xSpooks — when he sees me

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Name: Galestorm

-Prefix for his gray and white pelt.

-Suffix for his strength.

Previous Names: Galekit, Galepaw

Gender: Male ♂

Age: 30 Moons

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Scent: Petrichor

Clan: ValleyClan

Birth Clan: ValleyClan

Birth-place: ValleyClan's Territory

Rank: Warrior

Previous Rank(s): Kit, apprentice

Desired Rank: Warrior

Previous Mentor: Longstorm

Apprentice: None

Previous Apprentice(s): None


(Italic means unknown)

(Crossed out means deceased)

Mᴏᴛʜᴇʀ's Sɪᴅᴇ

Mother: Sweetrose

Aunt(s): Petaldance

Uncle(s): Tallhawk, Swifthare

Niece(s): None

Nephew(s): None

Grandmother: Tigerlily

Great Grandmother: Sheepnose

Grandfather: Tornface

Great Grandfather: Wolfstrike

Fᴀᴛʜᴇʀ's Sɪᴅᴇ

Father: Crookedstone

Aunt(s): Ryefoot, Whitepetal

Uncle(s): Darkstorm

Niece(s): Littlefoot

Nephew(s): None

Grandmother: Minkflower

Great Grandmother: Birchleaf

Grandfather: Stoneface

Great Grandfather: Jaggedtooth

Iɴɴᴇʀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ

Brother(s): None

Sister(s): None

Half-Brother(s): None

Half-Sister(s): None

Mate: None

Previous Mate(s): None

Kits: None

Crush(es): None

Previous Crush(es): Robinpaw



Eyesight | | | | | | | | |

Touch | | | | | | | | | |

Taste | | | | | | | | | |

Hearing | | | | | | | | | |


Mice | | | | | | | | | |

Birds | | | | | | | | | |

Squirrels | | | | | | | | | |

Amphibians | | | | | | | | | |

Fish | | | | | | | | | |


Tactics | | | | | | | | | |

Defense | | | | | | | | | |

Offense | | | | | | | | | |

Moist Terrain | | | | | | | | | |

Forest Terrain | | | | | | | | | |

In Water | | | | | | | | | | |

Plains | | | | | | | | | |


Jumping | | | | | | | | | |

Climbing | | | | | | | | | |

Speed | | | | | | | | | |

Stamina | | | | | | | | | |

Strength | | | | | | | | | |

Balance | | | | | | | | | |

Stealth | | | | | | | | | |


Humor | | | | | | | | | |

Leadership | | | | | | | | | |

Intelligence | | | | | | | | | |

Herb Knowledge | | | | | | | | | |

Creativity | | | | | | | | | |


Compassionate | Fatherly | Outgoing | Protective | Laid Back | Daydreamer | Curious | Selfless

  Compassionate - If anyone has met Gale, they'll know right off the bat that he's very compassionate, or just passionate in general. He's always honest and always trying to help others with their issues; may it be physically or mentally.

  Fatherly - When many younger cats meet Gale, they'll come to realize that he treats them a bit differently, almost like he was talking to a bunch of his own kits! Gale is very fatherly, from making silly dad jokes to protecting his beautiful young "daughters" from the bad boys.

  Outgoing - It's rare to find this tom alone, only unless he's daydreaming. He tends to always be around someone, may it just be quietly sharing a meal with each other or having long conversations while hunting or patrolling.

  Protective - This large tom is very protective of his entire clan, and will do anything to make sure each and every one of them are safe. If he even feels like there's a threat lingering, this tom's humble personality will evaporate in a heartbeat.

  Laid Back This tom, large and very muscular, will definitely take the tension of approaching him with his laid back appearance and lazy smile. His eyes will sometimes droop and his tail will lazily flick back and forth. But don't be fooled by this, as some times he's very alert but just not showing it.

 Daydreamer - When this tom isn't talking to someone or watching the clan, he dozes off into his thoughts. Sometimes he can sit out an entire night without realizing it. He'd fall so deep into his thoughts you would need to practically repeat his name a thousand times to get him to snap out of it.

