Westlywheatly — Knb oc application

#basket #knb #kuroko #oc #no
Published: 2015-06-27 06:45:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 7931; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 7
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Update again: lol look how much info I added 
she's also born on April 1st her entire life is now a joke 
update: lol look what I did 

General Information: WIP

Japanese Name: Sato Inoue

Name by birth: kamilla Belarmina Alfons

Romaji: Sato Inoue

Kanji: 佐藤井上

Nicknames: kam, Kami, Sato, tall chica, trouble maker, ect

Age: 16-17 but she's a year older than Kagami and kuroko she was moved down a grade.

she's one year older than kagami and kuroko due to,being held back because she is a foreign exchange student

Birthday: April 1 

Her birth dad came late to her birth becuase at first he thought it was an April fools joke, she also gets pranked 24/7 on this day by her family. 

Horoscope: aries 

Birthstone: Aquamarine

Gender: Female

Nationality: American, 

Ethnicity: 50% Spanish-American, and 50% Dutch (where all her tall genes come from) 

Race: Human


Blood Type: AB

Dominant Hand: right

Sexuality: bisexual

Professional Information:

Status: Alive

Education: High School 1st-2nd year (same as kagami and kuroko) 

School: Seirin high

Club: partially basketball and track 

Position: power forward, and track star

Talent: speed

Appearance Information:

Hair: lighter blond, medium length and WAVY not curly

Eyes: light grayish eyes coloring depends on light.

Complexion: tannish side

Height: 183 (6ft)

Weight: 66 kg

Clothing Style: she always has some sort of athletic clothing on with a combination of a street style that's pretty boyish. She try's to keep in with the tends but her mom helps her with that she enjoys red flannel and anything the color of lilac purple  and is common that she wears the colors but not together.

Scent: lavender, and seat lmao

Other Characteristic: she has a very toned tall body, she's incredibly conscious about what she eats and how so she is slender. She has thicker thighs and a great butt while she has a b cup (American size). She's kinda curvy but mainly becuase of her hips, booty, and thighs.

Personal Information:

Personality: Just looking at sato one would say she's the definition of the zodiac "Aries," however there's much more than just her explosive and quite energetic tendencies. 

Sato is a very overdramatic person, as much as she likes to blame that on her Spanish heritage and soap operas she doesn't make any attempt to fix that tendency. Just like her personality her actions are also dramatic, she can only speak with her hands. And when excited she'll even do strange movements to show her enthusiasm. 

However being overdramatic isn't bad in every situation, it's let her appreciate the smaller things in the moment and her spurts of good energy can bring up the momentum of everyone around her. 

Her "spurts of good engery" are quite common, as she's quite an optimistic person. She's constantly moving it makes some people wonder where she gets so much energy.

However she is definitely not the type that is unable to read the mood, being a natural leader it's necessary to be able to read it. However it's also her weakness when in tough situations she tends to be impatient and impulsive. She does not perform as well under pressure but it's not as bad when she has people relying on her. 

Being a natural leader, she tends to burden and stress herself quite often. Despite most Aries being self-centered Sato I'd definitely not the type. The first few years of her life Sato grew up in a bad family situation and currently has two younger brothers. However as stated earlier, because she's not self-centered at times she'll put to much effort for someone else hurting herself.

However the most lovable part of her personality is her compassionate and buoyant charisma. It's the first thing people see in her (other than her height) and it's also what leads her to be quite the popular person. It's also made her a social butterfly as she's not very afraid that she won't be liked because she a generally enticing person. 

If you know Alexandria Garcia then you practically already know Sato, or a little bit. Sato is Alex's niece and picked up quite a few of her habits. One of them is making a pouty/kiss-y face however unlike Alex she won't actually kiss anyone. Her humor also comes off as flirty another thing which she adopted from her aunt. However because of her aunts "intimate" characteristics she hates despite being quite touchy her self to be compared to her as much as she loves her aunt.


When annoyed sato is incredibly child-like, she'll pout and throw her arms. She's also quite aggressive, combined she becomes very hard to work with. Becuase she puts pressure on herself when things don't go her way in the slightest it also put her in this mood set


When sad, there are only about three people who she will let her see cry, however when she does cry in front of these people they need to hold her she's very affectionate and it makes her feel more secure. She doesn't like crying in front of people. Especially her teammates, who knows that if she breaks they all will. 

