whimsyfinch — Fallenwisp

Published: 2017-02-06 02:26:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 924; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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 ➸ I D E N T I T Y 

Current Name - Fallenwisp
Former Names - Fallenkit > Fallenpaw > Fallenwisp
Name Meaning - Fallen: For how he fell out of the nest at birth. Wisp: For his way of gliding about like a specter and the white marking on his forehead like a wisp of smoke.

Gender - Male (dMab)

Age -  22 Moons
Originally Submitted - February 5 2017
Original Age - 20 Moons
Ages - Every 5th


➸ A P P E A R A N C E  

Brief Description - A lean black shorthair, he is a solid colored cat, his night-colored pelt broken only by the white splash across his brow. Black whiskers upon all but one eyebrow, he is a sleek shadow of ArchClan. Yellow-green eyes are set in a dark face, like piercing gems upon black velvet. He often moves with power in his stride, well-honed muscles and well-trained techniques all at his hand, but when with someone who orders him, he is submissive to them. He defers to the judgment of others, and can often be seen observing rather than interacting, although he pushes himself more, a black beauty that so often slips to the sidelines but is fighting for attention.

Body Structure - A tiny bit shorter than average, he has a slender build of lean muscles and light bones. Short fur doesn't keep him very warm, but it is rather plush and soft to the touch, so he's better insulated than other short-haired cats. Large ears are adept at picking up sounds, and his bright eyes are always seeking someone to take commands from.

Breed - Moggy


➸ C L A N . I N F O R M A T I O N   

Clan - ArchClan
Rank - Warrior

Apprentice - X
Mentor - X


➸ B E H A V I O R S 

Personality Desc. - Fallenwisp is a rather distant tom. He understands how to follow orders and how to obey rules, but when it comes to the finer-tuned workings of society, interactions, and relationships he is quite at a loss. And due to not really getting anything useful from it, he has little to no interest in meaningful relationships as dictated by more 'normal' cats. His black-and-white view of life in regards to decision making helps him be one of the most loyal of ArchClan's warriors. However, due to his strict adherence to to the Warrior Code, he can be very intolerant of any who break it. His single-minded obedience to figures of power and dominance often blinds him to other options and to consequences.

While he is loyal to those he takes orders from and to the Code, and helpful to those within ArchClan, he still can cause plenty of trouble. Brash, rowdy, and intolerant of other views/Code-breakers, he is not someone who will sit and have a heart-to-heart with you.

Positive Traits - loyal, helpful (to his Clanmates only), intelligent
Neutral Traits - traditionalist, emotionally distant
Negative Traits - attention-seeking, brash, rowdy, intolerant

Strength - hunting, observation, tactical planning, obeys extremely well
Weakness - blindly follows orders, strictly loyal to the Code
Fear [optional] - being worthless to 'boss'
Likes - following orders, physical interactions, flings, being dominated/bossed, simplicity, sunbathing
Dislikes - emotions, confessions, romance, complications to plans, cats who break the Code


➸ S E X U A L I T Y  

Looking for - Flings, anyone who can boss him around and dole out the pain he finds so pleasurable, dominant personalities, prefers toms but will accept it from females as well
Orientation - ???

Attracted to Currently -
Stormbellow | His "boss", but he knows Storm couldn't possibly feel the same and he's not even sure to express how HE feels


➸ B A C K S T O R Y

Early Weeks
Reedvoice and Russetnose were two of ArchClan's most devoted warriors. Thriving beneath Wolfstar's power, they were valiant heroes in every battle. Reedvoice was a beautiful molly with a political mind that was easily exploited to be of use in treaties and hunting strategies. She was utterly devoted to StarClan and the Clan Code, and when a rogue once professed their love for her, she tore out their throat rather than pity them. Russetnose was a head hunter, training several apprentices under careful but strict ruling. It was no real surprise that they wound up together, both allied in their loyalty to ArchClan and to the Code, although Russetnose did not share Reedvoice's fondness for StarClan.

When Reedvoice found out she was expecting kits, she was overjoyed to be able to teach them about the Clan code. However, when they were born, there were several complications...in that she had a much, MUCH larger litter than expected. With a total of nine kits, she was overwhelmed with trying to keep track of them, and in their shifting, they knocked their littlest brother right out of the nest. Thus, he earned the name Fallenkit.

