XxScarletxRosexX — SE: Until Now Ch. 3- A Surprising Side by-nd

Published: 2013-02-11 11:54:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1881; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 1
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Description The ray’s warm beams danced upon my closed eyes, stirring me from a pleasant, relaxing slumber before pausing—something didn’t feel just right. A blanket hugged my shoulders and the couch suddenly felt less springy and more comfortable. When I blinked my eyes open, I found myself back on my bed. I recall falling asleep on the couch, I thought, it must had been Soul who put me back to bed. This trait of Soul’s had always been what I liked best of him because of its rarity and how uncharacteristic it appears to be a part of him.

With a small smile on my lips, I walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast when I found a note sticking on the counter.

Don’t cook breakfast. We’ll go out and eat.

It surprised that there was this side of Soul as well. He was never the type to plan something out and act on it. Usually he always acted with a passive motivation and turned to me for plans. He’d agree with anything just as long as there’s food involved. Perhaps I’m just over thinking like I usually do… but still I don’t get why this over thinking is making me feel…happy.

I abandoned the thought with a frustrated sigh before taking a quick shower. Afterwards, I finished packing my duffel bag for the evening’s adventure. Throughout the task, I was left with two manifested clips playing in my mind like a broken record of never seeing my partner again. One had been one of the clowns who were controlled by the madness. It was only once upon a time ago, he had purged into my heart and mind, convincing me of my loneliness due to my vulnerability to protect the ones I love. I would have given into the madness to free myself from these thoughts, but Soul had been there to save me. In this thought, Soul wasn’t there. Instead it was me—my seventeen year old form, comforting my thirteen year old self. I was now a grown woman, but one thing barely changed and that was my body development. I did grow breasts, and they have been becoming a little noticeable when I’m not wearing my uniform or sweater. I also have my own natural curve; yet again it wasn’t very noticeable. No matter how much I age, it seems almost impossible that I will ever get myself an attractive, eye-catching body. But one thing for sure, the look in my eyes as a seventeen year old had a burning passion inside of them. There was purity, determination, courage, and confidence. These were the traits my thirteen year old lacked the most. In comparison, my thirteen year old form looked weak, lanky, and unsure. Although I’m in this confident body now, it appears that my mind is still that thirteen year old girl, and only I could comfort these harbored thoughts. I don’t need anyone to see this needy side of me, especially not that stupid clown.

“You ready?” the words pulled me out of my train of thought. I had not noticed Soul coming into my room and standing before me.

“Ah, yeah… I just finished packing too,” I stated while diverting my attention to the bag by the door. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” he grinned with a pair of playful gleam in his eyes. He turned his back to me with a small click of his tongue. He headed out to start his motorcycle while I took my duffel bag and set it on the couch, the spot where I had supposedly fallen asleep last night.

Blair approached me in her innocent kitten form with eyes as big as saucers. She had tears trailing down her cheeks as she took note of my bag.

“Maka… don’t tell me you’re leaving us. I mean it was one fight,” Blair whined softly in her innocent, soprano voice.

“I’m not leaving forever, Blaire,” I reassured with a sad smile, “just for a bit.”

“And when will you come back?” she piped.

“I don’t know,” I replied honestly,” but I’m sure that I’ll be back soon.”

Blaire remained silent as her tearful eyes bore into mine intensely for a moment before looking at the ground with a soft, “Okay…”

“Hey Blaire?”

The small kitten’s ears perked to her name before looking up, “Yeah?”

“Take care of Soul for me, okay? Don’t let him do anything reckless.”

With a small, tearful smile, she bowed her head forward then back up. Then with a more enthusiastic tone she replied, “Mhmm! You can count on me, nyah!”

“Thanks, Blaire. Good luck at work.”

“Good luck on your mission, Maka. I hope to see you someday.”

“Yeah,” I replied as I opened the door. Once I was on the other side, with the door closed behind me, I quietly whispered in a controlled, gentle voice, “I’ll see you soon.”


“We’re here, Maka,” Soul announced.

“Death bucks café?” I queried.

Soul chuckled as he offered his hand to me. I took it gratefully. “It’s been a while since we came here, hasn’t it?”

“I’ll never forget the time we worked here,” I chuckled, “I must admit the clothes are a bit too much, but they do look cute.”

“Huh,” Soul snorted, “maybe for old geezers like your dad. Cool guys like me are all about--”

“Women with no clothing like Blaire.”

“Exactly,” Soul stated triumphantly, “Women with no—the hell Maka!” Soul growled flustered. “That’s not what I was going to say.”

“Uh-huh, whatever you say, Soul.” I rolled my eyes as I strode ahead of him. “And on another note, didn’t you say cool men don’t blush.”