She's also at a higher chance of going into a depressed state, when she overworks herself or when an extremely unfortunate event happens she definitely change. 


She's also very self conscious of her height, in her life it's been a double edged sword. On one hand in sports and most activities it helps her but she's also been bullied about it when she was younger and it's the main thing people think when they hear her name. Which she hates because she's much more than a tall girl.


Likes: sports! particularly track, basketball, and long jump, speed, fiendishly, friendly competition, kindness, friends, being social, good relationships, people who listen, people with similaries, outgoing people, puns,

Dislikes:  horror anything she's a complete wimp to it. Slow cars/people/computer/almost anything, thoughts on her height, people asking if she's from Mexico when she's says she's Spanish, people mocking her, people to loud, being interrupted, losing, school, kanji, people who are better than her and make a point of it, people saying she's like her mom

Hobbies: track and field, basketball, running, games, running, learning more about Japanese culture, trying (keyword: trying) to being smarter, likes any competition


-jogs for hours when bad incredibly angry

-stops speaking and ignores the person she's angry with

-always has a dumb smile on her face when around people

-sleeps in a lot

-hard to wake up or get used to timezones

-hard sleeper and cuddles a lot

-softly snores (quietly) 

-takes the longest showers in humanity

-speaking in Spanish when she's really upset 

-when flustered is angry

-whistles when alone

-very loud in shower

-does a lot of workouts and likes finding more


-rushes into situations without thinking about them


-moves her entire body when talking 

-pumps herself up by doing cheesy moves 


-being lonely

-her moms reaction to a test that she got anything lower than a C on a test which has never happened but she's never gotten an A either 

-her mom when yelling in Spanish


-squirrels- one landed on her head and ended up giving her lice, it was a terrible experience.


-prob a lot of things 

Background: Her dad left when she was 3 and doesn't remember him, she was his last child with their mom. They moved to Los angels two months after, and it was quite the disappointment considering how pretty their last town was. They lived in a heavily populated Spanish area as well as having an Spanish mother, living in Spain for the first 3 years, Spanish was her first language, not English. She tends to curse and say a lot of things in Spanish out of nature because of that. but not becuase she lived there because of her mom.

But moving to the United States she does speak average English at the same time. She moved to Los Angeles where she spent a lot of time with her brothers or Alex. Her mom met a taller Japanese guy and got married when she was 6 and moved into a big house. Her new stepdad started to force her and her brothers to learn Japanese (in a good, respectful way). She got a younger brother a year after. She met Himuro when she was 7 and became friends. When 14, A year before she moved a family moved next store, where she met Nijimura. She practiced her Japanese with him, along with her growing friendship with Himuro they made quite the trio and were commonly seen together training where she learned to shoot really well. She was the second tallest one of the group Nijimura. This was all in middle school where she was the age age and in the same class as himuro. Being that they were in the same class and school they were very close even best friends. Himuro moved back to Japan where it was only the two of them then Nijimura moved back because his dad died from his illness. She she lost both of them to Japan. So a year passed and due to a job her stepdad got they moved to Japan.shortly before they moved her dad realized that her name was to Spanish for any teacher to want to read it so they asked sato and she agreed but didn't care so her mom (with the suggestion from Alex) named her taka, which means tall. 

Family (Usual):


Eldest brother 

Older twin brothers 

2 younger half brothers


Kagami taiga- 

The two aren't particularly close but their strong personalities tend to crash, sato is one of the few female "friends" kagami has. And kagami is one of the few "friends" that she has in her class. Kagami is also aware that if he wants to condition there's almost no one better than her so they'll share advice and every once in awhile they'll gossip about Himuro.

* they always pick a fight with one each other 

* Sato makes fun of Kagami by his weak eyebrow game 

* Kagami is impressed by her abs and sato is impressed by his ass which can almost compete with hers.

Himuro Tatsuya- 

they've known each other since they were little due to Alex and got along very well, however they were not as close as they are now until kagami left. Unfortunately with Kagami leaving it gave an opening for them to become best friends. 

