xaosdevil — The beginning

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Description The World That Should Be
If I was a god I’d be carderrow, I stand for no one thing as other gods do ,assassins and warriors would pray to me, madness would stay with me, knowledge is a friend to me, techknowledge and alchemy would agree with me, magic would love me, trickery, stealth and strategy would be the undoing of my enemies, I stand for everything freedom is my friend. I can’t be a god but I am, so call me what you like, but I am Carderrow.
- Carderrow Scott
I was mortal once. I bled like you, breathe like you and loved like you. I was a hero, a murder and a teacher. I had a family, a wife and a child. They were my happiness and life. Wisdom, aggression, love and hate were within me. I was a man, my blades hand out death and justice in equality. My spells saved and killed. Those who were my enemies fear me. I was human like you? I never asked for power; it just came. I never asked for followers; they just came. I never asked for death, but like everything else she came as well, but death…. death is only the beginning!

“Die once”
Death is a state of mind. It for cowards and weaklings who are looking for away out. Are you weak? The strong look death in the eyes and defy him. Cause only a man, a human can be what or do whatever it wants.
- Carderrow Scott

I am no longer human like you, anymore. I think I miss it. It’s boring here. Have I told you where here is. I’m here and there, I’m everywhere. I have become what you call a god. Did I surprise you. Do you fear me. Do you hate me, How do you" feel about gods. To understand gods you’ll have to become one. No, it’s not impossible. As you can see, I did it. Be warned all who walk this path, most will die, though others will go insane. But those who do rise to godlike power. Will you like what you find?

