XLegion-716X — Shiala-219 Full Bio

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Description Personal Quote: "I'm a woman with simple interests. I'm a Spartan with simple objectives. I'm an exile with simple reasons to leave the military...how does that still equel to me getting mixed up with aliens, cyborgs and genocidal freaks??" - Shiala, 1 day after the P.M.C absorbs the L.A.C into its military.

Name: Shiala Ultari

Nickname(s): Spartan Shiala-219

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Birthday: October 29th, 2530

Previous Homeworld: Tribute

Current Homeworld: Living aboard the P.M.N Ragnarov

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

Race: Spartan

Personality: Cheeful, Trusting, Reliable

Family or Relatives: Unknown

Relationships: Formerly retained a relationship with Legion 716 until her untimely death during the early days of the P.M.C War

Pre-Service History: As a member of Fireteam Legionnaire during the Human-Covenant war, she served many campaigns against the alien hegemony alongside her Spartan and UNSC allies, and was usually instrumental in the destruction of enemy armor and aircraft, as well as being the squad's best pilot for UNSC craft. She was well known for her skills as a Falcon and Hornet pilot (And later after the P.M.C War, a Wasp pilot), and became the main reason why the squad was able to complete a large number of missions without a single casualty within its ranks. Her most notable achievement was the destruction of an entire Covenant CCS class Battlecruiser after boarding, with 716, Dalton and Farrow, and single handedly killed most of its crew, overloading the ship's reactors and preventing further commands down to its forces on the beseiged planet its ground forces were on, ending it in a rare UNSC victory (Kholo being the planet's name. This victory was later overshadowed later when the Covenant eventually glassed it with a much larger fleet). Her career came to a sudden end when she exiled herself from the UNSC after the Great Betrayal by Dalton against 716.  

Psychological Profile: It was expected that she would have some sort of downside to her cheerful personality. However unlike most of the profiles this one has, Shiala has maintained emotional stability even during the tougher times in her life. However, the side effect of her positive emotions is that she's far too trusting, even willing to befriend those of other races extremely easily, Shenko and Nova being current examples. This also being seen after Sangheili were allowed into the Private Military Corporation. Its her own peoplem, her own kind, she sometimes had minor trouble trusting nowadays, Dalton and Eradicus being in the same military as her doesn't help this one bit.

Addictions: Unknown as of now, but after knowing she died during the P.M.C war, who knows what long lasting effects that could have on the formerly deceased.

Habits: Always grabs a Spartan Laser at the very moment she has a chance to get it. Also tends to get captured here and there...

Hobbies: Enjoyes cruising in UNSC aircraft, has also taken a personal liking towards the Phaeton from the Forerunner/Created forces.

Source of Anger/Hatred: Treacherous people of her own race, evil cyborgs!

Source of Sadness/Sorrow: Formerly had a large amount of regret by leaving 716 to die in a pool of his own blood back on Reach. Whilst this was lost initially when it turned how he was really alive, after her revival, her sadness came immediately crawling back knowing 716 had found someone else in common to his own personality.

Source of Fear/Phobia: Cyborgs and robotic troops in general. Covenant species are now considered the norm in comparison to Robotic Leaders and Forerunner walking weapons platforms (AKA Knights and Soldiers) 

Likes: Spartan Lasers, Desinated Marskman Rifles, Battle Rifles, Magnums, Maintaining friendships with her comrades, Sangheili and UNSC/Forerunner aircraft

Dislikes: ERADICUS ERADICUS ERADICUS ERADICUS ERADICUS...Forerunner ground troops, Plasma Launchers

Weight: 400 to 500 kg (With armor) 108kg (Without Armor)

Height: 7ft 1in (With Armor) 6ft 8in (Without Armor)

Build: Slim but sturdy, retains most Human female curve features 

Scar(s): Retains a few Energy sword scars on her abdomen and her shoulders, as well as a couple of clawed scratches on her neck from an Unggoy during the war.

