wtatew — X-Man: A character in my marvel fanficton

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Description *If it is not obvious, I did not create the background.

This is a retouch of a previously submitted drawing.
This is a redesign that goes along with a fan-fiction storyline set in an apocalyptic "What if..." universe where Earth is conquered by allied alien races. I've been working on this story in my head for years and it's not complete....but I'll include what I have so far.

In my story, X-Man is truly a unique entity. I explain it further in the storyline, but X-Man is the full persona of Cyclops trapped in the body of Rogue who became brain dead after dying from psychic attack that killed all telepaths and precogs on earth (She had absorbed Xavier's power during the psychic attack) that was initiated right before a full alien invasion is initiated. 

"Avengers: The Remains"

I. Opening Scene:

We see Thor’s hammer chipped, but mostly intact on the edge of a cliff with a fortified city under a force field. Then a Caucasian man’s hand reaches down and picks it up. As the man holds the hammer high he states, “It’s time. Avengers Assemble.” The scene zooms out to show the man and his team with ruins behind him.

The man is Steve Rogers (with a modified merger of Cap and Thor’s uniform: Going by the name of Avenger). His team is made up of Dagger (wearing Cloak’s cloak), Hulk (with a white war paint of a skull on his face and chest), Firebird, USAgent (With a bionic left arm and leg from the remains of Machine-Man, and wearing Iron-Man’s right gauntlet, a sleeveless shirt of Cap. A., with a Mask of Cap. A. with the top cut off, and army fatigues for pants: going by the name of Patriot), A hooded woman in a X themed uniform with glowing red eyes: Going by the name of X-Man), Wolverine (with his original mask and street cloths), Hawkeye (with a bionic right hand and forearm, left full bionic arm, scared face with a bionic left eye….bionic parts from the remains of Vision), Spider-Man (Wearing the Anti-Venom Symbiote), Ant-Man (wearing Doc. Ock’s Arms), Julie Powers (with all Pack powers, going by the name of Power), Sand Man, and Doorman.

*There is another group of heroes, not in the picture, who are also a vital role in the resistance. They are Quick Silver (Wearing a Punisher styled mask and suit carrying the Ebony Blade: Going by the name of The Messenger). Hulk/Banner (with shaved head and punisher war paint on his face and chest), Ant-Man: Scott Lang (utilizing Doc. Ock’s metal arms), and Juggernaut with his primary helmet missing and his secondary helmet damaged. His suit also has damage and his chest has punisher war paint. They are advised in guerrilla tactics to fight the Council by Frank Castle who is currently paralyzed as a result of spinal damage received during the original attack.

II. Past:

One of the team (we do not know who yet) is narrating the story. The narrator asks. How did we get to this point and the story fades into a flash back on how this has come to this moment?

The story begins right after the Avengers had successfully saved the universe from the Beyonders. The very multi-verse was on the verge of collapse, but Earth’s heroes narrowly saved us all. Earth’s heroes proved once again how vital our planet is. But, also, it proved once again how dangerous it is as well.

The Galactic Council met to discuss the issue and ultimately decides Earth is too valuable to lose, but it needs to be controlled. And a shadowed character states, “Regretfully, I must agree.”

III.  The Attack: 

The first strike on Earth by the Galactic Council was massive and brutal. They determined that the majority of Earth’s powered heroes and villains had to be eliminated. Hundreds of Warships as large as cities warped into the space around the planet. All satellites were taken over and a telecast was sent out to every communication device, computer, television etc. with one message, “The Galactic council is here to guide you.” And with that the Avengers Tower was blasted first, followed by the Avengers Mansion, the Baxter Building. Every known where-about of a hero or villain was blasted along with drones/armies of aliens being sent to finish off survivors. Those who survived the initial blasts faced brutal odds beyond measure.

No one is seen to survive the Avengers compounds. The Thing is seen emerging from the rubble of the Baxter building with Sue’s lifeless body in his arms. He fights valiantly against Kree soldiers in robotic body suits, but falls. Thor, Hyperion, Wolverine, and Hawkeye walk out into the streets from the bar they were in as the transmission and attack started. Thor shouts to his present teammates, “There will be a reckoning!” And suddenly two hands come from behind and snap Thor’s neck before he has a moment to resist. The hammer and lifeless body of Thor fall to the ground and Hyperion is shown to be the killer. He simply says, “Regretfully, I must agree.” Hawkeye immediately draws his bow and an explosive arrow, but Hyperion blast the arrow with his lasers. The resulting explosion takes Hawkeye’s right hand and forearm, his left arm, and left eye. Wolverine lunges for Hyperion’s throat, and draws blood. But Hyperion’s skin is so dense and durable that he survives. Hyperion grabs Wolverine and rips out two of his claws. Wolverine asks, “Why?” And Hyperion simply says, “You were all too dangerous.” And with that he blasts Wolverine in the face with his lasers so intensely that all the flesh on Wolverine’s head is blasted away and two holes can be seen blasted out of the back of Wolverine’s adamantium laced skull.

