wolfiuz — In Memory of Svenbalin, prologue
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Far to the north of Equestria was an island, like a fortress in the cold fastness that was the northern sea. The island was a unique place, where it's inhabitant's somehow remained jovial in a dangerous place. From the southern shores to the far northern cliffs were great dominating forests of pines and mountain ranges. To the west, where it was mostly abarren wasteland save for a few sparse villages were places of fear and despair, such as the howling hills and the wytherglades. Whereas to the east, where it almost constantly in a state of pleasant warmth, were far more pleasant places, in particular The Green Heart, an immense glade known to shelter the ruins of an uprising hundreds of years ago, and Mount Nadjagard, home to the (rather small) capital of Svenbalin.

Perched upon a large cliff jutting from the mountain was the original ship that had brought ponies to the (somewhat) desolate place, immense in it's mass, the great ship, which the island was (rather blandly) named after, had been lifted to it's perch when the eternal incarnation's of earth and water, Terranis and Tidus, had found the island. Over the years the ship began to be built upon, eventually reaching it's peak and having been civered from main deck to the steps of the sterncastle, and the entire mid and lower decks had also been built upon, overall becoming a tiered city in which the term 'survival of the smartest' came into being. There was no such thing as 'strongest' in terms of survival within the ships hull, save for the bottom-most deck, where the ponies were mostly brain-dead hooligans fighting over sources of sunlight.

All her villages are located next to rivers, as two hundred and fifty years earlier Tidus, the water incarnate (also reffered to as wave maker or Custodian of the navy) was plunged into madness and drowned many Svenbalinians living by valley rivers and the destruction of Svenbalins second city.

The full story documented by Terranises personal historian, scriptor, summarised by his great-great grandson, auctor (who can't seem to find a way to paragraph his summary)

During the golden era, the princeling Tidus encountered a flawless pearl inside an open lock box. What startled him was that he could hear a voice coming from the pearl, and ignored it for many months, until it finally broke his mental barrier and drove him to insanity, believing he was having a discussion over how high the tide should be with the only one he knew he could work in unison with - The night incarnate Luna.

In his brief insanity he thought he was asked about how high the tide should be on a full moon (none actually know just why he thought the lunar cycle had anything to do with high tide) and created a tsunami of unimaginable proportions, ending in the deaths of many valley ponies, and the destruction of Vinnskor, a large trade city at the base of Mount Terra, killing most of it's populace as they tried to ascend the mountain path leading to the looming capital.

Terranis, enraged at the loss of his close confident the trade-prince Ironshoe (who was one of the few Svenbalinians with a cutie mark, which even then was considered a form of curse due to the constantly pressing need for all Svenbalinians to to be good at all things, even more so in the howling hills.), and many of those he was charged with protcting, gathered about him sixteen ponies of all forms from his honor guard even a lesser Alicorn in the form of his close confident Velho, and lead them to the tower of Masselhof, where the mad prince had made his home, and engaged him in a duel.

The result was the unusual primarch system, in which the firstborn son from each generation directly descended from the original sixteen, would hold the title of primarch. Ever since, the lord Terranis instead left the tides to be handled by the Equestrians. Tidus was trapped within the Lords Iron helm, the pearl was cast into the deepest depths of the sea, taking the malevolent spirit within with it.

An interesting side effect of the duel came to be noticed several days later when the lord answered to a new name - Lupercal, a week later and he had disappeared, leaving the ruling of his kingdom to his councillors, the last thing seen of Lupercal was a note, the only decipherable words being at the end


Thus does this conclude our history and allows our story to begin.


