WesternFreckles — Laurelstorm of ShadowClan (DECEASED)

Published: 2016-12-10 10:18:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 3150; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 5
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Description || General Information ||

[ Name ] Laurelstorm
[ Past Names ] Laurelkit, Laurelpaw
[ NickNames ] "Larkin" via her Daddy, short for Laurel-kin
[ Name meaning ] Laurel - Her mother's favorite leaf (and) Storm - named for her stormy sky blue eyes (allegedly)
[ Age ] 3.5 Years+
[ Gender ] She-cat
[ Theme Song ] Bring it by Trapt

|| Clan Information ||

[ Clan ] ShadowClan
[ Rank ] Warrior
[ Mentor ] Falconsong (NPC) - Deceased
[ Appentice ] Steampaw (fav.me/dal0ka2 ), Eaglepaw fav.me/dcuwnet
[ Blood Status ] 100% ShadowClan
[ Belief System ] StarClan
[ Season of Birth ] Early Leaf-fall

|| Family Information ||

[ Mother ] Magnoliabreeze
[ Father ] Tanagerstripe (NPC)
[ Siblings ] Nutsky (NPC), Brightsnow (NPC), and Cedarspirit (NPC)
[ Half Brothers/Sisters ] Lightningwolf fav.me/d8t47f8 (Tanagerstripe), Squirrelpaw (Tanagerstripe/NPC/deceased)
[ Mate/Partner ] Ashfern Imperial-x-Conquest  
[ Offspring ] N/A

|| Physical Appearance ||

A light ginger tabby she-cat with darker stripes and splashed with white patches, stormy sky blue eyes...

[ Breed ] Unknown (Moggy) Some classic tabby background
[ Fur Texture | Length ] Silky smooth and long-furred
[ Size | Body Type ] An ear's length shorter than the average tomcat, lengthily-built though-like a snake. Slightly short.

[ Accessories ] N/A
[ Scars | Disabilites ] N/A
[ Other Features ] N/A

[ Stats ]

Defense: ••○○○○○○○○
Speed: •••••○○○○○
Endurance: ••••○○○○○○
Tactical Skills: •••○○○○○○○
Attack: •○○○○○○○○○

Strength: 50
Adaptability 65
Thinking: 60
Speed: 50
Night Vision: 65
Swimming: 25
Climbing: 50
Fighting: 50
Stalking: 50
Hunting: 60
Medicine: 25

|| Sexuality Information ||

[ Orientation ] Bisexual, prefers she-cats

[ Preferences ] This she-cat prefers cats who intrigue and/or baffle her. She likes to try and figure out another cat in order for her to take an interest in them. 

[ Activity ] Active

|| Personality ||

[ Affectionate (+) | Reserved (+) | Patient (+) | Thoughtful (/) | Selfless (/) | Competitive (-) | Anxious (-) ]

[ Affectionate ] - Prefers affection when greeting strangers or friends/family alike, that's just who she is.

[ Reserved ] - When meeting new cats, she holds herself back so as to get a feel for them at the same time they get a feel for her.

[ Patient ] - When dealing with crisis, Laurel prefers to listen to their story first and patiently wait out or think out an alternative.

[ Thoughtful ] - See above. This can sometimes be a burden to herself, as she prefers to think a long time about a solution before ever coming up with one.

[ Selfless ] - Putting herself above others can be good for them and good for her, but ultimately chip away at her soul. But does she see it that way? Of course not. And she wouldnt have it any other way.

[ Competitive ] - She likes a good skirmish, especially when challenged.

[ Prickly ] - Anxiety from the smallest of things, she tends to struggle keeping it in check. She also has a nasty temper at times especially when she knows she's right.

|| Brief History ||

[ KitHood ] 

A broken heart seeks only one thing-to be whole once more. This is a story of Laurelstorm, sure, but it is also a tale of another. Tanagerstripe-her father. Now, you remember the tale of that unfortunate sod who found out the love of his life betrayed him by having kits with another so he punished her by trying to poison her unborn kits but wound up killing her on accident after her body succumbed to the poison once her kits were born, right? The one who raised kits who were not his own until he slowly turned over to insanity and drove out the only son he knew to the wilds of the unknown? The very same one who's only daughter he took on as his own was murdered in cold blood whilst she was only an apprentice by a mystery cat he never could figure out? Yes, that tom. (Check out fav.me/d8t47f8 for the full story.) Eventually, the Clan caught on to Tanagerstripe's dark deeds and punished him by banishing him to the elders' den, thereby stripping him of all freedom and losing a valuable warrior at the same time.

