xDarkened-Artistx — Lucky Guesswork: Chapter 1
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So I've discovered that each person at this school is either very quirky or batshit crazy. Especially those people in class-F. Then again, my class has its share too. Recently, I've met the poor guy who's spot I took as second smartest second year. He's nice, but definitely has a few problems. Every time I see him looking at me, I can't help but wonder what he's thinking about. Today, it's really bothering me. So I go over to talk to him, since every day just happens to be a free day, it seems.
"Kubo-kun," I say, leaning my head on my hand. "Why are you making that face?"
"W-What face, Fuyumi-san?" he replies. I have learned that he is very bad at masking his emotions.
"The face you always make when you look at me.
He doesn't reply.
"C'mon Kubo, I know you're thinking about something."
"W-well…there is one thing," he says. Kubo starts to fiddle with his thumbs and sometimes pushes his glasses up on his nose.
"Then tell me!" I insist. "I promise, Kubo. I can totally keep a secret." Well, that's a lie. If this is juicy, then I can assure I'll tell basically everyone in class-F. I'm just that naughty.
"I just, I can't help but think you might be…you know…homosexual."
Um. What. Did. He. Just. Say.
"Excuse me?"
"It's just that, you don't seem to be appealing to men, you sit like a boy, your hair is somewhat outrageous, and you say boku and not watashi."
I stare at him. Okay, so I guess he wasn't ranked second smartest for no reason like I am now. I just didn't realize that he was so perceptive. Like, really perceptive. Like, he just read my mind, basically.
"D-don't you t-think that's a little personal?" I ask, trying to hide my blush.
"You're right!" he basically yells. "I'm sorry! Really sorry! Can we still be friends!?"
"Kubo-kun! Calm down!" He is really freaking out over this. It's my fault anyway—I inquired about it, he was just being honest. Because it is my fault, I decide I'll tell him anyway. "Alright, alright, sit down I'll tell you."
"But you d-don't have to," he stutters.
"No," in English, "I want you to know, Kubo-kun. I feel like we are getting to be really close friends," in Japanese. A lie, but I think it's okay. Maybe we'll be real good friends in the future, I don't know. I am so used to lying that I can't help but do it every once and a while. I do want someone to know this about me though. It's always better to end a rumor before it starts. "Actually," I say, "I'm bisexual."
Kubo literally drops his mouth to the ground. I laugh, trying not to burst out hysterically at his face. His stunned expression is priceless.
"I…can't believe…" he stutters. "You're like me, Fuyumi-chan!"
"Whoa," I say, "that's not okay. I don't want to hear any of this –chan business."
"O-oh, I guess I didn't ask. Sorry, I'm messing up all over the place today."
"That's okay Kubo, but now that I think about it, you said that we were alike?"
"Oh, it looks like I did say that."
"So who's the boy you like?"
"His name's Yoshii—wait, you tricked me!"
Knowing that he'll probably pursue me, I stand and quickly evacuate the area. I got the information that I wanted, and he got what he wanted. Therefore, we are even. It's a perfect time for us to increase our friendship level, but I think it's better if we give it a little bit of a break before then.
Now standing in the hallway outside of class-A, I can't help but reminisce to my first day in the week previous. I've become really good friends with the others in class-F, but the persons I really want to bond with I don't get the chance to be with. For instance, Kinoshita. I know his sister—the identical twin in my class whom I call Yuuko for confusion purposes and with special permission—like the back of my hand. She's not intriguing like the other. Also, Tsuchiya. He's obviously the quiet type, but he's also technically the second person I met here. The kid's always off by himself in a corner or somewhere sketchy with Yoshii-kun. I want to be best friends with those two, not the others who have attached themselves to me. Like Shimada and Kirishima. I don't know why ponytail likes me so much—I always make fun of her and insult her. I guess it sounds like it's a joke, but she should know me well enough by now to know that I always sound sarcastic. Maybe it's my accent? I don't think so. That's just me. Kirishima I don't mind as much because her and Sakamoto-san's relationship is the funniest thing on the planet. I don't know, I guess, I'm just feeling a little lonely without my family. Living by myself is a tough situation.