Home of Alasin, primarch of the väärentää

Dawn broke over the small town, the sun's radiant light shining upon the green and black earth pony slumbering contently. His bedroom door opened slowly and Alasin quickly opened his eyes, the baleful red irises, a sharp contrast to his black coat, darted around the room. When he saw there was no one there he sighed and slumped forward

"Why, why Vasala?" he said sadly "Why did you leave me so?", a movement caught his eye, and once again the red eyes gazed at the door, from behind it stepped Aika, the young primarchs daughter "What is it, little one?" he asks as gently and his baritone voice allows, the filly merely charges over to her father and embraces him

"I had a bad dream again papa." she sobs, all he can do is hug her "I saw big wolves smashing the town papa..." he lifts her chin with a hoof and looks at her, before handing her a handkerchief from the bedside table, he knew it would be folly to doubt a unicorn's foresight, but his daughter was only little, and prone to dreaming. A thing he disliked his 'brother' Velho for, He clambered out of his bed and allowed his daughter to clamber onto his back

"Don't worry little Aika, papa will soon have things better..." he said, stopping to allow two of his guards to pass "But, why don't we get you something to eat, then we can go to Velho's school, eh?" the little filly giggled before looking perplexed

"Papa, why are you taking me to Koulu? I thought you didn't like uncle Velho?" her father suddenly stared at her, the eyes not helping matters as he spoke

"Aika, I worry for you, ever since your mother upped and left" he paused, eye's clouding over with saddening memories, it wasn't long before he shook his head, the dark dark green mane going over his eyes "Ever since she left, it's been me who's looked after you, your having bad dreams that are happening every night, I want to know why. I also need to get some new hammers from Ferrus, so I'll visit him aswell. Now" a kindly mare appeared from the kitchen, allowing two plates to hover over to them "Eat your breakfast while I have a word with Impi." and with that he headed towards the kitchen door,  nodding to the mare as she closed the door.


Olut snarled at his opponent, a wolf far larger than himself with black fur. He stracted the ground with a hoof as he prepared to charge, the snow landing on his brown mane blending it with a grey coat

"You'll make a fine cloak for me, wolf!" he roared as he rushed full pelt towards the wolf. The wolf side stepped and he hit a pile of snow, which he hurriedly dug himself out of

"HA!" he jeered "You thought to trap me? Pathetic!" and with that he once again charged, only this time he managed to slam into the wolf, sending both tumbling to the floor. Shortly after a hideous cracking sound could be heard as Olut, primarch of the Kuninkaan Vartija, stepped unscathed from a wolf missing it's lower jaw. Several more ponies, both with knives attached to their front hooves, ran up and proceeded to drag the carcass away

"Be sure to bury it, He fought well." Olut stated in a slight slur "Let him return to the earth." one of the two skinners, the easily excited cape makers for the Huscarls stationed in the far north, jumped about eagerly, flicking her legs in order for the knives to extend, began sharpening them on a large rock. She, like Olut, had a deep blue-grey fur, offset by an orange mane

"Of course father!" Talvi exclaimed eagerly, as her companion began the process "No No NO! Krouvi! teroittaa veitset!" 'Sharpen your knives!' the last words were in the old Svenbalinian tongue, which many still used as their first language. Krouvi, however, looked up in fright as a piercing shriek shook the snowy plain

"Aaveet! Aaveet ovat täällä! Ei ole turvallista!" 'Wraiths! Wraiths are here! Is not safe!' he cried, kicking up a great amount of snow as he fled, taking to the skies "Ei! Jätä minut olemaan! AAAIIIEEE!" 'No! Leave me be!' Talvi scruntched her eyes as tight as she could. Her father, on the other hand, merely looked grim, a mad gleam in his eyes as deep blue feathers and scraps of fur gently floated down, turning a royal shade of purple as a red mist floated with them. He raised a hoof to the shimmering fog that had torn Krouvi to shreds, and called out in the old tongue

"Joten, te väkevät edelleen. Miksi olette tulleet Valhalla, koti suurmiehillemme?" 'So, you spirits still remain. Why have you not entered valhalla, home of the great ones?' the slur had gone from his voice, and instead it was a thunderous growl. A piece of the fog floated down to him, revealing itself as a Peagsus stallion, the spectral mane top knot, the rest of it bare save for a wolf fur cape. It spoke out in a faint voice, echoing about the three

"Olemme viimeiset legioonan. Kirottu ikuisesti vaeltamaan etsimään meidän päällikön, vuori ravistin." the wraith intoned, as the final word echoed Olut's eyes widened, and he knelt down 'We are the last of the legion. Cursed evermore to wander in search of our master, the mountain shaker.'

