Writeron — A Belated Birthday to Remember [Law x Reader]

#anime #belated #birthday #law #one #onepiece #piece #reader #xreader #x #writeron #fanfiction #oneshot #romance #trafalgar #onepieceanime #trafalgarlaw #readerinserts #oneshotreaderinsert #lawxreader
Published: 2016-10-10 00:38:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 10868; Favourites: 127; Downloads: 0
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    You were seated in the kitchen, silently reading a novel you had recently bought from the previous island with mild interest. The Polar Tang was strangely calm, then again, it was fairly early in the morning so naturally no one was awake.


    Or so you thought.


    You glanced up from your novel as Shachi, Penguin and Bepo burst into the kitchen, sending the group a raised eyebrow at their nervous gazes. You let out a huff and closed your book.


    “What’s wrong now?” You asked.


    “W-we’re in trouble, [F/N]! Really big trouble!” Penguin cried out.


    “I can’t believe we forgot!” Shachi moaned in addition.


    “I’m so sorry, captain!” Bepo screeched, covering his eyes with his large paws in a panic.


    You stared at the two men and the polar bear, blinking as you attempted to progress why in the world they were in such a panic. You sighed again as you rubbed your eyes, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table.


    “Calm down, you’ll wake the captain up.” You state firmly, effectively silencing the blubbering pirates. You propped your head on your palm, “Now tell me what’s got you all so upset.”


    Shachi, Penguin and Bepo all exchanged nervous glances, but said nothing. You grunted softly as your patience dwindled a tad and you began to irritably tap your index finger against the table. They quickly understood the hint.


    “[F/N]… Do you know what yesterday was?” Penguin carefully asked.


    “It’s the sixth of October.” You deadpanned.


    As soon as you answered his question, they collectively groaned and moaned in depression. By now a tick mark appeared on your forehead, not at all in the mood to deal with their childish behaviour this early in the morning.


    You slammed your fist against the table, once again silencing the men as you snapped at them, “Shut the hell up and just tell me what’s wrong!”


    “W-w-well I-I-it’s the… The…” They fearfully stuttered in unison.


    “It’s what?” You growled, eyes narrowing into slits.


    “It’s the captain’s birthday, [F/N]. It was yesterday.” Bepo finally answered.


    You froze at his words, feeling all your anger and annoyance immediately drain away and be instantly replaced by shock and guilt. You, along with the rest of the Heart Pirates, had completely forgotten your captain’s birthday.


    You bit your lip, “Is he mad?”


    Shachi shrugged, rubbing his neck anxiously, “We don’t know. It’s… Hard to read him. Maybe?”


    You clicked your tongue, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned back into your chair. You glared at the table’s surface in deep thought, wondering if it wasn’t too late to throw a quick ‘apology birthday party’ for Law. It was the least you lot could do for forgetting the most important day of his life.


    Once your thoughts had been affirmed, you looked up at your distressing crewmates, “Alright. Penguin and Shachi, go gather any leftover streamers and decorations. Bepo, wake Jean – Bart up and tell him what’s going on. You both do what you can to distract the captain until we get preparations done.”  


    Bepo nodded with an added solute then dashed off to Jean – Bart’s quarters.


    “What about presents? We’re hours away from the next island, so there’s no time to buy the captain anything.” Shachi asked.


    You grunted softly, “Damn, forgot about that part.”


    “Presents are the main part! How could you forget?!” The pair snap at you.


    “I don’t see you two planning for a late party!” You countered with a glare, “Just go find some decorations and streamers! We’ll worry about presents later!”


    “Y-yes mam!” Shachi and Penguin stuttered before dashing off to complete their assigned duties.


    You slouched further into the chair once alone in the kitchen, a frown pulling at your lips as you stared silently at the table. You had developed a ‘small’ crush on Law several months after you had joined the Heart Pirates, so naturally you felt awful for failing to recall about his birthday.


    What kind of person forgets their crush’s birthday?


    You didn’t even know what to get him, not that you could at this point. If only you and the rest of the crew had remembered then you would not be in this idiotic situation. How in the world were you going to make a cake, decorate the undisclosed portion of the sub where the party will be held, gather presents, and make sure Law is totally unaware of what is happening all in one day?


    How could you pull this off?


    Then it came to you, and though it was a shock that this plan had indeed come to you, you would not question it. Not when you were on a timed schedule.


    Somehow, someway, you were going to make this work and by the end of the day Trafalgar Law will have celebrated his late birthday!