Tattoo(s): None as of known. She was always against having the majority of her body exposed to others, even to her own gender. Reason for this was unknown.

Skin Tone: Caucasion

Hair Style: Short Ponytail

Hair color: Red/Ginger meld

Eye color: Sapphire

Armor: Air assault (Reach), Copperhead Fangs (Halo 5)

Primary Colour: Ice Blue

Secondary Colour: Steel

Theme List:

1. I May Fall (RWBY Volume 3 soundtrack)

2. Aphelion (F.E.M Instrumental Music)

3. The Truth (Audiomachine)


Allies/Friends: Legion, Shenko, Requius, L.A.C forces, Swords of Sangheilios

Rivals/Frienemies: Farrow, Dr Xalia, Dalton, Eradicus

Nemesis/Enemies: Dalton (formerly), Eradicus (formerly), Kroudon, Dwayne Douglas

Class: Spartan Exile 

Standard/Modified Weapons: 

1. DMR (switches out between standard scope, COG sight and recon sights) 

2. Endgame class Spartan Laser

3. Gunfighter Magnum

Skills/Specialization: Pilot/Anti Vehicle Expert 

Flaws/Weakness: Usually unaware of surprise, unorthodox attacks.


By 2553, nearly a year after she and the rest of Fireteam Legionnaire were able to survive the destruction of their fortress world of Reach, Shiala's departure from the UNSC (and breaking away fromt he eyes of ONI), was sudden and absolutely abrupt. Months earlier when Dalton too went into exile (and eventually came upon the group that later becomes the Private Military Corporation). With Legionnaire squad all but defunct now, both Shiala and Farrow went their seperate ways, still margianially traumatized from the events of Reach (The female Spartan more so than the latter). To get as far away from Human Colonized space as possible, she was able to hijack and ONI Prowler from Earth. Whilst the loss of the Prowler was a minimal dent in the Office's pocket, it still made the exiled Spartan a bigger target than before. It was more of a case of recovering her armor than bringing her back alive. In the end however, they gave up their search, since the Spartan disable any trackable way to find her.

It was the use of this Prowler when she was able to discover Installation 02. With the fusion drive being less than operable due to its unfinished maintenance back on Earth, Shiala was forced to land on this ringworld. It was here she began her new life in exile, using parts of the Prowler to build her home, and to build up her own Falcon using leftover materials in the event she needed to scout. With a mode of transport, and a home built up that she could live in until there was a group willing to take her in, life seemingly to have taken easy on her. For years she had to live in isolation, with only the memories of the battles she fought across Human space against the technologically superior Covenant forces. The one memory that always stuck out however was Dalton's barrage of Machine gun fire laying waste to her comrade. The soon to be Supreme Leader of the Corporation never revealed it was actually ONI (and to an extent, Rax Cain) themselves that authorised 716 to be terminated should he show any sign of going against prioritised orders. It was 716 she retained feelings for so long yet due to the ongoing war, she and 716 (at the time of Cain) kept their relationship strictly prohibited from going any further than squadmates (in turn Cain never had any such emotions towards her, knowing she's merely a pawn for future plans. Legion on his own however developed them as soon as he became Spartan 716).

Years go by fairly quickly for the Exiled Spartan. Having eventually discovered that she wasn't the only soldier on this ring. During her scouting adventures she came across multiple bases of the L.A.C, mercenaries who happily volunteered to be a part of something bigger, led by Commander Nova. To see Humans and Elites working together was something new, something so striking about it. 2 species who were at constant, genocidal warfare now allies building towards a greater future. However, she never went any further than to keep an eye on the L.A.C, daring not to make any contact considering the equipment and hardware they possessed. They were Mercs after all, and they were well prepared Mercs at that.

It would be 2557 when her Isolation would come to an abrupt end. Farrow, having discovered her location before landing on the ring accompanied by a small P.M.C task force, he would be the one to eventually reveal Shiala's location to the vengeful Cyborg that Legion had become. After his death, 716 and Shenko (Kroudon undercover at the time) turned their sights on her rural home. No steal was required for this one either. They used a Wraith to great affect, bombarding Shiala's home and surroundings, even destroyering her only means of escape, her Falcon.

