WolfsNeverDie — SM: Silvanus

Published: 2013-10-20 11:25:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 2276; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Yes, i have taken way too long with this =w='' //sigh Well, am finaly done with it! I think over the deadline, but at least spent enjoyable weekend finaly finalizing and fleshing out the design XD
... Some might recognize him ewe Shushh..
Kept true to my word and chose black, though am still mostly rooting for the underdog XD //shot


☆ No: 0019
☆ Name: Silvanus (Sil)
☆ Rank: 06
☆ Type: D

        ☆ Ability: [R7 Deva; Squash; Eyes of possibility]

              Battle god: Moving towards enhanced condition. If R6 is special use of own telecinetic ability, R7 is constant state of being it top shape without the need to maintain it. (Meaning no food or sleep is necessary, yet without eating and resting the kid can't grow and might get stumped into child's body, if they don't feed their bodies for prolonged periods.)

                    Squash. Ability to split off and shoot out an arm in high speed - when the said arm reaches the target, it spreads out, envelops it, and squashes them into a tiny mash of matter. The amount of arms being split off depends on training. When the target is crushed - life energy of the said arm returns to user, if the arm fails to crush the target, it doesn't return on it's own and needs to be called back.   

                    Eyes of possibility: When he feels fear or intense curiosity about someone or something, his eyes turn faintly glowing blue/teal and he's able to see the possible futures of the said being/thing. The more he focuses, the further the time, but it gets blurry. //Focusing too strongly would make one dizzy or make them pass out//  

☆ Age: 12
☆ Gender: Male
☆ Height: 148 cm (4'10") 150 cm (4'11")
☆ Root: Whitetail deer (piebald)
☆ Side: Black

☆ Winter Uniform: fav.me/d9nk7ra

☆ Personality:
A very quiet deer of few words, that has turned more mistrustful towards strangers. However his mistrust is mostly aimed towards adults, while fellow kids can see more of his caring side. Due to finding new friends and gaining abilities, Sil has grown to be more confident. In same time he is still rather melanholic. Silvanus in general is rather calm and doesn't appear to let small things bother him. However in danger situations he can loose his cool and become more easily agitated, using his ability without much thought at that moment. Quite cold hearted when it comes to his enemies. Most of the time Sil acts on emotions rather than calmly thinking things over. At those time he can be rather vengeful as well - returning deed 10 times over. 
In general his enemies should beware, while he cares dearly for those who are close to him. To those in between he will stay the quiet deer. Although it's hard for him to call someone a friend, as he is not sure what friend is exactly. 

☆ Likes|Dislikes:
+ Flowers and plants
+ warm poridges and jams
+ silent, warm and calm places
+ books
+ forest
+ Good company
- loud noises
- strong winds and bad weather
- people being annoying
- strong scents
- spicy foods and meat dishes
- guns and similar weapons <- those will be destroyed on sight.

☆ Background:
Once there lived a young woman from a proper and well-to-do family, that fell in love with a cumimi man. After man had to leave for different work to a different place, she realized that her love was not without consequences. Her parents supported her, but only till the moment she gave birth to cumimi twin boys, when they threw her out of the house.
With nowhere else to go, her grandfathers brother took pity f her and newborns and took the young woman in to help her raise the twins and find her own way. However she felt only contempt and bitterness, and soon after left the little house getting tangled into a bad company. Great-great uncle was left with twins to raise and old man tried his best to do so. He still tried to talk their mother in returning as both kids were bright and active, although never really missed their mother as never knew what it was like to have one. However mother continued to ignore them and live as they weren't even alive. 
Before their sixth birthday, great-great uncle went off to try to get their mother to return once more, however he got into accident and passed away due to his old age. Kids never saw him again. A couple of days later the gang their mother had entangled herself with came to their little house and broke havoc. Boy's tried to ask them about their great-great uncle, but soon had to flee, as sensed too much dangers to their own well being. Now without a home, they were left to wander streets. At start they looked for their caretaker, never really trusting anyone fully, but with time survival came first and not to feel hurt about the past - they slowly blocked their memories of the little house and life with the kind, old great-grandpa.

