xfp7x — My top 10 Pairings

Published: 2012-03-02 22:05:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 9448; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 56
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1. Alexander The Great and Hephaestion Amyntoros - The truer OTP ever.

(( The pic is from the movie Alexander (2004) starring Colin Farrel (Alexander) and Jared Leto (Hephaestion). I found it on google so don’t know who to credit, let me know and I’ll add you <3 ))

Alexander and Hephaestion grew up together, studied together (in the school of Mieza under philosopher Aristotele), shared the same dreams, went to wars together, compared their relationship to the one between Achilles and Patroclus (which are like the most official and canon gay couple from the ancient greek epic ever) and basically did everything is in the history books together except that history books usually cut Hepheastion’s name off *sigh*. It's also a matter of fact that after Hephaestion's death Alexander went crazy and started drinking even more than he did: eventually he let himself die -and that was only mere months after Hephaestion had passed away.

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmNWYS…

2. Jung Yunho x Kim Jaejoong - The One-True-Something.

(( The pic is a candid taken by a stalker (maybe?), I honestly don’t remember where I found this, that’s a very old picture of YunJae -the credits are on the image btw, even if they’re barely readable I know ;_; ))

Yunho and Jaejoong are respectively leader and former main vocalist of DBSK (a kpop band debuted in late 2003) and also long time friends and roommates from their teens. I am pretty sure in stating that almost every kpop fan has heard or read at least once about YunJae, and not just because they served (and still somehow serves despite DB5K's break) the purpose of publicity stunt and fanservice (and what a great, natural, fanservice that is), but because YunJae does really exist in its own way: whatever you call what's between them -solid friendship, brotherly bond, romantic interest- you can't deny there is indeed a type of love here ♥ (just look at their pics / videos / candids / quotes / interviews / fan accounts / etc. and you'll get my point). So, Yunjae couldn’t not make it in my top 10. (go on tumblr for a longer opinion).

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULS0z2…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/591…

3. Hotsuma x Shuusei - The OTP decided long ago.

(( The pic is from google; if it's yours let me know and I’ll give you proper credits <3 ))

Hotsuma and Shuusei are supporting characters from UraBoku, a very wonderful shounen ai / supernatural / reincarnation / fantasy / adventure / eyecandy manga -t's one of my faves; they are zweilt guardians paired together since their previous lives and while Hotsuma is a short tempered, passionate and impulsive guy which no one has control over except for Shuusei, Shuusei is the quit, mature and very polite type, to the point to look detached sometimes - he also takes a lot of things for himself thus ends up lying a lot, especially to Hotsuma (even if Hotsuma can always tell when Shuusei is hiding something); basically their relationship is something you can easily label as a deep one but also, being it so full of things unsaid and regrets and sorrowful memories, you can feel the angst too *tears* Oh, have I mentioned that in their previous lives Shuusei was a female and Hotsuma and him were married? …I know, how more canon should the mangaka put it? XD

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK4FaB…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/527…

4. Nezumi x Sion - The waiting OTP.

(( I found the pic on tumblr; again if it's yours let me know and I’ll give you credits <3 ))

Nezumi and Sion (also transliterated as Shion) are the main characters of No.6, a Japanese novel series made into an anime & manga in 2011. It’s no surprising their couple got so much attention after the anime aired and is still popular so far, for it’s a matter of fact Nezumi and Sion do love each other, and in a very deep and devoted way as stated by the author herself (but also as anyone who reads or watches the story can tell by himself). The boys meet for the first time when they’re no more than kids and for very few hours too (just one night ndr) but despite their meeting being very brief it is enough to leave a mark on each other’s mind. And indeed the memory of that night is deeply treasured in their hearts, and without them realizing it it changes them for the better: i like their personalities and can sympathize with their points of views and ideals individually, but i just love who they become when together -a more open and less cynical Nezumi and a more forceful and human Sion. I bet in some way they were able to feel too how deeply each of them sank in and linked to the other’s soul during that brief encourter -and the fact that they spend every day after their meeting thinking of each other constantly and in Nezumi case, even spying on Sion *coughs* just proves that imo. Four years pass and finally they meet again and from then on everything starts anew, with them learning to know each other as only a daily close cohabitation allows and of course ending up fighting a lot over trivial things and different point of views on the world. Still, despite their ideological conflicts, they actually aim for the same thing (a better world to live in) and their characters integrate/affect each other so much that by the end you can’t even believe there was a time in their lives when they didn’t know each other. They grew attached the more time they spend together and mature so much both individually and as an item (friends or lovers or whatever you prefer) that it's no wonder they are able by the end of the story to walk two different paths (for it's just natural for Nezumi to leave and discover the world as his wanderer nature commands, and for Sion to stay) without fear of being forgotten, which is something that not even the most solid couples can say to be able to successfully endure -out of sight out of mind, after all. But Nezumi and Sion can. Also because just before saying goodbye Nezumi vows with a very passionate kiss (quoting the author) he’s going to come back to Sion and stay forever. Just read the following extract from the epilogue (set 3 years after the story) to have a feel of what i'm talking about: 