Her valiant defense kept the Cyborg and Sangheili on their toes, ambushing and surprising them wherever she fell back to. However her already small amount of DMR ammo caused her to run out during the engagement, and even the use of her Spartan Laser could not keep Legion at bay. Eventually she'd be cornered on a cliffside, staring into the dual barrels of 716's Spiker. It was during this moment that Shiala initially accepted her death, to the Cyborg's surprise. She revealed that 716's supposed death was not of her and Farrow's desires, telling Legion, once he revealed his own identity to her, that Dalton acted alone, and only used Shiala and Farrow to escape the destruction of Reach.

Legion, feeling a sense of guilt, wrongfully accusing those he once desired dead, lowered his weapon and allowed Shiala hospitality into his own home, to Shenko's (Kroudon's) dissapproval. Bringing her back to base, unable to locate Dalton, Legion decided to abandon his quest for the last member of their team, and chose to help Shiala get her life back on track, even forming a relationship together, an emotional bond that'd keep them inseperable. 

However this peaceful isolation away from the galaxy would only be tempoary. Weeks later, Legion would receive a call by Shaine, to inform him about the repairs of his Wraith that Shiala heavily damaged during the fight. Asking his bond mate to stay behind to keep an eye on the base, Shiala kept watch whilst 716 took his tank, Scorponov, to Shaine's base. Moments later, the Private Military Corporation would reveal their first attack against 716. A task force, personally overwatched by Dalton himself, attacked the base with sheer firepower and numbers without any warning. Shiala would immediately grab cover, arm herself, and defended the base till her very last shot. In the midst of the fight, she contacted the Cyborg to alert of the immediate threat, at which she was ultimately pinned down and forced to break radios. In her defence, she took down multiple Assault Troopers as well as their Scorpion tank. 

However, having been injured by a flanking trooper, she was cornered by Dalton at last, to the relief of the task force. Whilst the Supreme Leader at first attempted to pry information out of her for the wherabouts of 716, he made no progress, and instead left a present of his own to the Cyborg, equipping his Rocket Launcher with a high explose, Bunker Buster rocket, with enough explosive yield to destroy the entire base and all of the vehicles and equipment inside along with it. This, along with Shiala's capture, Legion would consider this as both an act of war and an act against him personally...as well as finding a very good reason to continue his act of vengeance against his former CO.

The Spartan exile would eventually be taken back to the P.M.C's Forward Operating Base set on the ring, relaying coordinates of their position back to the fleets to ensure they would have a numerical and superior fleet against those who have already based themselves on Installation 02. At the same time, they were using this site as a means to uncover the Sphere of Annihilation, the weapon Dalton was pinning his hopes and ambitions on in an effort to achieve his main goal of Human domination across the galaxy. Shiala, having been continously subdued for information, as well as being mortally wounded to ensure she'd talk, to which none would break her. It was only her former membership in Fireteam Legionnaire all those years ago with the Supreme Leader as its CO kept her alive, hence Dalton made sure she would never actually die in this cell. It would also be revealed to her that Shenko was Kroudon the entire time Legion had spent during the attacks on both Farrow and Shiala, relaying information back to Dalton and the P.M.C, in turn receiving potent Forerunner technology the Corporation had uncovered during its conquest on worlds that were ripe for invasion.

Eventually Legion would infiltrate the Base and break the Spartan out of her holds, and despite her injuries she had healed up enough to get out of the facility. Beforehand the 2 would eventually exchange a solemn moment together, being the first (and last time) they would lock lips together. In the ensuing escape however, Dalton would surprise the 2, mortally wounding 716 with a hefty shotgun blast into the backside and fall off the main drilling platform, forcing Shiala to climb down as she was continously bombarded by fire from other Troopers. 716 would eventually force her to leave him behind as he would hold the P.M.C long enough to make her escape. 