Day 1
Chapter 1
I was awaken, to something larger sitting on my lungs. There is only one person I know who would do that. I say so the best of my ability “ get the hell off me assholes”. My mother answer me with an kick right to the ribs, “who you talking to little bastard”. “To the heavy woman on top of me” , I said. She responded with another kick to the side. I was seeing stars when she finally got off me. My mother was wearing a summer dress and had on her favorite purple lipstick. She was in a playful mood. Cause she was smiling like a child that was about to cause mischief. My mother is not a very tall woman I’m about five or six inches taller than her. Though not that it matters because she can still kick my ass. “ Get up and get dress we’re going to see your memo”, she said. My first reaction was surprise and disbelief, we all hated my memo, we couldn’t stand her. Why the hell were we going to see her.
After a rather quick wake up call my mom waltz out of the room. Not even checking if I was following after her. I got up. Walked out of my room still in nothing but my boxer. The only good side of having my room is it has instant access to the kitchen. Down side there no door so no privacy whatsoever. I got a pop tart and some milk.Then retreated back into my den like any animal would.
I am in my clothes covered room. It’s not that big. There a bar table, trunk, bed, desk, flat screen and couch. The bed and couch are against the wall, connected, in the left hand corner. Directly in front is the desk on top is the flat screen TV. Behind it is a stack of games and a playstation 4. On side of the desk is two plastic bends stuffed with clothes, mine and my older brothers. On the table to boy scouts equipment and school supplies, right next to the bar. Under the table is a trunk full of school shirts.
I lay on the couch chillen like usually. Should have gotten dress like mom said. I had just finished an assassination mission on “Assassin Creed 4 Black Flag”. When hurricane mom come and unplug the entire thing. I didn’t even get to save. She was mad I was still not dress and was playing games instead of getting ready. “Why the hell aren’t you getting ready”, mom. “Why would I mess up my perfect saturday morning going to see her”, me. “Cause she dying and I said so”, mom. “We’ll send me an invitation to the few aural, cause I don’t want to go see her while she alive”, me. “ Carderrow I know, you and your sibling have problems with your memo, but maybe it time you fix it”, mom. “ Yeah and maybe it time to go and talk to my dad, but I’m not going to do that either am I”, me. I know I’d won when I said that mom, had learned her lesson about listening to me about my dad. If she had listen to me about my dad a lot of the scars I have inside and out, I wouldn’t have. Most of which she can’t stand to look at. “ Sooner or later you’ll have to stop avoiding stuff carderrow”, mom. “ We’ll see”, me.
My mom and sister went to my memo’s house, leaving me and my other siblings alone in the house. I got up to see what the rest of my family were up to. I walk out of my room past the kitchen, rounded a corner into the living room. My older brother. He was laying on the couch sideways, wear jeans and a t-shirt, while playing “call of duty ghosts”. He was so into the game he didn’t even notice me until I walk right in front of the tv. To get to my younger brothers room. They were both asleep. One in his spiderman pjs, and the other in his cars pjs.
With my curiosity satisfied I went and took a shower, the water was hot and relaxing just like I like it. When I got out there was steam everywhere. I got dress in my favorite stewie shirt, it black and has stewie on the front in a dark room covered in games and filth that any teenage boys room should be covered in. At the very bottom of the picture, I reads “ I play on expert”. After I got dress I realised that my house was way too quiet, so I went off in search of my missing family.
My search lead me to the park, which is right down the street of my house. My street is a dead end street, that is connected to the park. As I walked through the park I notice there a lot more people in the park then there usually is, there was hundreds of people. It was then that it hit me, today was family fun day in the park. I found my brothers together at the rock climbing wall. It was a race older vs younger brother. Younger was winning I guess his side was easier. I walk pass them to the soda booth. The line was short compared to the rest of the lines. I was when I got to the front of the line the smell of barbeque assaulted my nose. I quickly grabbed a drink and ran to that line. What I was smelling was the sausage on a stick and smoked hot dog. The line was at least a million miles long and I was at the back of it. After about 20mins, I reached the front of the line. I got a hot dog and a sausage on a stick. I didn’t even get to start eating before my brothers showed up. I mean come on this niggas, just showed up out of nowhere, scared the hell out of me. “Carderrow come on we're going to get mom and sis”
“ Can I at least eat my food first”
“ You can eat and walk”
“ Fine lets go, and come back already”
While we were walking I tried my best to eat. Eating slowed me down alot. My brothers were at least, a block ahead of me. He was not even paying attention to me at all so, I’d tried my luck. I turned around and started walking to the park.
Out of no where an explosion goes off!!! I was thrown off my feet. It hurt like hell. Believe me, I know. I was there before. Sharp pain erupted in my back and head. My vision was red and cloudy. It barely cleared, just enough to see. The moment I opened my eyes I saw fire from the heavens. From the fire abominations poured through by the dozens. They were killing people Without mercy, hesitation or even maybe even purpose. Just cause they could. I watch them decapitate a man and impale women and children. My first reaction was fear, I wanted to run. Though my legs hurt, but I had to get away, but at the edge of my vision, my family stood. My older brother in the front, behind him my two younger brother. The three of them were human shields for my mother and older sister who were trapped under rubble. I don’t know when I started running. I don’t know how fast I ran. I don’t know what I thought I could do. I just kept running forward. My vision was red and kept getting redder, I don’t really know why, but I think I can guess. My anger, grief, desperation, hope we could all get away, desperation to hold them, fear they would disappear. Never to see them again, and for once, I wish I was wrong.