Time ambles along. 
Everything changes. 
But I’ll never forget. 
Shion got up, and stood by the window. He threw it wide open. 
Come on in, Nezumi―just like you did that night. 
Only a breeze, thick with the scent of young leaves, blew at him in return. 
He kept waiting.

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR2_L-…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/440…

5. Kurogane x Fay - The "i-won't-ever-let-you-die" OTP.

(( credits for the picture belialchan.deviantart.com/art/… one of my favourite fanart of them, I have to say *__* ))

Kurogane and Fay are two of the main characters of TRC, one of many successful mangas from CLAMP. Now, as a fan of CLAMP myself I know they love playing & re-playing with a tons of hints when it comes to homo/lesbo relationships and never formalize them (yes, CLAMP are mean c_c but let’s consider their mangas aren’t rated as shounen ai / shoujo ai, thus it’s totally understandable why they can’t make those pairs more canon), btw since the hints CLAMP leave are many and very evident we can forgive them ♥ Kurogane and Fay are indeed one of this kind of OTPs : there's never an actual act between them (such as a kiss scene or an open 'I love you') but the sacrifices they do for each other *starts tearing up at the memories*, the drastic changings they go through for the other' sake (note. more than the physical ones -which are many and very evident though- i'm talking here about the changes in values they eventually face) and basically every gaze / act / sentence / tet a tet moment they get during their adventures ( = the understanding and mutual interest you can easily see between these two) just explain what evil!CLAMP won't let they openly admit: Kurogane and Fay are emotionally drawn to each other.

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=671l1c…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/430…

6. Lavi x Kanda Yuu - The “Friends?” OTP.

(( The pic was in my folder and I don’t remember where I found it ;_; probably google; btw if it’s yours let me know and I’ll add proper credits for your (amazing) work. ))

Lavi and Kanda are two of the main characters of D.Gray-Man and, in my opinion, apart from a superficial glance at them -from which they will surely look like the opposite poles of the Earth- they are actually pretty similar deep inside: they don’t trust people, they don’t show their true colors, they don’t open up easily (yeah, Lavi either) and they definitely don’t like to remember/talk about their pasts (one of them because it's too dark, the other one because “a bookman has no need for a heart”); on the other side tho, they can also be passionate, protective and loyal towards the few ones they happen to care for. Now, there's not that much interaction shown between Lavi and Kanda actually, BUT some clues here and there let you understand that they definitely talk to each other a lot, except that the mangaka didn’t put their moments in the manga *sighs* and also that they share a solid “friendship” -which is a fact: Hoshino herself labeled them as “friends ?” in the DGM fanbook page (and the question mark could mean either that they are not in friendly terms -but that’s not the case I think- or that they are something else). Sadly in the later chapters the interaction decreased even more -it couldn’t not, since Lavi’s been basically MIA since what feels like forever (;_; ) and Kanda’s past was reveled (Alma was kind of a surprise! But I like him and I also accept his past/love with Yuu; and no, I'm not betraying my LaviYuu soul: 1. the past is the past; 2. have you ever noticed Alma and Lavi personalities are actually pretty similar? Even the annoying Yuuchan is my favourite pastime part ...I wonder why Hoshino chose as the special one for past!Kanda a guy, Alma, who acts so much like Lavi coincidences don't exist. Also, it is quite meaningful in my opinion that Lavi and Alma are the only two characters in the manga -general Tiedeoll doesn't really count- who can safety call Kanda by his first name and get away with just a bounce of empty threats: no one else can dare as much and escape from mugen, and this is not a minor detail).