Silvanus own earliest memories are of him and his brother. As hard as he tries to remember, he cannot recall much about their care-taker, but he believes it wasn't neither farther, nor mother. However, their caretaker disappeared after some time and left he and his twin alone. They ended being just two boys who wandered around without a care in the world. Both stole food and sometimes clothing, rummaged through dumps and slept in burnt-out or abandoned places, not staying long in one place. The two of them were rather mischievous and naughty, loving to play pranks on others. In same time they were rather crafty as well. They lacked reading or writing skills, though they could recognize some letters and guess words and labels.
However they easy-going life of not caring much about tomorrow and living just for today one day ended, when they accidentally pranked the wrong people. It was just a silly prank of them stealing some food from almost under men noses, after which running away and tricking them by messing with their heads. Both were twins and, even if unkept, were so similar that at first glance it was impossible to tell them apart. But, even if at start the trick worked, soon enough men cracked it and started chasing both of them.
Both deer cumimi's tried to play on their speed, but they lacked the endurance. And men didn't gave up as others before them and twins couldn't rest and laugh away for tricking others once more. They were chased deep in the woods and shot at. Both tired and exhausted couldn't escape much anymore, Silvanus brother being hit by one of the shots. Boy stopped in panic and tried to fight them as saw his brother in pain and unable to run anymore, but was beaten down.
Twins were beaten and the food they had stolen taken back, before men left them in the forest. Brother being shot, Silvanus tried to move him to more safer location, however he was unable to help him in any way and could only watch him pass away.
After a couple days of mourning, boy finally left the place which now was his twins final resting place and wandered off, feeling empty and only able to feel hatred towards those who hurt them, yet unable to do anything as saw himself as too weak, fearing the consequences as well if he tried to go after them again. So, without a goal and anyone to help him find one, Silvanus continued to wander empty through woods, passing some houses and villages, till finally almost collapsing at church. There he was found and taken to the priest by some kind souls, which is how he ended where he is now - mistrusting of anyone and feeling empty as lacking his other side he was so dependent on.

☆ Time spent in the House: [August - December]
The first thing Silvanus got to do in the house was to head up and explore third floor with other kids in priests lead. Afterwards, still being in grief, Silvanus spent most of his time alone in the house. Finding a corner in the library or study, flipping through the books and just spending time feeling lonely. His most interest ended being in the book about soulmatches priest gave them, however he couldn't read it, less understand it. So he just lugged it around and looked at it ever so often. 
Most of the time Silvanus didn't spend much time with others, avoiding them and doing his own things. However at times he did happen upon some events happening or some of the kids asking to tag along. He explored the house with Neo a bit, watched dog boy waste bread on fishes and even joined into hide-and-seek game. However he never really went too far away from the house. His furthest trip being to the swamp, when everyone was given a mission. During this mission Silvanus realized that he really misses someone being by his side. However he was afraid to just replace the person he had lost and pulled into himself even more afterwards, wanting to run away from everyone almost completely, missing other important stuff happening in the house.

It all started to change as suddenly there appeared more and more new faces in the house. So many that it was almost impossible to escape meeting someone now. And so Silvanus started slowly to get to know the new kids. At least some of them. As well as to learn a bit more about those he had already spent some time with in the house. He grew stronger as well, accepting and showing more of his abilities, not afraid and hiding them anymore, and started grow stronger with them almost by day. 
As everyone in the house had started to see odd dreams, Silvanus too couldn't escape them. Till he died in last of them. Once he woke, he was pulled along and had to protect Neo and Jan as only he could do it. While doing something boy had never imagined he could, he had a breakthrough he hadn't thought possible, his ability starting to flow even more free and with more ease.

However his calm and growing acceptance and happiness was suddenly shaken greatly by a discovery in the houses hidden basement. 

