xrainbii — SRA app Ai Sato

#rp #schoolrp #rpapp #rpbio #sunriseacademy
Published: 2019-07-21 04:06:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2261; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 2
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fingers crossed that i get in haha.
i have some bigger images on my twitter that shows more details.

Name: Ai, Sato

Nicknames ( optional ): Air ( ty )

Gender: Female

Age: 15 ( 16August )

Year: First

Nationality: Japanese

Height and Weight: 149 centimeters ( 4’11” ) | 54.4kg ( 120 lbs )

Speciality: Singing

She also has an interest in dancing.


  • Easy going . doesn’t get stressed easily, nor does she jump at getting involved in tense situations.

  • Confident . but with a caveat. She’s only confident in her singing.

  • Doubtful . with anything other than seeing, she can easily doubt herself and her abilities to perform said tasks. So much so, that she’d rather hand off an important role to someone else, even if she’s more than capable to perform said role.

  • Quiet . Ai isn’t the first to speak up or initiate a conversation. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have interest, she just lacks the courage to inject herself and doesn’t wish to interrupt, or she may not be aware of the subject and doesn’t want to add nonsense.

  • Consistent . has an inability to break routine habits. Being in a routine comforts her, as well as leaves little room for surprises throughout her days. It’s to the point where she will plan out her entire day with just enough wiggle room, and she becomes annoyed if someone who is aware of how she functions tries to break the flow.

  • Sentimental . she’ll hold onto every gift she has ever received, even the small and broken things, as it’s the meaning and memory behind it that holds importance to her.

  • Responsible . from studies to appointments and chores, she’s always keeping on top of what needs to get done. She also takes the initiative to keep her friends in check by keeping track of what they need to do as well.

  • Clingy . to her friends and who she has an interest in. She’s not necessarily obnoxious about it, more so, she’ll just follow them around and listen to anything they have to say without interrupting them. But some can find it a little unnerving. She’ll also feel bad if someone calls her out on it, feeling as if she was a nuisance.

  • Friendly . always helping others who are in need. She’ll step in, as long as it’s something that won’t get her into drama or hurt. With that being said, this isn’t all purely innocent as she wouldn’t mind gratitude or some sort of recognition for her friendly actions.

  • Dependent to a fault . doing things on her own that she’s not accustomed to is a no-go. She’ll immediately ask for help, and expect that person to do everything for her and walk her through some step by step. If she’s sent out on an errand and she has no idea how to perform the task with no one around her, she will not do anything for a while in hopes that someone will assist her.

  • Motherly . due to how she was raised, and her mother’s encouragement for Ai to eventually have a large family, she can become a mother-like figure to those who act young. To taking care of their basic needs, encouraging certain behaviors, or helping them with their assignments.

  • Cowardly . if a fight where to break out, even involving a close friend, don’t expect her to run in and save the day. She may try to speak out against it, but if things escalate, she’s the first one out of the situation. And don’t expect her to stay if she’s the one involved in the fight. If she can’t flee, she’ll cower behind the person who seems to most strong to protect her.

  • Curious . not really vocal about her interests, especially if it’s in something specific. If there is something she needs to know, she’ll immediately browse the internet to find her answer to avoid any human communication unless she can’t find the answer online, then she may cave. She’s more open to asking friends, especially close friends.


Always an overweight child, she began to take solace in idolizing those that she saw on the tv. Wanting to be like them, and tired of being mocked. She’d been called cute, along with fat, a turtle, and all the insensitive words that they should be ashamed. But no matter what, her parents always supported her decisions. When she wanted to try singing, they did whatever they could to raise the funds to send her to a vocal coach. When she showed interest in losing weight, they hired a personal trainer to get her into shape. For that, Ai was grateful.

In class, Ai has a difficult time understanding simple equations, more so in math and science, and even with proper tutoring, she can easily forget what she learned. This means, her grades can end up well below average, but she never gives up and tries her best ( so that she doesn’t disappoint those that worked so hard to help her ).