 Curious - Ever since he could walk, this tom has been out and about, exploring every inch of the territory. He would go places in which his friends thought were boring or useless, and make something out of them. With plenty of spots in the territory to go and doze off in thought, this definitely helped him personally. But sometimes venturing off can get you in trouble, and he learned that many times.

 Selfless - It could be for a complete stranger that this tom would sacrifice himself for. Gale is always at the front of the battlelines and will be the one to jump into a situation to help others. After the death of his best friend and crush, who lost his life to save Gale's, the gray and white tom made it his duty to make sure not another life was lost except for his.


Chapter I

     Gale's story starts when his mother, Sweetrose and his father, Crookedstone, met on a hot green-leaf day. The two had never really known each other as Crookedstone became an apprentice and warrior before Sweetrose, so they were never den-mates until she became a warrior. The two had been assigned to a hunting patrol, and Crookedstone had instantly fell for the she-cat. She was white with soft gray dapples across her tiny frame, and had more than one pair of eyes on her before. Though she had been quiet most of her life, and just refrained herself from ever making friends. But when she met Crookedstone, he all but begged her to give him a chance for their friendship. He had an awkward paw that pointed inwards, and she questioned the tom about it. He told her he was born like that, and the two began telling each other about their lives.

     The two had been a good hunting pair, and brought back plenty of prey. They stuck by each other's side, sharing a meal and picking nests close to each other. Crookedstone and Sweetrose spent moons afterwards strengthening their bond before Crooked accidentally told her that he had liked her since the beginning. She was taken aback, obviously oblivious to it. Though, she told him that he was her first friend, and hopefully her only mate. It took Crooked a second to realize that she loved him, too, and the two became mates. Not that later did Sweet become pregnant. The two were overjoyed, both preparing to be new parents and probably over-prepared very early, as well.

Chapter II

     On a chilly leaf-fall night, Sweetrose had given birth to a single kit, that was a tom. She saw his gray spots and looked to Crooked, who was nervously pacing and leaning over to look. She questioned him about his name being Galekit, and the newly made father was overjoyed by the name. The two agreed on it, and went right to work on making sure he had a good kithood. Galekit had grown quickly, and once his eyes opened did he just stare at everything and take in all the beautiful scenery. He was very interested in exploring and see everything there was to see. As soon as he could properly walk, he was always on the move. Being a busy kit, Crooked would constantly follow him, making sure nothing happened. One questioned popped out of Gale's mouth one after another, asking why their whiskers were long, why dens were rank-specified, and why a squirrels tail was bushy. He was constantly questioning things, and one day saw another kit. His name was Robinkit, a red tom with stunning green eyes. He then turned to Crooked and asked what that was. Crooked would let out an exhausted sigh before explaining that was Robinkit, another kit just like himself. Galekit took it the wrong way and gently placed a chubby paw on top of the kits head and whispered "You're me?".

     After that weird encounter, the two instantly became friends, making Crooked just as more busy. He followed the two around, answering twice as many questions. One would weave under him and the other would tug at his tail, playing or asking questions. They became best friends, and helped each other learn how to "hunt" and "battle". They played leader of the rock and cat and squirrel, with Gale usually winning. Robin was a lot smaller, and weaker due to being the runt, but Gale was always there to help him. The two soon became bigger and prepared to become apprentices together. Though, one night while patrolling with a few other cats, Crookedstone had been tired from the patrols and taking care of the two kits, that he hadn't noticed the muddy ledge leading into the depths of currents. Rocks slipped out from under his paws, causing him to plunge into the freezing cold river. Foam and currents dragged him under and disappeared from the sight, drowning out his yowl. The patrol panicked, the three other warriors desperately trying to find him or get him out. After a long night of searching, the patrol came back weary and tired. Sweetrose had heard of what happened and Gale could hear her yowl and sob outside of the Nursery, warriors holding her back from rushing towards the river.