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrBwBA…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/428…

7. Seregil x Alec - The ‘Talì’ OTP.

(( credit for the picture nightrunner.livejournal.com/34… ))

They are the main characters from the Nightrunner books series (which is a fantasy spy / adventure story -it’s one of my favourite books and believe me when I say it’s amazing, for usually I don’t even like spy stories that much!) by Lynn Flewelling. Seregil -the long haired one in the picture- is a libertine noble guy exiled by his homeland (he is an Aurenfaie, a race with very long lifespan and who lives in a very far country on the other side of the ocean -so far away from human race that some people *pointing at Alec* even consider them just a fairytale) and who now works daily as a thief/spy for a group called the ‘Watchers’; Alec instead is a 16 years old boy who’s just been living all his life in the forests (there’s a reason for that!) with his father until the latter die leaving poor Alec alone *pats* eventually our teen ends up becoming Seregil’ s apprentice after being rescued by him and thus ends up opening his mind / becoming aware of the world & its differences the more he stays with Seregil. You can instantly see there’s something more than simply affection from Seregil part (yes, he's been in love with Alec since *ahem* the very few moments after they met maybe? XD), while Alec, being the naive and conservative boy he is, just can't get the clue *goes hugging rejected Seregil* BUT don’t worry, just give time to time and in less than you think (which means by the end of the second book) Seregil and Alec will finally admit their mutual feelings and become talimonios (the aurenfaie word to say they are a couple), and I swear their relationship is just so deep and empathic and beautiful I can't get enough of it ♥

Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/422…

8. Tsuzuki Asato x Hisoka Kurosaki - The after-death OTP.

(( I found the picture on google ))

Tsuzuki and Hisoka are the two main characters of Yami no Matsuei (an occult / detective yaoi shounen ai manga -one of my favourites), they are both shinigami (death gods / spirits) who were once humans and now work for the Underwolrd as partners. Being that the manga's been in hiatus since 2003 (although it seems it's resumed now *yay*), it's really been too long since the last time I read (or re-read) something about Tsuzuki and Hisoka, but they couldn't not get their spot in my top 10, they are too canon to be forgotten. About their personalities, they are more similar than it may seem at first glance: despite their opposite approach to people (Tsuzuki looking more easy going and Hisoka more gloomy), there's an emo side in the two of them for they had both very bad/sad lives and even worsen death’s experiences, and now, in their after-death existences, they really just need someone they can trust to hold them tight and heal their broken souls. And obviously they find that someone in each other. That's why their OTP works, because there's a deep connection between them -even if it actually starts awkward (mostly because of Hisoka) and grows up slow (their skeletons in the closet from when they were humans don’t leave them alone).

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFcf08…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/415…

9. Takano Masamune x Onodera Ritsu - The first-love OTP.

(( official picture, credit the autor ))

Is it possible for the very first love to last? According to Takano and Onodera, main characters and couple from Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi, it is <3 what's even better here tho, is that that first love isn't frozen in the past nor directed towards the boys they were then (and are not anymore: growing up changes a person after all), but is very alive and bound to the men they are now, in the present, and this way you never doubt the authenticity of the feelings shared. T. and O. were the first teen love of each other during high school but soon parted ways (some misunderstandings from Onodera part caused it) and grew up without meeting again. Ten years after (which is when the actual story begins) Onodera starts working as a manga editor after having left his father's publishing company, and who do you think is the new chief he's going to work for and whom he goes to greet first thing in the morning? Yes, he's Takano. lol *yay for predictable manga plots* Anyway, the two start a really awkward relationship, in which Takano tries with all his might to win Onodera’s heart back (not that he has to work that hard: it’s pretty obvious Onodera loves him back as much, just he’s too stubborn -and tsundere- to admit it openly *sighs*). Despite the manga being still ongoing it's pretty clear by now how the story will happily end, and in fact I find this OTP one of the most romantic ever ("I won’t tell him. I won’t tell him that in my whole life, nobody’s ever made my heart race like this", "And how about the fact that i knew who you were even before you confessed to me?") and one that also shows you how Love with the capital l should work: it is never a matter of body gender (them being gay works great to prove that), personalities or quantity time together, love is spontaneous and sometimes irrational although it follows few basic rules, and when between the right people it becomes such an imperishable bond that even if life and misunderstandings break you apart you will find your way back together. Because Love always wins. yes, blame the romantic child in me *sighs*.  