As her interest in singing, along with performing, steadily grew with no signs of stopping, her parents brought to Ai’s attention an Academy. Sunrise Academy. Of course, Ai had heard of the place! She’d seen the celebrities that had come from that Academy to become huge stars, and Ai was more than interested in following in their footsteps. She’d only been surprised that her parents were letting her go at such a young age to attend something so majestic, even if it meant away from them.

With tear-filled eyes, she applied and hoped that she got in!


  • Chocolate desserts . although she has cut down quite a bit from eating them because of her weight gain issues, she can’t help indulging herself every once in a while. Giving her homemade ones makes her extremely happy and raising her friendship by a lot!

  • Strawberries and Peaches . her favorite fruits. Sour strawberries and hard peaches are her least favorite, but she’ll still eat them.

  • Homemade meals . especially desserts. It raises her friendship levels by quite a bit, especially if the meals are prepared just for her! She appreciates someone who is skilled in the kitchen.

  • Rain . as it’s calming, with the soft thumps and watching it through the window. Even thunderstorms relax her as long as the rain isn’t pelting her window. This is the time she gets most of her writing done, and she would even prefer to practice singing during this time.

  • Nature . taking a nice stroll in the woods, or just seeing pictures helps instill her with peace.

  • Positive people . those who encourage others to pursue their dreams and help overcome their faults are people that Ai loves to hang around! Seeing this personality trait in a person can help her warm up to them easily, and also might make her heart ba-thump! Even if they’re not encouraging her and are encouraging someone else!

  • Polaroids . she loves taking them and finds them aesthetic. She loves being behind the camera, taking pictures of her friends, of her newest treasures, or even nature. Ai owns a small book containing all of her pictures and polaroids, which she also has her favorite images on her phone to use as her wallpaper.

  • Myths and legends . loves to read books about them. She also secretly believes that supernatural creatures are real and living among us.

  • Sleep . it’s best not to try and wake her up. Cuddling next to someone or resting on their shoulders is something she prefers. Kudos to you if you offer your shoulder to her!


  • Oversharing information . she finds it weird when other people do it and she will avoid doing it herself. Discussing hobbies, check, discussing her paycheck, that’s weird and very personal. She finds it weird when others ask her about such personal things, and feels they want to gather information about her and may try to use it against her. Yes, she watches one too many Korean idol dramas. But the higher her friendship level, the more she is comfortable in sharing, but certain details she may be unforthcoming with sharing.

  • People who manipulate . if she sees them happening to either herself or someone else, she will do whatever possible to avoid the manipulator. To making excuses to avoid contact, or becoming visibly uncomfortable around them.

  • News channels . she can’t stand to see what sort of disaster or crime is occurring. The ones with hopeful events or inspiring stories are nice, but there’s far too much bad for every one good story. So, she’ll leave the room if the news is playing, or request a different channel.

  • Loud music . especially the near deafening ones. This is why many people become deaf at an older age! They inflict it upon themselves! And even though she finds the thumping from music to be calming, one will never find Ai at an obnoxiously loud concert, even for those she idolizes!

  • People who dislike her . not that she cares of course! She just won’t like you back! And she most definitely will not try to figure out why you don’t like her and try to solve the issue. Nope, she won’t. Okay, maybe she’ll put in a little effort. But c’mon, she’s such a cutie, why wouldn’t you like her?! And she might mule over it for a couple of days. No, a day max. Okay, maybe a week. Seriously, what did she do??

  • Pictures being taken of her . she doesn’t find herself very photogranic and will try to counter any attempts at taking her picture with ugly meme faces or by hiding her face completely. She’s very self conscious about this and it’s a quick way to lower her friendship levels and annoy her to the point where she might leave.

  • Flirting . at least, when she has to do it. She’s extremely awkward, and doesn’t like it when it’s pointed out at how bad she is at this. She’s also oblivious to subtle flirting, and may question if it’s happening then decide that it’s not. She doesn’t mind if someone flirts with her, just don’t expect the same in return!

  • Horror / gore / violence . has a hard time coping with them whether it’s real or not. Horror movies or violent video games are things she avoids, and doesn’t like it when her friends take joy in such things, though she won’t step in, she will excuse herself from the situation.