Silvanus needed time to come into terms with it, however his world was shattered more and more with events continuing to happen around. His lack of sleep due to insomnia he had regained didn't help the situation much either. Till they went on a nightly walk, which he happened to bring Sylvia along. Neo created a graystorm, at which he spent about three years together with Sylvia and lost her in the events they participated at the supposed end of it. It crushed him severely, however Sil was rejoicing after learned that it all was just something similar to a very bad dream. It felt like he could relax, but he happened to learn of even more horrible things that humans had did to cumimi's again in the basement, but Neo put him to sleep before he could damage anything, so Silvanus was calm the next morning, when attack on house happened. He is still not completely certain what exactly happened, however his hatred towards such weapons and humans who wielded them only grew. Sylvia manged to calm him down enough and boy started to distance himself for a moment again, seemingly wanting to return to days spent together with Sylvia, even though those were more like a memory of a dream. 

So for a while, Silvanus started to spend most of his free time with Sylvia. She had lost her vision without explanation and it worried deer quite a bit, so he became her eyes and tried to help her out as much as possible whenever possible. His ability has grown a lot as well, due to training he had done in the three years he spent as terrorist in graystorm. So lots of things were now done by his shadow hands rather than real ones. Together with Sylvia he headed up to a secret conference, where he surprisingly was not able to use his ability for a moment. But that passed and kids were given weapons. Sil didn't take one. He couldn't imagine himself bearing any kind of weapon - he had his own strength. 

Time came for them to head out in a serious mission. Silvanus was relieved that he was in the same team as Sylvia. And his other teammates he was sort-off familiar as well, although not too much. Being the only Deva, he lead them to their destination and cleared out grays that were haunting an abandoned asylum. It was a nerve wracking experience, however, once silence fell over the abandoned building, he felt a bit more relaxed. Just in case Winter kept a barrier up and, thanks to that, they weren't filled with bullets once exiting the building. In front of them was an ambush, whose preparators main aim seemed to be to kill the cumimi children. Barrier being pelted by bullets, Silvanus grew afraid that what happened before in similar situation will happen again in this, even if the last time was during a graystorm. His eyes started to glow bright blue to allow him to see the incoming dangers before they reached Sylvia, him or his companions. Thanks to the eyes, he managed to avoid a fatal attack and trick the attackers into thinking they had succeeded, luring them in. Winter took out the first part of the, while Silvanus got rid of the remainder, grimly rushing back home afterwards to look for Jan to help with injuries sustained during mission.  

As missions were finished, deer slept in together with Sylvia. However after they finally got up, Sylvia ran away. Confused about the reason, Silvanus spent most of the time looking for her, but he couldn't find her anywhere. However he did manage to meet other kids and a few new faces, although deer didn't think about them too much. 

Left alone once more, Silvanus failed to fall asleep during night. First night Enma was restless as well, sharing the same bedroom, which was a bit odd. He led the lion outside and helped him train his deva powers. Oddly, he didn't feel tired the next day at all, but Sylvia still eluded him, Silvanus slowly stopping his futile search, but still hoping he will spot her somewhere. 

Second night not being able to fall asleep at all, Silvanus went to study room to try read instead. However there he ended being pestered by Lulu (who had decided to antagonize deer). As talk went forward about fighting, Sil assumed that boy wanted to train his powers as well and left the house together with him. 
Outside they encountered Neo and Rubi who were returning from their mission. Neo asked them to come along and Silvanus went along to his first encounter with a god.
Silvanus felt frustrated, as he couldn't really do much in this situation. Only the odd eyes he had acquired before was more of use in his opinion. But even they couldn't help him, as one of the gods followers ate his arm under the elbow. Even Jan couldn't restore it, which slightly confused deer and made him bit uneasy, although he isn't really missing an arm. 

☆ Other:
~ Is startled by mirrors.
~ Is not really picky with food, but is mostly herbivore. Hates seeing food being wasted.
~ Doesn't know how to read much, but wants to learn it. Is learning how to read from Sylvia. Can read slowly, but cannot really write.
~ Doesn't really understand concept of friendship as never had any friends. Nor concept of family, as so far had just him and his twin against everyone else. 
~ Is very close with Sylvia.
~ Due to various events during chapter 10, now cannot fall asleep when is alone.
~ Is more grown-up thanks to spending 3 years in a graystorm. (still a kid, but slightly more mature. mentally about 15 years old) 
~ Has realized he has grown very strong, but is hesitant about showing the true extend of his abilities yet. less hesitant, but doesn't know his upper limit yet. 
~ Has full set of badges: Clover, Spade, Heart, Diamond.
~ During Chapter 12 - lost arm under elbow to god. Wears black glove to hide the fact.