When Sato moved to Japan she almost went to Akita to be with Tatsuya but her mother didn't feel comfortable having her baby girl so far away, but he still did greet her at the airport with Kagami and Alex.

* she also calls him tits because when she was younger she's call him Titsuya instead of Tatsuya. And when the name just caught on. He however calls her "bee" because it was the only nickname he could think as a response to "tits," but he says its because she's as annoying as a bee.

* He promised her to be Yosen's manager if she was able to go to Yosen's which she couldn't  

* Playing with Himuro also numbed fakes on her due to the high quality of his. She also is quite talented at them as well but no where on himuro's level

Alexandria Garcia-

Sato's aunt and idol, she raised Sato and her brothers from the time when sato was born and her father left. Sato saw her play a profession WNBA game and automatically became her passion to play basketball as well. Alex trained Sato from as young as possible even throwing a plush basketball at her when she was a baby.

* she introduced Sato to Himuro, but never got the chance to introduce her to kagami as every time they tried Kagami was sick or was busy. 

* Alex gave sato's mother the idea to rename her "taka" which means tall 

* Sato is jealous of Alex's and her mother's cleavage, while they're both G's Sato is a C 

* However Alex is jealous of sato's butt as its an A+ booty. Booty game strong.

* she's technically Alex's first student but Alex didn't really try or considerate it lesions because she thought she was just playing with her niece.

Kise Ryōta-
they met a few times but didn't really think of each other as more than just part of the other team, however she did numb into the team right before just to get comments by kaijo how tall she was. But they soon realized that they were going to be late and left to play the game. Poor Sato was just trying to find a bathroom.

* when Sato had to prove to Riko that she could be an adequate manganese she scouted at kaijo, which they thought she was an obsessive fan girl but she was just learning about their basketball and had no idea who kiss was other than a prodigal player. They chased her until they lost her because she's much faster and eventually Kiss ran into her at the 7-11 store and she had to explain herself. He understood and pitied her situation. 

* Kise was made fun of by his team that they were the same height and both blonde 

* When Sato did a small modeling job, Kise heard about it and used it to do a modeling thing with her to be able to hang out with Kagami and Kuroko after, but ended up taking with Sato more because Kagami and Kuroko got bored.

* they both loveeeee talking and love talking about fitness and hipster foods so when they do talk they get along quite well however both don't particularly care about each other.

Atsushi Murasakibara-

Shintarō Midorima- 

As neighbors they know each other but have a deep hatred towards each other. Mostly because of their moms, who ship them with a Passion and have even named their kids. They have a strong rivalry in everything they do and each other's presence is a bothersome thing to each of them. 

However Sato does get along with his sister and they double team to tease Midorima. 

* she broke his glasses once and despite having many more Sato felt so bad she almost cried. 

* They don't really talk but when they do it's usually an argument, small talk or their moms made them talk. 

Daiki Aomine-

Akashi Seijūro-

When they met Sato didn't trust Akashi and despite never doing anything wrong she feels uncomfortable being anywhere within five feet near him. She doesn't like him despite being a perfectly kind gentleman to her. She suspects that he's jealous of her height but doesn't particularly care other than she would not want to be in the same room as him alone. 

* she can't look him in the eyes and doesn't know why but really doesn't like this guy. She tries to be polite to him but is absolutely terrified. 

* She tries to stand behind anyone she can when talking or around him. 

* she met him after his whole personality change with the eye color and when she found out he was an ass in the past she said "I knew it!" 

Momoi Satsuki- 

While again the social aspects of sato's nature give them a warm relationship they aren't close or anything. However when Sato was learning how to be a manager riko asked for Momoi to give her some tips which she gracefully did

* Momoi honestly thought she was a hopeless manager at first thinking she was just a basketball-headed as the guys 

* Momoi knew who she was before they met becuase she was featured in basketball monthly for losing and being seriously injured in the finals. 

Love Interest:  

Former: she liked Nijimura for about a month but it wore off. 

She's also the type that can't say no so she's had a few more relationships than she's proud of.

