Windra — Naira - Chimera Soul Reaver

Published: 2012-08-05 22:56:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1366; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 50
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Description Fuck the jacket.
Anyways, final rendition of Naira! (I was too bored to leave it alone.)



Naira (of the Owl)



Chimera Soul Reaver (formerly of Earth I)






Neutral Good



559 Years
(Eternally 17)


Human Age Equivalency:-

559 Years


Mature Adult at Age:-

18 Years



Somewhat tall and lithely built, Naira has a figure that could rival an Olympic runner. She averages 5’5”. Elongated ears. Green eyes. Semi-tan in coloration, her brown hair flows to the stem of her spine and pauses. Her bangs are lightning yellow, and indefinitely gravity-defying, the right-hand side ‘hovering’ above her (blind) right eye and effectively concealing it from view, while a tuft dangles just alongside her left ocular. The left eye is pure emerald in hue, so solid that it mocks the gemstone. The left orb, however, is entirely different: a pale blue glazed over by would-be death. An abnormal silver dragon’s elongation extends from her tail bone. It is tipped with a cream yellow-colored spade broken so that it has four sharp ‘blades’. Instead of feet, Naira has dragon talons, also covered in hide and not scales. Alabaster claws jut from the thick triad-toes. The silvery hide extends to about mid-thigh, stopping short of the iliac crest. Her mouth is packed with normal teeth which seem to sharpen at will. Her fingers are unusual, as well, for the nails are hard and sharp like claws, but they remain the length of a human's average nail.

Though Naira's attire changes from time to time depending on the occasion and climate, she favors a long, tattered brown duster jacket and a tan-colored face wrap that usually conceals her nose and mouth. Also, goggles.

She is typically equipped with a scimitar forged from 9260 Spring Steel. The blade is slate and light gray in color. It's hilt is unique in that it is made from silver, retaining the design of a dragon with its tail curved outward, forming the hand-guard (adorned with the dragon's 'spikes' which come in handy during close-quarters combat). A secondary weapon, a dagger made with obsidian volcanic rock, is on her person at all times. This rare little piece of equipment is hundreds of years old (and the only relic she has kept from her childhood as a mortal). Both weapons, though durable, are far from indestructible.

Scars: Circling her neck, one hole mark in the center of each palm (stigmata), the engraving of "Nayee" upon her forehead (hidden by the constantly present headband), faint outlines of words dot her skin here and there: most are concealed by clothes. Naira bears an 'Unlucky Seven' mark upon her back, between the shoulder blades. With the merging of multiple souls, these scars have become more faint. Some are difficult to see at all.

"Ask her if you can see her hunting scars."
"Shut up, Scarlet."

Scarlet Hybrid: Flushed skin. All of Naira's fingers become like claws halfway down each digit. The talons and tail become blood red, though the broken spade remains the same. Both eyes obtain a glazed appearance ... and both are pale blue underneath. A bleaching effect takes place in her hair, turning it pale yellow.

Reaver Form: [link] >Old Ref. Picture. Even though Naira has been temporarily stripped of some otherworldly powers that only Reavers possess, she is still capable of taking on the full form when dragged beyond perpetual death and during the season of Samhain (when the worlds of the living and the dead intermingle). That's okay, though. Her appearance alone is enough to spook any potential attackers into fleeing. In this form, Naira's skin turns a deep indigo hue. Charcoal-gray scales protruded at various locations: from her hands up to the elbows, around the torso and hips (leaving the navel exposed), and tip of her considerably elongated tail. Thick red claws take the place of normal human fingertips and draconic talons. The yellow prongs along the tail are replaced by crimson tendrils which seem to have a mind of their own. Her eyes lose definition, simply becoming glowing orbs of green and pale blue. There are black triangular markings above and below each ocular cavity. Naira's hair shifts, as well. It becomes dark slate gray in this state, hardening in definition and sharpening at the ends.



A lot has changed since you've last seen this woman.

Once quiet, reserved, and a bit on the cold side, Naira has more or less broken loose of her shell. Outgoing in nature and witty to boot. Her mood tends to swerve a lot, going from silent, deadly killer to jumping, grinning, happy-go-lucky child-at-heart. Irate and blunt, yet sweet and curious. Nemo has a general want to help others, no matter what side of the spectrum they are on. It is advised not to cross her or her friends, however. Her lethal past is not without long lasting impressions, and a wrong move could end with your broken limbs ... or your life. Spastic; Loyal; Cool as a cucumber under pressure.