☆ Previous apps: sta.sh/21t4vjm63eb6

Relationship chart //link to come

Art and character by me - WolfsNeverDie
Soulmatch app by tshuki
Soulmatch created and owned by tshuki
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Comments: 234

tshuki [2015-05-13 01:36:10 +0000 UTC]

Yo~ Would you be up for a comment rp? //wiggles// 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 03:16:33 +0000 UTC]

Yes! I am up for a comment RP~ ewe

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 12:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Kiri ran inside the study room, looking around as if he was searching something or someone. But having not found the thing, he turned around to ran out-- but the movement of someone behind one of the shelves caught his attention and he ran to peek over the shelf carefully, to see who or what it was. It appeared to be a boy in green clothes-- not the usual uniform. He tilted his head curiously, peeking at him. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 13:07:41 +0000 UTC]

Deer ears moving up and down, Silvanus was intently looking at a book in one of the upper shelves. There was no way he could normally reach it, but the cover of it looked quite elegant. Often with back like those books had pretty pictures as well. He shifted on his feet and bit softly into fingers joint. Should he reach for it?

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 13:42:57 +0000 UTC]

Kiri traced the look the boy in green clothes had and figured he wanted a book on the upper shelf.  He walked up to the boy. "That book is too high. We need to find stairs." He was completely casual about helping the other out. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 13:51:55 +0000 UTC]

Quickly taking a step back, Silvanus gave Kiri an allarmed look. He had been too concentrated to notice other approaching and hadn't really paid much attention towards steps running around. After all - there were more kids now. "Ah..." it took a few more moments for him to realize that other was offering help. "I don't need..." Sil quickly shook head, but didn't finish sentence.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 14:00:01 +0000 UTC]

"You don't need the book?" Kiri asked, tilting his head. He guessed he had merely surprised the other from the look of alarm he had. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 14:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Slightly hesitant, Silvanus glanced up back at the book and nodded slightly. Yes, this answer was fine. After all - it would be strange if he said that didn't needed stairs. Tail, previously raised in alarm, moved back down again. "I was just curious," he mumbled partially, before looking Kiri sort-off over. A cat? "You are new," he added, not exactly as question.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 15:43:32 +0000 UTC]

"Yup! As fresh as they come!" Kiri said raising his hand in a playful salute. "I'm Kiri, you?"

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 15:49:52 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus tilted his head slightly at others salute. He wasn't sure why other did that. But he soon straightened back up and nodded softly. "Silvanus." Just a name. No additional 'nice to meet you' or other pleasantries. However, deer cumimi relaxed a little bit. He glanced down at his scarred hands, before glancing at Kiri's. Should he? 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 19:15:56 +0000 UTC]

"So-- Silvanus-- would you like to go out and play?" Kiri suggested with a smile, not feeling any need to shake hands, if other did not initiate anything. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 19:22:11 +0000 UTC]

Deer was still pondering over something, thinkinng if he should say something along the lines of 'welcome to the house,' only hinted at by his unmatching eye gaze, but he soon was brought out of it by cats words. Blue and green eyes turned towards Kiri's face and he nodded very slowly. As if not completely certain of it. "What do you have in mind?" he asked. Just to be sort-off polite, as he wasn't sure how she should act with the new kids just yet. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 20:38:47 +0000 UTC]

"Go around, explore-- see all the stuff-- there's a sea nearby, right? The air smells salty outside." Kiri said with an excited smile, waving his hands as he spoke. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-13 20:46:30 +0000 UTC]

"Ah.." Silvanus blinked. He had been exploring, at least a bit. But, of course, Kiri had just arrived and didn't knew anything about the house or surroundings, asides from the very basics. Probably. 
Deer cumimi looked towards the window as if to check how outside looked, befoe nodding slightly. "There is. It's a bit away though," he answered. Bit curious, boy turned attention back to cat. "What have you allready seen?" he asked, although tone slightly cautious. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-13 22:07:22 +0000 UTC]

"Napping places!" Kiri put a thumbs up. He had found a lot of good places to nap all around the house. "So - want to head out? To the sea."

