wolfs-passion — The Little Girl [NSFW]
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Description Basically the only thing that was laying heavily on my mind was Raven. I tried to sit her aside so I could focus on the more important things. But she keeps popping back in my thoughts. As if she was the only thing I ever think about.

Even Alex knows that. And he can't read minds.

Alex and I got home by five o clock in the afternoon (of course). I wanted to keep Raven's comvertable overnight and return it to her in the morning before heads to class. Our drive way looked like a community car show since I have my car, Alex has his Jeep, Lita has her sports car parked in the garage, and then we share a mini van for "just in case" needs.

We went inside, finding Lita glued to the flat screen TV that was place above the fireplace mantal. She was watching the CBS evening news. I watched her shake her head, wondering where the world has come to just by reading her mind.

Now, I'm thinking that it's ridiculous to get upset over the news. That's one reason why I don't watch it any more.

"Stay out of my mind, Sabin," Lita demanded, with her green eyes sticking to the screen.

I didn't resond.

That was the thing with Lita. She's the smartest immortal I've known besides the oldest immortal ever-Skylar, the Time Travel immortal. And Lita has only been an immortal since the 1960's, if I recall. Alex was the one who turned her into one after a drug dealer murdered- or I mean "almost"- her. I'm not sure. Avaline and I were gone at the time. Now, Alex and Lita are forever known as "soulmates" since they do love each and feed off each other. (Reminds me of the old times with Avaline.)

Though Lita is smart, but she can really be- oh, how could I put it? Bitchy. She constantly complains just about everything. It goes on and on with her; it's so freakin' annoying! But, I have to say, Lita is my friend. So I accept her. Just like any immortal, each has their own ability. Lita can manifest. Which she has sences from the mind that must reveal itself. For example: if Lita is thinking about birds, then birds begin to pop out of the palm of her hands. Or if I'm reading her mind, she can feel my presences stalking her thoughts. That's why Lita tells me to quit it most of the time.

I struted into the kitchen. Opening the fridgerater, finding myself looking for a Coke. Though I was actually ease-dropping on Alex and Lita's conversation in the living room.

Good thing I have excellent hearing.

"The ecomony these days," Lita mumbled, switching off the TV.

Alex plopped down on the couch, next to her, and putting his arm around her. "What's bothering you now?" he asked.

"Everything," she muttered, trying to raise the tone of her voice. "You know, I would be an old woman in my fifties by now. Not really having a care in the world  about anything."

He chuckled. "Then why still care?"

"It's just... everything is changing. Except me. I don't look a bit different since 1968."

Alex kept taking everything as a joke. "Hell, you think that's long? Lita, I'm two hundred-twenty-seven years old. Do I look any different?"

"Is it like a joke to you that your life won't end?"

Suddenly, it got quiet.

In Alex's thoughts, he was realizing all the years that he has been immortal; he has never changed. Oh, I thought two hundred-twenty-seven years wasn't that old? Alex thought. I laughed at has thought.

I mean, just earilier today, Alex gave me a lecture on how nothing will never change for our lives. He probably didn't take his own advise seriously. That's pretty bad.

They continued their conversation once I snapped open my Coke. Then, I got caught up in Lita's mind again.

...Wait a second. She went to visit Avaline and AJ today? ...Immortal army? All of this isn't making sence.

I stormed out of the kitchen and went into the living room. Lita had reaized that I read her thoughts again and she was really pissed off.

"What did I tell you about reading my thoughts?" Lita furiously asked. Her bright green eyes were lit up with fury and fustration. Her pale face was burning red just like the color of her hair. As she stood up to face me, she couldn't even reach my five-foot-ten height because she was short. Two inches over five feet.

Lita got up in my face. "Like to explain why you're stalking my thoughts?"

Plain and simple, I said, "Explain to me what is an 'immortal army'?"

Her mouth dropped open. "Sabin, I-"

Alex got caught in. "Immortal army? Where's this coming from?"

"Lita's thoughts," I answered. "Apparently, she went to visit the evils of our world."

She squinted her green eyes. "So, it's alright for you and Alex to go visit Avaline. but it's not for me?"

Alex made a face. "I don't have a problem with it." He shrugged. "Aren't we just as worse as Ava is?"

I rolled my eyes. "I just wanna know why you were over there. I never said that I had a problem with it." Which I really do.

"I don't know," Lita claimed. "I had this feeling that she was up to no good. Like always. But- well, you two know how Avaline always wants me on her side? She always treats me different. Anyways, Ava gave me a scoop of her new plans."

"Which is?" Alex questions.

"To rule humans by creating an immortal army."

My heart skipped a beat.

Lita continued. "And she also told me that if we aren't with her, then she'll destroy us with the humans."

Alex starred at me as I starred at him.

"There's a secret that we don't know about Avaline," I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I took a deep breath from that stolen heartbeat. "Even if I used to be Avaline's old soulmate, I've never been able to read her thoughts. Ever. Even now I can't. Avaline's always been twisted and creepy. But if she is creating an immortal army, then there is a certian reason why." I turned the other way. "Only if I could read her thoughts..."

Lita's eyes widen. "Omigod! I have an idea!"

"What?" we both say.

"Sabin, since your ability is to read minds, and mine is to manifest anything I think of. Then, why I can't I manifest Avaline's thoughts that way they'll be in my mind so you'll be able to read them?"

Alex raised his eyebrows and looked at me. "That's an excellent idea."