Anger gets you motivated anger gets shit done!!!
- Zero Punctuation

I know this wasn't to long ago. But do you remember the emotions I listed and explained earlier. I explained all but one. Anger, at the time of running to my family. I was angry, because all the things I lost. That anger was quickly replaced. As I ran at my family with thoughts and emotions, the abominations cut through them. I saw other men children even women had stole weapons from them and were fighting back. One lady pull out a pistol from her breast and started firing at them. (metal note don’t ever mess with woman with huge breast) Even older brother refuse to go down without a fight. He hit several in the face with his fist and feet. Round house kicking their butts. He was a mad man, wild, uncaring for his own safety. He knocked them down them savagely, hungry like he enjoyed it. But a beast is always put down like one. My older brother went down without a head. My two younger brothers jumped, his murder. They took his legs out from under him. Then stab him savagely with his own weapons. His black blood covered them. They gave out this angry, hungry and savage roar challenging the rest. Then it happen, in unison they look to my mother and older sister to receive praise for there kill but all they found where there lifeless bodies which the abomination were about to defile. That was the last straw, they ran fast and angry. They cut down the abominations who were obviously not ready for their attack. They drop my mom and sister lifeless body now exposed for the waist up. It was then that I reach them. The happiness was quickly masked we stood back to back. Ready for an attack. My older brother and younger ones had cleared a huge amount of the abominations. But there was plenty more. At least they weren’t still spawning. So we just had to kill the remaining and walk away. There fear was without saying right smack on their faces now. The abominations had stopped savagely running around and were forced on us now. Pure hatred, anger, and blood lust filled me. I let loose a mighty roar and ran straight. Just punching and round house kicking. Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee style. At one point I stole a weapon and started hacking my way though. My younger brother followed right behind me. Close, killing anything I didn’t. After about 20 mins of killing there was about 15 left. But we were so tired of it, have you tried killing like a mad man it so much work. At some point we were separated. While I was fighting off three of them. The youngest of my brothers was impaled from the back and then beheaded. My last brother, went crazy he started on a rampage. He slaughtered all in his way to our fallen brothers body and proceed to kill everything in the prienady. I was on my way to his aid when he fell over a fallen body. The abominations reacted quickly they were about to impale him when I behead them.There were about 5 or 6 of them left. We together dispatch them. After we killed the last one. We both fell to our knees with exhaustion. We look around and found that anything in a ten block radius. Was silence, there was no human, animal, wind, fire or abomination around that was still making noise. Everything was silent. That was the scariest thing. My home area, Acres Homes was always full of noise and life. Now it was a waste land. House were now ruble, streets themselves were broken. I turn to my last remaining brother he just looked at me. It seem that the realisation. That we were alive and were able to survive the impossible seem to be impossible. We’ll I guess we're too smart for our own good. As were stood up, a single bolt of fire fell from the sky. It was ten times as big as the other and it was a green fire.
Looking at it fall we knew that if we tried to run we’ld die. So we gather as many weapons as we could. I gather two combat knifes, one short sword, and a something that looks like a pendant. It was covered in blood, both human and abomination. I like the way it looked so I dropped it over my head. As I did my younger brother walked up beside me. Armed with a mace and two short swords. A dozen knives and two pistols. He gave them both to me. I wanted to say something, to let him know how much I love him. I wanted him to run, but I know my family better than they know themselves.
My last remaining brother name is Taquan Gray, his nickname is T-gray. He doesn't have the same last name as the rest of us. He gets it from his father. He a smart mouth, funny, annoying little guy. But he my little brother and I love him. As I look at him memories of my life and family fill my eyes. He is covered in black blood. He is wearing a blue shirt made for soccer player, his favorite sport. He has jeans and gray jordans on, as well as his favorite wristband. I know he is tired and want to rest, he refuse to show it. Instead he puts on this tough face, I seen so many times. He puts it on when he being defiant. My older brother use to bully us and t-gray always fought back even when noone was there to help him. Oh and my older brother who’s body lays twenty feet from us. I always said I hated him, but seeing him dead makes me so sad. His name was Christian ironic cause he rarely acted that way. He was annoying, a bully and just a jerk. But still his death enrages me. The death of his twin, my older sister enrages me. Her name was Christialyn. She was beautiful in both ways. She was full of life, and happiness. To the point of being very annoying. She help those she could and cried for those she couldn’t. She was evil and pure at the sametime. She was my only sister and I love her without equal. I look at t-gray once again his eyes were somewhere else. He was looking at our youngest brother. He was the baby who hated being the baby. Though he was the baby of the family he was taller than t-gray. It was the reason they didn’t get along. They were a year apart so they. Shared just about everything, rooms, clothes, shoes and game systems. They spent some much time together they shared friends and even girlfriends in some ways. They fought a lot but would always make up without actually making up. His name was Caleb and he was my favorite brother. He was a goofy, nerd, geek and anger little guy. T-gray stared at his lifeless body and began to cry. I reach out to grab hold of him to hug him and help him grieve. It was then that the Green bolt of fire slammed in front of us and the monstrosity that it held, stood over us.