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXD-Tk…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/409…

10. Xanxus x Squalo - The abusive OTP.

((I found the picture here club.ados.fr/maxtat/images-lil… but there are no credits; if this art is yours let me know <3 ))

I’m still reading Katekyo Hitman Reborn (I’m up at volume 18) so maybe it’s kind of too soon to add a pair from it in my top 10, isn’t it? XD but I couldn’t help it with Xanxus and Squalo, their characters are very intriguing -i’m still trying to figure them out actually- and when together they are even more interesting to look at/read about. They are the boss and the second-in-command of the Varia (the assassins' squad from the Vongola, the main mafia family from the manga) and have been knowing each other since they were teens. Their relationship is actually kind of abusive and wild -they shout insults & throw things at each other the most of the time, and there really seems to be nothing like a proper love relationship in their relationship at all… but it’s Xanxus and Squalo we’re talking about and they are not common people who act trivial and average. Honestly I am still questioning myself about the nature of Xanxus’ feelings (?) for Squalo, I can't decide if he actually cares or not -up till now he seems he doesn’t that much. As for Squalo, I feel more safe stating that he does feel something for Xanxus (he’s so loyal to his boss that it seems unhealthy, really, and no matter how abusive Xanxus may get -he’s more abusive with Squalo than with the other Varias though: could it mean something from Xanxus part I wonder?- or how hard Squalo may shout back, the second-in-command will follow his boss to hell. Squalo respects and acknowledges Xanxus, he chose him as his one and only boss and I think this, coming from a man like Squalo, states everything). Update (22/08 2012): after reading 47 & more volumes of KHR and especially chapter 398 (♥), i can safety say that there's something from Xanxus part too: XS is canon.

Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7LAr3…
Tumblr - fantasique.tumblr.com/post/409…

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Comments: 54

xfp7x In reply to ??? [2014-09-19 16:40:28 +0000 UTC]

ohmy so glad someone else out there knows of hotsei / uraboku *__*
and yes, i totally agree XD (tho, since we know he does and takano knows too, i suppose the tsundere attitude didn't work right, lol).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

soShoshin In reply to xfp7x [2014-09-19 23:41:39 +0000 UTC]

I KNOW RIGHT. whenever i talked to ppl about uraboku they were like "what is that lol"

but luka and yuki r progressing like so slowly and everyone else is progressing even more slowly T_T i like the plot and the story but i wish there were more lovey dovey scenes *_* itll be nice if theres yaoi too haha~ (okay i know thats too greedy XD)

i like all the zweilt pairings in uraoku except sairi and ria >w< they were kinda boring lol

lol onodera told takano-san he doesnt want to be in a relationship with him but got so jealous when takano was with other ppl XD yes, that is typical tsundere haha~ how cute~

and there were so many times when onodera was like SO SO SO SO SO close to tell takano he likes him and the the author just HAD TO CHANGE THE SCENE IM LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

i think onodera is only gonna admit it on like the last few pages of the last chapter lol.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

moon-in-flames [2014-03-14 08:17:22 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, the YunJae couple!
I don't usually like the idea of pairing up real people together, but these two were the one exception that I believed in. 
One main reason that made their love so obvious was that unlike most other kpop artists who would do a lot of fanservice in front of the camera, there would always be the little touches and long eye contacts between the two of them even when it seemed no one was looking.
Not to mention the small ways in which the would openly confess to each other.