How could Tanagerstripe go on living after he lost so much? Why, he almost didn't. One cat, seemingly out of the shadows, came to his rescue: a she-cat named Magnoliabreeze. A childhood friend, one for whom had feelings for him he was unaware when he took a mate before. He loved Marmaladesun more than anything but this pretty she-cat felt that exact same way towards him. Maggie gave every bit of her heart to him in order to bring him back on his paws, happily, in fact. Eventually, Tanagerstripe managed to move on...at least enough to expect a litter with his new mate. 

And thus; Laurelkit, Nutkit, Brightkit, and Cedarkit were born! The new large family grew fat and happy, content in their new life together-Tanagerstripe more than any other. He had a real family now. Sure, he was still madly in love with his deceased sweetheart and the one he had now was madly in love with him and he couldnt give her his heart...but he had two sons and two daughters now! It was a different kind of emotion he felt now-one different than the abyss of unending madness he once swirled deeper and deeper into. Laurelkit could tell right away her Daddy and Mummy loved her. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. She was firstborn, but was very tiny. No cat in the Clan figured she would survive through the night. Well, she just had to prove them wrong, didnt she? Besides; her whole family oozed affection upon her...cept for her HUUUUUGE brothers who kept squishing her trying to get to the milk!! After making it through the night, Laurelkit progressed through the moons uneventfully; growing quite a bit bigger but not much. She went through life never knowing of her father's dark history, completely unaware of her half-family no longer with them. And why should she be? Every cat shuddered when they thought of Tanagerstripe, let alone talk about the dark tom...

[ Apprenticeship ]

Laurelpaw was assigned to a warrior cat by the name of Falconsong and the she-cats couldn't be more different from each other. To say it was a strict business-deal would be an understatement. Nutpaw, Brightpaw, and Cedarpaw were a great deal more lucky than their small sister. Laurelpaw could tell right away her mentor was one of the toughest cats in the Clan, especially when it came to her spirit. The youngster was prepared to learn, and that she did. Perhaps opposites do attract, for as time went on and the she-cats grew in soul and mind together-they grew to be an unstoppable duo. Perhaps they grew so close to one another due to a point in their life where they simply had to work together or they would cease to exist. About three moons in of pure brutal backbreaking training, Laurelpaw ran into an older more experienced badger on a lone patrol. Luckily, she was not so alone and as the large creature with foul-smelling breath loomed over her for the killing blow-Falconsong tore across the field for her apprentice's rescue. And she wasnt alone! Nutpaw, Brightpaw, Cedarpaw and their mentors came haring in to help drive the beast away. Laurelpaw was awed by the sheer amount of love and overprotection ebbing off her mentor as they stood shoulder to shoulder, matching blow for blow upon the badger together. Working together, they became one mind and one claw that day. And they stayed like that for many moons to come...until Falconsong's untimely demise, that is. Which just so happened to fall upon Laurelpaw's day of warriorhood. 

[ WarriorHood ] 

Their camp had been flooded. Underwater. Cats missing left and right. ShadowClan a land no longer of shadows, but of bloody water and dark mist. It was the day her world turned upside down. How were they to live now? Falconsong was one of the missing cats. Laurelpaw was in distress, churning the dark waters with her frantic now-bloodied paws. Something was not right. How could the strongest cat (in her eyes) simply disappear?! The she-cat searched for that entire miserable day of loss for her lost mentor, helping cats when she could, making sure her family was alright, and the like. She hadnt realized at the time that her own mother had been hit in the head by a large branch knocked from a low-hanging tree by the high waters and had been knocked motionless until it was too late...Tanagerstripe cradled himself around his mate and wailed aloud his distress until his kits found him in the dusk. Across the territory however Laurelpaw had found Falconsong's body and matched her father's howls with her own. She brought the body and placed it besides her mother's, tears silently slipping from her as she did so. Her mother and her mentor...on the same tragic day. How...Why? Their leader named her and her siblings warriors that night to reward them for keeping a level head (Laurel thought this was only slightly ironic) and helping out so much during the death of their old Clan's territory and in order to keep his Clan motivated to build their Clan up from scratch without too much despair. The newly named Laurelstorm hated her new name at first and laughed a cruel little laugh when she realized that instant he named her after the strength of the storm which had completely obliterated their home. But after a number of moons adjusting to their new home, she came to heal little by little and took her new name to heart. She was the storm. Steadfast, powerful, and unyielding...thanks to Falconsong. If it were up to her though, she would've liked to have been named Laurelsong, after the she-cat she grew to admire and respect more than even herself.