Alright lets be honest, this thing scared the shit out of me. I looked like all the other monstrosities. Red skin, dark purple cat eyes and humanoid. But just like the others had black wings, and eagle claws and a dog ears. The things would have been cool if they weren’t trying to kill me. Oh and did I mention it was about 13 feet tall. What do they feed the guy. He slammed into the ground and sent us flying. Which wasn’t as cool as everyone thinks. I hit a few tree branches before slamming into the ground like a stone. T-gray was much luckier he hit a tree a few feet away and was mostly okay. Though he claimed his back hurt. This asshole did give us anytime to recover. He emely attack us. Holding a wickit huge battle axe, the thing was massive, same size as a thin tree about 20 years old. With his big ass wepon he charge at t-gray. Axe high above his head. Slamming it straight down at the spot where t-gray laid. To bad for him t-gray was gone before it hit it mark. He had rolled between it legs and were giving him a reason to wish he wasn’t so huge. Slamming his mace against his ankles. From the look he made that must have hurt. He dropped like a fly, piss the fuck off. Using his hand he sweep it right at t-gray who hopped out of the way as fast as he could but got hit anyway. T-gray was sent flying again and this time he hit a tree didn’t get up. This seem to make him happy because he gladly forgot about me and went straight for the kill. Guess it not his lucky day cause I drew my pistols and fired into his spine and neck. That got his attention but did seem to only piss him off. This guy must be made of steel cause nothing is hurting him. I mean I’m loading this guy with clip after clip and he acting like it just an annoying. I was just about to give up on shooting him. When I got a lucky shot, directly in the eye. He scream in pain and dropped his axe . With that knowledge I made it my mission to shoot that eye. He made it his mission not to let me. He charge at me face turned away from me. I rolled away and began to fire at his eyes again. We made this a game he charge I roll out of reach and shoot at his eye. T-gray I guess felt left out cause he decided to cut at his ankles while he wasn’t looking. So we got into a new game. I drew my sword and one combat knife cause I was running out of ammo. So me and t-gray started a new game he cut at the ankle then I would. We played this game so well that we end up cutting in the same place. We slowly worked our way through his hard ass skin and muscle. Finally t-gray cut and he fell and wasn’t able to get back up. Now me and t-gray ran at him full speed we had the same plan to cut his throat up. He swatted at both of us. I ducked under his hand while t-gray got hit in the leg and fell. Within the time it to raise his hand to deliver the final blow on t-gray, I once again fuck his day up. I shot him right in the last working eye he had. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.
Chapter 2
To gain my Strength I fought Death, was Reborn, and Drowned in Anger, Grief, Happiness and Pain. I’m insane and I’m the same and people will never understand my Pain.
-Carderrow Scott