Five Hours Later




    The Polar Tang had just surfaced and docked at the next island. You were not exactly sure what Jean – Bart had done to convince Law to make an extra effort to arrive at the island then the normal time, but whatever he did worked.


    Law had wandered off into the town, probably wanting to buy some medical books or whatever the hell he normally buys. You, Jean – Bart, Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo stayed behind.


    The party would not begin until around ten, and thankfully you had just barely finished the special cake you had made especially for the surgeon [seeing as he detested bread]. The living room had been decorated with colourful streamers and balloons that were scattered or hung throughout the room. And to top it all off, a large, multi – coloured string of words that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


    Law was still blissfully unaware of what you all were planning, which was perfect seeing as this was supposed to be a surprise.


    However, you knew that he was suspicious. He knew something was up, you could see it in the glances he occasionally gave everyone. 


    Bepo remained on the ship to make sure Law does not discover any of the party decorations or the cake. You planned for, whomever should return to the submarine, to take the bear’s place so he may buy a gift.


    And so you set off into the town in search for the perfect gift.


    Each store you entered you exited in utter disappointment, this routine dragging on for nearly two hours. There was nothing at all that peeked your interest, nor did you think Law would like.


    You wanted to get him something special, something unique, something he would never expect. That was far easier said than done, for this town did not have what you were looking for.


    What were you looking for anyways?


    You couldn’t think of a damn thing that could fit the description of what you wanted to give to your beloved captain.


    “Damnit,” you cussed lowly, kicking a stone as you dragged your feet towards the next store, “I don’t know what to get him.”


    “Get who?”


    You gasped in alarm at the sound of your captain’s voice, whipping your head around to find him standing right behind you. You cursed silently once again, sweat dropping nervously as you attempted to piece a response in your head.


    Law tilted his head to the side, eyeing you curiously, “Are you getting someone a gift, [F/N] – ya?”


    “Yes – I mean no!” You cursed yet again at your blunder.


    Law cocked an eyebrow at your nervous behaviour, “So, no?”


    “Yes.” You say.


    “So you are getting someone a gift?” Law repeated.


    “No! No, I’m just… Just looking… Yeah, that’s all.” You smile sheepishly. God were you a stuttering mess today.


    Law eyed you suspiciously for a moment before he hummed softly, seemingly dropping the subject. There was a silence between you both and you gradually began to fidget in place anxiously. This was very awkward.


    After what seemed like an eternity, Law finally spoke up, “[F/N] – ya?”


    “Y-yes?” You responded immediately.


    “Did you forget anything?” Law vaguely asked.


    “Can you elaborate?” You countered, feeling a growing uneasiness forming in your chest.


    “Like a special day.” Law clarified.


    You paled significantly. You had a very good idea on what special day he was indicating, and your heart clenched painfully. You could not be sure if he was hurt by the fact that you all had forgotten his birthday, but from the sound of his tone, you could just barely hear the disappointment in his voice.


    However, and even if your entire being was completely against the idea, you had to play it off as if you were totally unware of what he was talking about. You shrugged as casually as you could and shook your head.


    “Nope. I didn’t forget anything.” You replied with a straight face. Law paused, and for a split second some form of emotion flickered in his silver gaze, but vanished quickly. The raven – haired man coughed and glanced to the side.


    “Ah. I see. Well then, I’ll see you later, [F/N] – ya.” Law turned and walked off.


    You had never felt so heart broken and horrible in your entire life. You had just lied to your captain/crush and hurt his feelings. You definitely deserve the crewmate of the year award for your outstanding actions!


    You wish you could just bury yourself in a hole and die.


    Even so, there was no time to be mopping around in a depressed manner. The party will start in a few hours and you really needed to find a present. So, you turned and continued towards the shop.






    You returned to the Polar Tang after four hours of present searching, and no, you could not find a damn thing. You had nothing to give Law for his belated birthday.


    You allowed your body to fall onto the couch of the living room as a long, exaggerate sigh escaped your lips as you snatched a hold of one of the many balloons that lay on the ground and hugged it close to your chest. Shachi, Penguin and Bepo were also present in the room, and they all watched you with sympathetic frowns. Everyone had already picked out their presents, including Bepo, and you had nothing.


    The party was in an hour and a half, so you practically lost all hope in finding something in that time frame. So, the only thing you could do was mope and whine miserably.


    “C-cheer up, [F/N]! Everything will be alright!” Shachi stated with a small smile.