Current: ?????? None she ain't go time for that crap

S T O R Y L I N E: 

when sato moved to Japan all she wanted was to be able to go to Akita, with Himuro. She already knew him so she wouldn't have to worry about friends and they were well known for their basketball teams PERFECT FOR SATO. However her mother didn't want her baby that far away. With Alex's suggestion her mother enrolled her seirin high, telling her to make friends with Alex's student. Well as much as Kagami and Sato can be considered possible friends they aren't that close on a personal level. 

 She also caught the attention of the entire school for not only being a foreigner but being as tall as she is. For Sato this is definitely not the type of attention she wants to be able to fit in with other students. Instead of them or Kagami as her close friend, she met Sawarimi Hiroko, a collected, smart girl in her class. They met when it was raining to hard for Sato to want to walk home and instead of studying at home she studied in the library. When walking to an empty table her skirt caught a screw nail, ripping the skirt. Internally dying and freaking out Sato caught the attention of Hiroko who luckily was a talented seamstress. She fixed her skirt and luckily for both of them the friendship grew from there. Hiroko was close to the basketball team giving her a bit more connections with them and especially riko. 

I haven't written the rest out but here's her story:

* wants to make girls basketball team 

* Collects girls and makes basketball team, most promising is a first year newbie old volleyball player that can jump unusually high 

    * However they have many talented players and many who have been playing since childhood. They're strangely talented and every single one of them is a ball hog and that's a problem 

    * There's only 10 of them 

    * Becuase of Sato they all train and condition to the extreme, they keep motivated by sato's expression "beach bodies everyone" 

    * Acquiring a coach becomes a problem, however they have an oddly determined sensei who will help them with that. 

* Makes team that is very powerful individually but lacks in teamwork 

* They really need to work on the teamwork crap 

* They make it big and quickly but are suffering from being in the shadows of the boys team 

    * However using the boy's fame they're able to acquire a lot of practice matches especially with powerhouse schools which prepares them for matches ahead. 

        * They get into a lot of arguments within the team because of all the clashing personalities, however like every cliche moment they forgive in due time. 

        * They also build rivalries especially with a country school who they will only be able to fight against again if they get to go to nationals.

* Though sweat and blood they work to get into the inter high, and surprisingly (even to them) they win. 

* They win by learning how to use teamwork and show in the purest way how five players together is more powerful than five individual ones 

* They get to go on a national scale, and are seen as the underdog of every match. Especially in the ones with their main country rival who is well known and is thought to have a chance of winning the entire nationals 

    * They're rivals are opposite of them using teamwork from day one and then learning to improve themselves individually however it's easier to improve this way so I want disjunction. 

    * Sato learns how to be a better leader durning this time from instruction from their captain and a person who she looks up a lot too. 

    * Sato feels terrible after winning knowing it might be their last game but tries even harder for them 

*  Another team they face is a rambunctious and stamina-filled school they're girls are crazy and amazing when it comes to inside shots, layouts and rebounds. 

    *  They're unpredictable but that also leads to a lot of mistakes in their plays. However they're incredibly capable players 

    * Seirin gets reminded of their deadly conditioning and how hard work is the only way they were able to beat this team 

    * The other team which is also led by a second year learns that they need to be more organized and cannot do everything the way they want too to make it more enjoyable 

* They go against one or two more schools idk I'll think of it later 

    * However durning this time her tendon in her main foot beings to hurt slowly, she's been using to much and to hard it's slowly ripping. However in this important time Sato knows she needs to be there and ignores the pain 

* They make it to the finals, and are seen as the underdogs and obviously everyone supported them. However the other team was thought to win as they have for the last two years 

    * The other team has seven talented players and even when they sub out one, one of equal power comes one facing a tired player giving them an advantage. 

    * Their second year star player is not only as fast as Sato she's an incredibly well rounded player but specialty is dribbling. She's the point guard and is able to bring out the best in her players. 

        * She's also kinda a competitive bitch which makes her and Sato enteral rivals now 

        * They have no chill 

        * The entire match was half of her vs Sato which is bad because it downgraded all the hard work to make them whole as a team. 

