wolf-knight-1 — Assassination Classroom Ryu Chapter 15
#ryu #assassinationclassroom
Published: 2015-08-03 22:27:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 774; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description We all sat there in silence, no one made a sound, the rain poured down outside, mum was silent the entire day, even Eliot and Nero were upset, oh, sorry, its Kel here making this Entry, my first time too, ok, well, here’s the thing, my mind wasn’t really able to understand the situation so I just didn’t understand, I just had a blank expression the hole day, I stayed near Eliot just in case any thing happened, mum had everyone study in silence, she didn’t even say it, she just wrote it on the board, uncle Necros walked in and sighed” both the tablet and the Anidine are gone, they found nothing other than a few Nano bots and some mangled metal mixed with bone, it seems as though he is gone this time” what did he mean by this time? Mmmhhh, oh well, we never do get answers unless uh, just then I fell, from what Elio said my eyes had gone grey and my pulse lowered, I woke up in a large room, it was a cave on some sort, the air was cold and smelt of salt, was I near the sea? I looked around and all I could see was a beam of light coming from above, it shone down from a large hole, I walked closer and closer and as I did I saw something odd, it was some kind of a blade, wait, I know this blade, its Nero’s, the blade I gave him years ago, I touched it and the light became brighter, as the light faded the knife was gone, and in its place was a sword” identify yourself” I stepped back and tripped, I blacked out and then woke up again in the classroom, I looked around and saw everyone around, I sat up with mums help and gasped a little, I then looked directly out the window and saw them, everyone could see it, clear as day, a dark cloud of shadows covered in large purple eyes, they all focused upon us, everyone but me, Eliot, Nero and mum backed up, the cloud looked at us and narrowed its eyes, a large toothy grin formed from random spots all over the cloud” I finally found you” the cloud started fade away and vanish, we all relax a little then” hey guys” AAHH! We all just jumped as we looked at the board, it was strange, there was a dragoness standing there, they were young, just older than me, she wore a frilly purple dress and had a smile on her face, mum started to smile and then cried, she instantly hugged her” Azuraph, oh I’m so happy to see you again, I thought you may have left us as well” that last part had caught her off guard.

We all sat back down in out seat, well, I sat on mums horns, Azuraph tried to explain what she knew” master had me wait here the other day, just in case something happened, and then, I saw that flash of light, after that, I went looking for my sword, if I could find that, then maybe, I could find master, but no luck, so I thought you guys may know where it is” everyone looked confused at this, she sighed and then spoke again” he never explained did he?” everyone shook their heads” great, ok, I and master have a life link, basically, if I die, he goes out of control until the sword in destroyed, if he dies, then I do the same until I die a day later, its happened a few times, but, I haven’t gone on a rampage, so master must still exist here” mum gasped” back up, oh how could I forget, it’s the backup system, Core, please, wake up” the whole room burst into light as a holographic dragons head formed, much like Dragoness but this one, it was much more menacing, it turned to face me for some reason but mum snapped her fingers and got its attention” Core, have you received Bens back up?” the head did nothing, well, it tilted and looked at me again, it was strange” CORE!” the head turned again” will you please just answer me, please, I need to know” the head looked at me once more and used its eyes to motion mum to look at me” are you saying? No, that can’t be right, he would never do THAT! It’s unthinkable, even for him” the head looked at her and sighed” your highness, this girl carried a part of him, but only for a second, in fact, all of them did, the exact moment his spark was extinguished, was the moment She was born” huh? Who’s she?

Mum was in shock for a moment and then thought, after a moment, she had an idea” are you saying, Ben is still out there?” Core smiled and bowed” he never, left” after that, the head vanished, all of us were confused and in awe, mum just smiled and shed a tear, uncle Necros smiled” told ya, what is the family moto again Rroooosaa? Come on girl, say it” she smiled and looked at him” don’t mess, with a DX” he smiled at her, but then frowned” this does mean one thing though” huh? What’s that? I could see a red dot on the floor, after a moment the window broke as a dart bounced off the ground, mum picked it up and looked at it” huh? A Nerf, dart? What? Wait, it broke the window, only one of Ben’s blaster can do that” we all looked out the window to try and find the shooter, but nothing, even looking from where it would have been shot we couldn’t find anything, mum even ran out there and looked, all she could find was a long red blaster, she brought it in and put it on the ground, she couldn’t even identify it, Sam picked it up and held the blaster, he primed it and a clear orange block fell, it was rather small” that’s not right, this is a normal 2 dart mag, this is a MEGA blaster, from the MEGA line, these fire big chunky red darts, that one is a normal orange part, this thing is converted, and who ever did it, knew what to do, the plunger mech is different and the mag well is new, heck, the barrel is removable, if this was stock, you wouldn’t be able to do that” mum took and blaster and held it like Sam did, as soon as she did her eyes glowed a bright green that projected an image in front of us, it was some sort of lab, there were large cylinder like pods with what looked like people inside them, we studied the image but then uncle Necros saw something” there! Right there on the corner, I know that blade anywhere” he frowned and then growled” Becky”.