Feeling a little bored, I go over to find my locker. I just want to look at it for some reason, but there's an even better surprise when I see inside. It's a little pink note, folded in half and held together by a heart sticker. I take off the sticky item and scan the words inscribed.
It's a love letter. It's from someone anonymous. It's the cutest thing I've ever read. I think I'm getting cavities just reading it.
I can't understand why whoever sent this did, because there are no instructions to meet anywhere or do anything. It's just simply a sweet note. No reason behind it. I stick it in my pocket. I want to take it home and put it on a special place on my desk. I've never gotten a love letter before. Really, I've only had the one boyfriend back in America, but I cheated on him with a girl down the street. Sweet nothings had been lost to me. Now, wanting to start anew, I feel like I can appreciate this more than I normally would.
As I start to leave the area and go investigate the class-F room, I notice Tsuchiya's face disappear around the corner. I call out his name and search for him, only for him to reappear right behind me. "You know," he begins, making me jump.
"Ah!" I yelp as I turn to face him.
"You can call me Kouta."
I stare at him blankly. "Isn't that for friends who are really close? I've only known you for a week."
"You told me you'd do anything for me, so," he moves himself slightly farther away, his hands going into his pockets timidly, "I want us to be really close friends."
I smile at his cute posture. "So now you're shy? Muttsulini?" The other clears his throat and stands up straighter. "Haven't we gone over this? I know what you are, so I know all of your goals and morals. You don't have to pretend to try to get me to like you. I'm the same way, remember?"
Kouta smirks deviously at me. I bet he's entertained by the fact that I'm a hot girl who enjoys looking at dirty things. Well, in this situation really, I like other people's misery. The reactions of the people around him when he snaps a photo of some panties is the priceless moment I'm looking for. So I tell him that I would like us to be good friends and that maybe we could hang out some time. Just the two of us. Alone. With my words I lift the hem of my skirt a little. Suggestive. He got a nosebleed and collapsed on the floor. "Nice talking to you, Kouta-kun," and I exit the area.
This was the first time I've seen him in about two days. He's been AWOL during lunch and it's not just me who's noticed. I commented on it and the others agree—he's been missing. Of course I'm a little curious, but I'm also still adjusting to the norms of the people that I've been around. Maybe this is something he does often.
So now I'm wandering the halls again, feeling slightly bored. Whenever I've done this, so far, I end up meeting someone strange. I have to admit, I'm hoping it happens.
My wish is granted.
A shorter girl with cute orange curls is running towards me at full speed. She's yelling my name, dragging out every sound as she gets closer and closer. Wait, hold on, she's actually running really fast. She's not stopping. She's going to run into me! I put up my hands to guard my face and wait for the inevitable impact, but it doesn't come. The girl stops in her tracks, her toes about an inch away from mine and her hot breath panting on my arms.
Cautiously, I lower my limbs and stare into her angry, yellow eyes. "Can I help you?" I ask.
"Fuyumi Chika!" she screams. "You're a disgrace!"
"I'm sorry?" I classify her under batshit crazy.
"How could you like the beautiful figure of a woman and the ugly appearance of a man at the same time? It's simply revolting!"
"So, you're a lesbian?"
"You bet I am!" She uses her two hands to push me away from her and I can see the rest of her body. She isn't shockingly gorgeous, but not horrifically ugly either. She's got a nice set of boobs and pretty thin too. If she weren't insane, I'd probably be attracted to her. "I'm Shimizu Miharu, now come," she extends her hand to me, putting her straddling legs into an uncomfortably straight posture and tilting her head to the side slightly, "join me." Her voice grows creepy and I swear I can see a black aura encircling her.
"I'm not quite sure what you mean," I say, backing away in slight fear.
"Forget about silly men and be with me." My effort is meaningless and she is taking small steps closer to me, faster than my attempt to get away.
"Like, in a romance type of deal?" my voice is shaking now, afraid that she'll rape me if I let her get too close to me.
"If that's what you want, but you should know that I'm already in love."
Dare I ask. "With who?"
She stops coming towards me and has a complete personality change. Her eyes light up and she claps her hands together in front of her breasts. Shimizu's posture softens and her voice becomes loving. "It's my darling cuddle bunny Minami!"