  • Pain / blood . can’t stand it. She tends to pass out at the sight of the smallest amount of her own blood or someone else’s. Even something like stubbing her toe can cause her to sit down, whine, and not do anything until the pain completely subsides, to include any soreness.

  • Camping . she can’t stand it. Walking through nature for a limited time is one thing. Spending an entire night outside in a small tent where little critters can get in and attack her, is another thing! Who thinks this is fun?

  • Math and science . her worst subjects. She has a hard time focusing on them, so she may need a tutor for this ( future plot line? ).

  • Heat . can’t stand going outside on a hot day and she’ll do everything possible to avoid it. Now, she enjoys bundling up in the cold with a nice fire~

  • Medicine . she prefers to recover naturally as the taste can bother her. She finds swallowing pills difficult, and if she must take them, she’ll try to chop them if possible. Strong tasting medicine is nearly a no-go for her.


  • Cooking . she loves cooking her own meals, and would prefer to put in the labor rather than eating out. If there’s something delicious she’d eaten elsewhere, she’ll swarm the internet to find the perfect recipe and will practice until perfection. Her strengths are desserts, especially chocolate snacks.

  • Exercising . especially running to keep off the extra calories. Due to her lack of metabolism, and spending her youth at a higher weight, she tends to work out after indulging herself in an unhealthy meal.

  • Fishing . she’s only done it a handful of times with her parents, she enjoyed how calming it was and the intense fights with fish, although she regrets hurting them. Even though she prefers to go to a fishing pier and enjoy the weather, she’ll substitute that with playing a fishing sim on her phone or on the pc or console.

  • Collecting pretty objects . from shells, crystals, or stones, to antique dolls. It’s something her grandparents have done and is something she’s decided to continue, plus she just enjoys how they look.

  • Reading . from slice of life, manga, romance, and the occasional erotica novel, Ai loves to read just about everything as long as the plot and characters interest her long enough. She’ll do everything she can to avoid letting people know her interest in erotica novel, and will only read those on her phone, although she loves having physical copies of everything! On occasion, she will buy a book merely because of the cover art, even if she’s not interested in the actual story.

Voice: higher soft pitched voice ( will fill with in proper seiyuu when i find one haha )

Additional Information:

  • Blue . is her favorite color. Her favorite shades into pastel colors and lighter hues.

  • When in a relationship, she doesn’t mind if it moves very quickly although she says that she wants to take things slowly and let their relationship build like in the movies and her romance books, she doesn’t actually mean it and, in truth, she wants to get to the honeymoon phase as quickly as possible and pray it never fades.

  • Staring . she has a weird habit at staring at people because of how they look or at things she has an interest in. She’ll snap out of it once someone brings it to her attention. It’s a bad habit and something she is trying to fix.

  • For those in a relationship with her or want to pursue one, a quick way to her heart is to show interest in her family, especially at the thought of meeting them. Meanwhile, calming her worries that they might be embarrassed by the things they learn about her through her family.

  • Nature walks are a great first date, or any level of date really. Through winding woods, a flower field, or even a hike near some waterfalls are all great at warming her heart.

  • Firework shows are also a nice place for a date. She hates the loud noises, but she loves seeing them. Laying out some blankets and snacks, then playing with some sparklers before the main show just set up the romantic mood for her and is just fun in general to do with friends and family!

  • She’s still trying to find her own theme. So, her fashion consistently changes during performances as does her music.

  • Women who are taller and more dominant than her. She loves a person who will order food for her, helps her avoid drastic situations, and even tells her what to do in order to calm her or to add a little spice to her daily life.

  • Not handy in any way. Don’t expect her to try and build something. Even the simple task of building a snowman can be ruined.

  • Because of her weight issues and the extreme measures she’d taken as a child, she has a habit of forgetting to eat throughout the day, which may lead to not eating for a day period. It’s something she’s trying to break out of. She’ll more than appreciate this if you remind her!

  • Owns various wig colors and types for performances.

  • When annoyed, she tends to puff her cheeks. Also happens when she’s embarrassed.

  • Clings onto people when nervous or not sure what to do. Grabbing onto their sleeves or the back of their shirt is a way to prevent them from leaving her.