A cycle passes pretty much uneventfully except she was given an apprentice by the name of Steampaw after the tom lost his previous mentor. There was also a fire which devastated the land not long after the flood. She grew very skinny and starving during this time and in her desperation, hunting closer and closer to ThunderClan's territory. During a lone hunt one day, she met Ashfern, a compassionate but fierce ThunderClan warrior who let her keep the mouse she had hunted down. Very quickly, though starting off as mortal enemies, the pair bonded. Laurelstorm liked the streak of sass from the ThunderClanner, how witty and smart she was. She left that evening, a curious sensation in her belly; one not of hunger like it usually had been as of late...She met up with Ashfern not once more but quite a few more times and they started to recoup their strength together as they found they were a great hunting duo together. Before Laurelstorm could tell her newfound crush her feelings, the Clans encountered a ferocious problem once more, one that couldn't be fixed this time, and had to journey to a new home together. She hopes to be able to spend more time with Ashfern and tell her of her feelings...no matter what rebuke she may receive from anyone if they should ever find out. 

The journey wound up being long and hard, many cats perishing along the way. They came across mountain cats and stayed with them for a season, but when the time came to leave; the she couldn't feel better off leaving their strange ways. Closer and closer to Ashfern did she become and near the end of their travels, Laurelstorm admitted to her love and asked the ThunderClanner to join her in ShadowClan where they could be together for the rest of their days. To the ginger and white femme, Ashfern said yes and made Laurelstorm the happiest in a long time. The Clans reached their new home and she was given another apprentice; Eaglepaw. Her last one perished during the journey, along with so many other poor souls. But this time around, the she-cat vowed to train him up right. 

Towards the end of Eaglepaw's apprenticeship, Laurelstorm and Ashfern decided it was time they started a family of their own. They were safe in their new territory, there was peace within ShadowClan, and they had a donor at the ready: Lemondrop. Laurelstorm became pregnant with their kits, wanting to be the one to bear the kits for Ashfern. With no medicine cats around during these strange new times, the she-cat didn't want to risk any harm befalling her beloved.

Died giving birth to three kits during the redcough plague due to an early pregnancy and heavy loss of blood...


|| Other ||

[ Relationships ]


Magnoliabreeze (NPC) // {My Mummy...I was named after her favorite leaf and she was always there for me if I needed her. I tended to do my own thing as I grew up, straying closer to my brothers and sister more than my parents, but I really wish I could sometimes go back and snuggle up in the embrace of her soft bellyfur and just be held by her again...Life is pretty painful without her but I'm learning slowly to go on. Even though it hurts.}

Tanagerstripe (NPC) // {I still call him Daddy even though I'm a warrior now. I think it makes him pretty happy to hear. StarClan knows he could smile more in his life. I was probably more a Daddy's girl than Mummy's but we even grew apart as I grew. He grew closer to Mummy and I even think he finally learned to make room in his heart for her just before the flood took her away from us. Now he watches me like a hawk as if I'm going anywhere. It gives me the creeps sometimes. I wish he would let me learn from my own mistakes but it seems like he doesn't even want me to do that. He's pretty overprotective of me ever since she died.}

Nutsky (NPC) / {My brother. He is probably the most compassionate and brave one out of us. He wouldnt hesitate to put himself beneath all others, loved ones or no. One day that will get him hurt beyond all measure, I think. I love him so much, I just wish he would be selfish for once...Look at me, maybe I should take my own advice, hah hah...}

Brightsnow (NPC) /  {My little sister. She has the brightest spirit, that is probably why she was named so. Sparkle in her eyes, she tries to look out for her smaller older sister, but in her own quiet way. I love her a lot too, she is quite like me and quite not.}