    “No it won’t! I suck! I couldn’t even find him a stupid present!” You groaned, tossing the balloon away before slamming your face into the nearest pillow as you sobbed into the fabric. Shachi frowned, sighing as he scratched the back of his head.


    “Oh!” Penguin exclaimed, earning everyone’s attention, “Why don’t you sing him a song?”


    “I can’t sing. And besides, I don’t have a song to sing anyways.” You respond before placing your face back into the pillow.


    A collective sigh sounds from the trio.


    “Well, what kind of present did you want to give the captain?” Penguin questioned, leaning back against the wall.


    You sniffed, “I… I wanted to give him something special. Something he won’t expect. Something different, unique.” You explained.


    They nodded and begun to think. It was then Penguin’s face lit up and a large, mischievous grin spread across his cheeks. The man gestured for the other males to come closer and began to whisper something, leaving you completely in the dark.


    Shachi blushed madly while Bepo began to state that it was a very bad idea. Penguin on the other hand thought otherwise, and believed that it would be the perfect present for the sadistic doctor. Penguin turned to you, flashing the most innocent smile he could muster.


    “[F/N]? You trust me, right?”


    “No.” You deadpanned, a feeling of apprehension washing over you knowing that your crewmate was up to no good, and had no intention of being a part of it.


    Penguin huffed, crossing one arm over the other, “Do you want to give the captain a present or not?”


    You bit your lip, nodding.


    “Then will you trust me? I promise you that everything will be alright. The captain will love his gift ~”


    You sighed, there was no use in denying him any longer. In addition, you really wanted to get Law a gift, and you would do anything at this point.




    “Perfect ~”

     Med Bay – 10:00 PM     

    Law was tinkering with several medical interments in the far left corner of the med bay. He paused as a knock sound from the door and he glanced back over his shoulder with a curious gaze, eyeing the entrance.


    He turned back to the interments, “Come in.” He called. The door creaked open followed by several footsteps. Law glanced back once again, blinking at the sight of the large polar bear.


    “What can I do for you, Bepo?” He questioned.


    “I want to show you something, captain.” Bepo answered.


    “It’ll have to wait, I’m working at the moment.” Law retorted, refocusing his attention to the interments.


    Bepo stepped further into the room, “It can’t wait, captain.”


    “And why not?” The tattooed man growled a bit, once again tearing his focus away from his work to look at Bepo. The bear said nothing, he merely gestured for the man to follow then left the room. Law sighed, rubbing his eyes with a single hand before following after him.


    Bepo lead the doctor throughout the submarine. The polar bear paused several feet away from the living room, which had all its lights closed obscuring everything within the space. Law furrowed his brows at the sight and turned to Bepo.


    “What is this? What’s going on?” He demanded an explanation.


    The polar bear merely smiled, “You’ll see, captain.” Bepo pushed Law lightly into the darkness. The next moment, light burst into the room and a combined cheer from the Heart Pirate crew.




    Law was, to say the least, very surprised by the outburst. This was not what he had expected to see. Bepo gently nudged his shocked captain towards the table, where a delectable cake made entirely out of various fruits sat beautifully displaced.


    Everyone gathered around the table, singing the familiar tune before cheering their captain for becoming one year older. Law allowed a ghost smile to grace his lips, however, he noticed something was very much off with this picture. Someone was missing.


    You were nowhere to be seen.


    Law had scanned around the living room numerous times and yet he could not find a single trace of your presence.


    “Bepo.” The dark surgeon called out, “Where’s [F/N] – ya?”


    “Oh, she went to bed early.” Penguin cut in, stepping towards the pair. He bit into the fruity cake, humming delightedly before continuing, “She made the cake and planned everything. She felt so bad for forgetting your birthday she spent the entire day planning it all out. She must have tired herself out. Shame she can’t be here, after all, she worked really hard on all this.”


    “Yeah, it’s too bad.” Law muttered, turning towards the exit and frowned.


    Penguin took another bite of the cake, the fork still in his mouth as he exchanged a look with Bepo. The man swallowed then spoke, “But she did get you something.”


    Law turned to Penguin, his interest peeked “She did?”


    Penguin nodded, “Yup.”


    Law subconsciously smiled, “What did she get me?”


    Penguin smirked, “You’ll see ~ It’s in your room, you can’t miss it ~”


    Law raised an eyebrow at the peculiar tone of voice his crewmate had used. However, before he could question him further on the topic, Penguin skipped back to the table, eager for another slice of your delicious cake. 


