Wispna — WT Commuter: Rieve

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Published: 2016-12-03 05:41:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1430; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 2
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Edit: 6/1/2017 - Updated the app template and changed the headshot!

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Name: Rieve Estaria Tu'rien Antony
Age: 26
Birthday: January 16
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 142 lbs
Gender: Male

                    Rieve can create potions, poisons, small explosives, medicines, inks, antidotes, and can change the nature of some solids to make them harder, more pliable, or more pleasing to look at. He will probably know how to do most basic requests, and won't rest on the stranger ones until he figures out how to do it, or declares it impossible with the materials he has at hand. He will sell any of his creations to anyone willing to pay.

        Rhei: The Rhei are much like humans, except for their smaller statures, and lion-like tails that aid with their exceptional balance and agility. They are also able to outlive humans by a few decades, but are more prone to illness and disease.

    Few Rhei stay in one area for long, believing that travel is the only true way to grow. If there are Rhei villages, they are built upon the backs of rare, giant-shelled beasts known as Vhaca. The Vhaca are sacred to them, and if you kill one it is considered a travesty of the highest order. Rhei are often peaceful, but if a Vhaca is poached, they will not hesitate to hunt down the poacher.

    Among humans, the Rhei are known for their spectacular wines and teas, as well as their traveling entertainers. It has become fashionable amongst human nobility to drink only Rhei tea, so Rhei merchants often have lucrative careers. 

    Rhei are given four names: A first name, middle name, clan name, and a family name.

                    A cold dimension. Most of the livable land is set near the equator, and even then it is often rainy and foggy. This, plus the silver oceans, causes much of the land to look eternally gray, and as a result colorful streamers, beautiful glass work, and bright flowers are a common sight among the gothic-like architecture in human cities.

                    Humans and Rhei are the two races you'll see on land, though there are also Mer in the oceans, and a relative of the Rhei known as the Irhi that live in expansive underground cities. Irhi share the short statures and lion tails of Rhei, but they also have large, bat-like ears, white hair, and will always wear masks in the rare occasions that they venture above ground. 

                    Magic is highly respected in Ilvincia, and in most cases you cannot even become part of a ruling class without a lot of it. Most people are able to use magic on some level, and this can be especially noticeable in the merchant's quarters, where spectacular trinkets can be seen resting among the merchandise. 

                    Excluding the underground and ocean kingdoms, there are 7 main regions that are each ruled by a King, Queen, or High Priest. All of them will accept currency from one of the other regions, as long as it is a valuable metal. Most people in all 7 regions worship the same gods as well, though to different varying degrees.

                   Ilvincia has 3 moons. 2 That will stay in the sky from the beginning of the night to the middle, then a 3rd smaller one with a ring around it that will stay until morning.

        + Discreet, Fastidious, Reliable, Loyal, Decisive
        / Competitive, Willful, Workaholic,  Secretive, Blunt
        - Irritable, Unconscientious, Cold, Socially dense, Distrustful

        Rieve is not one to adhere to any strict moral code. If you need a poison or a love potion, he'll brew it for you-- no questions asked-- as long as you have the money to pay him. His work is his life, and it is not unusual to see him working the night through on an order of potions or other substances. 
         He can be hard to approach, due to his cold nature, and his lack of hesitation in telling you what he dislikes about you.  However, if you can get past his irritability and he feels he can trust you, he will be an exceedingly loyal friend that will take your secrets to the grave.

                -raised in a family of traveling entertainers
                -crippling stage fright caused him to join his merchant uncle instead, where he met a mysterious human who gave him a letter of recommendation to a mage academy and a strange silver sphere.
                -went to mage academy and learned alchemy
                -learned mysterious human was an archmage who became suspected of practicing necromancy
                -silver sphere was a key that would lead to a large pocket dimension filled with all kinds of magical things
                -met mysterious human again and went to said pocket dimension
                -got killed, resurrected by a magical knife they retrieved from the dimension, then trapped in the dimension
                -waited for the train that was his only chance at escape

Pt 1: A Childhood Full of Travel
       Before Rieve was born to his family of traveling entertainers, his pregnant mother decided to get a reading from a fortune-teller. To her dismay, the old man told her that her son would be born under the sign of the twin gods of fortune and misfortune, and thus would not live an easy life. She left the fortuneteller unhappily, and with advice from her husband, she wrote it off as meaningless superstition and put it out of her mind. 

        He was born the youngest of 5 children, and was the only boy. He loved his family, their traveling troupe, and their nomadic lifestyle, but it soon became apparent that Rieve would not be able to take part in the family career. He could learn to play instruments well enough, as well as act in their plays, but as soon as they performed in front of a crowd, he would freeze up and need to be escorted away. He was able participate by setting up the props, and cleaning up when they were done, but he secretly hated being unable to contribute more.