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-14 03:26:46 +0000 UTC]

Others gesture and answer surprised boy a little bit. He had expected something bit different. Possibly more ordinary. Ah, but Kiri was a cat after all. And there were plenty of places to rest indeed. In the end, boy returned back to the previous question. Silvanus thought it for a moment, but soon afterwards sowly nodded. After all - house was quite filled and break from the others as well as something different would be nice. Besides - neither of them would be alone, as other was going too. And deer cumimi was still bit cautious about it, even if events had passed. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-15 14:30:38 +0000 UTC]

"Yay!" Kiri was happy about it and tried to grab on Silvanus's hand to drag him behind him to the wardrobe. They needed to get their coats on, after all. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-15 14:38:11 +0000 UTC]

Sudden grab at his hand startled deer a bit, but he only flinched lightly, allowing Kiri to take his hand and drag him towards wardrobe. Outside was cold, so it was only reasonable they got dressed up for it. Silvanus pulled out his own new green coat. He felt a bit proud as it was the first coat he ever really had. At least one that fit him. And in nice olour as well! Deer was about to reach in for a coat for Kiri as well, but froze, as he wasn't sure which one to take. He had just the cat. So instead he just pulled out two scarves and held white out out to Kiri. "I think it's far."

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-15 21:26:44 +0000 UTC]

Meanwhile Kiri had pulled a black coat over his head, being too lazy to bother with buttons and looked at Silvanus and the scarf-- "Put it on me," he said being used to his mom putting it on him, as otherwise he ran around without one, not really knowing how others put them on without having them fall off later.

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-15 21:37:37 +0000 UTC]

For a moment, Silvanus just starred at Kiri. Request surprised him a bit. Not that he couldn't do it, just that he hadn't done it. At least no-one had asked anything similar from him here. 'Bit hesitant, he took a step closer, before putting scarf around Kiri's neck and tying it neatly to cover it and not let cold or snow get underneath it. Feeling a bit of unease, he turned sideways afterwards, finishing fixing his own scarf and coat then. It felt odd to do something he was used on doing, yet having to do to someone completely different. Reaching once more in wardrobe, he quickly pulled out a black cap and pulled it deeply down, trying to hide his face a bit. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-16 12:37:13 +0000 UTC]

"Thanks!" Kiri smiled at him and once the other seemed ready, took him by hand to pull him outside the house. Kiri had never found contact like this anything special, so he didn't figure out what Sil seemed slightly worried about and he wasn't even sure if it was worry or something else. Kiri was too careless to pay attention to the fact that when doors were opened, neither cold air gushed in, nor warm air - out. It was like there was a invisible (not sensible) layer of sorts. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-16 14:27:27 +0000 UTC]

Taken by a hand once more, Silvanus was pulled along yet again. He didn't resist, allowing Kiri to drag him towards doors and outside of the house, taking in deep breath as soon as he stepped over the doorstep, feeling coldness numbing cheeks a bit. He didn't paid much attention towards oddness of temperature change, as his mind was taken more by other things, Kiri dragging him along. He looked at the back of boys head a few steps out, before asking: "You know the way?"

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-16 15:30:47 +0000 UTC]

Kiri stopped and let Silvanus go. "Right-- I don't," he turned back to laugh a bit. "You lead the way, then."

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-16 15:46:04 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus nodded lightly, before turning to go to the back of the house. His step was a bit hesitant, as he was not comletely sure where exactly sea was, but he could guess general direction. Most probably a location he knew the least about! This logic should be work. And place he knew the least about was further away behind the house. "I think here," he voiced quietly, glancing back at Kiri to see if he follows before heading towards the trees. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-16 16:07:09 +0000 UTC]

Kiri was following closely behind not to be separated from the other, curiously looking at everything around them. His eyes were sparkling in anticipation. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-16 16:27:26 +0000 UTC]