I chuckled to myself when I saw Soul thrust his hands in his pockets and hunched forward tumultuously. I do admit that I enjoy teasing him once in a while.

We took our seat beside the windows and were quickly greeted upon by a fellow Shibusen student. A newbie, I assumed by the way she looks so nervous and timid. She appeared dazed and disoriented when she neared us, as if she was approaching a pair of idols. It wasn’t much of a surprise anyways; we did graduate with a big reputation from DWMA.

“You-you’re Maka Albarn,” she squeaked excitedly. “Oh, it’s such an honor to serve you!” She paused to cover her lips with her brown, circular serving pan as her face flushed red with embarrassment. “I apologize for my behavior!” she stated with a hasty, flustered bow before returning her gaze to us. “What can I get you today?”

I nodded to her former question, a small smile of amusement tugging on my lips followed by a quick glance at the menu. “I guess I’ll have the house special and a cup of coffee.”

“Make that two,” Soul added. He didn’t even glance at the menu.

“I’ll be back shortly,” our muddled waitress replied. With the menus tucked underneath her arm and the pan, she strode away in a hurried manner.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, and a small giggle escaped my lips. Soul shared an amused chuckle as well. I recalled our memories in this place, especially when we worked here for the first time.

“Nostalgic, isn’t it?” Soul answered my thoughts.

I chuckled, “It is. She reminds me of the first time we worked here. Of course, I wasn’t that flustered.”

Soul smirked, “Really? If I recall, you had two left feet.”

“Quit being a poor sport, Soul. I wasn’t that bad.”

“At least it made a good excuse to be near you…”


“Sorry for the wait!” our waitress returned with the drinks, “your meals will be here shortly!”

“Thank you,” I replied as she skipped away. But her intrusion did not waiver my curiosity. “What did you say, Soul?”

“Nothing,” he waved off, “you’re hearing things.”

I wanted to probe further about the comment, but I knew it would stir another meaningless argument. Besides, if Soul wanted to tell me, then he would.

“I wonder how the others are doing,” I changed the subject.

“Black*Star’s probably training hard as usual with Tsubaki and Kid’s been busy working hard to be the next Grim Reaper.”

“They certainly grew up,” I commented, “it seems like yesterday Black*Star destroyed a piece of DWMA to piss Kid off.”

“That did happen yesterday, Maka,” Soul snickered, “Black*Star thought he was more than ready to beat Kid, that he destroyed one of the horns. Kid was there as the audience, of course.”

“Eh?!” I yelped with revelation, “How come I wasn’t informed of this?!”I complained.

“You were brooding in your room after our argument. I went on a walk and came across the fight just in time.”


“Kid won as always,” he snorted, “Kid’s gotta keep his title.”

“That made sense,” I laughed.

“Although…” I listened to Soul intently, “Black*Star and he are on the same exact level nowadays.”

I was amazed to hear such news. It’s surprising to hear that Black*Star had already risen to such amount of power over the years. The obvious, huge gap that separated the two on the day they met had been sealed from existence. They were formidable foes. “That would’ve been an interesting fight to watch,” I mused, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ll miss those two and their stupid fights.”

“Here is your order,” the waitress returned with our breakfast, “if there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to tell me.” With a quick, sweet smile, the waitress left.

“You know, not once did she ever notice my presence,” Soul commented nonchalantly.

“That is strange,” I noted, “don’t they always talk to you first?”

Soul shrugged, “I’m too cool to talk to them anyways.” He returned to focus eating his breakfast like a starving dog; his normal reaction towards food.

“Enjoying that food a little too much, Soul?” I inquired.

“N’m, bery! O’ts ‘nomph tah fill m’ st’m’ke,” Soul replied.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full! That’s so uncool,” I winced in a joking manner.

He swallowed the food like it was water, “I’m cooler than a certain bookworm I know.”

I had to smile at that remark, it was, after all, the last time he’d tease me in a while.

Just as Soul had stated, the food was delicious, but my mind was too preoccupied with my curiosity revolving around my new partner. Will they be kinder than Soul? More gentle? But what if he was like Papa? Will he betray me like he did with Mom?

“Hey, this isn’t an eating contest, Maka,” Soul stated aloud.


“Are you really that hungry?” Soul chuckled. Then he paused to stare at me for a second, “There’s something…” his hands reached towards me. “…on your…” his thumb gently grazed my bottom lip. “…lip.”

Soul’s eyes held that same unnatural, uncharacteristic amount of interest with his eyes fixated between my lips and eyes. Then, the same unfathomable feelings overwhelmed me from dinner. It was as if I was a frozen deer caught by a blinding white light. I couldn’t look away from Soul’s hypnotizing ruby orbs. The more I stared into them, the deeper I was sucked in.