Else were in an old store the dragoness from before was sitting on a couch and watching a bunch of TV shows on a bunch of monitors, another dragoness was standing behind her with an annoyed look on her face, she looked so much like dad, in fact, she was him, only shorter, with feathered wings, and boobs, she was pretty much a spitting image of him” D, do you mind not watching this trash, come on, this isn’t what you should be doing any way” D sighed and then stood to look at her” Becky, I don’t care, they don’t need him anymore, plain and simple, I thank you for waking me up, but that is where our paths break, remember, he still hates you” Becky smirked at that” and yet you are calm, why is that? You are HIM! How many time do I need to say it, you are one, on the SAME! You are Ben, plain and simple” D looked down in sorrow” don’t you think I know that, I want to go back, but like this!, oh hell no, those kids wouldn’t be able to cope like the others at home, their human, their minds wouldn’t be able to handle it, yes I know there are family’s that have 2 of one parent, but for one of those parent to suddenly change gender, it’s too much to take in, even for me, I still can’t cope with, THIS!” she motioned to her entire body, Becky laughed at that one, she stepped around the couch and hugged D and then whispered in her ear” it doesn’t matter, if they love you, then they will except you, it won’t matter what you look like, it’s who you are that counts, I should know” she looked away and thought about her past” you very all too well of what I have done, to you, to them, to so many others, I just hope when you meet her, my past self will change everything, I want a new start I want to be remembered for good, not for the death I caused, please, as one last request, go back” after that she fell silent, her body went limp and her heart stopped, D curled her wings over Becky in a hug and smiled” I will, mother, sorry about this, but I won’t let you go, system control, break down and hold” the gem on Becky’s chest glowed and then pulsated, the pressure of this made her body break apart and turn into dust which was pulled into D’s own gem” this way, you can still live on, I was built from your body, so it’s only fitting you get to have another chance, even if it is through me, just like old times” as the last of the dust was absorbed she could hear Becky’s voice saying one last thing” thank you, DX”.

We all went home and tried to come up with plans to find the person Core spoke of, whoever She is, we had dinner but didn’t really talk much until Elio just slammed his hand on the table” ok, I have had ENOUGH of the silence, and we please just talk to each other, I get it, we are all sad dad is gone, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and cheer up, as you said mum, there the back up or whatever that thing is, he may come back” mum sight and put her hands on the table” everyone, I checked with Core, she never received the backup, normally when one of us die, she gets our DNA and memory’s and regenerates a new body for us, but, Ben is different, he doesn’t have his brain nor his heart inside him, so the backup is different, all he needs is the stone inside his chest, that tablet holds his soul, and since it’s not on the molten metal, then, I just don’t know, he’s never melted before” Nero got up and put his plate on the side counter and then turned to face us and lent back” well, I guess that just means we need to find it, so what does this stone look like, also, we have over looked one small thing, there’s one person who hasn’t shown up, one who normally just POPS in” mum just frowned at this and then growled, she then shouted” JONATHAN!” “you called?” we looked at him as he just popped out of nowhere, well, not really no were, he was upside-down, his head and shoulders were poking out of a blue portal next to mums head” Jonathan, I want you to help us find” “no can do, not happening, nope, nada, never doing it, no, sorry, nagado, plain and simple” mum glared at him and made him flinch” dear, I wasn’t asking, I said, I WANT, you to help, we need to find Ben” Jonathan looked to his side and then back at mum, he moved closer to her ear and got ready to whisper in her ear” NNOO!“ mum recoiled from that and covered her ears, Nero threw his knife at Jonathan but it missed as he pulled back through the portal while laughing like a mad man, Nero hugged mum and rubbed her ear to calm her down” well that was a waste of time” mum looked at the book shelf and sighed” if only I knew were Ragnarock was, if her was still online, then we could find Ben, Rag can find anyone, even with the tiniest of info” Ragnarock? Uh, that sword” would Ragnarock be a sword?” mum looked at me in shock” you, know about him?” I think back to the class and remember it” a large cave, a pillar of light, and a floating sword, the smell of salt water” mum knew exactly were that was, but it would be a long time to before getting there, she explained it was on their home world, Elamora, it would be cool to go that someday, I think.