I didn't doubt her. "Let's try it."

She nodded. So, Lita carefully sat back down on the couch to meditate her thoughts deep inside. I avoid them until she says so. Alex slowly sat down next to her in case something terrible happens during her manifesting.

Time stroll along by ten minutes. I stood like a statue just starring at Lita. Waiting for her manifesting to complete. Her green eyes were black, searching into the back of her mind. I always wonder how hard manifesting is. One time I asked Lita if it was hard. She told me to never ask such a question.

Then, Lita whispers, "It's time. Hurry. Do it quick because I can't hold ehr thoughts long."

I close my eyes and seeked into Lita's mind once more. Though it wasn't her thoughts I was after; it was Avaline's.

Everything was dark and a complete blank. This isn't what I imagine Avaline's thoughts to be. I believed that her thoughts would be an impossible imaginary with her as the ruler. But this was nothing-

-Until I saw this crystal beeming light. Echos filled the dead silence. The echos must be her thoughts. I listened closely. Suddenly, there was this image of a lifeless little girl. She had long blond hair and brown eyes. She was wearing this sliky nightgown. The little girl has to be like seven or eight years-old.

I apporched the lifeless girl to check if she was actually dead. The more I got closer, the more I saw of her. Even if she was really pale, there was this rich, scarlet red liquid dripping out of her flat chest. I went to touch the read liquid; quickly realizing it was blood.

The scent of this blood actually matched Avaline's.

I took a closer look at the lifeless little girl as she was laying on the ground. I noticed that where I touched the blood from her flat chest that her pumping heart was exposed.

Again, my heart skips a couple more times.

What happened to this innocent little girl? She didn't deserve this. No, no, no...

Possibly this had to be a nightmare of Avaline's. Unless she wanted to kill a girl that... looks exactally like her? Or mayber this is her.

All of a sudden, the little girl's brown eyes shot open as fast as a bulet being shot out of a gun. She raised up from laying down and puts on a beautiful, cute smile.

"Hello, Sabin!" the little girl greeted with a hyper voice.

I was too lost for words. The girl wasn't moving and she seemed dying. But she's actually alive. Not breathing though. And how did she know my name?

"Avaline," I murmured.

That's when her smile faded. She stood up. Not stumbling at all and ignoring the huge, bloody hole in her chest that exposed her heart.

The next thing I knew it, she screamed as she tried to claw myself as she quickly transformed into a demon.

My eyes flew open as I collapsed to the ground in the middle of the living room. Lita was paniciing; I could tell by the sound of her voice. Alex came rushing over to me to isist me.

I was quickly fading. Actually everything was. The colors, my surroundings. Except for the near-by sounds- Alex's voice.

"Sabin, say something," Alex demanded, probably having a heart attack.

My throat was too horsed to say the littlest words. My mind was to weak for me to fight my way out of this black out. Or me being "unconscious".

"C'mon, Sabin. Stick with me here."

I had no clue if I was dying. Maybe close to pass out. I'm not sure. All I know is that my heart is racing likea horse, my brain feels like it's crushed, and my body felt alittle over-heated.

I felt Alex's cold hand on my forehead. Next, sliding to my chest.

Yes, Alex's immortal ability is psychic healing. He's like our personal doctor. Only this would be a challenge if he helps me making through this.

"Sabin, I want you to tell me if you begin to feel anything strange."

I felt both of his cold hands cup my face. What in the hell was he doing? Then, his forehead was pressed against mine. This weird kinetic energy began to flash through me. I could see different colored spots flashing everywhere until they disagppeared.

I moaned. My heart started to race faster than it was.

His cold hands shifted to my chest. Alex muttered that he couldn't heal anything unless I was exposing bare skin. So, I felt him tugging off my t-shirt. Possibly ripping it to shreds.

He placed his cold hands back to my chest. My bare, muscled chest. Suddenly, there was this spark that went through my whole body, causing me to gasp at this new sharp pain that was on my heart.

Within seconds, my body was calm- not burning, my heart wasn't repeatedly racing- it was normal beats, and my brain was slowly dissolving the killer headache.

"Sabin?" Alex muttered. "Please tell me you are okay. Please. C'mon! Wake up!"

I moaned again. My eyes slowly opened. Everything was way too burry. I waited until everything was place correctly in my visions. I found Alex bent down at my side where I was laying on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head, feeling the effects from that headache.

Alex jumped up. "You tell me what happened." He went over to Lita to see if she was alright. "Damn, I really thought you were gone for a second, too. Oh, I kinda ruined your shirt, too."

I didn't care about my shirt. Noticing that my chest- well, my whole torso was exposed. I didn't really cared about that either.

All I cared about was what was the meaning of that little girl in Avaline's thoughts.

"Did you see any of Ava's thoughts?" Lita asked me.

I jumped up off the floor, stumbling over to the recliner chair. "I couldn't hear anything. All I saw was this old night mare of hers." I gulbed. "A little girl turning into a demon. That's what caused me to leaver her mind which you were holding."

"Yeah, I kinda only manifest her older thoughts. That's all I could do. Sorry."

"It's cool. It was just that girl... it had seem famiular to Avaline herself. As if that was her as a seven-year-old."

Alex and Lita were a little confused. They probably couldn't understand any of it. I guess I'll just have to explain it later.

At a split second, my iPhone started ringing. I reached into my pants pocket to answer it. First, I checked to see who was calling.

It was Raven.  
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