     Days of laying and not eating, did Sweetrose finally answer the question Gale kept repeating of where Dad was. She had turned to him with tired eyes and tear-stained cheeks and exclaimed that when cats meet their end, they leave to StarClan. Gale tried to soak in the information, grasping the concept of death. She added in slowly that he'll never be back and that they'd meet him again in StarClan. Robinkit would comfort Gale in the time that it took for him to recover from his fathers death. The two also learned how to care of Sweetrose and any she-cat in general. They'd fetch her food and clean her pelt of ticks, as she had just lost all purpose to care for herself. Then, one day the leader finally called them out. They were becoming apprentices.

Chapter III

     The two eagerly awaited, both restlessly fidgeting. As the leader gave them their mentors, Gale had gotten Longstorm, an old friend of his fathers. Galekit became Galepaw, and the two started right away with training. The newly made apprentices quickly became the catch of their den, older apprentices finding them amusing as they would joke and pick at each other. One even noted that they argued like an elderly couple. Robin and Gale were very competitive, and each tried their hardest to beat each other. The two shared the same nest and food, and even tried sharing their training sessions! After two pairs of puppy dog eyes and airy voices begging to be trained together, Longstorm and Robin's mentor finally decided to work together to train them. They were bounding, overjoyed as they rushed to the training hollow to work.

     After a few moons of training, both of the toms shaped into their frames. Gale was more muscular and tall while Robin was lean and short. Gale always joked about Robins height, but would quickly be corrected when Robin dared him to race. One day, the two had to fight one of their mentors, and they had practically planned their since they were kits. Since Robin was swift, he was going to be the one to distract and confuse Longstorm, while Gale would come in and quickly take him down while he was distracted. And as they put their plan into motion, it worked and Gale had tackled Long down, dust flying from under the tom as he let out a huff. Robin quickly jumped on the mentor, his rump on the back of his head. The two cackled like a pair of crows, before Longstorm grumpily shaken them off and got up. He turned to the two and told that they were nearly ready to become warriors.

     The two were so excited, and a few days before their final tests to become warriors, Robin and Gale had been exploring the territory more. Their secret spot, which was a bracken-protected clearing, had been their last place to visit. They began talking about what they've been through, and Robin brought up Gales dad, and told him that he was a great warrior, and that Gale reminds Robin of him. Gale looked away sadly, knowing his father would love to see him become a warrior. Robin noticed his gloomy look, and nudged his friend to his paws. The red apprentice would take him up on another race, but this time to climb a tree. Since one of the tallest oak trees were in their secret spot, the two looked at each other daringly. As they were preparing to climb, Gale stared at his friend. He took in every fleck of amber in his pelt, and the way his eyes studied the large tree in front of him. Something turned in his stomach, and the white and gray tom began to feel a small light ignite in his chest. He had loved his friend, but now... he feels like he actually loves him. He wanted to cherish him forever, and their friendship. The tom knew that telling Robin how he felt could damage or end their friendship, so he just quickly glanced away.

Chapter IV

     The two prepared to go up the tree, and they both counted down before yelling go. Robin was of course to get to the first tree limb, but Gale was quickly catching up. The two were close, and the red tom leaped gracefully to each limb while Gale struggled awkwardly up the trunk. As he dug his claws into a branch and tried pulling himself up, he heard the branch groan as the weight of the apprentice was too much. Before he could grab the trunk again, the limb suddenly snapped, falling towards the base of the tree. Gale let out a yowl in horror, feeling his back smack against it. The limb, feebly hanging onto the base of the tree, looked like it was about to fall completely off. Gale started howling for his friend, horror in his eyes as he looked down. They were nearly to the top. Robin had turned down to see the scene unraveling, and quickly started back down. Carefully getting onto the broken branch, he gripped onto Gales scruff and tried tugging him up, the larger tom making it seem impossible. Though once Gale finally grabbed a hold of a sturdier branch, Robin would move a paw to get up there with him.

