as he thought he would ever travel in all honesty. Upon entering the lands of the Domain, Gale lost his sister's scent after a particularly nasty storm and ended up heading further north along the coast- completely lost and unaware of his surroundings. In his travels he heard rumors of strange white wolves with a lust for violence and blood, and upon seeing the aftermath of one of their encounters on a lone wolf... Gale decided sticking to the coast would be his best bet due to lack of coverage for any potential ambushes.

Enamored with the sea, Gale did not stray far from the coast despite his lack of knowledge on the risks and dangers of the ocean or coast. Paranoia and anxiety plagued the young male as he constantly looked over his shoulder for the mysterious pale wolves. The last thing he needed was to get into a fight that he knew he could not win. Rain, sleet, or shine Gale stuck near the beaches of the Domain's eastern territories- and this would prove to be his undoing. During a wild and sudden storm Gale was pulled from land to sea by a large wave, pulled into a riptide and struggled to stay afloat. His panic was surprisingly brief before exhaustion took over and he was pulled under.

Gale never expected to wake up after that, but by the time he did he had managed to wash up into Fellfang territory and was pulled out of the water by a pair of Fellfangir wolves. After assessing whether or not he was a threat, they concluded that he was not dangerous and took him in to help him heal from his brief encounter with death. Indebted to the kindness of the Fellfang wolves, Gale decided that he would work off his debt- serving the pack that saved him from an unsavory fate. A few weeks into his tenure with Fellfang that he found even more of a reason to stick with the pack. That reason took the form of a lone pale pup...found half-drowned and washed up on the edge of The Crystal Run river. Though Gale felt sheer panic, he refused to let the barely alive pup perish so easily. Gale had little experience in this sort of situation, but even he knew she needed to get the water out of her body to have a chance for her to survive. Once the water was forced out of the pup, Gale took the little wolf in his maw and rushed back to the heart of Fellfang territory to get her the treatment she needed. Thankfully Illsa survived the ordeal and attached herself to Gale. He felt a kinship to the timid little wolf, especially considering he himself washed up into Fellfang only recently. Though Gale never saw himself as much of a parent or mentor, he became Illsa's guardian and considered the pup his new little sister. Only time would tell if she would warm up to him though...

Now he walks among the Fellfangir with his adopted little sister, Illsa, in tow. Gale is dedicated and loyal to the skuld and more importantly the young pup that he now watches over. He still worries about his sister's fate while harboring guilt over his mother's untimely passing. Thankfully taking care of Illsa and making sure she is raised right and proper takes up most of his time in recent days. Despite the hardships Gale has faced up until this point, he vows to do all he can to serve the wolves of Fellfang in exchange for saving his life and giving him a place to call home- it's the least he can do in his eyes.

Group History:Β Gale Domain History


Tracker Link: Master Tracker
Gift Art Gallery: Art

Design, art, character, and writing (C) Weasele .

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Comments: 33

Zoketi [2022-07-01 17:42:55 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to Zoketi [2022-07-01 20:34:55 +0000 UTC]

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Zoketi In reply to Weasele [2022-07-01 20:59:41 +0000 UTC]

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mongoosefangs [2022-06-19 02:06:56 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to mongoosefangs [2022-06-19 03:10:33 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY [2022-06-18 23:26:40 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to MlSTY [2022-06-19 00:49:27 +0000 UTC]

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AngelTheShifter [2022-06-18 20:52:14 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to AngelTheShifter [2022-06-18 21:04:42 +0000 UTC]

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Cipisis-Sketch [2022-06-15 21:15:34 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to Cipisis-Sketch [2022-06-16 01:19:13 +0000 UTC]

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manacats [2022-06-14 21:39:18 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to manacats [2022-06-14 21:42:35 +0000 UTC]

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manacats In reply to Weasele [2022-06-14 23:03:50 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to manacats [2022-06-14 23:06:34 +0000 UTC]

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k-eilonwy [2022-05-29 19:09:48 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to k-eilonwy [2022-05-31 18:03:04 +0000 UTC]

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k-eilonwy In reply to Weasele [2022-05-31 19:18:11 +0000 UTC]

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VulpinFare [2022-05-25 23:41:27 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to VulpinFare [2022-05-31 18:03:35 +0000 UTC]

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Pinky-Poodle [2022-05-20 01:22:53 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to Pinky-Poodle [2022-05-20 10:47:26 +0000 UTC]

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sshouryuu [2022-05-20 01:14:30 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to sshouryuu [2022-05-20 10:47:11 +0000 UTC]

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goosened [2022-05-20 00:39:15 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to goosened [2022-05-20 10:46:59 +0000 UTC]

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LeafLumos [2022-05-19 21:56:25 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to LeafLumos [2022-05-19 22:57:23 +0000 UTC]

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Celtic-Barbarian [2022-05-19 18:57:19 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to Celtic-Barbarian [2022-05-19 20:42:56 +0000 UTC]

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Madrox1275 [2022-05-19 18:21:19 +0000 UTC]

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Weasele In reply to Madrox1275 [2022-05-19 20:41:53 +0000 UTC]

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Madrox1275 In reply to Weasele [2022-05-19 21:00:41 +0000 UTC]

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