Lets recap on my day. Woke up by playful mom,ok, awesome shower, celebration in the park, great , dirt nap, not so great. Then fight off the apocalypse, cool. Or so I though. This it the worse day ever and sorry to say it got worse.
Ok where was I on the recap, oh that right. I shot it in the eye. He roared with pain fell down missing me and t-gray by the hair on my leg( one to two centimeter long). Yeah things seem to be getting better. But as expected in during the apocalypse nothing gets better only worse. You see that roar big and ugly let out wasn’t a cry of pain. Ok maybe it was, but because of that cry abominations started to reform. Yeah the apocalypse for you. Stages of reform: destruction of nonworking bodies parts. Reformation of all body parts. So yeah we were fuck. I mean we’re tired and weapons gone. Except a dozen knives and two pistols. The swords and mace are useless now big and ugly land on them as we dropped them in our quick retreat. Yeah what the hell was wrong with us. I guess when you run you leave behind everything that extra weight. Though we should have kept swords for protection. So here we are back where we started surrounded by abomination again.
Shit well I guess me and t-gray had the same idea. Cause together we ran forward me shooting the remainder of ammo. Him throwing knifes like a mad man. For a 13 year old boy he had pretty good aim. Two head shots and several heart shots. I made a mental note to take all knives away from him when this over. But for now he can throw all the knives he wants cause with his knives flying and me shooting we had already cleared away about half. We were fighting back to back when t-gray went flying. He went up and down. On the way down he was impaled by a iron fence. I looked for his attacker but all the abominations were dead scattered across the yard. Then the hairs on the back of my neck were standing straight up. I whirled around to find the leader, had recovered it eye site. It was towering over me one hand a headless abomination and in the other it battleaxe. Well I want to say I ran at it with anger to avenge my family death and my neighborhood but I ran. I ran long and hard. There was so much fear in my eyes and heart I know it seen, it when it looked at me, it saw it!! I hated myself I was weak I always ran, everyone was always stronger and bigger than me. My whole life people always got the better of me and I always had to use my mind and stealth to get revenge. As I ran from it I wish I could meet my enemies on the open battlefield and win. I’ve always been outnumbered and out match. But I never back down, one way or another I came out on top. But for once I want to be like them strong, arrogant and cocky. But I’m not. I’m not, I’m too smart for my own good. I run hating myself with everything I got. If I was strong my family would be alive. If I was strong my brothers would respect me the bullies at my school would to.
While I run hating myself and filling crying for my losses. The abomination yelled insult and kept running after me. I was too busy hating myself. But something hit me he was laughing at me. Calling me all the thing they called me at school, home and I was calling myself. I was so shocking I stopped. He got everything on point like he was reading my mind. I slowly turned around and looked at him and I mean this time I really looked at him. I sized him up. I was aware of everything about the weak part on it armer and it still bloody ankle that was slowly healing and where it was stepping. The ground was sloped and tilt downward toward me. As I did this he seem to do the same thing to me. I finally I looked it in the eye. I looked at me too and this time it so anger, hatred, calm and calculating teen. With a lifetime of pain and it. It was quickly hidden but I saw it respect. It was a warrior respect the same respect I give my mom. The same respect I had for him for being strong. It held out it hand and a sword appeared. He throw it, it land right in front of me. I pick it up. It spoke for the first time. I sound like steel and steel cutting each other. “That sword is made from the same material as my battleaxe, it reflexes the user. The way it looks, it sharpness and it quality. I grabbed the sword. It turned black as night. Green lightning arched allround the blade. Green fire around the hilt. There were names floating around the sword in gold color, they were my gamertags, my real name, nicknames and titles I’ve been given throughout my live. Even my boyscouts titles. On the blade and hilt of the sword there carving showed up and disappeared in crimson. One was a controller, another women and other were guns, games, and sigil I made for games. This sword reflexed me perfectly. It was a normal short sword. I wish it was a katana with a cool scabbard and right after it changed. To a katana a little longer than my arm. The scabbard was crimson, black , and gold. Mixed in a random swirl. It match the hand guard of the sword. I drew the sword and look at the abomination in the eyes. He look at me and then roared, as if hell itself answered green flames erupted around us. A squirrel was trapped in the circle. In made for the escape, me nor the abomination tried to stop it. It jumped for the over the flame and immediately turned to ash. “So I guess it too late to run”. It just looked at me. For a long while we just looked at each other just staring. Looking for weakness. Searching for opening, but we found none. So we do this the hard way. We ran straight at each other. I cut him across the chest. “That was for christian”. He cut my leg. I cut him up across the back. “That for christialyn”. He backhanded me across the area. I recovered and stabbed him in the foot. “That for TaQuan”. He sweeped his axe across the front of him. I ducked down and he miss me by hairs. In the time it took him to get his guard up I got in it and stabbed him through the heart. “That for caleb”. I left the sword in his chest. He stumbled trying to remain standing. We lock gazes and I instantly knew what he had planned. I jumped back as he jumped forward. I landed on my back and he flew over me and landed close to the edge he land on my sword and sent it farther in it chest. It screamed out with pain. I felt nothing but satisfaction from those cries. He rolled clawing and the sword unable to remove it. Screaming and clawing he flail his arms and legs around, in annoying way. His screams piss me off. What gave him the right to scream like us. He was a monster and he caused so much pain. The dead human, animal and plant life that was destroyed because of him. He could scream for year and it would never satisfy me. So he can just shut up. I grabbed the gun out of it holder and started toward him. When I saw something better.
If you were him, your screaming would be interrupted by a name being chanted in the air. “carla carla carla carla”, you would strain your neck to look over your right shoulder to see. A human walking up you. He’s a weird one, he and the other killed your minions wounded your eyes and even defeated you in single combat. The reason you have a sword in your chest and now lay dying is all his fault. You were forced here cause he and other killed your army. You were angry just wanted to kill them and go home. But they at first refuse to die. You killed one by luck. Another by accident did really believe you had killed him but you did. Out of rage you reformed your army and set out to kill him. He ate your minions and gain the strength to chase him. By himself you should be able to kill him. If only you are able to catch him. His little legs carry him far. So you yell insults so maybe he’ll get anger and lose his concentration and you can catch him. You yell every insult you can think of he runs on. You talk about his fellow humans. The short one, the unlucky one, the anger one and the female. But none of them do the trick. You remember there was another female older than the rest. You try that one. He stops. You got him, wait your instinct they scream to you. Stop danger. So you stop, you look at him and wait. He turn to face you. Everything about him is dangerous. For a split second you show the new found respect for him, you have. This will be maybe the most epic fight you see on earth. But it be better if he had a weapon. If you hadn’t given him one you may have won. But it wouldn’t have been as fun as it is. So you wait on the ground for the end. He lift something up and swings it down to for the killing blow death, by your own battleaxe thats how it end for you. Or is it only the beginning for you.
“Thats for my mom asshole”, final I’m safe. I’m relieved but empty. My whole neighborhood is destroyed and the population reduce to almost nothing, but I’m still alive. Even with the abominations destroyed you can’t get a brake a weird thing happen the sword I planed in it chest comes alive it drinks the things very existence. Leaving nothing but the heave battle axe in my hands. Or so I thought the battle axe started to drill it way into me. I tried letting it go, doping it and even throwing but it wouldn’t go away. It was drilling deeper and deeper into my hand. Throbbed the entire time. I stumble against a tree wincing from the pain. Finally the last of the battle axe climb it way it my hand. The pain subsided but was quickly replaced by a weird feeling in my chest. I became dizzy and nauseous, then there was nothing.

