Weresquirrel94 — Epic Sketchdump of Epicness X

Published: 2011-02-06 17:42:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1402; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 15
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The first sketchdump of 2011! Only difference is that now there are more digital sketches than traditional...

Something I realized just now. Most of my male OCs have short hair, but the taller the character is, the longer their hair is. ._.
(Please notice that Toki is not much taller standing than Kohaku is sitting. They kinda fail as a yaoi couple, but I love them to death.)

P.S: I included a lotta new One Piece stuff, mostly supporting characters... if I were to describe them properly, we'd all sleep here, so here's a really brief explanation:
Jennifer and Vanessa Catz are Talos' girlfriend and Foxtrot's current favorite fuckbuddy, respectively. Both marines, both belong to *Kagome-Nezumiro . Both cyewt. .w. (Just practiced drawing them.)
Aoede (28) and Medeia (25) are Foxtrot's older sisters- the main reasons why he sleeps around. I'll explain it later.
Plusia (45) is his mother. See above.
Iason (8) is Talos' son. Long story.
The purple dude is the first design of the cook- sanest person on the ship. XD It might change (I think I'll go with a different beard at the end), but I kinda like this design, he's pretty cool. :3
Chiron Sagri is the navigator. Belongs to *Kagome-Nezumiro , designed by me. Will have some hawt scars later <3

P.P.S: The manga font is extremely hard to imitate. >.> Especially because my handwriting is terrible. -_-

Err. Before I bore you all to tears:
All artwork by me
Characters belong to their respective owners.

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Comments: 42

Kemmasandi [2011-03-01 02:47:58 +0000 UTC]

I only just managed to take a look at this, and now? I love you forever. TokiHaku meets Generic Yaoi? BEST. IDEA. EVER.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Kemmasandi [2011-03-02 20:09:25 +0000 UTC]

Zomg, rly? I didn't think it turned out as funny as I expected... Planned out a mini-comic of sorts, but I didn't think it was all that funny...

Let's just call it even then, and drown in the sisterly huggles!

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Kemmasandi In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-03-02 22:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's the sort of humour that I love, so there ya go. Oh, and let's not drown in the sisterly huggles, hey? 'Cuz that would be bad~ Let's just half-drown instead~

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Handy66 [2011-02-15 23:01:25 +0000 UTC]

Ide már régóta akartam írni, csak kegyetlen lusta dög vagyok! ><
Szóval még mindig imádom az ilyen sokrajzos bigyóidat *szuper fogalmazás*, és még mindig nagyon szépen rajzolsz! >< Ebből mondjuk Natsumi fogott meg (talán mert olyasmi a hajszíne, mint Hoshinak x3), és a felsője is nagyon tetszik, már amennyi látszik. xD Aztán még az a fán ülős kép is tetszik a kompozíció miatt, nomeg az a pasisellő se semmi. Mármint nekem azért, mert általába csak csajba látni. xD De csini pofija van. x]

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Handy66 [2011-02-16 20:06:25 +0000 UTC]

Lustácska talán, de kegyetlen vagy dög, semmiképp! Hiszen mindig olyan cépeket írsz nekem, a végén még elpirulok~
Háháá, látom, nem kerülte el a figyelmedet~ Natsumi Hoshi kislánya, Toshiaki pedig a kisfia- Apukájukkal azt beszéltük meg, hogy a fiúcska az apjára fog hasonlítani, a lyányka meg inkább anyucira, de a zöld szemeket nem voltam hajlandó kihagyni~ >w>
Ugye, pedig a hablegények pont annyi figyelmet érdemelnek, ha nem többet! És köszii~ Arra gondoltam, hogy akár lehetne belőle egy valódi karakter, One Piece-hez- kell oda egy cápatámadott (tegyük fel, hogy létezik ez a szó ) sellőhapsi, a fanservice kedvéért~

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A-M4-COM [2011-02-12 13:29:14 +0000 UTC]

Ide is eljutottam jó pár nap után, bocsesz.