Naira still has a general dislike of being touched due to circumstances that are far-off history, but she is sluggishly getting over that - especially after Scarlet's merge.



+ Hand-to-Hand Combat= Main tactic at battling. She has no real defined style, but relies heavily on her ability to move quick and remain flexible. Often charging in with complete disregard to her own safety. Her only tactic would be 'hit fast before the enemy can retaliate'.
+ Immortality= Inability to die. Basically eternal youth.
+ Metabolism= Extremely high digestive abilities of the stomach, and very rapid-pace immune system. She can fight off illnesses at the drop of a dime, and wounds heal within seconds depending on the size and what caused them. Lost a limb? Call 1-800 .... No, just kidding. Naira can actually reattach lost parts without lasting damage.
+ Senses= Aside from a sharp reaction time, Naira can feel if creatures that are dead, dying, or undead are out and about. Hearing is about as dull as a cat's. She can pick up all magnitudes of disturbances in the atmosphere. A type of ESP, she can also feel the presence of otherworldly beings - ghosts, for example. It is rumored that Naira can 'feel' a person's mortality and species. Just by, say, catching a scent, she can tell who or what the person she meets is, and if they are dead, alive, undead, mortal, immortal, etc.
+ Speed= Hereditary trait passed on from her father. A regular jet engine, this one. So fast that she cannot be seen by the human eye, the only hint of her passing being the disturbance of soil, leaves, or whatever is in the surrounding environment. This meddles with the minds of her opponents, often granting the illusion that she is teleporting, in many places at once, or that there is more than one of her.
+ Strength= Massive physical power, nuff said. Naira has been known to punch somebody so hard that the blow will literally send the person flying across the length of a football field. Rocks can crumble underneath her touch if she so wills it. Naira's strength also enables her to carry objects that normal people couldn't dream of lifting: a large tree log with one arm, for example.
+ Wind Magic= She can manipulate many things about this element. A simple tweak of in the surroundings can alter the air pressure, split or even force oxygen atoms to bond to another gas (IE: turning the air you breath in carbon monoxide). Wind magic can be conjured into projectiles, force fields, weapons, etc. Attacks can range from tiny prods with tendrils of wind to her most powerful ability, the dreaded Aerobeam.
+ Fragment Life Abilities= Naira can tap into the powers of a former life, willingly or unwillingly. These include:
-- Scarlet: Strength is boosted. Objects that measure in at an 8 on the Mohs Scale can be shattered with ease. 9s can be dented a little. With Scarlet's powers come the deadening of nerves. Naira will feel no pain even if riddled with bullets. This makes her exceptionally lethal.
It should be noted that obtaining Windra's abilities at their fullest is easier because Naira is more used to it ... and the dragon was tame. Scarlet's 'possession' is largely unpredictable ... and uncontrollable.