Day 1

“In the grand scheme of things...shut up.”
I’m gonna assume that Carderrow wasted your time with some huge tale of how he began his part of the adventure with golden sparks of holy badass flying out of his ass, an M60 in one hand and a bitch in the other? Well I guess thats not a good story, is it? It needs development, conflict, and maybe a saucy romance. But we’ll get to that later. For now, let’s get my beginning day out of the way so we can move on.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BE- I smashed the snooze button of my alarm and let one eye open up to see the sunlight slowly drifting into the room through closed blinds. With a groan, I hauled myself up and pushed the sleep button of the little, plastic noise maker and checked the time. “twelve thirty four, shit…Carderrows probably gonna be pissed at me.”

I looked over at my phone, halfway over the side of my nightstand, and checked for messages. He had sent three messages, two saying i needed go get up, and one at the end saying i’m an asshole. Seemed legit. Not that I cared. He had strong-armed me into joining him at some festival in the park down the street. No thanks. But he wouldn’t hear it, so I finally agreed to join him.

...But I appeared to have missed it.

Whatever, I jump out of bed, throw on some mostly clean clothes,(Todays special calls for a slightly tattered long-sleeve and some blue jeans!) and leave my room. Nothing special about it. Just painted blue walls, a ceiling fan,...a bed. Normal. It was a cloudy day outside, surprisingly, even though they had said summer would just be sun and blue sky. I shrug it off and go downstairs, pushing on some shoes, or steel toes, in my case, and left the house.
“Erik?” I catch a curse in my throat, Dad wanted something. Or at least the term is dad. He hasn’t exactly been carrying the title to well. “YEA?” I call out into the house, since he’s likely back upstairs, hard at work doing...blank. “Don’t use that tone with me, now get your ass back here soon! We’re gonna be going out to work in about an hour!” “You fired me a-” “Did you hear me??” Another caught curse. “I said you fired me after I quit, remember?” “Whatever. Get back here QUICK.”

I close the door, don’t bother locking.

Looking back on it, I’m glad He had pissed me off that day, since that gave me the motivation to avoid the house long enough. Anyway, I get walking. I feel the warm breeze against my hair and the cracked pavement beneath my feet. I was so annoyed with him, I could barely look ahead, I just eyed the ground and wished it could melt under my gaze. As an afterthought, I took out my earbuds, put them in place, and turned up my music on my phone to it’s highest volume.