"Shimada?" Um, what. Things just keeps getting weirder.
"You know my cookie cake? You're not attracted to her flat chest, are you?" Now she's getting a little defensive.
"No, no, promise. I like my girls busty." True.
The crazy melts a little, slouching, like she's relieved and tired and upset all at the same time. "Good, I'm really tired of having to chase men off my sweetheart." She scoffs. "It's that Yoshii Akihisa. He's ruining everything."
"Hey, hey don't be sad, Shimizu-chan," I say, walking over to her and putting my hand on her shoulder. She stood up a bit in response, looking up at me with now big, hopeful, sparkling eyes. Damn she's good. I know she's making this face on purpose, trying to get me in the palm of her hand. She really wants me to be lesbians with her, which is not going to happen. I've gone over it a lot in my head, honest. I definitely like both dudes and chicks. "I'll help you in any way I can."
"So, we can be friends, Chika-san?"
Ew, my first name? That's just wrong. I've always hated it. But if letting her call me that will convince her, then so be it. I'll have to let others call me that too then, in case suspicion comes up. "Of course, Miharu-chan."

I take it back, everyone here is batshit crazy. Sure, the kids in class-F are slightly nicer, but they totally have most of their crews loose. Oh, after my little encounter with the lesbian who is apparently now my best friend, it was lunch time. Kouta's missing again today, but I don't ask about it this time. Instead, I try to communicate with Yoshii, seeing if he's interested in calling me by my first name.
"So, I've decided," I say, sitting down next to the ashy blonde, "we should get to know each other a little better."
"Oh yeah?" he replies, looking over at me surprised. "I mean, sure. I want us to be friends."
"Just friends?" Okay, that sounds more forward than I want it to. "I don't really have anyone here that I'm really close to, and I just, I feel like we have a lot in common."
"Um, Okay, what do you want to know?"
The other girls are having their own conversations, but I can tell that they are listening in on our conversation. Kinoshita is listening too. I don't mind that. It means he's concerned. Sweet.
"What about your parents? Have any?" I take a bite of my lunch, mumbling my words through the chewing.
"Yeah, but I live by myself." Ah, so that's why he never has food. Alone, stupid, and lazy. "My parents work overseas and my sister's been out of the country. I get money from them every now and again, but I usually blow it all on anime and video games."
"What! No way! Me too! I mean the nerd part, not the poor part." I'm literally obsessed with anything otaku related. I've seen all of the anime there ever was, been to as many conventions as affordable, and played all of the role-players in my clutches. My parents just about hate it about me, but I don't really have any other way to relieve the frustration I get every day from having to deal with the people around me. Or, at least that is how it used to be. I haven't picked up a book or my controller since I arrived at this school.
"That's so cool! Maybe we should hang out sometime?" Yoshii's serious. The fact that he can be so gullible yet kind and sincere weirds me out sometimes. "Oh, wait, I don't know about your family though."
"I live by myself too. My brother is basically a genius and got a scholarship at a college here. I asked if I could go with him since I've always wanted to come. My parents didn't object. I saw my chance to go to the land I've always dreamed of—where manga and video games run wild through the streets. Sure, I miss obsessing over my beautiful American voice actors, but Japan was my true dream. My parents decided to give me and my brother Japanese lessons, then bought us a condo and shipped us off. My brother didn't tell our parents that he'd be staying in a dorm, knowing that they'd say it was dangerous to leave me by myself," I explain.
"That's kind of hard core," Yuuji comments and I notice that everyone is now listening in on our conversation.
"What?" Yoshii interrupts. "Why is it cool that she lives on her own and not me?"
"Because she can actually handle her money and you don't," his friend bluntly states. Well, it's true.
"Harsh, Yuuji," Yoshii pouts as he crosses his arms.
The reason I have money isn't because I can manage it well though. I guess I should tell them that. "You guys," I say, breaking their attention back to me. "Hate to crush your dreams, but my money comes from my brother. Our parents give us more than enough money, and each of us get our own sum. We use mine, since it's less, to buy food and stuff and his is for emergency games and po—books. And manga. Ya' know." Phew, that was a close one. I almost said—
"Porn? You buy that stuff?" Kinoshita-san asks.