Cedarspirit (NPC) // {My baby brother, oh how he makes me laugh. We've been through it all together. I find it easier to go to him in times of trouble. He knows of my...fondness...for Falconsong and wept when I wept. However, he is the only one who can manage to pick me up when I've fallen. He is kind and funny and I appreciate all he's done for me. I consider him my greatest friend.}

Falconsong (NPC) //// {...Where do I even begin with her? She was my mentor at first and I hated her guts but that was until I knew she actually cared about me that day she risked her life for me from that badger. I hated that I froze up and almost let that thing kill me like I did. She jolted me to action, calling my name to no avail and jumping onto the beast as if she had nothing to lose...except for me of course. Why would any cat do that for me? I came to realize...she loved me. As we fought off the badger, along with the others, she and I fought side by side and became one. Which we continued to do, growing closer and closer until that fateful day where I found her sodden breathless body washed to the darkest end of ShadowClan territory. She had no other loved ones so I chose to bury her myself. Even if she had loved ones, I would've wanted to be there for her above anyone else. Oh Falconsong...I loved you too...Why did you have to go?}

Marshstream ( frostthecat01 )  {He's a quick learner and a warrior I'm happy to side with. I'd like to get to know him better. He helped me when the bobcat struck and we found his grandmother together. I hate how he rushes into battle so readily and carelessly but...I have to admit...it's something to be admired too. I feel so guilty that he's messed up so badly from the bobcat's attack I led him into! It was all my fault! How could he ever forgive me??}

Steampaw ( Shadeflicker )  {He hasnt been my apprentice for very long, I basically took over when Widowpatch passed on. But he's a fast learner and he seems eager enough. I hope I don't fail my first apprentice. I hope to be the mentor my mentor was for me. That's probably a long shot though. / Ahhh...my poor apprentice...I hope I get another chance to prove myself...}

Ashfern ( Imperial-x-Conquest )  {She's a ThunderClanner I met along the border one fateful day. At first we almost got into a fight as of legend between ThunderClan and ShadowClan but she's shown me something more. I could never hope to replace Falconsong, but in a way, she reminds me of her. I hope we get to see each other again. We've agreed to meet up every half moon even though I long for more. I'm...almost afraid to go. It's quite curious. I hope I don't lose my nerve! / Ashfern's truly taught me the meaning of love and commitment and I hope to be her mate one day, she's my one and only, no matter how confusing or how risky it may be to other. To me, I can't live without her...I hope she knows her worth to me... / She said yes. I told her I loved her and asked her to join me in ShadowClan and my sweet love decided to grace me with her acceptance and love in return. I truly don't deserve her, but I know to not ever take her for granted. She gave up so much to be with me and I'll never be able to repay her. She's made me the happiest cat...}

Magpieswarm ( Rumpeltyltskyn )  {He's a SkyClan apprentice who caught me hunting, well, on his land. I was curious what their prey was, alright? And it crossed the Thunderpath over there anyways! I gave him the squirrel, if you were curious, but I don't think I made a good first impression on him. Hopefully I can change that cutie-pie's mind about me~ I'd sure like to get to know him better even if he thinks I'm nothing but a dirty thief! / How he's grown. Still quite one of my oldest friends I hope I never have to face him in battle. He's a tough tom and been through a lot, like me. I hope we always remain friends.}

Lemondrop ( TEA-BUNNIES )  {Lemondrop is my friend and also the cat I grew close to during the journey. I wonder if he would help Ashfern and I start a family since he's good friends with her as well? Something to dwell on because that is a great deal of importance to us all...I wish to get to know him better as well because he is a great, kind, warrior.


[ Trivia ]

• *Loves purple and white orchids, they're seriously her favorite!

• *Absolutely TERRIBLE at making friends, even though she desperately wants not to be

• *More closed off to others of outside Clans except for Magpieswarm.