Kates walked around the city with Sam and tried to not think about anything, they went to a café and had a bite to eat, it was still cold outside but no longer raining, they ordered 2 shakes and burgers, while waiting for the food they talked about some plans but just then something outside exploded, they ran outside to see what it was, everyone was in a panic, there was something there but at the same time, there wasn’t, it was like they could only bits of it, or only a faint out line, from what Sam could make out, it was some kind of bug, or even a reptile, it was something let’s just put it that way shall we?, anyway, thy watched whatever it was bash into things and blow them up, Kate noticed something out of the corner of her eye, she quickly grabbed her phone and took a picture, Same saw this” this isn’t the time to take photos Kate, come on” he grabbed her arm and pulled her away, once they were at a safe distance away she pulled out her phone and shows Sam” look, what do you see?” he looked closely and was set back by it” what? But, How? Its right in the middle of the city, how didn’t any one notice them?” they both ran off and headed for our house.

Back with D, she was in the woods sitting amongst the tree’s branches looking over the city, she smiled as the moon shined bright at night, I know the moon only shines due to the light reflecting from the sun ok, I’m not dumb, she looked at her right hand and sighed” how are you doing in there Becky? Are they treating you well?” D laughed and smiled with her eyes closed” that’s good, I guess it’s time to sleep, I hope it doesn’t rain, but knowing my luck” she closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, below her on the ground stood Jonathan, he sighed as he looked at her” oh brother, how are we going to handle this, and should I know call you sister? I guess we will find that out soon, shan’t we?” he walks off into the woods but stops as he feels a drop of rain” oh, I guess your luck really is bad.

Kate and Sam showed us the picture and well, we were all shocked, there she was, the ones from before, she had long silver hair much like a mane, well, at least we now know who we are after, and now Dragoness can track her, the only issue was now, Sam and Kate couldn’t go home now, it was far too late, Sam and Kate called their parents to let them know where they were staying for the night and what had happened during the day, they were ok with staying over but they had to home tomorrow night unless something else happens, we all went to bed that night not knowing what would happen in the morning, I on the other hand, well, I didn’t sleep, well, in a way I did, and didn’t, I remember sleeping, but then waking up again, I got out of bed and went down stairs, normally you can’t do that due to the time lock set for 11PM at night, I saw something glowing, it was long, like a tail, I followed it, every time I got to where it was, it had already moved, it lead me to the kitchen, why I didn’t know, I looked around but could find anything, after a while I just lay my head on the table, which actually helped, I saw the light again, but it was coming from under the wall, or, so I thought, I pushed the wall and it opened, I never knew there was a room there, the light vanished as soon as I opened it, but I saw something else, that sword was in here, does that mean we can find dad?, I turn around and saw the tail again, I just ran that time, I didn’t care I just ran, it lead to the garden, there she was, standing there, she smiled at me, I stepped closer, it felt, strange trying to say that word, but I had to, I stuttered a little trying to say it” dad?” she smiled again then turned around to face someone, they looked just like dad, but, black, they spoke to each other, but there was no sound, I couldn’t hear them, I looked at her again but as I did the light got so bright I couldn’t see, next thing I knew, I was on the back porch, I ran into the kitchen and pushed the door open in the wall, the sword was gone, I thought to myself, was that a dream? It couldn’t have been could it?.

