xXKitshimeXx — Alexia Alterson reference sheet (south park)

Published: 2018-02-09 19:16:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 10262; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 27
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Updates: Changed some characters relationships and Alexia descriptions and removed some and a new reference sheet


Alexia Alterson












July 23

Blood Type









in Italy

Current Residence

South Park, Colorado


She is a strong and determined girl, and who often does not show her affectionate sides, but only shows it to the people she loves. Sometimes she is very stubborn and does not listen to others when it comes to dangers. 

She can also be very aggressive if someone hurts her friends or makes them cry, she never tolerates bullying and believes they should never exist. She also has some weaknesses, such as being blackmailed by others, the fear of water, a bad sense of direction etc ... 

She is also a very brave girl, even when she is blocked by fear ... but for the people she loves she pulls all her courage and determination to protect them. 

She cares more about others than herself, enabling her to risk her life to keep those she loves safe and never thinks about her own wellbeing Some times, she can be a bitch, especially toward girls she doesn't know due to having trust issues with them. To her, other girls are always ready to take everything you love away, and are also liars.

She also has a very innocent mind in some cases, such as when friends talk about mature things like sex ... she does not know much what it is and when she sees scenes about it (on the movies) she always thinks that the couple is cuddling. 

She hates when people point out that she is very short!


She suffers from asthma, and hates it, since it gives her difficulty with playing or even fighting. It is at the point, she refuses to use her inhaler since she wants to try and control it on her own, even though she never will.

She is also lactose intolerant.

Talents and sports
Alexia loves acting, in fact she was part of a small theater club where she was the leader and the other members were Butters, Jimmy and Pip, but after the latter's death, she left the club and no longer acted in plays in general.
Alexia has a talent for singing, she sang for the theater club, but after leaving it, she sings only for Kyle (in rare cases) and in front of Pip's grave
She can also play the ocarina but it is not known by anyone.
Despite the fact Alexia has asthma, she loves playing spots, she's very good at playing basketball but due to her asthma, she's instead having to be a cheerleader, but also because she's a girl


Monica Alterson (Biological Mother) (dead)

Fabrizio Alterson (Biological Father) (dead)

Mary Alterson (twin sister) (dead)

Zack Alterson (step brother)

Benny Alterson (adoptive brother)

Carla Alterson (Aunt, Monica's sister) (dead)

Andrea Alterson (Uncle, Fabrizio's brother) (in jail)

Tommy Alterson (cousin)

Rowly  (Alexia's pet)

Relations (Family)

Monica Alterson

Monica, before her death, taught Alexia many things... How to sew, some things about medicine, advice on what to do with Lucas when the time came..." "After her death, Alexia made a promise she would grow up to be like her mother when she grows up

Fabrizio Alterson

Not much is known about their relationship ... but Alexia loved her father very much and loved to sleep on his big belly and often called him "pillow" since he was so soft! After the death of her father, Alexia decided to learn how to cook with the help of Zack

Mary Alterson

Alexia and Mary had a good relationship, until one day, Mary changed drastically and began to treat Alexia badly, to the point where Alexia began to fear her after Mary threatened her to stay away from Lucas. One day, Mary killed their parents and after that, tried to kill Alexia, as well. However, Alexia managed to defend herself but ends up killing Mary after stabbing her in the neck with a pair of scissors. Even after death, Mary's ghost managed to live inside Alexia, controlling her and forced her to kill Lucas as an act of revenge. Even that wasn't enough, Mary began to torment Alexia, even after moving to South Park. She gave Alexia constant nightmares about Lucas's death and even spoke in Alexia's mind, causing Alexia to attempt to take her life but was always stopped by Kyle. After Alexia and Kyle began to date, Mary tried many times to kill Kyle and make Alexia suffer more, but her attempts fail due to Alexia or her friends stopping her. Despite everything Mary has done, Alexia feels no ill toward her sister

Zack Alterson

Alexia's step brother. After the death of their parents, Zack took responsibility for Alexia and tried to make her feel better after what happened. 2 years later, Alexia was expelled from her old school after beating a girl violently and so Zack decided to move with Alexia to South Park, hoping things would get better. After they began to get used to each other, Alexia and Zack's bond began to stregthen. Zack taught Alexia how to cook, in case he would be at work late and so Alexia can keep herself fed. Which began to happen often, so Alexia began to be responsible when he is not home. Whenever Alexia has a problem, she depends on Zack and he gives her advice on how to fix the problems, as their mother did before her death. Alexia is very fond of her brother and for her he is the best big brother and cook in the world