from 2:38

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xfp7x In reply to moon-in-flames [2014-06-02 14:05:41 +0000 UTC]

i second you on everything. i love romance and shipping pairs (and matchmaking too, lol) but i'm not delusional to the point i see otps everywhere and, particularly, i don't see them in real life as often as i see them in fiction (and even there i go pretty slow with them actually!). 
i suppose being as romantic as i am makes me kind of fussy when it comes to pairing two fictional characters or two real people together.
BUT YUNJAE *____* they are definitely one of few exceptions to me (and honestly it just takes few candids or fancams or etc. to see and feel the bond they share). 

omg those videos <3 it's always good to bring back the good times /going emoshinki/

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KennyCavichioli01 [2014-03-09 23:54:45 +0000 UTC]

.........I guess the last one is UNdertaker............. 99% sure..

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xfp7x In reply to KennyCavichioli01 [2014-06-02 14:07:09 +0000 UTC]

oh, do you mean the xs fanart? is that a doujinshi title? (i actually googled it but couldn't find anything *shots herself* i'm really not a pro with the web. LOL)

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MadameSander [2013-11-08 18:47:47 +0000 UTC]


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xfp7x In reply to MadameSander [2014-01-20 22:27:20 +0000 UTC]


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Symmetry-Cat [2013-09-12 22:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Yami no Matsuei! Yay! My fried (who introduced me to YnM) loves Hisoka x Tsuzuki. I myself prefer other pairings. *cough*miragextsuzuki*cough*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xfp7x In reply to Symmetry-Cat [2014-01-20 22:26:23 +0000 UTC]

YnM is such a great manga! (and people should really give it more recognition ;O 

it's fine! i'm still glad you're a ynm fan too ^_^ (..although, cough, i can't remember who mirage is *kills herself* ohmy i think it's really been too long since i read it, i need to revive my memory. LOL)

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Symmetry-Cat In reply to xfp7x [2014-01-21 00:44:03 +0000 UTC]

If I'm not mistaken, is that not the doctor's name?

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xfp7x In reply to Symmetry-Cat [2014-01-21 17:01:01 +0000 UTC]

oh, do you mean muraki? then i can see why you like him and tsuzuki, he always spent at least 80% of his screen time (can i talk of screen time for a manga?) stalking and touching and teasing tsuzuki, lol.

i kind of shipped muraki with oriya tho XD

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Symmetry-Cat In reply to xfp7x [2014-01-22 02:15:26 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, seems I got the name wrong! Oh well.

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Waru38 [2013-08-31 16:48:46 +0000 UTC]

1,2,9 and 10 are like the best couples I have ever seen in my life! ^^

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xfp7x In reply to Waru38 [2013-08-31 22:04:09 +0000 UTC]

Aww totally agree with you bb! (obviously XD) 

and i'm happy to meet an other Takano/Onodera fan, don't they deserve more love? *pleas*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

eccentricity2 [2013-08-12 04:33:32 +0000 UTC]

Why are they all guy pairs

Are you a creeper? (Perv)

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xfp7x In reply to eccentricity2 [2013-08-31 21:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Ehmm I don't understand, in which way liking a male/male OTP makes me a creeper? I ship love whenever I see it, whenever I feel it, be it from a gay or a hetero OTP. Isn't this -shipping love- the point? 

Just to say, I love and support many hetero OTPs too (some even from the same manga/books series I put in this meme [*]) they just don't happen to be close to the top like the ones i listed here (& few others) are.
Plus, I've been reading / watching more shounen than shoujo lately and as you know many shounen don't give female characters the proper space they need, so girls in there are usually few & poorly developed: they just stay plain and boring during the entire story and their interactions with the males are so insignificant that i just can't ship M/F together. (Exceptions are Fairy Tail and some fantasy book series I follow where female characters are very amazing and their interaction with the males keeps up every expectation so much that M/F OTPs there work the best). 

Anyway, If you consider me a pervert because i ship gay love (be it fictional or real) and read yaoi/shounen-ai then fine, i am a pervert. So, I suppose we should consider the hetero supporters and harmony/porno readers/watchers creepy and pervert as well, right?