"T-the Legion?" he stuttered "The m-master Terranis dissappeared many years ago! We look for him even now!" the cloud of damned souls seemed to fade away, only for them to surround the primarch, their leader, the ghost with the topknot stepped forward, this time he spoke in the same manner as Olut, as in turn bowed

"Silloin et löydä häntä täältä." 'Then you will not find him here.' the wraith once again intoned. The primarch looked up as the wraith leader swatted aside the wooden mask that covered the right side of Olut's face, revealing horrific scars that stretched along the entirety of his face, including a wall eye. He clamped a hoof to his face as he stared at the ethereal pony

"W-what do you mean? The lord would never leave his home!" he cried "Where would he go?" this earned him a slap to the face, though the hoof passed through it, leaving him with a cold feeling

"Oletko sellainen tyhmä? Etkö ole veljensä eteerinen silmä?"'Are you such a fool? Do you not have a brother with the ethereal eye?' the wraith stated, eyes suddenly glowing green "On maita kuin teidän rajat, sinä tietämätön varsa."'There are lands beyond your boundaries, you ignorant foal.'. Without warning Talvi barrelled into her father

"Get orra' him!" she screeched, ghostly ponies dissipating and reforming. The primarch however, picked up his mask, and rose to his feet. Placing the mask back on he turned to the spectre

"Nopeus, first khan of the etsijä..." he muttered, before his voice became as regal as it could, the slur coming back into existance as if it was always there "If the lord high is not here, his own home, then where, oh grand khan?"

"The balance in Svenbalin, it is... unstable, her foundations weakening." the ghost stated simply "Does the Koulu still stand?"

"Aye, mi'lord." Olut replied "The main mast of the Svenbalin still holds strong. Why, do you req-By the earth!" stood there was a giant of a unicorn. clad in frosted armour that still contained a hint of Gold. Two elegant pieces curved forward, ending shortly before the start of a grand headress. The giant's cruved shoulder armour flexed, revealing a grand set of wings. This was Velho, one of the first Primarchs, and considered a distant relative of siener, the sister of Teranis and a god among seers

"I have business with my descendant." the great seer stated simply, a defined accent of superiority ringing clear "I know where the master lay." the ghost's wings flared out, as their owner roared out

"Meidän orjuuden päättynyt kauan sitten, oi herra maan päällä, vaan antaa meille voimaa tähän viimeiseen tehtävään!"'Our servitude ended long ago, oh lord of earth, but grant us the strength for this final task!' Velho roared out, stormclouds forming above them "Anna meille voimaa tehdä, kun meidän vaipat vanhoista! antaa meille kirouksen kuin meidän parannus, sillä olemme syntyneet palvelemaan!"'Give us the strength to take upon our mantles of old! grant us the curse as our repentance, for we were born to serve!'  Olut looked at the great form of Velho, he himself looked scared

"As mad as the sagas say..." he muttered before turning back to Nopeus "Why did you tear apart my daughter's coltfriend?" the ethereal Pegasus looked to him with a blank stare

"Why?" the primarch asked "Did you not hear Velho's intoning? For us to regain the mantle we must have that which we need: our mantle." the wraiths turned towards Svenbalin in the south east. Velho signalled to his companions and took flight while Olut was left bewildered at what happened.


The 'Old Tongue' is in fact Finnish, and all names when translated are just what their cutie marks are. Olut, for example, means 'Beer'!

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