I was in the apartment I grew up in. All the rooms were devoid of furniture, except for one desk where my bed would have been. Accompanying me were four women, one of which was a normal human and the other three were hideous, completely identical monstrous females. These entities were tall, with gangly, asexual bodies and dark blonde hair, beyond which sprouted what only generously could be called "faces". They were protuberant, gaping maws lined with conical outward projecting teeth that were so huge, they could not properly close them. There were no visible noses, only beady eyes far back on the snout that may or may not have been functional.
When it started, I was downstairs in what had been the living room. The normal woman and two of the monsters were in there with me. She had telepathic power over these creatures, and they had to obey her. I understood that she was keeping me safe, and had I been alone with these creatures, they would have torn me apart. Judging from their behavior, while she had them under control she was straining to do so, and they were only very grudgingly behaving themselves. When I went upstairs to my old bedroom, I met the other monster in there. At first, she/they/it did nothing but pace back and forth against the south wall, between the closet and the door to the hallway on the right. This one seemed less aggressive, and it did not attack me, but seemed to be wanting to get my attention. As I walked over to the window I suddenly dropped into sleep, with my feet sticking out into the air of the room and my head resting against the windowsill. I woke to the creature pulling at my legs as if to wake me up. But from what?
Based on a dream I had recently. I interpret the monsters as symbolizing anger and rage, and the third, pictured in the drawing, was communicating restraint and productive expression of these emotions.