Tommy Alterson

Alexia and Tommy have a very close relationship. 
Tommy came to live with his cousins after his grandmother's death, before her demise, she took in Tommy after his mother had been killed and his father going to jail. At first, Alexia is not keen on Tommy's presence, but after learning what he had endured, she softens up and began to bond with him and staying close. They share a room together. When Zack isn't around, Alexia vents to Tommy and getting his advice/consolence, always listening to her... And she does the same for Tommy when he needs it. Tommy is aware of Alexia's nightmares and sleeps with her so he can comfort her. To Alexia, Tommy is like a brother and they always help each other out

Benny Alterson

Benny was adopted before Christmas Day.

Benny was an orphan who lived in an orphanage that was protected by The Owl, Alexia's hero alterego, and was a big fan of hers. Before Christmas Day, Alexia managed to convince Zack to adopt Benny and he accepted. Alexia and Benny are very close, with Aleia giving him all the love he could ever want and he loves her as well. As a result, they are very close. Alexia is protective of Benny and will do anything to ensure he is happy


Alexia's domestic owl.
Alexia found Rowly in the woods with an injured wing, resulting in her deciding to nurse him back to health. After a week, Rowly's wing healed up and Alexia took him back to thr woods. However, Rowly refused to go, even after Alexia tried to release him and instead, kept him as a pet. Rowly has been by her side since



Lucas Girasoli

Lucas was Alexia's first boyfriend. 

They met after Lucas protected her from Sam and his friends. 

Over time, Alexia began to develop a crush on Lucas but was unable to confess since he was with Laura at the time.
However, Laura and her friends pushed Alexia to try and commit suicide, but Lucas managed to stop her in time.
Alexia finally confessed to having feelings toward him, which he also returned, as he could never love Laura.
 They became a couple and Alexia was very loving and affectionate toward Lucas, and so was he... But Alexia always hated to see Lucas get hurt on her behalf, still acting as a protector toward her. After a few months their relationship began, Lucas is killed by Mary, whom was using Alexia's body to so do. Before Lucas dies, he tells Alexia he would always be close to her, even after death. Once he passes away, it causes Alexia to break down and closed herself off from, out of guilt.
Feeling responsible for both Lucas and her parent's deaths.
Over time, Kyle manages to help Alexia accept Lucas would wish for her to move on and not be stuck in the past.
After she and Kyle began to date, Alexia however, it took her a long time to accept the deaths of Lucas, her parents and Pip

Sam Manson

Sam hated Alexia very much, after Lucas started dating her, he went so far as to try to kill Lucas and Alexia but failed.

One years later, Sam managed to find Alexia in South Park.
He threatened to kill Kyle if she didn't go with him. Of course, Alexia accepted the proposal, but Sam didn't kept his promise, as he led Kyle to an abandoned warehouse where he had locked up Alexia. After that day, Alexia became very scared of Sam... She can not be calm with him lurking in South Park.
 Over time, Alexia became stronger and more willing to face Sam, even while she still fears him

Ashley Jenson

Ashley and Alexia have known each other since their old school.
One day, Ashley went away from the school. It wasn't until one years later, they were reunited in South Park.
The two share a close bond, often acting like sisters.
Ashley always jokes with Alexia when they talk about Kyle, but can also give her advice and suggestions for their relationship.
Alexia is aware of Ashley being a lesbian and often tries to find a suitable girl for her

Camilla Stone

Similar to Ashley, Alexia knew Camilla from her old school. However, just like Ashley, Camilla eventually moved away. And also was reunited with Alexia in South Park, one years later. They are good friends, always helping each other out, rather it be personal issues or group assignments, you can always see them giving each other a helping hand

Laura Manson

Alexia and Laura are enemies since their old school back in Italy. Laura would bully Alexia verbally and would often push Alexia to act rashly, such as attempting to commit suicide, since Laura would say it would make Lucas "happy". Sadly, Alexia and Laura met again one years later, in South Park. Laura attempted to cause a rift in Kyle and Alexia's relationship, and even tried to drown Alexia and almost succeeded. However, Alexia is saved by Michael and after she is able to, Alexia gets her revenge on Laura. Since then... Laura has no longer been seen, so her whereabouts are currently unknown.