Shit. Cover blown. "Um, yeah. Guess the secrets out." I don't think I'll be able to keep my lunch down if this conversation keeps up. For some reason, I'm really embarrassed. Now understand that this doesn't happen to me. I don't get embarrassed. It must be because of someone in the group, but who?
"Whoa really? We're more and more alike each day!" Yoshii exclaims. He leans over towards me, his shoulder coming to touch mine. Before the contact happens, however, Himeji and Shimada punch him square in the face. These girls have a serious problem. "Why am I the only one who ever gets hurt?" the broken-faced boy inquires.
"Because it's only funny when it's you," I answer. Well, that's only true from my point of view. I don't know about anyone else.
His face cranes up to look at me after being smashed into the ground by Shimada—it must be the German in her—and he smiles. "Can I call you Chika?"
Winning. "Sure, if I can call you Akihisa."
He chuckles. It's really cute. "I'm glad we met, Chika-chan."
And I hate it.

I let the weekend pass by myself, just living in my home with no interruptions. My phone rings, but I let it be. I've been having way too much human interaction than I can normally deal with. Plus, if I wanted to get out of the house, I wouldn't really know where I could go. I've been here for three weeks and I still don't know where anything other than my brother's college, my school, or the food market is. For now, I'm content with it.
First day back in school, and I'm going over to put my shoes in my locker. I notice that Himeji and Shimada are having a conversation a few lockers down. I strain my ear to hear it. It's about me. I don't care what their saying. Instead, I open my locker and again there is a surprise inside. This time, it's three love letters. Carefully, I peel each open, reading the words only to realize that they are all anonymous. Yes, the writing is sweet and wordy, but if there isn't a signature, I care less.
The two gossipy girls find their way next to me, looking over my shoulders and reading the letters as well. "That's so cool," Shimada comments. "I wish I got love letters."
"I don't understand how you do it, Fuyumi-san," Himeji adds. How I do what? She doesn't tell me and I don't ask. "You haven't been here very long and everyone likes you."
"You know," Shimada-san begins, making her way to stand in front of me. "Even the guys in year three have been talking about you."
"They have?" I'm honestly surprised. "I wonder why."
"Because you're way hot!"
"I am?"
Himeji is standing in front of me now too, her hands in fists and her face scrunched up in jealousy. "Yeah! Your boobs are so nice…"
"And your waist so thin…"
"How do you do it?" they ask me simultaneously.
Now the two are way too close to me. I guess in an attempt to be intimidating, they've gotten in my face. Since I'm a bunch of inches taller than them, their efforts are lost. Plus these two are too cute to be intimidating.
"It's not my fault if I'm pretty," I reply cockily. "I've just been living normally. It's in my genes I guess."
"Arrogant!" Shimada accuses.
Well yeah.
"Selfish!" Himeji adds.
Yep, that too.
"You guys have guts," I say. My mood has shifted and I'm now a little annoyed by these two girls. I guess I just have something up my ass, but let's be honest. They have their flaws too. So I've moved towards them and pinned them against the locker, one hand on the cold, metal surface next to Himeji's head to keep me from falling over. "I'm in a pretty bad mood today, so if you two don't lay off, I'll sic Kouta on you."
"Ah! Please don't!" they yelp.
I back away from them and trudge away. I shove the three letters into my bag as I make my way to class. I must be PMSing or something.
When lunch time rolls around, I'm glad I packed pocky in my bento. I hork it all down and I can feel the others staring at me curiously. Kinoshita asks if I'm alright. "O-oh yeah, I'm fine." I tell him.
"Are you sure? We can talk if there's something on your mind." He's too cute. I love that Kinoshita's so concerned about me right now. It really brings me back up to my normally bitchy attitude and I have the strength to go back to lying.
"Really, I'm alright. I was just seriously hungry. I guess I've been feeling a little insecure too," I say, putting the empty box of the delicious treats on the ground and picking up my rice.
"What for, Chika-chan?" Akihisa asks.
