whimsyfinch — Peony Litter | AUDITIONS CLOSED

Published: 2018-03-28 12:40:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 933; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description IntoTheRuins is now open! And to celebrate members old and new coming together for a great group of roleplay and fun, we have two litters coming up for audition. Please read the rules and info about the litter below before auditioning, and then be sure that you message me via comment or note or even Skype if you have questions! You should also take a gander at the ITR page to be sure you understand the premise and rules!

1. These kits are ONLY to be used in ITR. Please credit the original designs to me but feel free to make minor changes like eye color or slight marking alterations. A full redesign is not permitted.
2. You MAY use this art on your official reference! Just credit me!
3. This is not first come first serve, this is an extended audition where I will update whenever I have found a roleplayer for each one.
4. You MUST be active! Please be around to train your kit, show their growth as a character and individual, and be involved in ITR!
5. If at any point you leave the group, or abandon the character, then they return to me and I will claim ownership of them to be used as an NPC within the group.

Simply comment below filling in the following form with as much detail as you can! If you are interested in more than one kit, please fill out the form in multiple comments, not multiple times in one comment, thank you!

Kit You Are Interested In:
About You
Are you a current member of ITR?:
If no, why are you wanting to join with this kit?:
If yes, how would you rate your activity?:
Would you be willing to talk to Ash about any questions you have about rogue culture?:
Have you read over all the ITR journals and history?:
About the Kit
Name: (would you keep the one here or want to change it?)
Personality: (the more detailed/thought out the better)
Goals: (personal goals they wish to achieve)
Would you keep them as a rogue or do you think their allegiance would alter?:
What is one rogue you want them to really roleplay with?:

Parents: Peony x [xxx]
Current Affiliation: Hawke's Rogues
Current Age: 2 months
Born: January 28th 2018

Views Raised With:
Rogues | Family, beneficial, benevolent
Soldiers | Respected, neutral
Black Feathers | Enemy, pity them
Clan Cats | Really great! Especially ArchClan! We love Clan cats!

Kit A | PEAR | chlckadee  
Sex: dMab
Eyes: Soft green
Fur: Long-hair
Build: Mostly fluff on a lanky petite frame
Litter Order: Second-born
Pelt: Solid black with low white

Kit B | POPPY | Bambiiie  
Sex: dFab
Eyes: Soft green
Fur: Long-hair
Build: Short and stout, a solid young molly
Litter Order: Born Last
Pelt: Tortoiseshell with low white

Kit C | PRIMROSE | Kaiterpillar  
Sex: dFab
Eyes: Soft green
Fur: Long-hair
Build: Tallest of her siblings, solidly built with meat on her bones
Litter Order: Oldest
Pelt: Dilute Tortoiseshell with medium white

Kit D | PEACH | Pillowmier  
Sex: dFab
Eyes: Soft yellow
Fur: Long-hair
Build: Curvy and muscled, solid and tall
Litter Order: Third-born
Pelt: Tortoiseshell with low white

ALL ART AND DESIGNS (c) little-ashen-finch  
Related content
Comments: 15

chlckadee [2018-04-04 01:23:47 +0000 UTC]

Kit You Are Interested In: A) - Pear!
About You
Are you a current member of ITR?: Yes I am! I've been in ITR as a mod since October 2015!
If yes, how would you rate your activity?: My activity can be challenged by work, that's for sure, but on days that I'm free it's def a 9/10! I'll be online on evenings more than days of course, but that's to be expected thanks to work!
Would you be willing to talk to Ash about any questions you have about rogue culture?: Of course!
Have you read over all the ITR journals and history?: (old man voice) i was there when most of them were created
About the Kit
Name: Pear <3
Gender: dMab

[Cheerful] - Pear was always seen as a very cheerful cat. Not many things can bother him or get in his way to have fun and live a happy life. Every little thing can make him smile, from a small compliment or praise to a huge pile of prey! His little smile could light up the world in the darkest of times! Whenever one of his siblings is feeling down, he'll do his absolute best to cheer them up.