[ Likes ]

• Competition

• Attractive cats

• Communication

• Battle plans/Plans in general

• Being proud of herself and her accomplishments

• The company of others

• Flowers

[ Dislikes ]

• Bullies

• Useless altercations

• Hatred

[ Favorites ]

Prey : Water shrew

Season : Leaf-fall

Color : Blue

Time of Day : Sunset

Place : By herself

Activity : Training

[ Fears ]

• Being shunned by someone she'd like nothing more than to be friends with

• Confined places

• Water

[ Roleplay Sample ] 

Darkness had never before infiltrated like a cloaked cobra within a lone tomcat's mind than it was doing so now. And by alone, the author would like to point out the depth of just how truly separate the cat was from any other living creature. Emptiness surrounded the unconscious feline form as if there had been a plague upon the land...and indeed there had been. The flood had destroyed everything in it's thirst for lives to take. Now, not a sound from any living creature could be heard...save from the eerie cacophony of water droplets echoing across the flooded land. 

A solitary water droplet seemed to be on a curious quest. It seemed to be aching to move ever closer to the lump of unmoving fur as it slid down, down, down from the grey skies above. Whole trees from other Clans had been uprooted from the rush of floodwater just days past and became stuck on the now tree-like, water-filled, copse of heather which used to be called HeatherClan. The drop continuously clung to branches, vines, eventually even slanting stone all in order to reach the figure of the golden feline.

And this was how Spikerapture had been reawakened. The water droplet became the final straw upon the ever-leaning haystack to make it fall and to awaken the HeatherClan tomcat.

He thought about this each time he paused and looked back in his journey to get to his lost love...if she were even still alive. Tears clung to his eyes at the pain but he shook them away and pushed onwards...It had been a moon now of travel and sure she must be closer than ever to him now. Spikerapture hadn't spoken for the entirety of his travels, unable to after he had woken up (most likely due to shock), and his rib cage was apparent...no prey had been spotted for miles of the flooded area; thus, empty belly on a daily basis for the weakened tom. On top of all this, his head hurt like a violent fire raged within him. He realized it must have been whatever knocked him out when he was trying to help cats cross the waters when the flood only just begun-him being a strong swimmer and all from RapidClan seemingly a lifetime ago.

Scents now. The tom froze. Jade green eyes dilated as he held his breath and crouched down. In fear? In excitement? In hope? Who was coming towards him? Had he found the new base of his Clan at long last?


Design (c) animalmoon
Art (c) Me
Group (c) DarkWater-Warriors  
Related content
Comments: 19

TEA-BUNNIES [2018-08-25 05:46:42 +0000 UTC]

hey, would you like to rp with Lemondrop again? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternFreckles In reply to TEA-BUNNIES [2018-08-25 21:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Sure ^^~ note me a starter?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TEA-BUNNIES In reply to WesternFreckles [2018-08-26 04:32:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

frostthecat01 [2017-04-03 01:27:09 +0000 UTC]

Hey Freckles, can i ask what Laurelstorm thinks of Marshpaw/Marshstream?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternFreckles In reply to frostthecat01 [2017-04-04 05:31:12 +0000 UTC]

updated, check it ;3

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

frostthecat01 In reply to WesternFreckles [2017-04-09 14:35:50 +0000 UTC]


I updated his picture ;2;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternFreckles In reply to frostthecat01 [2017-04-09 17:54:32 +0000 UTC]

Awe the poor babz :/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

frostthecat01 In reply to WesternFreckles [2017-04-09 17:57:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but that's the wound; twisten muscle and a bitemark

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

frostthecat01 In reply to WesternFreckles [2017-04-04 12:03:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kalligs [2017-02-11 04:01:11 +0000 UTC]

You now have an apprentice !

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

WesternFreckles In reply to kalligs [2017-02-12 00:36:31 +0000 UTC]

Awesome thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shadeflicker In reply to kalligs [2017-02-11 05:00:33 +0000 UTC]

ah i believe i was already assigned a mentor? :0

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kalligs In reply to Shadeflicker [2017-02-11 05:20:52 +0000 UTC]

They left unfortunately ! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shadeflicker In reply to kalligs [2017-02-11 05:38:31 +0000 UTC]

oh okay, thank you for informing me!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WorgysWares [2017-01-02 07:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Wanna rp with Wolfheart ? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternFreckles In reply to WorgysWares [2017-01-02 20:52:54 +0000 UTC]

Sure ^^
Note me?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WorgysWares In reply to WesternFreckles [2017-01-03 00:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Sent, sorry for the wait ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Foxkino [2017-01-02 06:50:03 +0000 UTC]

I love her design!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternFreckles In reply to Foxkino [2017-01-02 20:53:37 +0000 UTC]

Awe thank you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0