        * Her and Sato were equally matched or at least for the first two and a half quarters. However becuase of sato's injury she isn't making all her shots which is son fusing everyone 

        * They all assume it's becuase of the stress she's putting herself under which happens to her a lot

        * After Sato realizes that and the team gets their act together, they're also down by 15 points 

        * They work really hard to get it up and even a single point above the other team

        * In the last seconds a girl looses the ball by a steal from now sato's eternal rival. Sato goes into her 120% game and is able to catch up with her, however the other girl ACCIDENTALLY trips Sato leaving her to particiLly tear her tendon and hit her head giving her a minor concussion

        * Despite a torn tendon with all her being she manages to get up and catch up to her rival who is how making a layout she jumps and reaches for the ball with her entire team supporting her. Which she ends up ripping though the rest of her tendon because. However she can only barely scrape and ball and after with goes around the hoop a few times it goes in and the other team wins. 

        * Insert //hello darkness my old friend// 

        * Unable to get up and confused for the time after she ends up one the floor after failing to reach the ball she passes out for five minutes killing the momentum that the other team won. 

* Her friend tries to,get her up but notices the swelling on her leg and the bruise on her forehead, a mix of the concussion and the shock of loosing sato is dizzy and unable to focus. She doesn't even hear her teammate when she's trying to get her up becuase of the ringingin her ears. And passes out after but only for two minutes.

    * She wakes up in her coaches arms walking away from the court then she wakes up reaching for the hoop when she realizes that the game is over and  they lost  the entire crowd saw/felt her the pain in eyes at that moment and for her team that moment scars them, 

    * they go to her in the hospital and she tells them what is wrong she holds a crying player gets scolded a bit and then when everything cools down they leave as its getting late they offer to stay and then they see Himuro.

    * Himuro comes and being one of her closest friends she finally breaks down because of how much she thought she let the team down she does the ugly crying for a solid ten minutes. He holds her and she continues to cry. 

    * She gets driven home after getting checkups and had to drive Himuro to the hotel his team was staying at because of the inter high they were at recently finished. 

    * She meets Atsushi and is amazing and terrified at his height. However looking that high was like looking at a light and she didn't look at him much. It gave her a headache and made her feel nauseous. 

    * Back to the tendon thing tho ((yeah she's a big mess rn)) she needed surgery and her season basketball season was finished however she will be back by the next and her final season. 

* The hospital was near the place where the teams played and three of the girls ran into a troublesome team (that played and also lost) of delinquents. Well a fight erupted and they got in big time trouble not letting them be in the area of the building for their next official game, those three players and the other teams players were also punished. And with also losing Sato they were at a pretty low place. 

    * When she was called in for a meeting from the school about the fight she  was a little angry but stated they better of won the fight. And they did that's why they got in bigger trouble than usual. 

    * The school decided to discourage them from participating at the next tournament but they didn't listen 

    * It was hard for them to get back on their feet until sato's sempai figure from before was there and it's their rivals helped them get their shit together and be an amazing team even without Sato 

    * However there's a new problem sato's family doesn't want her to be on the team after they got in a fight. And with her injury she can only overlook games. 

    * Well her story on the team ends by her not allowing to be on it which destroys her but she's allowed to mange the boys team 

    * Well she says goodbye to her team but promises to be at their every game she can be at and she's at most of them 

* To keep her connections to basketball and becuase she already knows hiroko who is close with the basketball team 

* Hiroko is the one that brings the idea of Sato being manager to riko and brings up the idea to Sato 

* She asks her team for their advice and they all know she loves basketball and let her do it happily with tears of course with the promise that she'll be there when they win the next tournament.  

* Sato asks riko but she has a task, to find out about kaijo and shutoku schools since she was new to the generation of miracles deal. 

* Sato had to prove to Riko that she could be an adequate manager becuase riko didn't want a useless twat and riko was giving her a hard time she wanted to know how serious Sato was

    *  so she scouted at kaijo, which they thought she was an obsessive fan girl but she was just learning about their basketball and had no idea who kise was other than a prodigal player. They chased her and even on her crushes she made a cut and was able to lose them some how but eventually Kise ran into her at the 7-11 store and she had to explain herself. He understood and pitied her situation. About riko but nothing else

    * While running from them she says "not to bully a crippled" and is terrified 

    * The team also gets an eternal grudge on her 

    * Later that day the teams gets a magazine of basketball monthly and they see her picture in the corner and then read her story of the game and her commentary of how she wouldn't be able to play on her team anymore.