        When he was 14 years old, he decided to leave the traveling troupe to pursue an apprenticeship with his childless merchant uncle. His parents had their doubts about his decision, but they knew he felt useless in their line of work, and felt he'd be safer with family than with anyone else. At first it went well. He learned things quickly, and had a head for numbers, but it all unraveled when he was exposed to customers. He had little patience for haggling, and insulted a good amount of clientele who wouldn't just buy things at the price given. After a few disastrous days of losing potential profits, his uncle banished him to the wagon, where he was stuck counting their earnings, mixing teas, and preparing merchandise for the following day.

       He could finish these tasks fairly quickly, and spent most of his time reading, exploring, and eavesdropping on people-- especially the mercenaries hired to guard their wagon. He spent 2 years doing this, and learned a lot about the state of the 7 kingdoms in this manner. Sharing this knowledge with a human mage that had hitched a ride with their wagon was the beginning of one of his best friendships. The mage's name was Joxar, and to Rieve it seemed like he knew every spell ever invented. In return for a song, or a scrap of gossip, the mage would teach him magic, both real and fake. The real spells weren't anything large-- mainly little utility cantrips that would make life a little easier, and the fake magic was all for show, but Rieve couldn't get enough of the former, and learned sleight of hand from the latter. 

        Their time together had to come to an end, however, and after a month and a half of travel across the kingdoms, Joxar had to leave. Rieve accepted this, and expected to never hear from the strange mage again. Much to his surprise, though, a package came from him bearing two things: A letter of recommendation to a prestigious school of magic, and a strange, engraved, silver sphere that was not much bigger than the palm of his hand. 

Pt 2: The School of Magic, and the Key
        Rieve was at first hesitant to give up his life of travel to go to a school, but as soon as his uncle hired a new apprentice, one that annoyed him thoroughly, his mind was made up to take the opportunity. He left one night, only leaving a note to inform his uncle of his departure, and made his way to the school. They accepted him immediately when he presented his letter, even when it turned out he had little magical ability. Fortunately, the newly formed alchemy department didn't require much such ability, and Rieve threw himself into his work, feeling that he had found his life's calling. 

        He adjusted well to academic life, and spent the next 6 years of his life honing his craft. During his time there, he learned that his friend Joxar was Joxar Ilrichter, the first Archmage of the 7th region's king. The news was met with surprise, but he didn't give much more thought to it.

        One day, he was called away from his work for a meeting with the school's head council. Once in the councilroom, he learned that Joxar had been found to be studying and practicing the forbidden art of necromancy, but before he could be captured he had escaped and disappeared. They asked if Rieve knew his whereabouts, or if he'd received anything from the man. He informed him that he had only known the former archmage for a month or so, and that the letter was all he recieved, and they let him go. As Rieve left, he remembered the metal sphere, but rather than turn it into the council, he decided to study its properties.

        Thus many days and nights were spent in the mage academy's extensive library, and after sneaking into the room that contained forbidden texts, he learned of a powerful wizard king known as Figuerro, who had collected all sorts of magical things, and stored them in a fabled pocket dimension with no end known as Figuerro's Storeroom. It was said to contain everything magical you could wish for, including a crystal bottle would grant eternal youth when drunk from, a basin that would show you distant places or the future, and-- most notably-- a stone knife that could bring people back from the dead. What caught Rieve's eye, was that there was only one way to enter the pocket dimension. You needed two indestructable keys-- one to enter, one to exit. The one needed to enter was an ornate sphere made of silver, while the one needed to exit was an ornate sphere made of bronze.

        Excited at his discovery, Rieve continued to read in an attempt to find out how his key might be used, or where the other key might be found. He had no luck, and after 4 months of searching, he gave up and returned to his alchemy. Despite this, he began carrying the silver sphere everywhere he went.

        He began to have strange dreams whenever he slept, where symbols flashed past his visions, and his hands would move of their own accord. One night, he was awakened from one such dream by a tapping on his shoulder. Joxar stood above him, a wide grin on the mage's face, and the bronze sphere in one of his hands.

Pt 3: Figuerro's Storeroom
        In a surreal moment for Rieve, they left together and headed to a nearby tavern to talk. Joxar explained that the necromancy accusations were lies, and that he had needed to send the silver key where nobody would expect to find it. Rieve thanked him for his letter of recommendation, then reluctantly returned the key to the archmage. Much to Joxar's dismay, however, the key had bonded itself to Rieve, and as a result the former Rhei merchant's apprentice would be the only one that would know how to use it. Through dreams, the sphere would have implanted instructions for its use in Rieve's muscle memory. Joxar knew, because the same had happened to him with the bronze key.

        Guards stormed in at that moment, covered in magical protections, to bring the former archmage to justice. Joxar gripped Rieve's shoulder, and ordered him to use the silver key. Rieve had no idea how to start, but began acting under duress. His hands burst into a whir a movement, twisting and turning the sphere in all sorts of directions until the sigils etched onto it began to glow.