+ Naira is greatly defensive and loyal, and will be there to help at the first sign of danger. She would gladly jump in front of a speeding bullet if it meant saving a life. Unfortunately, this means she often winds up in the thicket of trouble, getting knee-deep in something she shouldn't have been involved with in the first place. She will push her body and psyche past its limits, known to take hit after hit without backing down. The end result? One exhausted Reaper. She would stand by a friend to the end no matter if they are good or evil, even if it risks her reputation or soul.
+ The use of wind magic saps energy from her. Earth-based sorcery deflects her wing sorcery. A mighty gale simply cannot push aside a towering mountain ... Also, others may have the chance to reflect the attacks back at her, or cancel them out by creating a wind flow in the opposite direction that matches the strength and speed of Naira's attack. Wind Magick is limited to a specified amount of posts depending on the scale of the attack and the power behind it. Relatively weak tinks (IE: the formation of Mini-Nados - tiny tornadoes that are a few inches high and very weak - and conjurations of minor breezes) can be used for approximately eight total posts, while stronger bursts (IE: large-scale tornadoes and hurricane-force winds <170mph>) last a maximum of two.
+ Her strength (in normal phase) is related to the durability of her being. The more injured/weakened she becomes, the harder it is for her to land a blow that counts. Objects with a hardness of 5 or below (according by the Mohs Scale) she can crumble. 6 she might be able to dent a little, and anything beyond that is impossible for her to break. On avergae, she can put at least 100lbs of pressure into a clenched fist if she really wanted to obliterate you, though Naira tends to hold back during combat (unless she's seriously pissed off ... IE: leaving holes in a wall of rock.) Her lifting limit is around 300lbs. Adrenaline rushes may boost that to 400lbs, but that rush of strength lasts only as long as her blood is rushing.
+ Speed can be cut down by the manipulation of the grounding. To turn hard rock to sand would prevent her from blasting off. If she is exhausted to the core, agility will be sliced in half and then some (though she will still try). Overusing her agility can cause her physical body to overheat, unlike cheetahs. Normally she would have to stop for a period of time (from a few minutes to an hour) to cool off. Drastic cases of overheating can induce Narcolepsy. A bare minimum of three 'resting' posts is required. Naira can travel at least 50mph without tiring out fast. 60-70mph will wear her out relatively fast, and 80mph is seriously pushing it. You won't see her making tracks that quick unless the need to get from Point A to Point B is dire. She can manage small spurts of 100mph, but she can't pull that off for very long (maybe a split second), and they're typically only used to muddle an enemy's vision during battle.
+ Naira is not immune to pain. Though her healing is faster than it should be, Naira would be forced to undergo severe agony which can, in great amounts, totally incapacitate her or render her helpless, useless, and comatose in the worst cases. Being poisoned will leave her feeling very ill for a day or more, but won't become lethal (unless the poison is directly intended to inflict harm upon an immortal soul).
+ Strong smells, bright flashes of light, or shrilling shrieks dilute her sensories. Becoming ill, as well, smacks the shit out of her.
+ Naira cannot sense the power of one's being, unable to differentiate between a god or a peon unless told flat-out. The range of which she can pick up oddities varies. Spiritual essence? 500 feet. Scent and sound vary on the loudness of the noise or strength of the odor. Sight is limited to how far an average human can see, and though she lacks nocturnal vision, she can at least tell if something is moving in the dark.
+ Her immortality can only go so far. If something were to attack her with the aim of sucking her soul ... Anybody wishing to inflict harm upon her this way can kill Naira instantly. Therefore, it requires my permission. Being dragged into the spectral realm (or any plane of existence that may strip her soul from her corporal form) leaves her vulnerable to attack and permanent damage. Certain magicks (Particularly Shadow-based) based on spiritual energy can rend at her, as well. Depending on the type of ability, she may or may not recover from the onslaught.
+ In some high-stress situation, Naira will find herself drawn in by the heat of intense battle. These result in psychotic breaks, which lures out Scarlet's hybrid form. During this phase she is like a juggernaut. Destruction is promised to anything that stands within her turbulent path, including her friends. The red haze blinding her vision does not allow her to distinguish ally from foe. The blind sight Scarlet had becomes Naira's. She cannot see, but she can hear ... Because of deadened nerves and the frenzy to spill blood (which she has a literal taste for in this phase), Naira does not easily tire out and can continue her rampage until calming down, or being physically restrained. In regards to Scarlet-Naira's strength, anything with a Mohs Scale rating of 10 cannot be broken or harmed. Pressure under a clenched fist is jacked up to 200lbs, and she can lift at least 600lbs ... though when being possessed by Scarlet, she's more keen on ripping things apart than hurling them.



Mother= Orenda /deceased - labor complications\
Father= Chayton /deceased - suicide\
Foster Mother= Wakanda /deceased - tuberculosis\
Sister= Nakéminae /deceased - murder\
'Foster' Father= Loor
Spirit= Leise the Owl /dispersed\
Co-Reaver/Pupil= Sheikka "The High Priestess" /deceased - murder\
Co-Reaver= Dobrin "The Shockwave" /deceased - murder\
Co-Reaver= Incognito "The Facade" /deceased - murder\
Co-Reaver= Valtiel "The Oracle" /deceased - murder\
'Mentor'/'Master'= Kuro /deceased - murder\
Fragment Life= Windra /deceased - murder\
Fragment Life= Scarlet /deceased - in the line of fire\



"Mmmm ... no."
"But this is Naybee history!"
"This is ancient history."

AKA: Find out for yourself.


Anything Else We Need to Know?:-

Bound to change again ...

-:IC (In Character) Entrance:-

Her back hurt. It felt like somebody really big stepped on it. And the bones were cracked. What a bitch.