    * They also find out why she was crippled atm lol

* She returns and riko is very surprised at what lengths she went to get the kaijo and decided just to give her the job then becuase she was being hard on her

    * Riko als Momoi to talk to Sato and they do and she gets tips and advice

    * She also gets some clips of the other miracles other than amine becuase if she wants to see that she's gonna have to come in person

    * And on a Sunday she does go to stalk aomine with the permission of Momoi, and sees what he can do. She's Impressed and terrified and even he challenges her becuase of her height until he sees her ankle guard and is like "nah ur to weak with that" and Sato is over dramatic but agrees 

    * However this is some time after and Sato low key feels like she's Beijing used to clean, which she is till about the point where she meets aomine. 

        * Then riko uses her to make training regimes for a weekend camp which she accidentally goes overboard and makes a overall training schedule but another for each player 

        * Riko is obviously impressed

        * Riko also needs to make it clear that Sato will be more useful after she gets out of the cast and boot and is more recovered 

    * She's reconditioning at this time as well she always works out she could only work her upper body mainly while she had the boot. But she also swam which helped a lot

        * She reconditioned from day one but mainly with bench presses weights And ab/core excersizes

        * Now that she can't run she has to swim to calm herself down.

* Now idk she's just their manager 

    * She's a cute one too

Miscellaneous Information:






+90% dark chocolate/ bitter food

-Anything that's really sweet or sour 






-anything that's purely cuddles 

Health Problem: None


Investigation: 6/10

Support Capabilities: 9/10

Intuition: 7/10

Mental Strength: 7/10

Female Skills: 7/10

Training Capabilities: 10/10

Analytical Skills: 4/10

Leadership (as in taking command): 10/10

Charisma: 7/10

Feminine Appeal: 4/10

Height: 10/10

Strength: 10/10


-she's somehow managed to receive one point under an A grade on every test or quiz she's taken. Her family is happy that she's getting good grades but angry that she can't get an A

-She's not very popular among boys and the only guys that seem to be interested is collage or older guys In japan. She's much more popular in America in comparison.

-She likes cooking healthy food but it turns out bitter and at times painfully colorful (but she likes that) and what ever she eats is healthy, it's an obsession of hers

She's average at organization and everything other than sports.

-shes very touchy-feeling and talks with her hands


-She hates high socks because her legs are to long for any of them

-She can't stand the cold, she grew up in Spain and southern la. 

-she was put to often as center due to her height, now she hates playing the role because shed much rather be a power forward. 

-Her best subject is English and math

-the best way to calm her down is my stroking her hair or holding her head, you can also tell when she needs to clam herself down because she'll rub her temples or massage her scalp.

-Spirit animal: lion


Layout belongs to: 

Character: me/

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Comments: 31

LaineGS [2016-05-09 22:26:05 +0000 UTC]

ahhh i love this oc so so much!!
shes so tall *^*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to LaineGS [2016-05-10 04:25:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh gee thank you it's my comedic trope for her haha 
i just love tall girls as well lmao

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

akeun-yokun [2016-04-03 06:18:12 +0000 UTC]

Omg the piyos!! xD And her expresion! I love it!! x''D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to akeun-yokun [2016-04-03 07:06:52 +0000 UTC]

I live for the piyos lmao and thank you 
I want to draw Kaho again she's my queen ahhh 
I want to go back into this fandom lol 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vvasabipeas [2016-04-02 23:28:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to vvasabipeas [2016-04-03 00:34:09 +0000 UTC]

She is my buff buff baby lmao 
but thank you so much twin wife ajsjsjsjskk 
but I'm really curious about the collab )))))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vvasabipeas In reply to Westlywheatly [2016-04-03 00:48:29 +0000 UTC]

<33 you're welcome twinwife 
yes yes shoot me a note about it or skype or something ))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

aeries31 [2015-06-30 10:28:30 +0000 UTC]