        Just before they were attacked, both Joxar and Rieve transported away into what looked like a massive, labyrinthine library. It was dark, but white, tiny, glowing fish swam around in the air to provide some light. The shelves reached high into the unseeable ceiling, and were packed so close together that only a cramped path between them could be traversed. Joxar pulled out a map and began to follow it. Rieve mutely followed.

        Eventually, the area between the shelves became more open, and strange devices came into view. Joxar ignored most of them, only stopping to take a stone knife in a cedar box. Rieve noted this, but said nothing.

        Once this was done, Joxar took Rieve's shoulder again and activated his own sphere. No time had seemed to pass at all, and they were still under attack. Joxar threw Rieve in front of him to block a guard's spear, then quickly cast a transport spell to get them both to safety.

        The next moments passed in a blur. Rieve knew he was dying, in fact, it felt as if his soul had already separated from his physical self, but then, with a great amount of pain, something forced it back in.

        When he came to, he realized the extent at which he had been used, and descended upon Joxar with a fury unlike any he had had before. Now that he was associate with the man, he would be excluded from the magical community, and perhaps even jailed. Perhaps worse, because the guards that had stabbed him knew very well that he should be dead.

        Joxar simply smiled, and held up the knife, and Rieve found himself unable to move. The knife now had control over his very soul, and he could only watch in horror as his hands began to activate the silver key.

Pt 4: The Magical Train
        For four years, though it felt longer, Rieve was stuck in that magical library. At first he was able to bear it by using a lab he found, and reading the massive amounts of books. He also used the time to practice his newfound abilities of ejecting his soul out of his body, something he figured the knife had given him. Soon, though, he began to hate the darkness, the lack of life, and the silence. He began desperately trying to find a way to escape, but the only thing he could find was in one of Figuerro's own books. They spoke of a magical train that could travel among dimensions, and Figuerro figured it might be able to travel to magically created dimensions if they were large enough. After pages of esoteric diagrams, the wizard from ancient times predicted where it might arrive if it were to ever come to the storeroom, and it was there Rieve visited every day.

        He lost count of how often he did this, and though he eventually lost hope, he continued to do it out of habit. When it finally did come, against all odds, Rieve thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and did all he could to board it.

  • Astral Projection: Rieve can eject his soul from his body once every 24 hours. In this astral form, he won't be able to touch anybody, will be invisible to most, can lower the temperature by a few degrees, and will be able to float through non-magical objects. He won't be able to lift anything bigger than the palm of his hand, or heaver than 2 lbs, however, and cannot stray 5 feet away from a place he hasn't stepped in physical form before. This form can't be hurt by physical objects, and can travel at 15 mph.
  • High poison resistance.
  • Sleight of hand.
  • Exceptionally agile
  • Has spells that will mend tears in cloth, remove stains, and clear dust, grime, and tarnish.
  • When his soul is roaming, his physical body is pretty much left defenseless. If it's killed, he'll be stuck in his astral form forever.
  • Exorcisms will force him back into his body.
  • If he's cut off from access to the potion he brews for himself and his alchemical equipment for longer than a day, he'll suffer from withdrawal.
  • If there's a sickness going around, he will catch it without fail.
  • He is near useless in close combat, and isn't very good at combat in general.
  • He is weak to any magic that is powerful against the undead or ghosts.
  • There's a particular stone knife that can control him.
  • He is poor at teamwork.
    Level: 2
            Magic: 150
            Attack: 80
            Speed: 420

        A hand crossbow with poisoned bolts.

        3 vials filled with an explosive substance. When thrown they will cause an explosion that is a meter in diameter. 

        2 flash bombs.

        Figuerro's Key: An silver, engraved, metal sphere-- it can transport the one that activates it, and anyone that the one that had activated it was touching at the time, to the wizard king Figuerro's storeroom. It can't transport you back out, however. If you go inside to use one of the spectacular magical contraptions kept within, you won't have a way to exit. Currently only Rieve knows how to make it work, but he'll refuse to use it.

        A Lute made of dark wood.

        A small bag with a tiny pocket dimension inside that can carry 40 lbs of objects (with the caveat they are able to fit through the lip of the bag). Currently that 40 lbs is completely taken up by Rieve's alchemical equipment.

        He will often carry a 16 oz canister with a paste in it that can be slathered over flesh wounds. The paste won't heal the wounds, but it will help the pain, stop the bleeding, and prevent infection for up to 5 hours.

        2 doses of an antidote for the poison on his crossbow bolts.