Groggy and ill-feeling, the strange woman could only open her eyes a little. Swarm and swarms of odd dreams and thoughts invaded ever nook and cranny of a broken conscience. The firm grip on reality was lost in the ether somewhere. Naira's head pounded. It felt swollen. Huge. Trickles of wet here and there: blood, most likely. She thought she took a fall earlier, but in the haze of the last few hours, she couldn't rightly remember. And damn, her stomach! It churned and demanded to be let loose, even though nothing had been in it for days ... days, right?

This moment could easily be compared to waking up in a gutter after bar-hopping. Too much wine. Or vodka. Or whatever. Problem was Windra hasn't had alcohol in a long time. She just felt like shit.

A burning sensation in her throat began to annoy her. Naira coughed a few times, convinced something was lodged in there. More hacking.

Stinging pain, then. Many at once, jabbing her thoroughly in the trachea.

Alarmed, Naira sat up and immediately retched at the sudden movement. Flashes of yellow and black exhumed themselves from her inside, forming a cloud of motion. Wasps? The fae gagged as the last one zipped over her tongue. The she fell backwards, watching the swar ascend high and higher into the afternoon sky. Those winged poisons grew larger and larger, sprouted feather, until they were no longer yellow hornets. They were owls, shaded back by the brightness of the sun. Silently they dispersed into air, leaving not a trace, not a feather.

Naira blinked. Was it a hallucination? Either way, she finally noticed the sun and felt her retinas burning. One green eye slammed shut. The other was already concealed.

Well hell. At least she was lying on grass. It was softer than rock. Naira laughed coldly. It turned abrubtly into a cough and rattled her brain extensively.

"What are the chances," she whispered to herself in a hoarse voice, "that every time I show up here ... I look and feel like I got chewed up and spit out by something with really rocky teeth?"

Nemo remembered removing herself from Verrier Jimsonshade's stomach some years ago and couldn't help a smirk. Fun times, fun times.
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Comments: 17

Windra [2012-08-10 20:14:21 +0000 UTC]

Wait ... what?

N: That ... is creepy. *looking down at pants* Just ... no ...

Next you'll be saying that the goggles were Juno's once.

N: *suddenly protective of eyewear!*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JunoZXV [2012-08-10 19:22:24 +0000 UTC]

So that's what happened to Juno's pants!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

StaronaBlack [2012-08-06 03:34:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to StaronaBlack [2012-08-06 12:09:49 +0000 UTC]

It's been so long since I've heard that expression. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StaronaBlack In reply to Windra [2012-08-06 17:19:19 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! //^_\\\

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tehanu3 [2012-08-06 00:20:54 +0000 UTC]

I am still trying to figure out what the other char. looks like on UV. ^^ and i need to figure out how to attach kits pic to my page or whatever. >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to Tehanu3 [2012-08-06 12:09:16 +0000 UTC]

I like linking the image onto the threads. It takes up too much space to just plop the picture on there.

If you'd wanna link the image, just type in this.

[url='Image URL Here']'Image Name Here'[/url]

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Tehanu3 In reply to Windra [2012-08-11 02:14:31 +0000 UTC]

still not getting it...-_-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to Tehanu3 [2012-08-12 23:14:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tehanu3 In reply to Windra [2012-08-13 00:09:00 +0000 UTC]

I sorry!!! DX

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to Tehanu3 [2012-08-14 21:32:43 +0000 UTC]

For what?

What's the image's url?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tehanu3 In reply to Windra [2012-08-19 00:00:23 +0000 UTC]

i can't seem to get it to show. -_-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Windra In reply to Windra [2012-08-06 12:09:29 +0000 UTC]

Minus the ', of course.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Skykian-Archives [2012-08-05 23:09:36 +0000 UTC]

Eeeeeeeeeeee she's so epiiiiiiic. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to The-Skykian-Archives [2012-08-10 20:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Hee, s'ankya.
I'm not too thrilled of having to draw the other variants at some point. (Reaver form, and Scarlet hybrid) ... but hey!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Skykian-Archives In reply to Windra [2012-08-10 21:11:24 +0000 UTC]

Scarlet hybrid? My first time hearing of that one. o-o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Windra In reply to The-Skykian-Archives [2012-08-10 22:20:39 +0000 UTC]

I hinted at its appearance a little in the Prison thread.

Basically it's when she gets really irate and weak.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0