I gotta admit, I didn’t expect things to look like hell had hit the ground when I looked up at the turnoff to the store I went to for drinks. Well, One side at least. The apartment buildings off to my side were burning. bright. I had to admit, it was a bit intimidating to see. I saw people in the buildings, breaking windows and lots of screaming and gunfire. Hell, the smoke seemed to curl up and mix with the sky, like the storm had touched down on this one area. I shook myself out of the daze I began to feel from trying to peer into the ground level, which was impossible due to the high fences, and started walking again, wondering if I could get a look when I pass the entrance.

Four minutes later, and I saw the entrance, which was also burning against the asphalt driveway. I saw shadows running in and out of the flames, likely looters and other rioters who were trying to loot things before the place burned. I looked back ahead of me and tried to focus on my tunes, thinking the fire department or something would clear all this up. By the time I had gotten to the store, the flames had visibly gotten worse. I could see it had spread over the fences in patches. In fact, it seemed like it was starting to engulf the horizons, since everything had an orange tint at the edge of vision, despite being around noon. I just shrugged it off reluctantly, assuming that the fire was just making the effect since it was burning fairly bright against the wood of the apartments. Id’d need to hurry up and get back home before it cut off the street.

The store was empty, to my surprise. The door was unlocked, and everything seemed intact, save for the fact that the glass case keeping the knives and bongs had been smashed. I called out for the cashier, which was met with eerie silence. I could hear the faint echo of sirens in the ditance. Knew they’d deal with this mess eventually. So, with my rationalization, I grabbed two really cool looking pocket knives, one had a scorpion grip, the other had a grenade grip, scooped up a bag of chips, three 2liter sodas, bagged them, and started walking, thankful that the fire hadn’t made walking impossible. That didn’t stop me from jogging all the way back to the entrance to my neighborhood. I noticed fire had spread across the park, since the view was visible from mt position, and I also noticed a couple of houses already burnt to the ground in my own neighborhood.

I blinked and ran back to my house, all previous anger forgotten. I needed to get all my valuables packed up incase flames reached my own place. I managed to even make it a few meters away when a bright flash blinded me and I fell back on my ass. It was a weird feeling that surged through my body from my eyes to the rest of me, like a ripple against my soul. It took me a moment to realise I was coughing violently from something that was painful to breathe in. Smoke…

SMoke was all around me, and so was flames and wreckage. My whole neighborhood had been completely flattened! I turn my fuzzy gaze to where my house once stood, seeing it had been one of the few slightly luckier ones. Most houses were now piles of smoldering rubble, but mine, and a few ones in the distance, made mostly out of brick and cement, were standing, but upon close inspection, were still fairly useless. My house still had its basic structure, but most of the roof had caved in, and the entire place was slanted on a chunk of ground that had been disheveled.

With adrenalin blocking out the pain I’d probably feel from the light singing on my skin, choking smoke, burning eyes, and strained muscles from impact, I made my way to the house. The front door had been blown off it’s hinges, so I just went right inside and looked around for my folks. My mother had been crushed under what was once the small shed out in the backyard, and my father had burned to death. Not pretty pictures, either of them. I even felt a bit sad for my mother, who had at least tried to raise me with care. Not so much my father, who I simply shrugged off with a grimace.

I set the bag on the counter in the barely intact kitchen, grabbed a backpack from my garage, and stocked up on food and water. I knew I’d be a loner for at least a little while.

A window smashed outside. I peek my head out of the already broken window of the kitchen and look for the source. I noticed that the same shapes were in the flames in the apartments were here now. I see the dark figures running through the wreckage and flames without care. I don’t hear any gunfire or screaming now though. Just the deafeningly loud crackle of burning everything, and the building heat around my house.

Almost instinctively, I grab the knives I had stolen and put them in my back pockets. I also grab a fairly large kitchen knife and slide it snugly into the side pocket of my jeans, just incase I really needed to fight for my life. And with a backpack of supplies, three knives, and a cold Dr.Pepper in hand, I walk out front into the wastelands that made up my old home.