Én ugyan ezeknek a felét nem vágom, hisz sem Bleach-t sem One Piece-t nem nézek, de amennyire kibogarásztam az OC-ket, baromi jók. .3. Ha jól olvasom - Aoede meg Plusia annnnnnyira szép pofival áldotta meg a sors - ami most te leszel >3> - hogy az valami eszméletlen. Ja hát meg NamiYoshi firkantásokról ne is beszéljek -w- *Feldolgozás folyamatban. Várható időpont mire végez: Ismeretlen*
Na igen. Pasi találkozik a Yaoival. Ezen elröhögtem magam.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to A-M4-COM [2011-02-13 07:41:38 +0000 UTC]

Na én meg a válaszolgatáshoz, úgyhogy egy cipőben járunk!

Köszönöm, nagyon örülök, hogy tetszenek! (Mondjuk a Bleach-el én is lemaradtam rendesen, a One Piece-t meg még nem értem be, s-szóval~... >.>) ... És Aoede és Plusia nevében is köszönjük!
... és a változatosság kedvéért, örülök, hogy örülsz nekik! Változatos szókincs powah, de mentségemre szóljon, hajnali fél kilenc van... Erről eszembe is jut, a háttérsztorijukat majd valamikor össze kéne ülnünk kitalálni!

Meleg pasi, teszem hozzá! Mindig gondolkodtam rajta, hogy a valódi meleg férfiak nem találnák-e sértőnek az alap yaoi archetípusokat- a nincs-a-szervezetemben-tesztoszteron-kérlek-ne-bánts uke és az akkor-is-megduglak-ha-belerokkansz seme... >.> Ők ketten meg totál nem ilyenek, szóval elgondolkodtam rajta, hogy mi lenne a reakciójuk. (És leállítom magam most, mielőtt végérvényesen szófosást kapnék.)

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A-M4-COM In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-13 13:09:10 +0000 UTC]

Nézegettem mostanában egy animét, szerintem abból fogok még gyártani pár OC-t Így is folyamatban van 1, de nem spoilerezek... HAJNALI??????? Az már bőven reggel van szivem...

Én a hét második felében szabad vagyok, ha netán van valami ötleted, me.

Na ilyet kell yuriba, Naminak és Yoshi-nak Issstenem, had csináljam meg azt éééééén lécciiiiiii~ *szuggerál*

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to A-M4-COM [2011-02-13 21:11:42 +0000 UTC]

Hohohó, mit nézeeel? Áruld el, áruld el, áruld eeeeel~!
Na jó, de vasárnap? Nekem az még bőven hajnal, Bubikám! Olyankor én még alszom, ha már hét közben nem lehet~

Hah, ötleteim azok vannak, sőt, túltengnek~

Ó, az is van- -w- Namida a hiúz, hogy meglegyen a Nami-cica- ő a "gyere-csak-ide-de-most-azonnal-hadd-nyomok-neked-egy-cuppanósat" fajta-, Yosie meg a nyuszi, amit a hiúzka meg-megzabálgat~

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A-M4-COM In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-14 06:55:01 +0000 UTC]

To love-Ru. Ecchi, de össze röhögöm a fejem olyan poénok vannak benne Bár lehet hogy csak nekem vicces xD
Igaz... én minimum délután fél 2-ig alszok

Várom azt a note-ot, tele ötletekkel

Az istenit Nyembaj, megcsinálom azért >w< LOOOOOOOL, szegény Yosie, megeszi Nami, hát milyen szerelem ez, kéremszépen?

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to A-M4-COM [2011-02-14 21:17:14 +0000 UTC]

Ó, jól hangzik! Már gondoltam is rá, hogy keresnem kéne valami lazábbat, amit hétvégén, fenséges magányomban majd elolvasgatok... Lehet, hogy majd belenézek.
Alapból én is addig szerettem volna, de úgy nehéz, ha reggel nyolckor a macska kaparni kezdia z ajtót, mert éppen rájött a szerethetnék... aztán amikor beadom a derekam, és hagyom, hogy feljöjjön mellém, rámtelepedik, és úgy aludj vissza. -_-

Majd holnap megírom, ma már késő van hozzá- de nekem már van egy kisebb sztori a fejemben, lehet, hogy nem a legeredetibb, de szerintem illik hozzájuk.