[Fair] - Little Pear here knows how to follow rules, which means when it's time to play games, he knows how to be fair. He knows that some of his siblings might be weaker than him and sometimes goes easier on them just so they have as much chances of winning as he does. This goes at the same for prey - he makes sure everyone eats at their fair share and no one gets more or less than another. 

[Patient] - He knows how to be patient in any scenarios. Listening to his mother at all time, he has learned that some things cannot be rushed. He really does not mind waiting wether it's for food, play time or waiting for his brothers and sisters to get up. Patience is a virtue and he will use all of it to make someone happy.

[Questionning] - Pear LOVES to ask questions, because he LOVES to learn new things! Everything that brings his curiosity to tingle, he'll have to ask what it is/does/do. He enjoys learning new things everyday and will often seek new things to explore whenever he has the chance. 

[Unaggressive] - If you're looking for a grouchy and cranky cat or someone who will quickly jump to someone's defense in a rough matter, look elsewhere, because Pear is not this cat. Pear will rarely get aggressive. If for example, his siblings were arguing or teasing him a bit too hard, he will simply tell them in a soft matter how he feels about it and if they could stop. He will never be rough and angry, he'll always remain calm and try to fix things with words. However, this can lead to be a bad thing when he grows older, as it can seem as a lack of defense.

[Clingy] - Pear is one heck of a clingy cat, especially to his family. He WANTS to be with his brothers and sisters and whole family at ALL TIMES. He does NOT want to leave their sight and wants to be with them forever and ever! This might be a bad thing, for if one of his family members decide to take on their own path, he'll be quite sad that they won't be together anymore.

[Gullible] - This cat will believe mostly everything you tell them, unless his mother confirms that is indeed a lie and to not believe it. If you were to tell him that it once rained frogs and hedgehogs and his mother wasn't there to say it was a lie, or played along, he will indeed believe it. Hopefully, a bad cat will not attempt to make him believe lies that could risk his life.

[Power-hungry] - Despite being the kind, little innocent cat he is, there's a side of him that hopes to be a very strong rank when he grows up. He does not want to remain someone very low for his rank. He wants to keep on rising up as he grows.

[Gloomy] - Even though he was described as cheerful, he can sometimes be quite gloomy if he does too many things wrong. It's a bad habit of his, but if he becomes unbearably gloomy, he'll often hide in a corner or his mom's fur for a long while and be sad on his own.

Goals: To keep his family together for the longest time!
Would you keep them as a rogue or do you think their allegiance would alter?: He will follow his family's path! If they end up seperated though, he'll follow the path that's closest to a family member (depending on how close they'll be in roleplay)
What is one rogue you want them to really roleplay with?: His brothers and sisters and momma of course! He would LOVE to meet his father (unknown atm) and befriend Hawke!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to chlckadee [2018-04-04 12:02:14 +0000 UTC]

It's looking good, I'd like to see a little more balanced personality because right now it feels very soft and one-dimensional!!! Adding a little bit of negative traits or putting MORE of a negative spin on the negative traits you have would be best! Try tweaking that and let me take a gander again c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chlckadee In reply to whimsyfinch [2018-04-04 13:59:30 +0000 UTC]

there u go

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to chlckadee [2018-04-04 18:05:21 +0000 UTC]

While it still leans to being really positive-centric, I'll allow it! Feel free to ask for help as you set up his app and submit him to the group for review and welcome to the family!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chlckadee In reply to whimsyfinch [2018-04-04 18:10:50 +0000 UTC]

I'll be sure to make him develop some more negative traits as he grows, thank you Ash!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bambiiie [2018-04-03 01:20:44 +0000 UTC]

Kit You Are Interested In: Kit B!

About You
Are you a current member of ITR?: Current member~
If no, why are you wanting to join with this kit?: n/a
If yes, how would you rate your activity?: Typically 9-10!

Would you be willing to talk to Ash about any questions you have about rogue culture?: Oh, absolutely!! The rogues are a group I’ve found so much interest in, and I want to continue to become more integrated into their lifestyle and characters!
Have you read over all the ITR journals and history?: I’ve lived them, baby, you bet!