"I saw my brother this weekend," the lie formulating in my head. I can't honestly say what's wrong since I don't actually know. "He has a really beautiful new girlfriend. She's a lot like me, so it's a little creepy. I must just be upset that he's gotten so much attention from this one person and I've been feeling so lonely."
"Why?" Kinoshita inquires. "You have all of us with you." He moves closer to me and grabs my one hand with both of his. "I promise I'll never leave your side, Fuyumi-san. We'll be friends forever."
I must be blushing, because my face suddenly feels like it's a thousand degrees. I can hear the shutter of Kouta's camera going off, but he still hasn't made an appearance. I look over at Akihisa and see him sitting there, wondering what black magic he uses to appear out of nowhere all of the time. Kouta whispers something to Aki and both fall to their death with nosebleeds.
My gaze goes back to Kinoshita and his eyes are staring at mine with a strange intensity. I have to say something back. "Thank you, Kinoshita. You mean a lot to me."
What. Did. I. Just. Say.
Dammit why does this keep happening to me? I used to be so cool and smooth. It's all of these Asians. It must be. Since I feel like I'm about to explode and I'm already turning a certain shade of tomato red, I quickly rise to my feet and exit the area gracefully, leaving my bento behind and not caring.
I run to the girl's bathroom in the new building and I'm thankfully by myself. Now I'm standing in front of a sink, my hands on each side of the rim, supporting my slouched figure. When I look up at myself in the mirror, I look like a mess. I must have forgotten to brush my hair because there are uneven blonde locks sticking up in every direction. My tie isn't on right and the top button of my shirt isn't fastened. My dark eyeliner is smudged and my mascara is uneven. What was I doing this morning that made me look like this and why hadn't anyone said anything to me? Like Himeji and Shimada! They should have told me.
"No," I say aloud in English. What's wrong with me? I got angry when Ponytail and Himeji complemented me, I was embarrassed for admitting I buy porn, and I basically told Kinoshita-san that I have a crush on him. Things like this don't happen to me. In American, I was perfectly fine having two purely physical relationships at once and not caring about their feelings. No, really it was my own feelings I didn't care about. All of a sudden I have feelings. Maybe it's because I'm finally free from my insane parents. Here, in Japan, I'm genuinely happy for once. I want to start anew right? So I'm going to have to learn how to handle emotions.
I splash some cold water in my face and wash my makeup off. Having none on is better than having it be messy. I comb my damp fingers through my hair, flattening it and creating some sort of order. My hands are shaking and I try my best to control them as I fix my outfit. It's time to go back to class now, but when I exit, Kinoshita is standing before me.
"I'm sorry!" I burst out. My hands go up and cover my mouth, trying to keep other unexpected words inside of me.
"Don't be," he says. "Actually, I wanted to apologize. I acted a little rashly. You're just…so beautiful."
Aww, he likes me. "Th-thanks you," I reply, blushing again. "You're not that bad looking yourself."
He chuckles in reply. Really cute. "Let's pretend all of that didn't just happen, okay? Go back to being friends for now?"
"That sounds good. I don't want things to be awkward between us when we've only recently met."
Kinoshita hands me my empty bento box. "Sorry, Akihisa ate the food."
"That's alright, poor kid's starved as it is. It kind of makes me want to make him food every day," I joke, the tension between us lifting.
"I wouldn't, you might give Himeji an idea."
I've been told that her food is Black Death. Apparently I'm lucky to have never tasted it yet.
"If you insist."
We laugh together for a moment before saying goodbye. We'll see each other tomorrow.

I made extra sure that I looked good today. Maybe my appearance influenced my attitude yesterday. Maybe I'm just lying to myself to make myself feel better.
Anyway, I again get to my locker and the setting is similar to the one of the day before. This time, the two girls come over to me and say good morning, asking how I was feeling. I tell them that I'm remarkably better, but then I open my locker. Out come endless amounts of love letters, pouring at my feet. There's no way I'll be able to read all of them. Basically, I have a Doctor Who locker and the amount of letters that erupted could not possibly have fit inside the tiny space unless it is magically bigger on the inside. I'm literally waist deep in a mound of letters, each different.