A jóféle, kéremszépen! Én arra gondoltam, hogy Namida rossz szokása lehetne a túlzott poszesszivitás, és ez abban ütközne ki, hogy Yosie nyakán-vállán-hátán kis piros foltocskák maradnak a puszik nyomán~ Tehát átvitt értelemben, valamilyen szinten megeszegeti~

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A-M4-COM In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-15 15:19:05 +0000 UTC]

Ha lesz idom, tovabbnezem igyis ugyis

Rendben, varom

Hat szegeny para ezt erdemli? Valamit Yosie-nak kikell talalnom cserebe XD

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Mayuuko [2011-02-09 23:21:07 +0000 UTC]

Aw, what happened to poor little Talos? D:

Oh, and I see Toshi-kun... Who might he be talking to?
BTW, if you need a manga font, try downloading the "Wild Words" font. That's the one most scanlators use...

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Mayuuko [2011-02-10 15:28:39 +0000 UTC]

Well... 's a very loooong story (I mean, really, VERY long ._.), so... don't say that I didn't warn you.
Talos was born on a desert island (no name yet, parts of the story are still sketchy) ruled by a royal family with one sole heir, about Talos' age. He was the oldest son of a pretty poor family (out of about four, haven't decided on the number of his siblings yet)- he always had a strong physique, so he was hired by the royal bodyguards to be one of the three "playmates" (read, toys and print-size bodyguards) of the kid prince. Back then, his hair was still brown and he had pupils, and that was the time he got the tattoo on his arm- that's the royal family's mark, so these kids/men, even if they run away or get kidnapped, cannot be sold as slaves or find a proper job. Everyone knows sooner or later they will be taken "home". That's partially the reason why he became a pirate.
Anyway... he didn't endure the rough treatment for long- after a particularly hard punishment (the prince escaped the castle and some thief stole the green gem Talos wore on his cloak in the picture), he simply ran away. Of course, he regretted it immediately after the night fell- he didn't have any water, food, or money on him, only the cloak and the clothes he wore, but his pride didn't let him turn back... that's when he found a man, quite far from the castle. That man was the first and only person he ever killed- but he had no other choice, it was a "kill, or get killed" situation. He got a quite deep scar on his face, and a black eye, but the man died from blood loss within a few minutes.
His food and water supply saved Talos' life, with his compass he could find his way to the next city, and turns out the man didn't only steal the kid prince's gem, but also the devil fruit called "Tetsu Tetsu no mi". Talos didn't know what it was, but he was hungry and it looked tasty, so he ate it anyway- that's when his hair turned grey like metal and his eyes lost their pupils.
So here, he's pictured right after battling the thief and eating the fruit. Later on, to never forget that once he had to kill, he got a symbolic teardrop tattoo in the inner corner of his left eye- the side of his face that was wounded forever by that thief. Angstangstaaaaaangst.

Oooh, I wondeeer~
Oh, thanks! I'll do just that~ trying to imitate the letters like this every time would be a pain in the neck.

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Mayuuko In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-11 13:33:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, sounds like poor Talos had a rather rough childhood... Can I give him a hug? D:>

Could it be... a certain redhead?
No problem! To be honest I'm impressed how clean and "typed" your attempt looks... I wouldn't have the patience to do that 8D

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Mayuuko [2011-02-11 21:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Talos: Of course, Miss, if you wish. *hugs*

Foxtrot: ... hey, I have a bawwstory too, can I get a hug as well?