Eventually, just before a Trooper could stop her, Shiala was saved and accompanied by a Sniper, coated in black and dark purple Spartan armor, who had been watching the whole P.M.C operation for sometime. Whilst she did not reveal her name, the Spartan led Shiala out of the F.O.B towards safety, and waited hoping Legion would come out of facility as well, regardless if he was against the odds. And whilst he eventually would escape, killing a large number of troopers inside and gaining invaluable information about the P.M.C's plans, they would not be out of the woods yet as a massive Private Military Armada would eventually arrive over Installation 02 and start their campaign against the L.A.C, a camapign of genocide and extermination in an attempt to occupy the Ring. 

The Spartan Sniper would eventually help Legion and Shiala escape the F.O.B's surroundings and take to Shaine's base, where she would eventually depart to continue her scouting of the Corporation's forces. At this time, the duo merely had to get to Shaine's base to plan, reorganise and prepare a counter attack of some sorts to aid the L.A.C's defenses...but they would eventually be hunted down and cornered by a small squad of P.M.C, led by the hired Bounty Hunter, Rax Cain. Small negotiations easily failed as Cain made it clear he was out to collect the reward the Corporation was handing him for the death of Legion 716, as well as an extra bonus for killing or bringing back Shiala.

The ensuing battle saw the 3, who had fought extensively in the Human-Covenant war, made leaps and bounds trying to avoid each other's attacks, and Cain receiving losses of multiple troopers and even 2 vehicles, the destruction of a Gauss Hog and Shiala's capturing of a Falcon in mid-air, whilst he was sniping on top of the aircraft. Eventually 716 would corner him, with Shiala watching over the area for anymore unwanted surprises. 

Unfortunately, this wouldn't be enough as Shiala would draw her last breath when Eradicus, Supreme Commander of the P.M.C, attached a larged number of projectiles from his Plasma Launcher to the tail end of the Falcon, exploding and causing the craft to violently crash into the seas, saying her last goodbye to 716 and dying in the underwater explosion.

After this, the events which transpired would eventually culminate into her ressurection. After a long campaign against the P.M.C, the destruction of the 2 Super Dreadnoughts, Ragnaov and Vorastra, the formation of Legion and Shaine's new relationship in the later wake of his bond mate's death, the deaths of Eradicus, Shenko, Dalton, Xalia, Rax Cain, Dalton and many others, 716 would eventually sacrfice himself to manipulate and change the power of the Sphere of Annihilation's intentions to one of ressurection, which would eventually be caused the Regeneration Event.

This saw Shiala being revived, climbing out of the water with an intact Falcon washing up ashore with her. With this shocking turn of events, she would eventually link up what she thought to be dead, Farrow, who both discovered that everyone who had died from the attack on Farrow's outpost to the Assault Droid's Protocol 229 being activated, had been revived. The P.M.C Troopers helped Shiala and Farrow arrive at the L.A.C HQ, where L.A.C and P.M.C alike were working together (with a fragile alliance at the time) to gather up what they can of the event.

It was here Shiala would discover 716's fate, discussed by Dalton who had been told by the Monitor of the Installation of his death, and she would also be told of Legion's relationship with Shaine during the time of her demise. Albeit it was a fatal blow to her heart, Dalton offered her a permanant home aboard the Ragnarov, along with Farrow. While she declined initially, Dalton would make good promise to never pursue his ambitions of an all Human galaxy, abandoning in the mission for peace and prosperity with other races.

This fragile alliance between the L.A.C and the P.M.C would eventually merge the Alliance into the Corporation, creating a Human/Xeno organisation on a much grander scale. Although she would still have her heart torn by the loss of Legion, there was still her life to continue, with a new lease on life at last. Accompanying her would be a new set of armor and weapons as she, sided with the P.M.C now, prepared for even bigger challenges in the future. And with Legion gone, only Shenko and Requius would be what remains of him...Shenko especially starting to take her interest even more so. 

Thus concluding Shiala-219's bio. For now at least.

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