Crosspost from my Toyhouse
Here are my February Adopts (a bit early hhaha)
I thought of some Royal Opias with their Beauty is Pain thing again
These Royal Opias Dancers with a Geode Mutation hurt their legs quite a bit during practice-- so far that they started just chipped away more and more pieces so that their legs are only gem.
They're coated with a clear coat of resin to make them durable and shiny! But any other fall could be the end of their career!
RED: Flaming Waves (60 USD- CLSD - st4rd4st)
- NEW - Coattail Hip Fins
- NEW - Upside down Arm Fins
BLUE: Silver Peony (60 USD OPEN)
-NEW- Upside down Arm Fins
Lowering Jade Ice from 60USD to 50 USD…
Like all my MYOs, you can do anything and everything for a flatprice for 20 USD!
This time we'll also have geode mutations open as well as some new fins from previous batches! (coughs- i gotta update the Opia gallery)
NOTE: Because I have been asked about this before- yes you can crossbreed with an MYO with another Species as long as the other creator agrees as well!
-EmptyNarration x 1