  • Can eat a lot, but she’s trying to cut down in an attempt to shrink her stomach. Because of this, she’ll order smaller portioned meals, or try to avoid eating in front of people because she’s self conscious about what they would think if they saw how she consumed her meals.

  • If she could have any pet, she’d definitely want a bird. Any kind, cockatiel, chicken, quail! She loves all the sweet birbs.

  • Loves to have fingers ran through her hair, especially if she's also getting her scalp massaged. With that said, she also enjoys to do the same in return. She also loves braiding hair!

  • She loves to dance during her performances, but she’s horrible at choreography. Also, she’s bad at writing her own music, no matter how hard she tries. Hopefully the classes will help.

  • Has gotten into make up recently. Mostly, just a harsh red blush and blue eyeshadow. Sometimes she’ll dabble in lipstick and fancy eyeliner.

  • Has small light blue hearts in her eyes.

RP Type:

Discord | Google Docs

  • Lit with at least one good paragraph or more. Whatever it takes to get the plot moving. I don’t care of fluff or having descriptive sentences, and I personally find those boring unless it actually adds something.

  • Headcanons even if we don’t rp. It’s nice to just build relationships with other characters!

  • Plotting is something I prefer. I’m not saying a full begin to end plot, just some sort of a goal for our characters, or just the basics to I know kinda what to do without someone being in full control.

  • Script is not something I prefer unless it’s in a group setting, just cause it doesn’t give me a lot to work with.

  • 1x1 > group rps since I’m usually drawing or gaming between my responses, so I tend to get lost easily in group rps.

  • That said, I may disappear for a few days since I lose muse easily, but I don’t drop threads unless I have no interest in the group. Any discomfort I have with our rp, or if I want to end it for whatever reason, will be stated so that no one is left hanging ( I honestly don’t care for the same in return. If you want to ghost me, feel free to do so since I know some people get nervous about these sorts of stuff ).  :>

  • Forum rps, which I don’t think this group will do, is something I’m o k with doing as well.


Saya, Sato - mother. Very good relationship and nearly best friends. With Ai’s isolation as a child due to her weight, she’s come to rely heavily on her mother and will rarely keep anything from her ( even if it could get her in trouble ).

Hiro, Sato - father. Although not as nearly close as Ai is with her mother, Hiro still holds a special place in her art and she could not ask for a better father. He’s been just as supportive with her as Saya had been, though he’s also been a little tough and heavily encouraged for Ai to go with a personal trainer for her weight loss. He’s also the one to keep her on track with most things, which as she grew older, picked up this habit from him and now she has become to one to remind him of his day to day activities.

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Comments: 44

ManInTheStreet [2020-07-25 23:37:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xrainbii In reply to ManInTheStreet [2020-08-05 22:43:01 +0000 UTC]

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Starman1999 [2020-03-10 01:30:36 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Very cute skirt

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xrainbii In reply to Starman1999 [2020-03-12 21:40:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starman1999 In reply to xrainbii [2020-03-12 21:46:00 +0000 UTC]

Your Welcome 

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SnowyFox-Roxy [2019-08-14 16:05:09 +0000 UTC]

OMG she is ADORABLE >0<

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IWanna-B-Da-VeryBest [2019-07-29 01:54:46 +0000 UTC]

Holy mother of information!    You definitely put in a lot of time and effort for dis beautiful baby, everything about her sounds amazing! That's really cool that she had such supportive parents T o T This was great to read through and learn all about her! Hmmm how does "Air" Sound as a nickname? Because she is bright and bubbly....and...is like the blue sky....a..nd....her name starts with "Ai"...... //is really bad at names   
She will make friends in no time! ((All the member here at SRA are SUPER friendly)) 

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xrainbii In reply to IWanna-B-Da-VeryBest [2019-07-29 03:05:49 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!
and thank you for the nickname, i actually really like that!! just edited to add that lmao!!
i really love making characters, but i'm horrible at being active in discords or rping in group settings.  ; _ ; )  i'm more of a 1x1 rper lmao, but hopefully i can force myself to be more active and get Ai some friends! so, i tend to overcompensate with character details...  XDXD