Soul’s impulsive retraction brought us back to reality. But my mind was still registering these foreign emotions. I could only remain silent and dazed as Soul avoided my eyes; his frosty bangs shielded them from view. He muttered something, but all I could here were incoherent whispers as they left his lips.

“…go?” I stared at him, my mind at its climax of registration. “Are you done, Maka?” Soul rephrased. I remained frozen for another second, before I regained control of my body. My head slowly bobbed up and down to answer his question. Soul turned away to call out to our waitress, asking for the bill.

“Why don’t we go to one more place?” Soul suggested.

“What… where do you have in mind?” I asked whilst maintaining composure. The waitress returned with a small black tray with the receipt. Soul pulled out his wallet and left a twenty dollar bill; suffice for both meal and tip.

“The park,” he stated.

“Thank you for your patronage,” our waitress thanked with a small, cute bow. Then an epiphany hit me. I knew this girl.

“Thank you. Good luck at DWMA, Tsugumi,” I smiled.

Tsugumi Halberd grinned back with a bright, shining glow in her eyes. I knew there was something all too familiar with her raven hair, fair skin, and onyx eyes.

“Heh, finally figured it out, eh?” Soul smirked. “What gave it away?”

“Her personality is up-beat as ever. You?”

“The way she looked at you.”

I chuckled. That girl sure is something, it’s a shame I won’t get to see her improve in her last year.

“So, to the park?” Soul grinned as he handed me my helmet. He twisted the key and the engine roared to life.



“How long has it been since we last came here to practice witch hunter, Soul?”

“Heh, how should I know?” Soul grinned to himself with closed eyes. I had a strong feeling that he was recalling the same memories I was having.

“How many times had I attempted?”

“How many trees did you destroy?” he joked. He laughed at my irritated glare and tousled my hair in a rough manner.

“That’s mean, Soul,” I complained. I gave him my best pouting face, where one side of my cheek was filled with air.

“Well, who’s the one who wanted to be stronger as soon as possible?” he countered. I frowned at the question, my playful face depleted. “You are strong, Maka,” he stated softly.

“But we are invincible together,” I added, “I learned that.” His face became a reflection of my latter response.

We were quiet for several moments, allowing nature to speak in our stead while we shared emotions through eye contact. I couldn’t bear to trust anyone else besides Soul as my partner; it was obvious that he felt the same way. The intimidating glimmer in his eyes were softer than ever, even softer than last night’s dinner. They looked so heartbreakingly sad, like an abandoned, crying puppy. I couldn’t bear just staring at him, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to reach for him in comfort when I needed to. As if on impulse, my hand reached for his and entwined through them. He questioned my motive with his ruby eyes, but I left my eyes to answer them. I don’t want to cry in front of him. I had vowed to myself never to cry for men, but was this also applicable to Soul?

“Stay like this for a little while…” I muttered tenderly, “just a little while longer.” I couldn’t look at him after the words were out. These were my vulnerable thoughts, words that were never to be uttered. I hated being viewed as a helpless human child with a dysfunctional family nor, did I want to be seen as a vulnerable child who suffered emptiness on a daily basis.

Then I felt Soul’s fingers close on mine and began to walk ahead, dragging me behind him. I never acknowledged Soul’s broad shoulders until now. They weren’t exactly bulky and muscular like Black*Star’s nor too lanky. It was more in between, an average athletic build. How many times had I been bestowed the opportunity to lean on those strong shoulders after countless battles?? How had I not felt different when I was brought closer to Soul…? Closer to his face…? His lips…?

It was the same thoughts again. These mysterious, stomach dropping explosions within my core had returned with these thoughts like a packaged deal. Every time I took notice of Soul, these feelings appeared. But why? What was its purpose? Why is he the only one who makes me feel this way?

I peeked at Soul’s back once again. He appears undisturbed and focused at the path ahead to notice my inner confliction. Then his hand pulsed for a second before securely gripping my hand tighter. Suddenly my legs gave and I’m falling forward, free falling if you will, the motion finally matched my stomach dropping emotion. But I fell on something warm and soft. There was skin to skin contact, and two strong vines restricted me from escaping behind. It took me a minute to register the fact that Soul had dragged me down and I was now lying on top of him.

He held me close to him like a mother would hold a child. His arms were pinning me to him, securely but breathable. Soul remained quiet for another several minutes before I could finally murmur his name.

“S-Soul?” There was movement in one of my pigtails as a reply. “You’ll be okay, right? You are a cool guy after all.” Still no response. “And cool guys can survive on their own.” I felt his cheeks form a smirk.