I enlist the girls to help me look through them for a signature. To our dismay, there still aren't any, but they all tell me to meet them on the roof of the new building five minutes into lunch. "Do you guys think maybe these are all from the same person?" I ask, throwing a couple to the side and looking over at them.
"Maybe, but there are a lot of different handwritings here," Himeji says as she swims her way out of the pile and adjusting her blazer.
"So it's possible, but not likely." Of course I'm really curious about the situation, but the only thing that I can really do is show up at the desired place and time.

I'm alone for only a few moments when a flock of assorted boys and girls—mostly boys though—appear all at once. They all say my name, but then they notice each other and start arguing. I have to yell to break them up. "Can you guys please calm down?" They look up at me. A hundred faces staring at me, awaiting my every word. "All of you wrote those letters?" They tell me yes. I'm looking for Kinoshita among them, but I don't see him. Wait, there's one face I recognize. "Akihisa?"
The sea of people parts and leaves him a pathway right to me. "You like me?" I ask him.
"Well…yeah I mean…look at you Chika," he says. There's mumbling among the crowd at his use of my first name. "You've been really nice to me, I guess, I just…"
"Yoshii Akihisa!" two girl's voices scream. Of course I recognize them. It's Himeji-chan and Shimada-san. Their raging jealously is blatantly obvious, but I can guarantee Akihisa doesn't recognize it. After stomping their way over to him, Shimada grabs him by the neck and pulls his head around back until it touches his toes. He's screaming about his back breaking or something. I was too busy laughing to listen.
Himeji is coming over to me and bowing a whole bunch. I guess I should pay attention to her. "Me and Minami are really sorry for how we acted yesterday." Oh, okay.
"Don't worry about it, I was the one acting poorly. I'm the one who should be apologizing," I tell her, which is true. I was feeling really bad about it—I even dreamed about it.
Himeji giggled, showing me her adorable side. "We forgive you."
"And I forgive you too. But how about something? To make it up, I'll give you guys advice on how to wrangle guys." I gesture to the other people on the roof with us. "Apparently I'm good at it."
She lights up at this offer, telling me she'd love it and that she'd tell Shimada. Himeji bids me farewell and leaves with the other and a once again broken Akihisa.
Again I'm alone with this horde of people and they are all fighting for my affection again. I honestly don't know what to do. There are two people that come into mind that could help, but I don't know if they'll be able to hear me. I try anyway. "Kouta-kun! Kubo-kun! I need your help!"
Kouta appears in front of me in a black cloud and Kubo runs up through the people. Wasn't expecting that one. I tell them to help get rid of the people. Each of us begins ushering the crazed persons away. I had to kick a couple in the face and I broke a few others and knocked out others and threw a couple off the side of the roof. After many tiring minutes, we manage to be alone once again. I really hope something like this doesn't happen again. I thank both of the boys for the help, giving them each a kiss on the cheek for reward. Kouta gets a nosebleed like always and disappears in the same smoke he appeared in. Kubo smiles and pushes his glasses up on his noes before exiting through the door.
I'm alone for only a few moments when Kinoshita comes running onto the scene, out of breath. "You got my letter?" he asks. I wonder aloud if he wrote one of the love letters. "Love letter? No, I wouldn't. Have you been getting ones?"
"Don't even get me started," I reply, putting my hands on my hips and looking off to the side.
"No, my letter was an offer," he explains as I look back over at him. "I really need you to join the drama club. Our lead actress ran out on us. Will you fill her spot?"
I sigh. True, I was in the drama club in America, but the people there were really annoying and all hooking up with each other constantly. Myself included. I'm also disappointed that he didn't write me a love letter, but my hope disappears in a suspire. "I don't see why I can't, but why did you come to me?"
"Someone told me that they heard you singing and that you're amazing."
Also true, but I don't know who told him that. Actually, I might have to kill the person that did. I don't like people knowing I can sing. It ruins a whole face I try to make for myself.
"Alright, you win. When's the first show?"
"Next weekend."
I laugh nervously, hoping he's shitting me. No, no Kinoshita's serious alright. I have only a couple of days to become the lead actress for the festival's show. I freak out on the time constraint, but the two of us somehow end up laughing and blushing together in the sunlight.
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