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IWanna-B-Da-VeryBest In reply to xrainbii [2019-08-04 00:41:02 +0000 UTC]

kdlf;jkdsl;fjd YOU ACTUALLY ADDED THAT?!    Oh Ai I am so sorry..... 
I understand the being active part COMPLETELY! It was hard for me at first to break away from the 1x1 for awhile and getting used to discord but it'll grow on you! Like I said everyone here is really nice, so soon you'll be frands with EVERYBODAH! I'll send you a friend request on Discord! If you ever have any questions or anything feel free to shoot me a message! 

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xrainbii In reply to IWanna-B-Da-VeryBest [2019-08-04 01:40:01 +0000 UTC]

thanks!! i appreciate it!!  // w // )
yeah, hopefully i can get out of my shell! it's something i'm slowly working on lmao.

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Lovely-Lady-Natsumi [2019-07-29 00:38:36 +0000 UTC]

Omfg she sounds so freaking precious!!!
Jian would totes show her the world of dancing lol
Ah she sounds so upbeat and motivated unlike him XD
You did a fantastic job with your baby ;w;

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xrainbii In reply to Lovely-Lady-Natsumi [2019-07-29 01:39:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!

Ai would prolly definitely need Jian to teach her how to dance. is he good at choreography?? cause, Ai needs a lot of help in that!!
i saw he likes ballroom dancing. i know that's something Ai needs to try out!!

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Lovely-Lady-Natsumi In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-29 18:11:53 +0000 UTC]

Np np >w<

Jian I'd imagine he is good at choreography seeing as how he can pick up on various dances fairly quickly. 
Lol he would talk her ear off on ballroom dancing.
and would then proceed to show her how to dance XD

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xrainbii In reply to Lovely-Lady-Natsumi [2019-07-29 23:21:36 +0000 UTC]

hey, Ai needs all the help that she can get! she wants to be good at dancing, which she's o k at, but it's the improv part that she's horrible at. she needs to be taught the choreography before hand, otherwise... it ain't gonna happen lol.

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Lovely-Lady-Natsumi In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-30 19:03:58 +0000 UTC]

I can totes see this as a interesting experience for the both of them XD

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A3-Reeishere [2019-07-24 06:22:19 +0000 UTC]

What a lovely character~
I hope she will have a lot of fun joining the academy and pursue her career as an idol while maintaining her friendly personality. The idol life is not all sunshine and rainbow after all. >w>

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xrainbii In reply to A3-Reeishere [2019-07-24 14:36:58 +0000 UTC]

haha thanks for the tip!!  XDXD
yeah, i wonder what kinda shenanigans the group get into, and the drama. but it's those experience that makes a character stronger!!

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A3-Reeishere In reply to xrainbii [2019-08-10 09:30:46 +0000 UTC]

I can't agree more. That's why the characters are developing around here
You either strive for a good ending for a bad ending for them. >7>

Also, my son is in the same club as her, if you want to RP and have them meet each other, feel free to poke me.   

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xrainbii In reply to A3-Reeishere [2019-08-11 23:49:08 +0000 UTC]


do you prefer discord or here?!
i definitely wouldn't mind them meeting!  // v // )  especially if they can do club activities together and Ai would somehow find a way to mess it up!! 

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A3-Reeishere In reply to xrainbii [2019-08-12 15:59:26 +0000 UTC]


Sure, we can go in discord xD
We can start with a HC and RP then if it gets interesting
And for the plot thing. Boi, I am so much a plot person, so we can try that out. >u>)b
Just hit me up in discord and I'll discuss it further~   

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xrainbii In reply to A3-Reeishere [2019-08-15 02:50:05 +0000 UTC]

just messaged you on discord!!  :>

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purpleEar [2019-07-23 22:15:25 +0000 UTC]

omg i saw your introduction on the discord server and thought it was sweet theres another sato but omg! reading through ai's app i really think it would be neat if she and yayoi met up! yayoi also went through some weightloss before becoming an idol and?? they also like to wear wigs for performances! :0