Growing up as the youngest of nine was quite an ordeal. There was always a fight to suckle mother's teats, always a fight to find the best spot to sleep in, always a struggle to get any sort of attention. Sisters and brothers who were stronger and bigger often pushed the little black tom out of the way, so he spent more time focused on the other kits in the nursery. One day, when he was using the dirtplace, proud that he had been able to go on his own now, he found himself nose to nose with another shitting cat. That was how he met Stormkit. And that was how he found someone who was in a rather similar situation. Both with large families and little attention paid to them...or the wrong kind of attention paid to them, they seemed to be destined to end up circling closer.

That's not to say that Fallenkit did not enjoy kithood at times. There were moments when being tucked into a pile of his siblings was one of the greatest feelings on earth, all their rising and falling flanks rocking him to sleep as Mother sang of StarClan or Father told them stories. But mostly, he was cast to the side and ignored. Not out of distaste for him, but simply because with nine kits to raise, feed, clean...well, the two parents were too exhausted to give ANY of them much individual attention. When they were finally old enough to be apprentices, it was then that they began to blossom more as individuals.

Fallenpaw was thrilled to be able to be an apprentice, to be out of the den. To have nine kits graduating at once though, was a bit too much of an ordeal to ask ArchClan's warriors to tend to. So they shifted through the kits, picking out those who seemed most ready, and leaving behind those who weren't quite up to par, at least until more apprentices had graduated than were currently being trained. Left behind in the nursery for the first few times this happened, Fallenkit dedicated himself to learning about the Code, to practicing maneuvers his siblings were already being taught. When he was finally able to truly become Fallenpaw, his dedication to the Code and to traditionalism within the Clan was absolute. To reject any life other than that of a warrior, to fight and die for his Clan, it was all already solidly placed within his mind. He was determined to learn all he could and threw himself in with vigor.

As he distanced himself from weaknesses, so he failed to establish many relationships with cats his age. He was so focused on becoming who he thought he wanted to be within the Clan, that he failed to really learn about affection from an already distant family. His siblings were on varying gradients of such knowledge, some learning from their mentors how to express and address their emotions. At a time when he should have been learning about his emotions as well as his body, he found himself instead with a mentor who only barked clear-cut orders and expected strict obedience. Who didn't have time for sitting down and simpering about shyness or anxiety. No, it was all simple, black and white and laid out in a simple path for Fallenpaw to follow.

So he did.

Having his apprenticeship so clearly laid before him left little time for much socialization, although he still remained close to Stormpaw, who was a few moons ahead of him in training. He saw in the other apprentice a strong leader, and found himself drawn to that, drawn to following orders from Stormpaw just as much as orders from his mentor. When the Battle of the Shadows came about, he was held back in camp, not seen as having enough practice to be of much use. When the cats returned, with rogues from the Shadows, he was disgusted. How could they take in the enemy like that? It didn't line up with what his mentor said was the Code. What his mother and father preached. But he accepted Wolfstar's word as law, he was a dutiful apprentice who would see it through.

Fallenpaw became Fallenwisp for his breathy presence and the delicate marking on his brow. As a young warrior, he bonded closely with Stormbellow, whom he had known since they were kits, and followed the tom everywhere, obeying his every order. Without a mentor to steer him, Fallenwisp instead turned to Stormbellow. But it didn't fully satisfy him, the orders alone, and he sought them from others. He didn't interact much anymore with his family, although he was polite and provided for his aging parents until they passed away of old age before the beginning of the Plague. Grateful that such diligent warriors had been able to pass on with respect from the stars rather than in pain and disease, he accepted their deaths with a distant numbness.

He did not know how to process the emotion, and instead turned to brief flings and following orders to bring some spark of vibrance to his life. Enforcing the Code on the Journey, he worked together with the other Clans and rogues only to keep his own Clan going strong. Anywhere that Stormbellow chose to go, Fallenwisp was at his side, backing him up, finding in the other tom an anchor to keep him from spinning back to the unnoticed edges of society.

Now, in the new lands, he is almost constantly with Stormbellow or off getting into flings with cats in ArchClan. He has no interest in rising in ranks, content as a warrior, but would support Stormbellow if the tom decided to try and rise in them. He currently supports Chickadeeflight, because who is he to argue against a leader, especially one who has been keeping the Clan safe and together...even if it means shady alliances with rogues. Besides, she's good at giving orders.