  • Cats
  • Tea
  • Reading
  • Money
  • Playing the lute
  • Kites
  • Explosions
  • Snow, Rain, and Fog
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Random Facts
  • Baths
  • Traveling entertainers
  • Lilies
  • Small, dark spaces
  • The dark in general
  • Figuerro's Key
  • Having his tail pulled on
  • Needing to sleep
  • Large crowds of people
  • Being touched
  • Being told what to do if it's not work related
  • Sour things
  • Public speaking
  • Centipedes, snakes, worms, and eels
  • Sick People in his general vicinity 
  • Haggling
Misc. Facts:
  • He can juggle and play the lute-- a leftover from his entertainer days.
  • In fact, he plays the lute to calm himself.
  • He can also sing, but good luck getting him to do it in front of people.
  • He has an addiction to a potion that aids focus and makes it difficult to sleep.
  • His current alchemical goal is to make a glass that is stronger than the hardest steel without magic.
  • His tail will swish like a cat's when he's agitated.
  • When he's finally forced to sleep, he'll sleep with a small light on.
  • Has a good memory

RP Sample:

        He awoke to another day in the darkness of the labyrinth, and felt a cloud of misery settle over him. He'd eaten and drunk almost nothing for a year, but the darkness wouldn't let him leave because of such trivialities. Lying there in silence, his eyes caught a glimpse of one of the fish made of light that lit the library. His fingers dug into the soft carpet as he forced himself to rise and follow the light. The fish slowly darted and weaved through the air, and his hand closed over it. It was warm, and he could feel it tug against his fingers in its struggles to break free.
        With a light captured, he began to aimlessly wander in the darkness. He didn't expect much. Most of this place was dark, cramped, places, that might as well be the same. His mouth went dry, however, when he caught the glimmer of oiled wood in the corner of his eye. Did he dare hope? He approached it, and much to his joy, the curved shape of a lute came into view. He scooped it up as gently as if it were a small bird, and bit his lip. It could be magical, or even dangerous. That was the nature of such things found here, but... He shook his head. There was so little to lose, and oh so much to gain. Immediately the neck was gripped, the body tucked under his arm, and the metal strings strummed.
        Even when  terribly out of tune, each string hummed with a pure note, and his breath caught in his throat at the familiar vibrations through the wood. Oh, what a wonderful find. What a piece of badly needed luck in the dimension that was slowly eating him away.

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Comments: 21

Inupii [2017-07-05 01:10:48 +0000 UTC]

Congrats! You Leveled! You are now Level  2
+ 150 Stat Points
+20  Discs (Main)
+2  CP (Main)

Your current Stats are:
Health: 90
Magic: 120
Attack:  40
Defense:  60
Speed:   300

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them. Thank you!
Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to Inupii [2017-07-05 05:04:09 +0000 UTC]

Health = 90 + 10 = 100
Magic = 120 + 10 = 130
Attack = 40 + 20 = 60
Defense =60 + 10 = 70
Speed = 300 + 100 = 400

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Inupii In reply to Wispna [2017-07-05 16:15:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you too<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jecksy-Candy [2017-06-02 00:28:29 +0000 UTC]

HE LOOKS SO GREAT!!!!! loving those striped socks/pants of his!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to Jecksy-Candy [2017-06-03 15:47:59 +0000 UTC]

THANK YOU striped socks are some of my favorite things 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Neye [2017-01-03 10:31:13 +0000 UTC]

Wauw I really like his design! I really like the detail about his cat-habits, in regards to the swishing tail when annoyed < v < 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to Neye [2017-01-04 17:39:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you! that part is my favorite too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neye In reply to Wispna [2017-01-04 17:47:28 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe you are welcome! //hi5s

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WhiteRabbitArtistry [2016-12-29 19:27:14 +0000 UTC]

I can imagine a booky character calling him Snape.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to WhiteRabbitArtistry [2016-12-29 23:15:53 +0000 UTC]

omfg I can see that too

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nyannchi [2016-12-27 05:53:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to Nyannchi [2016-12-27 06:05:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jecksy-Candy [2016-12-27 04:17:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to Jecksy-Candy [2016-12-27 06:22:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BunnyMeroko [2016-12-27 04:16:34 +0000 UTC]

Aww he's so grumps~! <3 I love him eue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to BunnyMeroko [2016-12-27 06:05:46 +0000 UTC]

>u< thank youuuu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BunnyMeroko In reply to Wispna [2016-12-29 22:44:33 +0000 UTC]

Weelllcccooommeeee~! >u< <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToyBoxMelody [2016-12-03 06:39:28 +0000 UTC]

//rubs hands together
Ooooh, look at this~ A new friend!
His tail will swish like a cat's when he's agitated.
Annnnnd, I'm sold!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2016-12-03 07:38:57 +0000 UTC]

A very small, very angry new friend!!

I thought you would appreciate that part

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Wispna [2016-12-27 04:06:06 +0000 UTC]

Welcome little grumpy man eue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wispna In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2016-12-27 06:05:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0