As Kiri was not falling behind, Silvanus moved further into the woods towards general direction he though sea could be at. He considered for a moment to try fly up and check direction above the trees, but he didn't want to show anyone else he could do. At least not for now. So he just glanced at Kiri and continued his way through the snow and trees in general direction he though sea should be at. His ears moved and flicked towards the tinyest sound, trying to hear waves or anything sea related through the sound of their steps through snow. He took a few steps above the snow to try reduce the noise, before realizing what he was doing and letting his feet sink back in, giving a quick glance towards Kiri. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-16 22:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Kiri was walking over the snow silently, being a cat it was something that came to him naturally - and he wouldn't be able to catch birds otherwise. When he heard Silvanus's steps becoming completely soundless, he stared at the other's feet only to see them a bit above ground. "What did you do?" Kiri was looking at Sil with wide eyes. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-16 22:57:25 +0000 UTC]

He had heard! Or seen, more procesiely. At least boy looked at him wide eyes and surprised question. "N-nothing!" he replied hurriedly and hastened his step to move ahead faster, feet starting to leave a lot softer trail into the snow. Silvanus felt like panicking. He hadn't really thought about it, when just wanted to hear surroundings better. And he just... 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 00:00:47 +0000 UTC]

"Heey!" Kiri chased him. "That's not fair--" But before he could finish the sentence, he stopped to stare at the sea in awe. "Sil! Sil! Look, it's the sea! The SEA!" He completely nonchalantly gave a nickname to other, being too excited about the sea to say a name as long as 'Silvanus'. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 00:09:57 +0000 UTC]

OTher chased him and boy almost ran, however Kiri suddenly called him. It was unusual to hear his name shortened, and boy slowed down to look at other, before understanding what he was saying. Sea? He turned attention to where Kiri was lookign and noticed the sea. Wind was blowing in his face, while eyes widened at the wastness in front of him. Silvanus took a few steps closer to see better, before knowing that he had to get closer. He had to see it better! Giving Kiri a glance, he started to run towards the water, stopping only after there was nothing more between his gaze and the sea. 
"Sea..." he mumbled, before wincing and taking a step back, suddenly remembering something. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 00:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Kiri was following Sil and was soon right next to him. "It's amazing, right?" He asked with sparkling eyes, having completely forgotten other flying before. Or whatever Silvanus had done - Kiri wouldn't know. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 00:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus nodded, feeling the wind blow in his face. For a moment, he glanced bit suspiciously around, before calming and allowing himself to be taken in by the wonderfull sight! "Yes, it is," boy agreed to other, watching the changing water raise and fall as waves ran towards shore. The wastness in front of him made boy shiver slightly. Sea looked so big. So grand.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 00:41:43 +0000 UTC]

"Are you cold?" Kiri asked-- "I can give you a hug to make it warmer!" Kiri said and did exactly that without any further warning. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 00:55:15 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus got startled when other hugged him. Boy felt surprised about it. "N-not cold," he stammered out, but didn't move to push Kiri away. It reminded him that this was another sea and different time. Real time. "Thank you..." after a moment, Sil mumbled. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 01:01:02 +0000 UTC]

"No problem," Kiri grinned at him and proceeded to stare at the sea, while still hugging other. The sky started to slowly turn darker and  Kiri looked up-- "Let's head back?"

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 01:08:58 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus closed eyes for a moment, feeling the wind and listening to the waves, before lookign at sea again. It's raise and fall was rather calming, adding to cat cumimi's hug's warmth. He seemed to forget about what had happened earlier and Kiri hopefully won't persuade him about it either, as it looked that boy had forgotten about it. 
As it started to get darker and Kiri suggested goign back, Silvanus tilted his head. "Why? Yoou are white, right?" he asked. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 01:18:25 +0000 UTC]

"Uh-huh, I am," Kiri said, not really knowing what that had to do with staying out late. He tilted his head back at the other, question in his eyes. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 01:21:50 +0000 UTC]

"I'm black. We are fine," Silvanus nodded, not really explaining much. He wanted to stay a bit more by the sea, curious how it would look after evening fell. And he didn't feel cold just yet either. However he wasn't sure about Kiri, so gave him a glance, before hesitantly asking: "Are you cold?" Sil didn't really see any other reason why Kiri would want to return to house otherwise. He had bene quite excited about the sea after all. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 01:30:02 +0000 UTC]