“Yeah,” he sighed in a soft whisper.

“Hey, promise me one thing.” My hands moved to his chest and I used them as leverage to meet lock our eyes. His arms loosened slightly, but kept their hold from behind.


I stared into his eyes a little more intense than I should have for Soul’s face changed into a bright red color and his breathing picked up. I decided to experiment by doing what he did to me back at the café. I gazed into his eyes then to his lips and then back. The pattern continued until I felt Soul’s warm breath escape his lips. His eyes appeared glazed, darker than their usual gleaming scarlet. The look in his eyes made my heart pump faster and my breath came in short gasps, matching his own like a musical creation. Then his lips rubbed against mine as if they were testing an uncharted territory. Each brush, each touch sent an electric wave down my spine. The feeling reminded me of our soul resonance, but in a more pleasant way; it both a thrilling and frightening feeling.

With one slip, my forehead rocked forward and collided against his rather than our lips. Well, that’s one way to knock some common sense back into our heads.

“Ow,” he whined in an annoyed tone, though his flustered face told a different story. He lifted one eye to glare at me while the other remained closed, wincing from the pain.

I wanted to apologize to him for my actions… for my innocent experiment that had gone out of control. But instead I stated in the bluntest tone as possible, “You’ve been acting weird, Soul.”

“And you’re not?” he replied a little too rough.

I sighed softly, the atmosphere was changing fast. Perhaps I should have thought my words more carefully. Then in my most conjured kind, honest voice I said, “I didn’t mean that…” The irritated expression in his eyes halted. “I meant to say… I’ll miss you…”

Within seconds, the same emotions seconds ago returned in his eyes. “And I you.”

He returned his head upwards and brought his lips over my forehead and kissed it softly. I searched for the same soft lips I had brushed against moments ago, but all I felt was a burning, hot iron against my forehead as the words echoed through my mind.

“And I you…”
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Comments: 24

Inuyasha476 [2013-09-10 21:40:38 +0000 UTC]

aww so cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThePuppeteer0 [2013-05-17 11:08:17 +0000 UTC]

This story is so good.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to ThePuppeteer0 [2013-05-17 21:27:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
Chapter 4 is in the description as well as the finale

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RBKNinja [2013-02-12 12:21:31 +0000 UTC]

"I promise you that I'll try to make it unique and nothing you have ever read before!" Aww, did you HAVE to say that?! Now I can bloody wait to read it! X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to RBKNinja [2013-02-12 15:25:03 +0000 UTC]

I meant that for my Valentine's story ahaha xD
But yeah, that can be a little applicable here xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RBKNinja In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-12 15:55:15 +0000 UTC]

I meant your valentines story too :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to RBKNinja [2013-02-12 16:04:48 +0000 UTC]

OHHHH. ahahaha

Miscommunication there hurr hurr xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RBKNinja In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-13 10:06:32 +0000 UTC]

oh well

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to RBKNinja [2013-02-14 02:58:17 +0000 UTC]

lol xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dinochickrox [2013-02-12 03:27:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to dinochickrox [2013-02-12 15:25:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I'll be finishing it tonight :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dinochickrox In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-13 01:42:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to dinochickrox [2013-02-13 02:27:30 +0000 UTC]

I love the enthusiasm <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hyblueluvr [2013-02-12 02:35:03 +0000 UTC]

*facepalm* I want to push the two together...KISS ALREADY, YOU BAKAS!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to hyblueluvr [2013-02-12 15:26:02 +0000 UTC]

I know right?!
It's infuriating

They did attempt at least

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EndlessSky26 [2013-02-12 02:05:01 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic! Can't wait for the next chapter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to EndlessSky26 [2013-02-12 15:26:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Creepsalote78 [2013-02-11 14:40:40 +0000 UTC]

need nexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
great job
lol maka you fail when i comes to romantic kissing seens

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to Creepsalote78 [2013-02-11 23:09:05 +0000 UTC]

haha thanks!

LOOL yeah. She gets nothing. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Creepsalote78 In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-12 12:02:06 +0000 UTC]

she does lol
AND i still need next-3-"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to Creepsalote78 [2013-02-12 15:27:13 +0000 UTC]

Haha yeah!
Next is the sad air port separation scene ;w;

I made it as FLUFFY has as possible!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Creepsalote78 In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-12 22:23:17 +0000 UTC]

i cnat wait for that scene
most people will get the feels hopfully

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxScarletxRosexX In reply to Creepsalote78 [2013-02-13 00:43:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you hehe

I hope they do

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Creepsalote78 In reply to XxScarletxRosexX [2013-02-19 21:37:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0