The X-Men were living on the island of Utopia off San Francisco. The Shi-ar Imperial Guard attacked without mercy. It is here that we see that the warships utilized a device that instantly rendered brain dead all telepaths on Earth. Rogue caught Xavier and attempted absorb his power only to fall brain dead as well. Only Emma Frost survived the use of the device because she was in diamond form. Cyclops knew they wouldn’t survive so he ordered a retreat to Limbo via Magik. He and Ice-Man would stay hold off the Imperial Guard as the others escaped. Cyclops was struck a mortal blow and he fell on top of Xavier and Rogues bodies. Ice-Man was blasted to shards, and Magik was blasted before she could escape to Limbo with the others leaving the majority of Earth’s mutants stuck in Limbo.

USAgent was the warden of the Super prison known as the Raft, in which the Thunderbolts inhabited when the attack occurred. Super villains were attacked as viciously as the heroes were. Only Mach V, Juggernaut, and USAgent escaped via Man-Thing’s teleportation. (Many, who fall, are later utilized in the forces of the Council.

Earth was not the only target. The Galactic Council also wanted to eliminate those who were sympathetic to Earth. In so, the Annihilators and the Guardians of the Galaxy were attacked.  There was no warning with the Annihilators. As Silver Surfer takes his leave from the team, Quasar was instantly reduced to ash by Gladiator’s eye beams. As Beta Ray Bill looks in shock, Ronan the Accuser hits Beta Ray in the head, from behind, with all his might. As Beta Ray’s helmet and skull are crushed his hammer, Stormbreaker, falls to the ground. Nova attempts to fight back valiantly. He manages to blast off an arm of Ronan, but before he can deliver a killing blow, Gladiator punches his fist through Nova’s body from behind. Gladiator attempts to pick up the hammer to no avail. But Quasar’s wristbands are taken by the Kree who retrieve Ronan (This is important because we will later see Quasar inhabiting the body of a Kree soldier.

All of the Guardians were simply blasted out of the sky.


IV.  From the Rubble: 

Captain America survived purely because he was lucky enough to be standing next to Hank Pym when the Avengers Mansion was attacked. Hank instinctively shrank Cap and himself under Cap’s shield, which is the only way that they survived the blast.

Despite his severe injuries, Hawkeye lived and was dragged to safety by street orphans to Night Nurse. The children told them about Wolverine head, but Hawkeye said he’d heal and we have to get back to him. He was in fact alive, but still in a coma for days. When he finally awoke he was almost like an animal. But the armless Hawkeye was able to calm him down as he was not perceived as a threat. .

All of the Guardians were blasted out of the sky. Jack Flag was not a member of the team at that time. He had taken a hiatus to ponder the words that he was told by Starhawk. Upon hearing of the Guardians and the Annihilators, Jack tries to fight the Kree and Shi’ar as a lone rebel. In his exploits he eventually finds and picks up Stormbreaker and gains the power of Beta Ray Bill. Jack Flag and Quasar will eventually join forces to fight the Council in space as Steve Rogers’ remaining Avengers fight to liberate Earth.

Dr. Doom’s story is perhaps the most tragic. It is tragic because he believes that, if not for his ego, he could have prevented everything. Years prior to the attack, Doom was visited by a future version of himself. The future version was visibly beaten and barely hanging onto life. The future self tries to tell of the attack, but Doom refused to listen. He believed that nothing could defeat him so soundly and instead of listening to the future-self, Doom blasted his future-self into ashes. He did bolster his defenses to a degree, which helped him to save half of his citizens. But Doom knows that if he had put his ego aside long ago, that he could have saved many more and perhaps even stopped the Council before they could attack. In his shame, he discarded his armor and title of Dr. Doom. He now only goes by the name of Victor.

We, few survivors, found each other over time. We established our hidden heavens with the graciousness of the Mole-Man and with the help of the combined efforts of Hank Pym and Victor Doom.