She looks pretty and wonderful!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to aeries31 [2015-07-10 02:58:25 +0000 UTC]

Omg thank you so much shfidosokuudkekrj

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aeries31 In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-07-30 14:31:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shishogrin [2015-06-27 17:58:14 +0000 UTC]

she is so pretty!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to Shishogrin [2015-06-27 20:11:11 +0000 UTC]

Omg thank you so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shishogrin In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-27 21:29:36 +0000 UTC]

no prob ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vvasabipeas [2015-06-27 15:12:57 +0000 UTC]

OMG She's even prettier than I remember!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Westlywheatly In reply to vvasabipeas [2015-06-27 20:11:58 +0000 UTC]

omg your to kind I need to write come thing here ajsjwkw
but no my OCs are trash lmao

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vvasabipeas In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-27 20:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Then I guess I'm into trash lol

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Westlywheatly In reply to vvasabipeas [2015-06-29 06:58:40 +0000 UTC]

and lmao does your new icon have boobs (it's really cute btw)

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vvasabipeas In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-29 15:31:58 +0000 UTC]

Lol they're hands/arms but yeah they look like boobs

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Westlywheatly In reply to vvasabipeas [2015-06-30 04:04:23 +0000 UTC]

lmao not those haha the thing in the middle!!
i like it it has this look like "im chill, but i might eat your soul."
and its cute////

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vvasabipeas In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-30 17:59:08 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks his name is Carl and he's a cat thingy lol he was my first character that I consistently drew lmao

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akeun-yokun [2015-06-27 07:32:16 +0000 UTC]

Yay~ You finished it! >u<
Looks awesome!!

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Westlywheatly In reply to akeun-yokun [2015-06-27 20:13:14 +0000 UTC]

But bruhhhhhhhh I love how you made this!!
its amazing so of course I was gonna make one and I love your new group it's so pretty I can't wait to see more people join <33333

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akeun-yokun In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-28 06:49:59 +0000 UTC]

Haha me too :'''D Hope that more will be interested ;u;

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Westlywheatly In reply to akeun-yokun [2015-06-29 06:57:40 +0000 UTC]

Lmao I'm making another one for my other oc that has not seen the light of day as of yet! But I'm excited lmao but do you mind if I throw kaho into his story a lot lmao

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akeun-yokun In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-29 07:08:48 +0000 UTC]

Omg it's a HIM??? I don't mind but Kaho's original story will stay the same xD

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Westlywheatly In reply to akeun-yokun [2015-06-29 07:43:08 +0000 UTC]

lmao I wouldn't think it does haha, he joins the basktba club in his second (or maybe decided at the end of the first year haven't decided) and he kinda just gets this crush on kahoko and rusts the main reason he joins lol. Sato's his wingman btw. But what I have for him also is that he either played baseball or lacrosse before hand he's Japanese-German. And lmao here's a sneak peak: sta.sh/021443j4jiph
I'm either making him monstrous tall (as a "replacement" ;- for teppi or short

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akeun-yokun In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-29 09:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Omg I'm already in love with him!!! 0////0 If Kaho doesn't want him I'm always here haha xDD
And half german?! So coool!!!!! I want to know more about him! 0A0

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Westlywheatly In reply to akeun-yokun [2015-06-29 17:32:48 +0000 UTC]

He's all yours lmao, and his one sided love just makes me cackle. Yeah half German I based him off of eiji wentz (a god omg)
Lmao he played lacrosse so he has this thick body and is monstrously tall, like he makes sato look normal lmao. He's 6'7 a we bit taller than midorima. And Hes really intimidating because of his height but he's a big softie. But lol if there's anything else you wanna know be free to ask.

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akeun-yokun In reply to Westlywheatly [2015-06-30 05:55:02 +0000 UTC]

I think he's perfect like this!! Any girl would fall for him xDD
Can't wait to see more drawings with him from you *u*

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UNME-I [2015-06-27 06:58:02 +0000 UTC]

Wow the app looks really good! I hope your lovely oc gets accepted! ^_^

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Westlywheatly In reply to UNME-I [2015-06-27 20:13:46 +0000 UTC]

Hhhhng she was haha<3333 thank you so much tho you're to kind!!!!

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