    Law hummed, “What about you, Bepo? Do you know what – And he’s not even there.” Law sighed, scratching the back of his head.


    He was disappointed that you were not attending the party, seeing how much effort you had put into it. He definitely needed to thank you for this when he got the chance.


    The presents were handed out after some time, and Law thanked each of his namaka for the thoughtful gifts they had given him – which mainly consisted of books, clothes or medical supplies.


    There was only one present left, yours.


    Law left the living room and made his way to his quarters, quite eager to open your present. Hopefully it was not a pile of medical books, he had been given quite enough of those.


    He creaked open his door, opening the light and stepped into his room. His silver gaze quickly caught sight of a rather large box with a black and yellow stripped design, a spiky, silver bow placed nicely on top.


    He smirked, “What do we have here?” He breathed, advancing towards the box until he paused right in front of it. He pulled the top off and stared at the contents inside.


    He did a double take, even going as far as to rub his eyes for believing that what was inside had to be some form of illusion. He removed his hand, and his eyes widened significantly upon realizing that he was not dreaming.


    What he found in the box was none other than you. Your legs were bent and held close to your chest, your wrists and ankles bounded together with yellow ribbon while your mouth was covered by a black gag with yellow spots. You were seated on black and yellow tissue paper, whilst surrounded by colourful bows and candies.


    Your cheeks were considerably flushed for obvious reasons. This was not the ideal present you believed Penguin had in mind.


    You both stared at each other in silence, neither one of you making a sound. Finally, after some time, you closed your eyes in an adorable manner and waved shyly to your captain, mouthing a ‘surprise!’.


    Law said nothing, but boy was his mind racing with all sorts of thoughts on the situation. There was one thing he did know, you looked so damn cute right now it was a wonder how would was restraining himself.


    Law, after several moments of collecting himself, extending his arm and gently pulled down the gag. You breathed out a sigh of relief, and although you were still rather flushed, you smiled brightly at your raven – haired captain.


    “Happy birthday, captain!” You cheered, waving your bounded hands, “Sorry we forgot.”


    “It’s… Alright.” Law breathed out, placing the lid of the box aside.


    “So, are you enjoying the party?” You asked.


    Law nodded.


    “Good, good.” You mumbled.


    Silence settled in the room once again, however, this silence was much more tolerable. You and Law stared at each other, both smiling sincerely. Then, the man placed both of his hands on the sides of the box leaning close to your face.


    “Tell me, [F/N] – ya. Are you my present?” Law asked with an amused smirk.


    Naturally, your blush darkened at his words, “I-I… I guess it looks that way.”


    Law’s smirk widened and he leaned closer, your noses practically touching, “Because if that’s the case, then you are the best belated birthday present I could ever ask for.”


    Your eyes widened as Law captured your lips with his own, his hand caressing your cheek tenderly. You gasped, allowing easy access to your mouth, to which Law happily took advantage of. The kiss gradually grew more and more heated until you both parted due to lack of oxygen, a thin string of saliva being the only ‘connecting’ you both.


    Your eyes still remained wide, staring up at your captain in shock and slight bewilderment. Law chuckled at your reaction, placing a kiss on your cheek.


    “Thank you for the party, [F/N] – ya. I doubt I’ll forget this present for a long time.” He smirked, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.


    You blinked then smiled brightly, poking the man’s chest.


    “Anytime, captain!”

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Comments: 8

TeddyLiona [2017-01-08 06:15:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phoenixjewls [2016-12-27 03:43:11 +0000 UTC]

I kinda figured I was his present, but that wasn't the presentation I expected

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Writeron In reply to phoenixjewls [2016-12-27 03:45:17 +0000 UTC]

Heh, Yeaaaah... I honestly came up with that because of a picture I saw, but Law was the present. I just, you know, switched up Law and Reader - Chan XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phoenixjewls In reply to Writeron [2016-12-27 03:55:56 +0000 UTC]

D'aww. He'd be an amazing gift!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Writeron In reply to phoenixjewls [2016-12-27 04:06:26 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe, true that ~

I decided to add the gag and binds to make it a bit more 'naughty' XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phoenixjewls In reply to Writeron [2016-12-27 04:18:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Writeron In reply to phoenixjewls [2016-12-27 04:29:06 +0000 UTC]

Huhuhuhu, yup ~

Its funny because I actually write that about a day or two after Law's birthday so it is literally belated XD I was meaning to write it buuuuut I forgot XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phoenixjewls In reply to Writeron [2016-12-27 06:31:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0