About the Kit
Name: Changing to Poppy~! I want her to grow up to be a brave “warrior” woman, and the name Pansy does not connote with that, and although it could be used as irony or something of the like, the Poppy I know in my life is a very individual woman, who is definitely powerful in her own right, so the name to me is very characteristic and strong even if she’s not being directly named after her.
Gender: dFab, female (she/her)
+ Excitable
+ Social (entertainer)
+ Dedicated
= Fanciful
= Forward
= Introverted
- Hypocritical
- Dense
- Protective (violent)

From her first moments, days, and weeks born in and with her mother and siblings, she can be seen squirming in between Peony’s efforts to give her children their baths or other’s attempts to visit and play with the new handful of kits, pushing her body against their paws and mewling in protest when they try to get around her. It is clear she will be not only feisty, possibly, but many begin to guess and joke, kindly, that she will be a strong protector of her own someday. A healthy rogue to a healthy rogue mother and siblings and one with their group.

And this proves true as she grows older, even in her first two months. She can always be seen trotting after her siblings, ushering them back to investigate things first or suddenly run them away from talking with others.

That said, in her own right, she is social and loves being able to talk with others and meet them, her excitable nature leading her to hop around with smiles and interest with her fellow rogues. She finds them all easy to talk with, and that includes the “visitors” such as Ivoryfrost, but becomes very standoffish and even a bit aggressive if one of her siblings or mother were to come over. This would likely progress as she ages, but would truly never attack unless someone else did first, or she thought it was necessary (which may not actually be true).

From these mixes, dedication is steadily growing and genuine interest in the ability to fight. Hawke in particular is someone she is just dying to meet, and daydreams and babbles often to her mother about how Hawke could teach her this or that, and so on. It always puts an eager smile on her face.

What she does not seem to understand, though, is how hypocritical she can be with defending those she loves and interacting with new people. She loves to do it herself, and often does, but it can create problems with momma or others if she does not let others do so, or contradicts something she did or said earlier on. Luckily, this will likely only truly become an issue when she gets older, so for the meantime Peony and siblings can be sans some grief.

When she is not with her siblings or other cats, or even if she is, the concern and care she is driven by is the only worry she will typically let them see. She is an otherwise introverted cat who keeps her feelings and thoughts to herself, enjoying moments that are all to herself or shared only with one or two others, that are silent and rejuvenating. This is a time of dedication to herself, the reflection, and customarily only lead to distress for her or others if the concerns in her mind are about something that is harmful to someone, or herself, in some way, thus causing fights. They are most often harmless, though, and often become time to reflect on her fanciful world of achieved revenge and a happy world where she and her family are all together and safe with the loved ones they hold close (loved ones she will often not expect, for some time prior, granted).

Something she can become unaware of, no matter her age, is simply how unaware of matters or feelings she can be. She will either chose not to acknowledge, or will not notice, if someone is angered with her or possibly (later on) has feelings for her. This may come from the fact that she also keeps her emotions to herself, so she has some understanding that all cats do, but she is not unafraid of opening up to other cats if they simply ask, and will actually be readily calm and welcoming to talk about if she has any certain thoughts going on in her head. It is just up in the air if she will notice things about others before they outright mention it to her.

Goals: Keeping her family together and safe is her biggest priority after all that has happened in the past. For the past, she would die to one day get revenge on the Black Feathers who hurt the rogues, and if not them, then to never let anyone get close enough to hurt another member of her family ever again.

Would you keep them as a rogue or do you think their allegiance would alter?: Keeping as a rogue, though she would likely spend time in the clans or soldiers if finding friends or loved ones there
What is one rogue you want them to really roleplay with?: Ursula, Doormouse, Minos, Hawke (as a mentor in strategy and leadership and the ability to achieve her goals?)!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to Bambiiie [2018-04-03 14:24:34 +0000 UTC]

Sounds amazing!!!! I love the way you characterized her and I am 100 percent happy to welcome you to the rogue family!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bambiiie In reply to whimsyfinch [2018-04-04 01:35:15 +0000 UTC]

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ASH!! I'm so excited to have her, and get her into the group as soon as possible!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kaiterpillar [2018-03-30 11:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Auditioning for kitten C - Primrose!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to Kaiterpillar [2018-04-03 14:34:44 +0000 UTC]