Everyone else woke up and were surprised to see the door, even mum was confused, she never knew it was there” Kel, first off, how did you get of the bed room so early? Seconds, how did you find that room, and another question just in case anyone know, how is there a room in here, I planned out this house, there shouldn’t be anything else here” I look at them and then look down” I saw her, she showed me the room, and then this other one came, they looked like dad, but black” mum blinked a few times” black? Did they have feathered wings?” I thought back and remembers, they did, 3 pairs” yeah, 6 of them” mum gasped and then smiled” Shackle, he really is still alive” I then remembered the sword” uh, I saw it in here, the sword, Ragnarock, it was on that desk, but now it’s gone, maybe they took it, I still don’t know if it was a dream” “ oh that wasn’t a dream dearie, that was our dear Ben” we all look to see a tall dark skinned woman sitting on the far end of the table drinking tea, she had pink hair, her body was rather curvy as Nero would put it, she had large boobs and a big butt, I didn’t really get why, she had a pair of blue jeans on and a white and pink coat that reached the ground, Nero pulled out his knife, Nexus and Grande even manifested” ENOUGH!” we looked at mum in confusion” everyone, say hello to one of Bens mothers, Sakura Rainbird, goddess of life, and my little cherry blossom” we all looked at her, what did she mean by one of? Wait, didn’t we already met our grandparents? Faiz and Sajin” yes dear you did meet them, but I am another one of Ben’s mothers, you weren’t told the rules were you?” mum stepped towards her and grinned while having her paws on her hips and leaning forwards” you young lady, aren’t supposed be here, what about little Kabara? Where is she?” Sakura laughed a little and then winked at mum” you know exactly where she is hun, you should know me by now, honey roo” isn’t that dads nickname for mum?.

We all went to school but an issue, the path to the class was blocked, there was a sign at the main gate saying’ L class to report to the main hall of the school’ oh great, uh, really? Oh ok, ah, sorry about that, Kel wanted to make this entry but I kinds wanted to cover this bit, ok, let’s see here, oh yeah, we went to the main hall and waited, everyone had arrived at the hall and got ready for the day, well, as best as they could that is, we had to sit down on the floor, mum, uncle and our new grandmother were at the front, uncle sat on the floor and wrote in his note pad about something, and grandma sat on the stage, it was ok for the first half of the day, until D class came in, their tutor said they had a P.E class in there, in other word, they chose to come in here, and annoy us, they played dodge ball, as we know it, pretend to aim for each other and just hit L class, we had a total of 4 balls thrown at us, but not one of them hit, uncle Necros had a bunch of metal beads that he just flicked at each ball to deflect it, after a while they gave up and left the hall, Nero threw a ball at the tutors head and quickly turned back to the board” ok, WHO THREW THAT?!” we all looked at them with confused expression, mum simply said” sorry, but, no one threw any balls, well, other than you class that is, so I don’t really see the issue, we didn’t complain when you tried to hit my students, so I don’t see why you should complain if one of us throws a ball, and well, I didn’t see any of them throw it, you can check the camera if you like” they left in a huff and banged the door, mum looked at Nero who did the hand together good as gold act and then grinned widely” sorry mum, had to.

After a while we had lunch. But then the bad part happened” NO BODY MOVE!” we all flinched, a group of men barged threw the doors with guns, everyone in the building was lead out to the main yard were a man in army uniform, he was smiling like Nero to a degree” alright you maggots, your all probably wondering why we are here, well, that’s simple, we are here, to kill, one of you is our target, and they are going to die, now, we only have a description of our target, we know they are female, we know they are a teacher, and we know they haven’t been here long” great, just great, they were there to kill mum, it was mad, it really was” we also have incentive for the teacher to step forwards, this little girl” somehow they had managed to grab Kel while we weren’t looking, Nero’s right arm was going mad, don’t ask why, mum instantly stepped forth, she didn’t care about her safety, she only cared about Kel at that time” oh, well this is a first, a teacher actually taking charge, well, I guess we don’t need you anymore” he pulls Kel and hold a gun to her head, mum instantly ran but was shot both through the head and heart, she fell to the ground with blood pouring everywhere” well that was an easy job, ha, well, anyway, time for you to” “ stop!” he looked at mum in shock as she stood back up” you want to kill, my daughter, I will kill you” she stumbled a bit and was shot once more through the head” I don’t know how your still alive, but you won’t be for much” he was cut off as mum darted at him and head butted him in the chest, for a split second she used her true form to hit him and sent him flying into the wall, but ultimately, she fell to the ground, her body shifted and changed into her true form as she lay there breathing heavily, me and Nero ran over to her, the of us tried to help her up but couldn’t lift her” mum, you’ll be ok, we, we can get you to a hospital, or something, we could, uh” mum cut Nero off by smiling” don’t worry, its ok, you’ll be safe, I promise” “AAAAAHHHHHH” Kel screamed as she was grabbed and pulled away, the man held the gun to her head once more, he was raving mad now” ALL OF YOU! Stay were you are, or the kid gets it” I looked at mum and then at Nero, we both nodded in agreement, screw the rules, we won’t let our little sister go.

We stood in front of him and scowled, we knew what we had to do, save our sister, and get mum healed.
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