[*] going in order:
3- from UraBoku, Sairi x Ria and Tsukumo x Toko (even if T&T are brother and sister *cough*)
5- from TRC, Arashi x Sorata
6- from DGM, Allen x Road or Allen x Lenalee -i still have to decide (AxR is more interesting tho)
7- from The Nightrunner Series, Thero x Princess Klia and Beka x Nyal
8- from Yami no Matsuei, Terazuma x Wakaba

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Kanschkova [2013-02-11 18:40:28 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree with you these couples are fantastic! But the first is my fav! Alexander x Hephaestion for ever!!!

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xfp7x In reply to Kanschkova [2013-04-14 19:01:35 +0000 UTC]

glad to read that! <3 and i'm agree, Ale and Tion are definitely the best of the best *__* *biased* srsl, i won't ever get tired of them, their love story is history after all <3

oh, and i'm very sorry for my so late reply, i should check my DA account more often *cough*

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ibuKA [2013-02-04 06:41:15 +0000 UTC]

woahh!!!...finally meet one of yunjae shipper here!! :joy:
and hotsumaXshuusei is my fav too... *i have too many fav*

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xfp7x In reply to ibuKA [2013-04-14 18:55:38 +0000 UTC]

OHMYGOD! YUNJAE FAN COME HERE *______*! you're the first one for me too, i can't believe there is at least one more yj stan here XD *hugs tight*
aww hotsei <3 glad to meet you more and more <3

(and sorry for such a late reply, it's been ages since last time i logged in da *cries*)

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Ministry-of-Magic [2013-01-19 22:57:42 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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xfp7x In reply to Ministry-of-Magic [2013-04-14 19:05:57 +0000 UTC]

ohmy i get emotional every time i read about eros and psyche myth ;O; *a true fangirl* ♥

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tetashi [2013-01-16 18:13:52 +0000 UTC]

Btw I think it should be Asato not Asano for Tsuzuki's last name. Just saying.

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xfp7x In reply to tetashi [2013-01-16 20:51:17 +0000 UTC]

!!! lmao this is why i should re-read at leat one time the stuff i wrote XD thanks for pointing that, i'm pretty sure i would have never noticed that typos if not for you <3

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tetashi [2013-01-16 18:12:48 +0000 UTC]

Love your list and I love Yami no Matsuei too!~~ The final episode in the anime series was just so heart-breaking to watch~ Totally ship them!

Love how you included video links fro us to reference to new couples to us. For me, I would check out this Nightrunner series. Looks interesting.

Btw, love your tagline here: CANON!~ LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

xfp7x In reply to tetashi [2013-01-16 20:42:59 +0000 UTC]

OMG finally an other YnM fan *__*! i was starting to think i was the only one left *cries* i'm so glad there is still someone who remembers and loves this amazing manga, lets stick together forever *emotional*
i don't remember the anime that well (it's been so long since i watched it XD) but i remind i found it just ok compared to the manga -still, even being not that good to me, it was able to show us how much Tsuzuki and Hisoka mean for each other so it was still enjoyable after all hehe ♥

Thank you! i had a lot of fun doing this meme and looking for videos, you should do it too if you have time *__* woah you picked good: The Nightrunner series is amazing *w* great characters and characters' development, great plot, great writing style -everything about those books is perfect, really.

i love canon XD

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tetashi In reply to tetashi [2013-01-16 18:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Sorry what does OTP stand for?

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xfp7x In reply to tetashi [2013-01-16 20:45:09 +0000 UTC]

OTP = one true paring XD

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BeyondBirthday22 [2012-12-02 05:04:07 +0000 UTC]

Alexander and Hephaestion...YES. My history class got a lecture on Alexander the other day, and I fell in love with these two...Apparently, Hepaestion was closer to Alexander than any of his wives.