One Heaven was established in North America and one was in Eurasia.  The survivors of those regions defended them. The American heaven was defended by Hank Pym, Justice, Emma Frost, D-Man, the original Human Torch (with a great deal of damage), Electro, Ice-Man, Plant Man, (A few more will be added

The Eurasian heaven was defended by Victor, Meggan (who has taken on the name of Britannia to honor her fallen husband), Black Knight (who now wields Excalibur and goes by the name of Pendragon), Radioactive Man, Union Jack (who wields the enchanted mace of Thunderstrike and without it is paralyzed), Batroc (who wields the Wrecker’s crowbar), and Mole-Man.

Each heaven is underground and miniaturized through the combined technology of Pym and Doom. Both heavens has thousands of inhabitants, however the vast majority of Earth’s population is monitored and controlled by the Council. They must all have monitor tags implanted under their skin that are capable of exploding if deemed necessary by the Council. Despite this lack of freedom, the citizens under the Council are well provided for. They are allowed to live their lives within their sanctioned cities.

V. The Rebellion: 

In the early days, those lead by the Punisher made the greatest dent in the Council’s conquest. Ant-Man, Hulk, and Quicksilver lost their beloved family members. And Juggernaut was simply pissed. They wanted nothing more than to hurt the collected races of the Council as much as possible. They attacked without mercy and without remorse.

Ant-Man was vital for Intel and attacking when least expected. He utilized Doc. Ock’s arms viciously. He was prone to going into the ears of high-ranking officials and ripping them apart from the inside.

Quicksilver took the Ebony Blade from the Black Knight (who had forsaken the blade when he received Excalibur and took the mantel of Pendragon). He took sadistic pleasure and randomly beheading anyone associated with the Council.

Hulk was enraged by the loss of his loved ones, but his rage was nothing compared to Banner’s. Banner became a living gamma bomb. Whenever Hulk would revert to Banner, He would explode with the power of a nuclear bomb. Frank Castle utilized this by having Hulk literally jump into space in order to breach motherships where he would fight his way to a vital area, transform into Banner, and explode. Banner would reform within the wreckage and immediately transform back into the Hulk. He could be heard weeping before leaping off to repeat the process.

Juggernaut just loved running through shit. Laughing all the way.

Frank Castle would guide the men as much as they would allow it. As always, he wanted to punish the guilty, but he also wanted to keep the Council focused on them so that the Defenders could stay under the radar of the Council and so that the Avengers could make more systematic strikes.

Many would fall as the Council’s occupation was challenged. Cloak fell to a sniper shot during a raid of prisoners. As Dagger head Tyrone’s lifeless body, his cloak transferred to her. The power of the Cloak would consume anyone else, however Dagger’s light keeps the Cloak from running unchecked. Dagger is able to utilize all the Cloak’s abilities, but teleportation weakens her greatly. Because of this Doorman has to step up. He trains until he is not just a doorway into any structure. Now he can become a doorway of teleportation as well.

Faiza dies during a raid, which is why Black Knight takes up Excalibur, and goes by the name Pendragon. Before Faiza dies, she heals Cyclops’ body. However, a telepath is required to return his psyche to his rightful body. Which cannot occur until the Councils mechanism that kills telepaths is destroyed. Only then can Emma Frost transform from her Diamond form to regain her telepathic powers.

Juggernaut is eventually captured as well. His ultimate fate is unknown.

We will see a few raids by Cap’s team in which some of his current team and/or defenders are liberated from Concentration encampments.

VI.  The End Battle:

Still working on it


VII.   Epilogue:

Avenger and Dagger marry and have 2 children. Their daughter grows up with her father and her mother’s light powers combined and becomes Shooting Star. Their twin son instantly absorbs the darkforce from Dagger and can control it absolutely. He is known as the Night.

Hank Pym and Victor continue to work together and their combined efforts advance the human race by light years within 2 decades.

Hawkeye and Wolverine take it upon themselves to create an academy to train the next generation of heroes.

The three head planets/civilizations that spearheaded the attack and occupation of earth are dealt with by establishing new leaders on each planet. The Messenger is given the Sh’iar civilization to rule. The Hulk is given the Kree civilization. And Juggernaut is given the Skrull civilization. Uprising and revolts are expected, but that just gives the three punishers the opportunity to deal out more punishment as they want. And it keeps the three would be conquering races too busy to ever consider trying to attack earth again. To assist the 3 new rulers, each has a secret spy to assist them. Messenger has Sandman, Hulk has Ant-Man, and Juggernaut has Britannia.

Quasar, Jack Flag, and Power continue to patrol the cosmos, ensuring that all planets know the power that comes from Earth and the consequences of any who attempt to attack it.

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