With Skystar back and all his lives set in place and the war over, during which he was hit in the head by a falling stone and knocked out for some time, Fallenwisp has had to adjust to new leadership. In other words, not as firm leadership, where he isn't as pleased with how orders are given. When Cedarfrost was sent away for threatening Curlewspring, something he wasn't there to see but heard about later, he went out with the tom to keep him company (if you get my drift). Now they're waiting for a good time to get back to the Clan, as Fallenwisp misses Stormbellow something fierce.


➸ R E  L A T I O N S H I P 

Mate - X
Status - X

Parents -
Siblings -
Other Relationships-


 // Slight Attraction
 // Attraction
 // Lust

 // Like
 // Respect
 // Respect a lot

 // Annoyed by
 // Dislike
 // Hate

 // Slight crush
 // Crush
 // Love

 // Friend
 // Good friend
 // Close friend

 // Wants to get to know them better
 // Misses
 // Can't bear without

 // Relatives
 // Family
 // Joint at the hip

// Slightly suspicious
 // Very suspicious 
 // Not trusted

 // Shy
 // Jumpy/Nervous
 // Fearful

 // Dead
 // Apprentice/Mentor
 // Mate

/ / | Chickadeestar | Leader | He has massive respect for her, thinks she's doing a great job giving orders. Really, she could order him around whenever she wanted, he'd obey anything she asked or told him to do...

/ / | Sandfrost | Warrior | He loves the way Sandfrost tells him what to do and orders him around. The warrior is such a good hunter, a great provider, and is very clear in what he wants, which Fallen appreciates.

/ / | Curlewspring | Warrior | He isn't sure how to deal with someone so soft and affectionate. It's not that he dislikes her, he just can gather plenty of info about her but still not understand her...or her motives. So she makes him a bit nervous.

/ | Rowancloud | Warrior | He finds this handsome tom to be quite attractive and would love the chance to get to know him even better...

/ / | Fadingheart | Daddy Warrior | He found this tom to be quite attractive, and now that the tom is giving orders so nicely, with such feeling. The bites, the words, they all wreathe themselves around Fallen's chest until he finally feels secure and safe with this warrior. He would gladly follow any orders that Fadingheart dictated.

/ / / | Stormbellow | Boss | Friends since kithood there is no one that comes above Boss in Fallen's mind, not even Chickadeestar. Fallen is nothing if not loyal to this tom, always seeking to please him and be important in his life. He is overly dependent upon him and falters whenever Stormbellow is not there to guide him. His life means nothing without Boss in it.

/ / | Cedarfrost : He has been doing the dirty with Cedarfrost for quite some time, and is really content to have someone that he knows will give orders and stand up for him, yet still remember his safe words. He's often exposed to a softer side of Cedarfrost, and isn't afraid to stand up to the older tom.


➸ R O L E P L A Y S A M P L E 

Tumbleflame could feel her comforting scent wash over him, musing back on how it had become such a sanctuary for him. When she was just a kit he had become enamored with her instantly, wanting to do all he could to keep her smiling, her charms and wit winning him to her side in arguments against her brothers. She had always been one of the ones asking after being his apprentice, and in those moments he was ready to hand it over to her, had it been up to him. But he contented himself with being the apprentice, the cool 'older brother' figure, the friend who would let her pounce on him and practice her fighting moves every chance he could. Perhaps it was just because she was one of Mintstreak's kits, one that Dreampaw had helped bring into the world...but he had felt so close to that litter...and now...well, scarce few were left. It weighed his heart down until he felt her gently rub her cheek against his, drawing him back to the happier thoughts. She always seemed able to do that, to carry him through his darknesses, lighting the way back to the present, to the future even.

Taken from a roleplay in The-Warriors-Guild between Tumbleflame and Emberlight


➸ C O N T A C T  

Time Zone - EST (North Carolina)
Skype User - enchanted-topaz


➸ E X T R A S

Updated 2-10-2017 With Relationships
Updated April 23 2017 | Age, History, Realtionships

Application © Altiasdog
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Comments: 5

xillicix [2017-02-07 02:53:01 +0000 UTC]

my butt now
lets blow up the world ash

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to xillicix [2017-02-10 21:38:15 +0000 UTC]

i dunno if the world is ready for these 2 to be honest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xillicix In reply to whimsyfinch [2017-02-11 15:57:49 +0000 UTC]

its always ready lmao

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HachisChatRoom [2017-02-06 03:22:52 +0000 UTC]

finally its him

the punishment king

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to HachisChatRoom [2017-02-10 21:38:04 +0000 UTC]

he's here he's here at last

👍: 0 ⏩: 0