     Though, there it was. The second sound of cracking made the branch break completely. Gale's eyes widened as ringing drowned out his hearing. Robins beautiful green eyes flashed, their gaze meeting one last time before the smaller tom fell backwards, plummeting towards the floor. His frame seemed to have been battered up as it hit lower branches on his way down, and just as his best friend's body had hit the floor did the ringing stop, hearing the thump upon the forest floor. Gale began yowling, no words forced out. He just yelled, quickly making his way down. Though, in his fit of horror and shock caused him to miss a branch and plunged down as well. He hit the floor hard, a few fox-lengths away from his friends body. His front left leg became numb, but Gale had his complete attention on Robins still, crippled frame. Blood had been dripping from the cuts and gashes decorating his body, but what caused Gale to feel his heart drop was the large gash in his friends head. As he tumbled and fell to the red toms body, sobs and stifled cries would drown out the distant yowling of his clan-mates. Gale panicked, desperately trying to wake his friend up. He tried everything, pushing him up, pawing him, yelling his name. Tears blurred his vision as his nose stung with snot coming down it. He felt two paws wrap around him. It was Longstorm, his mentor. Two more warriors flooded the scene, quickly realizing the situation. Gale would cry to Long, begging him to help Robin instead. Long just shoved his nose into Gale's neck fur, the quietest sob releasing into his pelt as Long whispered. "He can't be helped anymore, Gale.." His mentor picked him up without a word, signaling to the other warriors to grab Robins body. Picking Gale up by the scruff, he quickly rushed him back to the camp to be examined by the Medicine Cat.

     Gale sulked in his nest for the next two moons. He never left the Medicine Cat Den and didn't even look his mother in the eye as she came to check on him. He became a very hateful, jaded tom. He would dismiss everyone that came towards him, and no one could even bring up Robins name without the tom snarling and throwing an unsheathed paw in their direction. He had been in care for his broken leg, and hadn't become a warrior until four moons later, when it was healed. As he finally left the den for the first time, a tiny ginger she-kit come up to him hesitantly. She looked back at a dark copper tom, who was Robins father. He gave her an approving look, before she turned back and shyly spoke. She said that Robin was her favorite bigger brother, and she always wanted a friendship like what him and Gale had. She sat with him the entire day after that, not speaking or anything. Gale would just stare at the camp entrance, lost in thought as tears threatened to spill more than once that day. As the sun set, the kit looked back up at Gale before brushing her nose in the fur of his broken leg, before retreating back to the Nursery. The next day there was a meeting called, and Gale earned his name Galestorm. He just stared at the spot next time him, heart stinging as he imagined this day- every day, with Robin.

     After that day, Galestorm swore to do the best for his clan and the cats inside it, knowing Robin wouldn't of wanted him to be the cat he was slowly becoming.


 ll Slight attraction
 ll Attraction
 ll Infatuation
 ll Lust

 ll Like
 ll Respected
 ll Greatly respected
 ll Idolizes

  ll Slight Curiosity
 ll Major Curiosity
 ll Interested In

  ll Unease
   ll Disgust
   ll Aversion

 // Slight crush
 // Crush
 ll Major Crush
 ll Love

 ll Friend
 ll Good friend
 ll Close friend

 ll Wants to get to know them
 ll Misses
 ll Can't bear without

 ll Platonic Like
 ll Like Family
 ll Joint at the hip

 ll Slight suspicion
 ll Major suspicion
 ll Distrust

 ll Annoyed by
 ll Dislike
 ll Hate
 ll Despises

  ll Shy
   ll Nervous

   ll Discomfort
 ll Missing/Status Unknown

 ll Dead
 ll Mate
 ll Family
 ll Fling / Ex-mate / Donor




Blame by Air Traffic Controller  


Art and Galestorm - xSpooks  
Application Sheet - rainfalle  
Verdant-Valley - rainfalle and PeachmiIk  

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Comments: 5

meg-ham [2017-05-27 09:58:34 +0000 UTC]

i wish i had hair like that 
(he looks fab) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xSpooks In reply to meg-ham [2017-05-27 10:37:26 +0000 UTC]

dont we all

and omg love ur art

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

meg-ham In reply to xSpooks [2017-06-01 08:09:21 +0000 UTC]

aw thank you very much!
i love your style I'm ashamed i wasn't watching you previously!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

feversweet [2017-05-14 01:34:22 +0000 UTC]

Galestorm's reputation starts at 30!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xSpooks [2017-05-14 01:09:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0