Chapter 3

I woke up on the ground. Covered in ashes and black blood. Everything hurts, I groaned as I stood up. Shaking the ashes from my fro. Didn’t really help but I do it anyway. I look around everythings as I left it. Sky is red with fire. Everything is destroyed or barely standing. My family dead and my home a pile of rubble. There no evidence of what happen no abomination cause the boss ate them. There no body of the boss cause my sword ate it. Nothing remains but a destroyed neighborhood and a badass looking katana. Meaning no one who wasn’t apart of in will ever know even if I was dumb enough to try and tell people I had no real evidence so it would just land me in a crazy house. I walk over to the badass katana and pick it up. “Well hello” I jump as high as the empire states building. I look around in all directions and find no one around. “ Well that was cute” “Who the hell are you and where are you” “ well I’m in here and the names is whatever you want to call me” “what I don’t understand” “ and I thought you were smart from all the information in here, I’m in your head and it up to you what you call me” “ I don’t care what you call yourself just pick a name so I know what name to yell as I curse you until you get out of my mind” “ hhmmm I go through your head until I find one I like” “what hey don’t go through my head, get the hell out” “sssorry can’t stuck in here” “ what” “were now connected so get over yourself and stop trying to keep me out I have full access to your mind just like you have access to mine.” “What the fuck are you.” “well thats a tricky question” “answer it, now!!!” “okay okay just chill out” “ chill” “yes” “I have someone or something in my head and you want me to chill” “yes!?” “ what the hell is happening, am I going insane” I grabbed my head in disbelieve. Pulling at my hair. The funny thing is I knew I wasn’t. I could fill it moving around in my head. Shuffling information in my head around looking for names. He went through every. He left no information unchecked. Having my inner thoughts memories and feeling looked through as if a book made me feel weak, open and exposed. I hated it. I hated myself for once again being weak and helpless. “ stop it” Stopping myself from falling back into misery. I say “what” still choking on tears. “stop hating yourself, stop thinking you're weak. Me being here proof of your strength.” “What!?” “No weakling could kill me never in a billion years, not in this world, the next or the one after that.” “No weakling could kill you, I killed you?” “wait, you're” “about time you figure out” “your that dog thing" "first I'm not a dog thing" you look like it" "not my fault" "yeah it your mother's and I curse her for having you" " first that not how I usually look second don't blame me for your family's death they should have run faster or fought harder" "what did you just say, you want to die again shit for brain" "Oh you're going to kill the thing in your head Good Luck" "get out of my head and let me kill you" " do I look stupid, plus I can't I'm stuck here forever so get use to it" "the fuck you you mean stuck" "how the hell you go a do something and can't undo it" "if you.let me explain I will tell you" "then explain you shit head" "well let see, you killed me, I was given a choice, I could go home and never get my revenge or I could stay and connect myself to you so I can get my revenge. As you can see I've chosen the latter" "so you plan to kill me from the inside" "WHO said I was trying to kill you" "what, who are you trying to kill and why you use me to do it" "the person I want to kill is same person you want to kill" "I want to kill you" "truth has many shades not a matter of black and white but gray" "I know that quote" "it's from a song" "quit searching through my head stop stop it now" "our head" "what" "I said it our head" " No" "get over yourself" "neither of us have a choice anymore" "you will leave my mind" " look I understand it, well hard to accept my, my intrusion here" " you know nothing" "well actually I do" "remember you can't hide anything from me, your emotion, thoughts and memories are all laid before me" "...." "look for now let's just try to get some understanding" "what do I call you" "katana" "like the sword?" "yes" "katana what do you want for me?" "revenge" "is there any way to get you out of my head" "No one's it done it cannot be undone" "why, why would you do this to me" "because I have respect for you, to help you complete your goal" "what goal" "you want revenge don't you" "I, I already have revenge, I killed you why'd you come back" "because you hadn't had revenge" "you just think you did" "wha" When I was about to ask him what did he mean something sounded overhead.
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Comments: 3

Oktet [2018-02-20 21:53:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xaosdevil [2014-11-23 04:02:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xDEADHOODx In reply to xaosdevil [2017-12-17 00:38:58 +0000 UTC]

All of it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0