Kiri shook his head, he wasn't cold. Usually he tried to go back early, because his mom would be upset, but--- it's not like his mom was here. He hoped his mom was fine and clutched onto Sil a bit tighter. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 01:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Feeling hug aroudn him tightening, Silvanus looked down towards Kiri bit curious. Was something wrong? Ears shifted to listen if there was anything around, but he could only hear the sea and Kiri didn't look spooked or alarmed. This mistified deer cumimi a bit. "Is something wrong?" he asked. 

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 17:02:46 +0000 UTC]

"I just miss my mom," Kiri said honestly and his ears lowered a bit. "But it's fine, the priest said I'll be able to go searching for her when I turn thirteen." Kiri said, trying to cheer himself up. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 17:18:19 +0000 UTC]

"Ah.." boy answered. He himself had no idea how it felt to miss his mom. However he too was missing someone, so could understand in a way how Kiri felt. His feelings were probably fresher, as Kiri had just arrived at the house. However Sil didn’t know how long cat was separeted from his mother. Bit hesitant, Silvanus moved hand up and softly patted Kiri on head.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 17:23:02 +0000 UTC]

Kiri smiled at Sil when he did. He liked when others did that a lot. Something flickered in his field of vision and Kiri glanced sideways, noticing a cave opening-- "I think I saw something in there--" He said, his eyes full with curiosity. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 17:40:03 +0000 UTC]

A ghost of a smile lingered in the corners of Silvanus mouth, but only for a moment, as cat cumimi’s attention was pulled by something. Silvanus quickly turned his head and narrowed his eyes. There shouldn’t be any grays wandering around here, right? He was uncertain about it though. Quick glance towards peer calmed Sil down a bit. Even if it was a gray, they could match it, if needed. “What?” calming himself down, Silvanus carefully asked.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 20:17:41 +0000 UTC]

"Nah-- seems like nothing," the cat boy said looking at the cave opening for a while. The snow had resumed to fall - big soft flakes were carried around in the wind and Kiri shook his head a couple of times to get the snow off. Being a cat he could see in the dark well, only the snow hindered his view of the surroundings. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 20:27:10 +0000 UTC]

Silvanus narrowed his eyes, trying to understand what other might of seen, but there was nothing of note. His ears moved around, trying to catch any sound of ordinary, but asides from waves and their breathing, he heard nothing. It might of just been a snowflake in corner of eye, who knows. Boy blinked a few times himself as to clear his vision. He wasn’t too comfortable about the fact though. Maybe they should go? A bit along the coast or similar. Or should they try check things out? Deer was unsure, however he started: “We should…”

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-17 20:36:09 +0000 UTC]

"Move around," Kiri finished Sil's sentence and catching him by hand started waling along the shore. Even if it wasn't cold right now, they did go out for a walk and moving was the best way to keep warm. 

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WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-17 20:48:37 +0000 UTC]

Although Silvanus didn’t finish his sentence, unsure of what they should be doing, Kiri took the lead and decided to continue with the walk. His hand was taken once more, not that he minded it too much, and both started to go along the shore. Sil gave a glance back towards the trees, trying to pick out some sort of landmark, but not too worried about finding their way back. They shouldn’t wander too far off after all. And there would still be trail in the snow.

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tshuki In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2015-05-18 01:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Kiri was melting the snowflakes with his breath and making that into a game, trying to melt all who came too close to his face. He go so caught up in this game of his, that he didn't even notice something glitching appearing in front of them. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WolfsNeverDie In reply to tshuki [2015-05-18 03:00:08 +0000 UTC]

Gaze traveling across the sea, Silvanus ever so often glanced around to see what was in front of them. Both were quiet, although there didn’t seem to be any need for words. At least till dual coloured eyes caught a figure in front of them, glitching. Silvanus froze, suddenly squeezing Kiri’s hand, eyes narrowing as he tried to see what was in front of them clearly. It looked like human, slowly walking along the coast. However ever so often the figure jumped to different place.

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