Kyle Broflovski

Alexia and Kyle are currently dating.
When Alexia first moved to South Park, she and Kyle didn't have a strong relationship, with Alexia acting cold and hostile toward him. However, that changed after Kyle had saved Alexia from being hit by a car (But resulted in him getting hit instead). After that, their bond began to strengthen and grow.Over time, Alexia became attached to Kyle, to the point where she would get incredibly jealous if any girls even spoke to Kyle. But due to her past experiences, it made her fear another girl could take Kyle away from her. She even had Kyle promise, if he ever got a girlfriend, he and she would still be close, which he agreeed. But the promise ended up being broken once Kyle began to date Heidi. After some events, Alexia began to respect Heidi and accepted she and Kyle being an item. One day, however... Alexia learned that Heidi and Kyle had broken up, leaving Kyle in a state of despair. She managed to have Kyle vent to her and comforted him through his hardship. When Kyle's birthday came, Alexia finally confessed her feelings to Kyle, and after that... the two became an official couple (With their friends being happy for them). While their relationship is strong and close, like most couples, they do have issues and arguements at times but always manage to overcome them. Kyle doesn't always like how Alexia can be stubborn and they often argue about it. But, thanks to Kyle, Alexia has began to become more open toward others.
Alexia is very overprotective of Kyle, to the point of attacking any girl who comes close to him, but Kyle made her promise not to attack girls again after meeting Rita.

Stan Marsh

Alexia and Stan don't hang out that often, so not much is known about their relationship, but its been shown they're still good friends regardless.

Eric Cartman

Alexia can't stand Cartman, their first meeting was on Alexia's first day of school, where at recess, he shoved Jimmy and it got into a fight. Alexia, despite her stature, manages to knock out Cartman.
On the second day of school, Alexia meets Pip after Cartman led him to hurt himself (again) and ever since that day she always tries to defend Pip from him.
After Pip's death, Cartman still continues to provoke Alexia even as she tries to ignore him, except when he begins to speak ill of her close British friend.

Butters Stotch

Butters was Alexia's first friend in South Park (Along with Jimmy). They have a good relationship, being close and playing theaters together with Jimmy and Pip. After the death of the British boy, Butters has always been close to Alexia to overcome her umpteenth bereavement.
In a moment of weakness, after Cartman had managed to bring Alexia down emotionally, Butters invited her to play superheroes with him and be his assistant, so The Owl was born, to take revenge on Cartman for everything he did to her and the poor Pip.
Although Alexia has now started dating Kyle, she and Butters continue to be close friends

Jimmy Valmer

Jimmy was Alexia's first friend in South Park (Along with Butters). Alexia and Jimmy had been friends since she beat Cartman for pushing the disabled boy to the ground. Jimmy was actually the first one to figure out Alexia was a girl, which surprised her. Alexia had been kind to Jimmy and it caused him to get a crush on her. One day, he confessed to her, however, Alexia didn't return the feelings and only saw him as a close friend. Despite this, the two are still close friends.

Pip Pirrip

Alexia and Pip had a very close relationship. She would defend him from the other boys, who always bullied and teased Pip.
Alexia and Pip were often together, mostly because at least she could stop Cartman from bullying him again.
With Pip, they had opened the theater club where Jimmy and Butters also took part, often doing small singing shows and some comedy plays (written by Jimmy).
Pip also taught her to learn to dance, requested by Alexia for future performances, but during these teachings, their relationship began to grow more.
Pip was also the first to be aware of Alexia's past, due to Mary and what she was going through ... he promised her he would help her get through all this mess she was enduring, but sadly, this promise ended to be shattered after he tragically died trying to stop Mecha-Streisand in vain.
Pip's death devastated Alexia, making her more anxious, paranoid and insecure and mentally unstable, and all these strong emotions of her gave Mary the green light to start controlling her, which somehow Pip's presence prevented her from controlling her.
Alexia visits her grave twice a week on a regular basis, telling him about her days, and when she was feeling down, she would let off steam to him ... every time she goes to her grave, she somehow she feels her presence.
Alexia had always considered Pip as an angel ... because he looked like one, and also because he always gave her serenity and security.
Alexia initially saw him as a close friend ... but she sadly began to realize her true feelings about him when she saw him die before her eyes...

