Lineart and Ezarel belongs to the amazing cosmicguts mUAHS <33
Colours and Christine belongs to me~++
Chris could take care of the ghost, but probaby would try to pet it first, getting hurt. All that in consideration: Ez, thanks for the help, u probably saved her from more scars.
Ah, ma silly child... qwq
Ghostbusters of Elledolias
Deadline: November 1st, 2018
Requirements: Weapon must be present in the drawing!
Specifications: You got your costume, you got your weapon, but remember we’re not staying at this manor for free! Put those spooky skills to the use and get rid of those annoying spirits roaming around in the manor! You can draw your character fighting the ghosts yourself or fighting/supporting with another protector on your quests to get rid of as many spirits as possible.
Reward: 10 exp and 100 G
Type: Non-Repeatable
Client: Claire Sauvageon