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xfp7x In reply to BeyondBirthday22 [2012-12-09 21:40:47 +0000 UTC]

awww what a great lecture that must have been! i would have loved to be there and fangirl about A&T with you x3

i'm agree, Alexander's wives were mainly required political tools, Alexander needed them as much as he needed their territores and money or as he needed a heir; Hephaestion instead was the dearest and closest person for Alexander: it's not a case Aristotele wrote about these two "They're like one soul abiding in two bodies" and Alexander himself stated "Hephaestion too is Alexander" *--*

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BeyondBirthday22 In reply to xfp7x [2012-12-15 16:19:51 +0000 UTC]

That would have been awesome XD

Exactly! I love that quote so much, along with the one that goes a little like, "The only time Alexander was conquered was by Hephaestion's thighs," or something like that.

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xfp7x In reply to BeyondBirthday22 [2012-12-16 09:47:04 +0000 UTC]

i bet! <3

awwww that quote *_______* it's absolutely one of my favourite about them! (at least, among the ones by people who are not them themselves or Aristotele, who knew A & H so well), even tho that was actually a mock by Diogenes -the mocking failed imo XD

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BeyondBirthday22 In reply to xfp7x [2012-12-16 17:44:31 +0000 UTC]

Lol, yeah, if his goal was to mock them, he didn't quite go as planned, did it?

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xfp7x In reply to BeyondBirthday22 [2012-12-16 21:15:29 +0000 UTC]

haha indeed XD Diogenes = the oblivious informer of A/H's evidences for future fangirls generations. lol

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BeyondBirthday22 In reply to xfp7x [2012-12-20 01:57:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha, yes! He doesn't realize how many nosebleed's he's probably created with that simple statement...

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Nosaiga [2012-05-15 02:42:57 +0000 UTC]

HephaestionxAlexander rlz *-*

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xfp7x In reply to Nosaiga [2012-05-15 17:40:46 +0000 UTC]

they do *----* so happy to meet more fans of them <3

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Nosaiga In reply to xfp7x [2012-05-16 12:35:11 +0000 UTC]

I know it >.< we are few fans

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xfp7x In reply to Nosaiga [2012-05-16 19:38:11 +0000 UTC]

few, but devout *---*

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Nosaiga In reply to xfp7x [2012-05-17 12:43:17 +0000 UTC]

yeah *0*!!! so much devout!

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hija-de-luna [2012-03-03 22:30:48 +0000 UTC]

OMG! I Alexander and Hephaestion too!
They are role models for great romantic friendship and certainly inspired these guys [link]

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xfp7x In reply to hija-de-luna [2012-03-04 10:44:23 +0000 UTC]

OMG YOU TOO?! *___________* (i will never understand why there aren't more fans of them out there, i mean, they aren't just books / tv / manga / anime / whatever fictional characters, they were real people with a real bond and it's not possible not to ship them <3)
i quote you on everything <3

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hija-de-luna In reply to xfp7x [2012-03-05 04:10:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh sooo true!

Going to send you some Alexander/Hephaestion stuff by
so check your DA mailbox,OK?

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xfp7x In reply to hija-de-luna [2012-03-05 10:33:06 +0000 UTC]

omg really?! thanks *___* i'll check it <3

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hija-de-luna In reply to xfp7x [2012-03-06 03:34:44 +0000 UTC]

I sent the

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xfp7x In reply to hija-de-luna [2012-03-06 14:31:02 +0000 UTC]

i just read it! thank you so much again *_* <3

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hija-de-luna In reply to xfp7x [2012-03-07 04:51:10 +0000 UTC]

You're Welcome!!!

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mroczna888 [2012-03-03 01:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Um... I want to ask you - where did you find Uraboku to read? I'm looking around but the only one I found is shoujo... Could you please help me? The art is really nice, so I want to try it.

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xfp7x In reply to mroczna888 [2012-03-03 12:17:14 +0000 UTC]

of course! <3 i found it here [link] -sadly there are only 25 chapters (volume 5 more or less) ;__; and being the series licensed in America it's really hard to find english scans on web -i'm lucky just because it's licensed also in Italy (i'm italian) and here we are at volume 8 *__*

anw, the japanese manga is almost at the chapter 50; you can read summaries or downloading the raw versions (if you can read japanese or chinese -which i don't ç___ç) here [link] it's the livejournal community of uraboku and it's open so you don't have to create a lj account to read the entries ^_^

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