Oh, we shall never knooooow~ Looks like daddy Shigeru approves of their plan, but mommy Hoshi is not pleased.
*dusts shoulder* Dearie, if you've read so much manga too, it wouldn't be such a big problem. *totally didn't cut a part of the text out, paste it into the document, and stare at the letters while trying to reproduce it*

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Mayuuko In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-11 22:46:51 +0000 UTC]

Aww, come here you~! *hugs back*
*glances at Foxtrot* Hmm... let's hear your story first, and the Angst-O-Meter will tell us afterwards if you're hugworthy or not. >w>

Aw, too bad. It's pretty much the same with daddy Yougan and mommy Kiyo. The one approves, the other one... not so much... But this shall not stop them!
You mean I'll have to read even more manga? D: There just aren't enough hours in the day to do so... So good thing we have fonts.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Mayuuko [2011-02-12 08:30:41 +0000 UTC]

Well. -w- *imaginary sleeves up* Storytiem again!
Foxtrot was born as the third child of a young, but mentally fragile mother (Plusia, named after one of the supposed mothers of muses). She got pregnant around the age of 16, gave birth to her first daughter (Aoede, the muse of songs- now works as a barwrench) at 17, and married Aoede's father (a sailor) at 18.
A few years later, she gave birth to "their" second daughter, Medeia (now a "fortune-teller", read, thief- steals people's purses while she distracts them with the thimble-rigging)- the sailor discovered he wasn't the real father of the girl after Plusia fell pregnant for the third time, with Foxtrot- back then his name was "Pan", after the Greek satyr. The man disappeared right that night, faking his abduction and death: Plusia not only lost all her money, but something also clicked in her brain, so she never really knew Fox was a boy, she was convinced that she has three daughters. So Foxtrot not only never met his father, he had to wear girls' dresses (pretty hideous girls' dresses, may I add), was treated like a girl, and had to welcome at least 6 "new daddies". Of course, Plusia wasn't the best mother, not even when she was sane, so he was practically raised by his sisters. Aoede taught him the art of charming, while Medeia trained him to be a pickpocket. Still, he wasn't quite fond of them, he knew his sisters were using him for their own needs, since he always had to steal stuff for them and Aoede used his cuteness to get extra money from the customers that felt sorry for the "poor teenage mother", even though it was pretty obvious that she wasn't old enough for that.
So one fine day, when he was 14 (and getting more masculine on the outside), he ran away from home. For two years, he lived off the street, helping out at random places for a little money, or stole stuff he sell on the black market later- until he bumped into Talos (mid twenties, lone pirate for 3 years) at the age of 16. Fox (at that time he was already known by that name) tried to steal his wallet, but Talos caught him, and at the end, they ended up joining forces (Talos is big and slow, Fox is small and quick, perfect team!), and been wandering together ever since.
Because of the lack of a male role-model and the girls' dresses, his sexual preferences are now quite messed up (he'll sleep with anyone as long as he tops- especially with blondes and redheads, because he sees Medeia in black-haired people and Aoede in brunettes), and he's unconsciously trying to prove himself his own masculinity with sleeping around. Also because of his childhood, he can't form lasting friendships or companionships with women, can't love unconditionally- that's why he's so close to Bonnie, he knows she won't betray him, "unlike other women".

Fox: So? Angsty enough?

The emotions run pretty deep, but rather long than angsty.

Ooh, I can't wait to get deeper into this story.
*sigh* How much better it'd be if a day was 48 hours long, I could actually get stuff done. -_-

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Mayuuko In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-12 22:47:29 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... weee~ ll... -w- *checks Angst-O-Meter* Your story is not as angsty as your captain's, but you weren't exactly lucky either... hmm... ah well, you shall get your hug. I'm just too damn nice to say no. >w>

Yeah, it will surely be interesting to see how it develops.
Same here -w- I could really need every hour extra...

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Ritusss [2011-02-06 19:19:45 +0000 UTC]

Bírom, ahogy a pózokat megoldod.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to Ritusss [2011-02-07 21:07:55 +0000 UTC]


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Ritusss In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-08 11:43:45 +0000 UTC]

Nincs mit.

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ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 18:24:24 +0000 UTC]

Neh, who be the gun-weilding blue-haired future girl? .w.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 20:54:39 +0000 UTC]

Just a doodle, just a doodle! Acutally, I was procrastinating had to practice drawing butts, never been good at those... And wanted to try this semi-chibi, big calved style. So, Doodle Girl was born!