Congrats and welcome to the family! Your next step is to make an application, feel free to use Primrose's art here for it, and then submit it to the group for review!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaiterpillar In reply to whimsyfinch [2018-04-04 08:31:47 +0000 UTC]

YAS. I'll work on their app ASAP <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to Kaiterpillar [2018-04-04 11:58:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stormscorch118 [2018-03-28 18:26:05 +0000 UTC]

Kit You Are Interested In: Kit A (Pear)
About You
Are you a current member of ITR?: Yes!
If yes, how would you rate your activity?: Currently 9-10/10!
Would you be willing to talk to Ash about any questions you have about rogue culture?: Yep!
Have you read over all the ITR journals and history?: Yes I have.
About the Kit
Name: Keep it as Pear!
Gender: Male

[Polite] - Pear does his best to smile and be cordial with everyone. He finds it usually causes more hassle to be rude, so he just smiles and ignores things that bother him.

[Protective] - Although he may seem to not care about the wellbeing of others, he does take his best to protect those close to him. He'll do his best to hide that he does this, of course.

[Dissimulate] - Despite appearing to be uncaring, Pear is welling with emotions. He also secretly loves romance, and can't help but to imagine what it'd be like to be with someone, to fall asleep with someone by his side...

[Abrasive] - Pear tries to cut interactions with others off as soon as possible. It's not that he hates others, it just gets in the way of his energy saving lifestyle. And it hides that he isn't the best with words. He will chat with people if he gets too lonely or bored though.

[Lazy] - Pear doesn't really like to physically exert himself at all. If possible, he'll try to find a way out of doing things. Of course, if he absolutely has to he will.
These are all the traits I have for him so far.

Goals: To just get to relax all day.
Would you keep them as a rogue or do you think their allegiance would alter?: It depends on how things develop in roleplay!
What is one rogue you want them to really roleplay with?: Perhaps Jade could be interesting?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

grabngrowl [2018-03-28 18:24:24 +0000 UTC]