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xrainbii In reply to purpleEar [2019-07-24 02:15:15 +0000 UTC]

i'm 100% down for that!! i'd definitely love for the Sato's to meet each other! feel free to hmu!!
also, i feel bad for Nana, her backstory is sad. i find it heartbreaking when parents can't accept their children. i get they should push their children to better themselves, but it still always makes me sad when parents can't see what's going on with their children.  D: D:

as a side note tho, i think it's totally dope for Nana to be working part time at her dad's auto shop!!  o 0 o )

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purpleEar In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-25 00:55:10 +0000 UTC]

wooo awesome! i'll dm you on skype then!

and yeahhh but!! everyone will get a happy ending dw!!

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Gurogune [2019-07-23 17:47:28 +0000 UTC]


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xrainbii In reply to Gurogune [2019-07-24 02:10:24 +0000 UTC]

ty!!  // w // )

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PoyoPotato [2019-07-23 17:36:13 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to SRA huhuhu- she's so adorable ;w;

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xrainbii In reply to PoyoPotato [2019-07-24 02:10:08 +0000 UTC]

i mean, Ai is definitely following in her footsteps! and they're both in the cooking club?!

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PoyoPotato In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-24 21:00:04 +0000 UTC]

YUP, they are in the cooking club! x'D 
They have to be friends HUHUHUHUHU-

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xrainbii In reply to PoyoPotato [2019-07-25 14:24:31 +0000 UTC]

YEEEESSSS!!(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)  if ya ever wanna rp anything for the cooking club, or just anything in general--  feel free to hmu!!  <3 <3

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CreativeHeroAnn [2019-07-23 16:36:10 +0000 UTC]

On her app; I almost read "Specialty = Smiling" instead of singing 
Haha, sorry

She's cute!! I hope we can interact some day owo

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xrainbii In reply to CreativeHeroAnn [2019-07-24 02:07:50 +0000 UTC]

lmaaao  hey, some people find it hard to smile. XDXD

and most definitely! i believe we both have characters in the cooking club?? or maybe i misread? either way, i defintely would love to have Ai meet with Noelle!!
feel free to hmu for rps anytime!!  :>

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CreativeHeroAnn In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-24 11:41:14 +0000 UTC]

Then please let Ai-chan spread happiness around the school c:

Yep! Noelle's also in the cooking club,
but she's a rookie when it comes to cooking
(they are in the same grade but)
Please teach her things, Ai-senpai.


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xrainbii In reply to CreativeHeroAnn [2019-07-24 14:36:27 +0000 UTC]

Ai could probably teach Noelle a little about cooking. well, more specifically, baking desserts lmao. but anything school related, Ai might lead Noelle to failure.  XDXD  Ai isn't the best when it comes to basic school things, like math--  oh lawd, math might be a subject Ai should avoid!


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CreativeHeroAnn In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-24 18:20:00 +0000 UTC]

The only thing Noelle can do is bake donuts *u*
I'm sure they could get along!
And Noelle could help her with math - try it.
(She's not good with explaining)

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xrainbii In reply to CreativeHeroAnn [2019-07-25 14:23:20 +0000 UTC]

they can both be a disaster together haha! until they are both able to learn from each other!!  (ノ*°▽°*)

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CreativeHeroAnn In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-25 15:03:56 +0000 UTC]

They will be a beautiful disaster ʕ≧㉨≦ʔ

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Rye-Souji [2019-07-23 16:28:12 +0000 UTC]

what a cute bean +,+

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xrainbii In reply to Rye-Souji [2019-07-24 02:04:36 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!  // v // )

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LollyLink [2019-07-21 21:10:27 +0000 UTC]

OMG She's adorble QvQ
ahhh my heart QvQ

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xrainbii In reply to LollyLink [2019-07-21 23:16:25 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much!!!!   ⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

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Dragonkingmark [2019-07-21 04:56:30 +0000 UTC]

nice one ^^

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xrainbii In reply to Dragonkingmark [2019-07-21 13:41:07 +0000 UTC]


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Dragonkingmark In reply to xrainbii [2019-07-21 19:04:33 +0000 UTC]

no problem

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