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:00:23 +0000 UTC]

Doodle girl!
She actually looks pretty cool.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 21:05:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I think too, that's why I decided to color her... and 'cause I'm a sucker for blue hair. Who knows, I might draw her again, later.

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:19:16 +0000 UTC]


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ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 18:22:03 +0000 UTC]


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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 20:52:06 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, I think he looks pretty good too~ Though I really think this design is too plain, so we'll definitely have to add those hawt scars. -w-
Oh, that reminds me- on the refpic, it's not really visible, but what color are Vanny's eyes?

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:01:55 +0000 UTC]


Hmmmmmmm.......what goes good with red hair do you think? Brown?
Carrie will have green eyes. Just to let you know.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 21:07:16 +0000 UTC]

Yes, either brown or green, but there are already too many green-eyed characters 'round here... what do you think of hazel? She'd be really pretty with hazel eyes.

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:15:21 +0000 UTC]

Vanessa will be Hazel then!

Carrie will have Emerald Green eyes. I think she'd look pretty like that.
Carrie is also naturally good with animals. She'd like Bonnie.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 21:21:53 +0000 UTC]

Well, she really would- dark hair, pale skin, and light eyes will look very pretty.

Actually, Bonnie is... more like a human than an animal. (and if Fox caught you calling her an animal, he would take that as a personal insult. ) Sometimes she can act absurdly human-like, that's how she could deceive the marines. She doesn't really like strangers either, she's not a very friendly monkey- The only reason she didn't bite Jen yet is that Talos is holding her.

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:30:07 +0000 UTC]


Bonnie seems like the worlds most epic lemur.

Carrie probably wouldn't call Bonnie the a-word.
I picture a small scene where Carrie's just sitting quietly to the side of the deck, avoiding social interaction.
Then Bonnie comes over on the deck rail and sniff Carrie's head curiously.
Carrie just looks up saying "Hello" then rubs Bonnies chin.

I may make that wolf chara I got and have him/her be my marine girls pet(mostly Carrie's).

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 21:34:54 +0000 UTC]

Bonnie: *proudly raises her head* Eee-eee. -w- (Translation: Of course I am.)

Hehe, nooo, she wouldn't do that. I think Bonnie would just sit there on the deck, out of Carrie's range, and just stare at her with her head tilted to the side and her tail waving until somebody she knows and likes picks her up. She doesn't really trust anyone other than the crew she grew up with.

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 21:37:48 +0000 UTC]


Do you like the idea with my wolf? Making him my girl's pet.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-06 21:45:18 +0000 UTC]

... well, Bonnie wouldn't come out of under Foxtrot's shirt anytime soon then! It's a nice idea, I like it! ... He looks kinda like a tundra wolf ([link] ) with a couple markings~

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-06 22:00:23 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry. Wolfie would be tame.

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-07 21:20:28 +0000 UTC]

Well, better safe than sorry, right? Bonnie's a smart monkey, Dana even says she's smarter than Fox... and Fox says that's not true, Bonnie's smarter than the whole damn crew...

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-07 21:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Wolfie will be smart too! Though not as smart as Bonnie. :3

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Weresquirrel94 In reply to ValkyrieKago [2011-02-09 11:58:54 +0000 UTC]

:giggle. Alright!

Though, now that we're talking about "fun facts" an stuff- I have to warn Jenny about one thing. There's on spot she should never even consider touching on Talos' body before he personally tells her to: his throat and... well, neck as whole. That's the only part he cannot harden (but that's a biiiiig secret ), thus, can't protect well. The throat protector he wears is technically steel, covered with fabric, and he even wears it to bed. So if he takes it off in her prescence, that'll be a sign of infinite trust.

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ValkyrieKago In reply to Weresquirrel94 [2011-02-09 12:19:53 +0000 UTC]

OK!! Jen would be stunned if she was trusted that much.

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