Kit You Are Interested In: Kit D; "Peach"
About You
Are you a current member of ITR?: Yes
If no, why are you wanting to join with this kit?: /
If yes, how would you rate your activity?: We had an activity funk, but now Id say about 8-10
Would you be willing to talk to Ash about any questions you have about rogue culture?: Of course!
Have you read over all the ITR journals and history?: You betcha my dude
About the Kit
Name: Peach! (for love of god let her nickname be McThicc though)
Gender: dfab female (doesnt care for pronouns, will accept she/he/they)
"Hit the Nail on the Head" 
Peach is one precise lil' honeybunch of oats, and she doesnt pussy-foot around or beat around the bush. You ask her something? She'll give you the answer. Not exactly much of a sweet-talker when it comes to being honest, now is she? She might as well have eyes in the back of her head or in all that fluff, because her wide expanse of knowledge and little tidbits of facts are always incredibly accurate, and she is hardly ever wrong. That, evidently, makes her think the party doesnt really start until she walks in.
"Actions Speak Louder Than Words"
While diplomacy is a wonderful option and Peach's go-to attitude, considering she's too damn lazy to really throw a huff about much of anything, she finds that many times words are empty. Empty promises, empty soothes, empty challenges. She much more prizes things being carried out to a T instead of simply just talked about. This makes very decisive and quick-thinking, getting all the information she needs and immediately putting it into action. This, however, may be with or without the consent of those also involved in the situation.
"Bite the Bullet"
For one thing, Peach is no crybaby. Even when in pain or distressed, her laid-back attitude and overall need to be strong and upright make her swallow back tears and brave the brunt of struggles. For this, she can be very brave and courageous for a cat her age, and is easily compared to a sturdy tree. May lose a few branches in a storm, and take a while to heal, but her roots remain grounded in her friends and her ideals. Despite her being a little condescending of the whining type, she will immediately put herself into a given situation to ensure those cats are safe and more comfortable. In a way, to her, it tests her own strengths and limits, but also genuinely helps others out. What a tsundere.
"Twos Plenty, Threes a Crowd. Actually, Twos Plenty Too. Everybody Out."
She isn't exactly always a team player, thats for sure. She can tend to think herself a little pompous and knowledgeable, and while she doesnt necessarily think herself higher than others, she doesnt want to take the time to explain herself to cats who don't understand. If you don't get her the first time, she becomes quickly too exasperated and uninterested to attempt to even justify herself. Once more letting her actions take hold, she leads better by example and deciding to just do things herself instead of working with others and having to expend so much energy in cooperations.
"Don't Count Your Chicks Before They Hatch"
Despite her more of an independent attitude, she doesnt rush brashly into situations. She tends to be the one to caution against thinking and acting too quickly, and will pick at plans until she finds it satisfactory. While this is much more difficult when she's trying to get someone else to let her do what she wants to do, she will eventually work with cats. But she is very careful and precise in her approaches, both to challenges and interactions, and doesnt like cats who run blindly into things. Thankfully, you won't have to worry about this kit taking an adventure in the forest on her own.
"It Takes Two to Tango"
Perhaps surprisingly, Peach is a very fair and justice-oriented cat. She likes to hear all the sides of a story instead of basing her next moves on just one, and takes special care to ensure this. Peach is always one of the last to make a decision by mere need to hear everyone else out and make the best, strategic decision. She is often the tie-breaker in any kind of situation that calls for one side over another, but she'll only move into action if she thinks its a good choice.
"There is Method to My Madness!"
There is a bit of anxious and anticipation in this cat. For all her confidence, she has to have things a certain way lest she get confused and disoriented. It is not always easy to express herself, she becomes tired trying to justify herself, and working in a team takes much of her energy. She needs to do things in a certain way in order to achieve the goal she wants, but many cats don't understand. It does make her sometimes nervous to speak out, though some might just believe she's thinking of what to do, for fear of being attacked for her way of thinking.
"Enthalpy is a Change in Heat Reaction"
Peach's warmth isn't like the sun, or a flare, or a fire, or anything of the kind. She's more of a warm thermos. There is always warmth there, and she is genuinely a nice cat, but you gotta have the courage to come up to her for it. While it might look like you'll burn your fingers, you just have to trust that the hot water bottle is cool enough it won't hurt you. And, trust me, it will be just the right temperature. Peach isn't flashy and outgoing, nor very quiet and reserved. She is instead, a combination of heat, volume, and pressure that can be tweaked and changed over time depending on the environmental conditions. But always a warm water bottle that is encompassing, soothing, and relaxing.

"My Siblings Need Me"
Despite being the third-born, Peach's personality tends her to be more like the easygoing, sort of reluctant dad sibling. She's here to keep her siblings and family safe, especially in this turbulent time. Things haven't been sugar-coated, she knows whats going on, and she knows the very real consequences should they not be smart about how they live their lives now.

"We Finish Eachothers?- Uh, Sandwiches?...- Good Enough."
Peach communicates in more of her actions than her words. While she is warm and generous and kind, she is also anxious and needs to feel in-control of whats going on in her life. It would be wonderful to have that relationship with someone thats almost telepathic. It doesnt matter who its with, but Peach would really just love to be understood. Sometimes, duties get a little much. And despite all her confidence, Peach has her low days too. She wants someone she can lean on, truly. While she can turn to her mother and her siblings, there are things she just can't tell them, because they're family and see her in a different light. She just wants to be herself with someone!

"An Adventure Every Once in a While..."
Perhaps not as outgoing as some, she certainly isn't a couch potato. She wants to be included in all the important things and is one of the first cats to volunteer to go on dangerous treks. While she isn't always up to expend all that energy, for homeostasis is kind of the goal here, an adventure every once in a while would be nice.

Would you keep them as a rogue or do you think their allegiance would alter?: Likely keep at rogue, but can be swayed!
What is one rogue you want them to really roleplay with?: TBH Big Marx with Peach aka Little, Warmer Marx. Any rogue will do for her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whimsyfinch In reply to grabngrowl [2018-03-30 11:18:31 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations !!! I am so happy to welcome you to the family! Your audition was spectacular and your next step is to transfer all this to an application to the group to be reviewed. If you want some help with details and whatnot, then please message me on Skype and I can help with history and rank and the other rogueish things that may not be fully clear at the moment!

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