wise-cat — Elemental Lion Chapter 2
Published: 2007-11-10 05:22:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 81; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Description Aqua slipped down into the water again without taking a breath. The doctors had said that her lungs some how could be able to take the air out of water like a fish. But Aqua did not care what they said about it. The doctors thought that it was some disease that would attack her at any given time. Fish swan around her like she was a fellow water creature, which enjoyed her company and she enjoyed theirs. Peopled picked on her and called her ‘fish girl’ or ‘freak’, but she hardly listened to them, they did not know of where the best places treasure was hidden and about the plants that lived there. Aqua swum up the surface of the water to see if anyone was watching, swimming was something that she liked to do alone.
“Hey its Fish girl” yelled a familiar voice.
Aqua dared not to turn around, as a rock hit the top of her head, she dove underwater, to hide for Leo and his group of bullies tired to throw stones at her.
“Lets wait her out, she can’t hold her breathe forever” Leo told the others, they all nodded in agreement.
‘Yeah right’ Aqua thought to herself.
Minutes past by and the boys still waited for Aqua to surface, but she did not. Some of the boys started to worry.
“Leo, maybe one of us should go and see if she alright” one of the others asked. Leo snorted in disgust.
“Yeah right, that freak deserved to drown” Leo told them. The others now didn’t look so sure anymore.
Just to scare them, Aqua opened her mouth and let out some air bubbles. When the boys saw the air bubble they all thought that Aqua had drowned and ran away, freaked out. They looked like they were about to wet there pants. After Aqua knew that it was safe she surfaced, said goodbye to her fish friends and went home.
Her parents told Aqua off for swimming again, they did not like it because they thought Aqua’s gift was a disease. Even though Aqua had saved someone’s life from drowning everyone still thought she was a freak and stayed far away form her.
‘Why does everyone hate me’ she thought as she lay down in her bed ‘am I the only one of my kind.
Questions flooded her mind as she fell asleep. That night a terrible nightmare filled her with dread and fear. She was in a lioness form and was in the lake that she normally swam in. But there was no water and all the fish had died. A giant black lion stood at the edge of the once was lake and said.
“This is what you get for not giving me your powers, all that you once cared for and protected here have suffered, now many more of them will suffer”
The black lion had an evil grin on his face, which scared Aqua.
“Now give me you powers” The black lion roared, pouncing on Aqua.
Aqua yowled in pain, and then suddenly, she heard someone call her name. A red lion with a fire mane and tail, sent out a blast of fire at the dark lion, knocking him off Aqua. She managed to get up and followed the red lion.
After that Aqua woke up covered in sweat. She had never had a dream like that before. If she told her parents, they would say that it was her gift that they called a disease.
“Aqua, are you feeling ok” her mum asked.
“Yes, I’m fine, like I’ve told you for ten years now” Aqua growled at her parents, no matter how mush they loved her. She thought that they were too over protective.
“Well that disease could hurt you one day” Her dad told her.
“It’s not a disease, it’s a gift, and you’re too blind to see it” Aqua yelled at her father then ran off. The last thing that she heard from her mum was. “Don’t talk to you father like that”.

Aqua ran all the way back the lake, which was like she left it yesterday. Aqua sighed. The dream felt so real. She dived in and she swam with the fish, told them the nightmare that she had. The all quivered with fear, not wanting the lake to even dry up because it was their home.
“I’m never going back home, they don’t want me with my gift” Aqua said out loud once she had surfaced. She headed south where, rumored, were fire creatures. Maybe that were she could find the red lion that used fire as a weapon
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