Damien Thorn

Alexia and Damien's relationship is very complicated because of Mary.
Damien was sent by his father, Satan, to retrieve a soul that was supposed to go to hell but was still on earth inside the body of a little girl.
Initially he observed Alexia from a distance, but then decided to start trying to recover that soul without hurting Alexia (because Pip made him promise not to hurt her), but one day it happens that Mary managed to make the young antichrist lose his patience and began to fight her, but as Damien was about to burn her, Alexia regained control of her body and found herself a furious Damien ready to burn her alive.
From that day on, Alexia began to be afraid of Damien, despite the fact that she is aware that he was trying to help her free herself from her sister's soul, and she did everything to avoid him.


Alexia, before living in South Park, lived in a small town in Italy. She was once beloved at school, but at some point, things changed drastically. Alexia went from being beloved, to everyone bullying her relentlessly. Her biggest bullies were other girls. As a result, Alexia became a lonesome girl, especially after her only friends, Ashley and Camilla, left the school. One day, however... She met Lucas, and through some events, they became close and she no longer felt so alone. However, her twin sister Mary, did not accept this and did whatever she could to get Alexia to leave Lucas, but it never succeeded, as Alexia loved Lucas too much. One year later, Mary ended up deciding to end things herself. Which led to the death of their parents, and she turned on Alexia. However, Alexia managed to fight back but eventually ended up killing Mary, by stabbing her in the throat with a pair of scissors. Even after death, Mary's revengeful spirit managed to find a way to go inside Alexia. Through that, Mary possessed Alexia and killed Lucas, leaving Alexia devastated. Even after a month, Alexia was still bullied... It got to a point where one of the girls stole Alexia's sketchbook and she, along with some other girls, kept passing it around. Alexia snapped, and threw a chair at the girl, before she beat her up violently. This action caused Alexia to be expelled from school. Her step brother, Zack, decided it was best to move... And eventually, they ended up in a quiet mountain town within Colorado, USA. Simply known, as "South Park


I thank for helping me with this info, without her maybe you would not understand anything because of the grammar used with the google translator ;;

The info is still incomplete, but tomorrow (or another day) I will add the missing information ;;


Alexia Alterson and others Ocs by (c) me
Michael (mentioned) by (c) 

South Park by (c) Trey Parker and Matt Stone

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Comments: 19

xXLillianxXx [2024-09-25 16:00:25 +0000 UTC]

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lcaioli [2023-05-07 09:29:25 +0000 UTC]

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xXKitshimeXx In reply to lcaioli [2023-05-09 06:04:51 +0000 UTC]

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lcaioli In reply to xXKitshimeXx [2023-05-10 18:52:16 +0000 UTC]

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ArielGilbert [2022-11-15 05:40:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArielGilbert [2022-09-23 02:28:38 +0000 UTC]

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ArielGilbert [2022-09-09 19:46:56 +0000 UTC]

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DiamondEmojiGalxayMa [2019-08-16 14:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Great Job :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlexWorld6038 [2018-09-14 15:32:44 +0000 UTC]

I made her angry with me xd

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GuiFFI [2018-06-23 10:16:12 +0000 UTC]

hi, I wanted to ask if I can do a art of your OC, if it's possible.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xXKitshimeXx In reply to GuiFFI [2018-06-23 13:36:11 +0000 UTC]

For me it's ok ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dreaaamxr [2018-02-14 13:27:34 +0000 UTC]

ShEs BeaUTiFul-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JumbaX1 [2018-02-09 22:05:25 +0000 UTC]

You and Emily did a great job on the bio

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xXKitshimeXx In reply to JumbaX1 [2018-02-09 22:14:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cusackanne [2018-02-09 19:20:54 +0000 UTC]

Glad to help! c:

And the results are really good! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

JurassicSteamRacer13 In reply to Cusackanne [2018-08-19 12:53:32 +0000 UTC]

I also need some help with Sean Coover's Character Info.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cusackanne In reply to JurassicSteamRacer13 [2018-08-19 19:11:36 +0000 UTC]

This was kinda a one time thing, since Enya's English isn't as fluent as most (And she even mentions it since she uses Google Translator, which isn't 100% accurate), so I mainly helped out with grammar and ensuring it was done properly.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXKitshimeXx In reply to Cusackanne [2018-02-09 19:21:34 +0000 UTC]

Meehh! Thank you! >v< *hugs*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cusackanne In reply to xXKitshimeXx [2018-02-09 19:24:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome Sis. :'3

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