yaoilover2873 — Clique Chapter Three [NSFW]
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  Alec Pov- I walked into the Library sitting at my favorite table in the back and pulling out my books to start studying. Isabelle stormed in after me and walked up to my table frowning "Alec are you alright?" I nodded opening my trigonometry book and trying to find the right page. "Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

Isabelle rubbed the back of her head looking down at me "well because…" "What? Because the guy I have had a huge crush on forever but has always ignored me is finally paying attention to me but he made it painfully clear that we will never be anything more than friends? Why would that bother me? I'm not bothered by it at all."

My breaking voice was betraying my words. It was obvious that it did bother me a lot, to the point where I wanted to cry and I rarely cry about anything. Isabelle sat across from me before reaching over to hold my hand across from the table "oh Alec…" I let her hand stay on mine for a moment before I pulled mine away. "It's nothing Izzy; I'll get over it."

She shook her head "Alec you can do so much better than Magnus Bane. Guys and girls have been coming up to me all day asking about you and wanting your number." I frowned "all because I got new clothes." She sighed "Alec I told you that appearances are important. No one falls in love with someone's personality at first sight."

I shrugged crossing my arms on the table and laying my head on them. "New clothes won't change the fact that I'm the Nobody. Even if Magnus did like me the way I liked him we wouldn't be allowed to be together. I don't want fake friends who only like me because I look up to their standards. This school is divided and frankly I'm sick of it."

Isabelle kept quiet as if she was thinking of what to say next. She must have chosen to change the subject because she asked "are you going to Magnus's party tonight?" I shrugged still hiding my face in my arms. "I was invited and I'm sure if I tried to skip Magnus or Jace would hunt me down and drag me there. Today has been a day of being out of my comfort zone and going to a party terrifies me."

I could feel the force of Isabelle rolling her eyes at me. "No normal teenager is scared of parties. Come on Alec you need to live the high school life before it passes you by. Being invited to a Magnus Bane party is a huge honor. The nerds and Geeks aren't allowed to come so you being able to is a big deal."

I looked up at her frowning "why aren't the nerds or geeks invited?" She shrugged "it's typical clique stuff. Inviting nerds and geeks to a party full of popular people is taboo." I rolled my eyes and hid my face in my arms again "popular people are jerks."

She nodded "it's true we are but it's expected of us. Not all of us are like that though." I shrugged sitting up and going back to reading my book. "I'm done talking about this. I have to get back to studying."

Isabelle frowned looking at my advanced math book "you are always studying Alec. You're going to make yourself sick if you spend your whole life with your nose in a book." "Just leave me alone Izzy" I sighed, glancing at her over the top of the book. She watched me for a moment longer before shaking her head and getting up walking out of the library.

The music was loud and pounding when I walked into Magnus's penthouse. The place was very spacious even though there were hundreds of bodies moving together on the 'dancefloor'. The nice black leather couches were moved against the walls to give people room to dance and stand around. Magnus was in the middle of the room with his arms around Camille as she pressed against him dancing.

I rolled my eyes at them before making my way to the kitchen to find something to drink. Isabelle was in the kitchen leaning against the counter and flirting with a boy. I stared at the red cup in her hand before walking up and taking it out of her hand smelling it. She looked over glaring at me "Alec what are you doing?"

I crinkled my nose at the smell of alcohol before dumping the drink out in the sink "you are too young to be drinking Isabelle." She put her hands on her hips "everyone here is too young to be drinking Alec." I grabbed a soda, putting it in her hand "well, all these people aren't my sister. You are so I say you aren't allowed to drink."

She looked at the soda frowning before just drinking it not going to argue with me. I smiled satisfied and watched her walk out of the kitchen with the guy before getting a drink of my own. "Oh Alexander, I'm glad you made it" Magnus said walking into the kitchen. I turned around smiling at him but lost my smile seeing his arm around Camille.

Camille met my eyes for a moment and smirked wickedly before wrapping her arms tighter around Magnus's waist and looking up at him. "Magnus I want to go dance some more. Come with me?" I glared at the blonde bitch, seeing her game. She was flaunting Magnus right in front of me.

Magnus nodded giving her a quick peck on the lips before looking at me "relax and have fun Alec. If anyone gives you a hard time just come find me." I nodded and watched as they made their way back to the living room. The moment they were gone I went right for he alcohol needing to drown my anger in something.

I know I just got done telling Isabelle that she was too young to drink but this was more of a 'do what I say not what I do' situation. I filled up my cup with the spiked punch and chugged it all in one gulp before refilling my cup and going to look around. This place was completely crowded. I couldn't walk passed someone without feeling them press against my skin.

I made my way to another living room that was actually quiet. It was empty accept for Jace Herondale who was sitting on the floor laying his head on the couch and facing the ceiling with his eyes closed. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he opened his eyes before looking at me "you came."

I nodded moving over to sit by him "yeah I did though I didn't want to come." Jace smirked slightly "what did you come because I told you to? What are you a doormat?" I glared at him "I didn't come because you wanted me to. I came because I wanted to try something new."

He shrugged going back to closing his eyes and laying his head back on the couch "whatever." I watched him curious to why he was doing this. "Why are you in here all alone?" He shrugged again "I'm not much into parties. I only come because Jonathan makes me."

'Now who's a doormat' I thought to myself before looking at him again "how are you and Jonathan allowed to be friends? You aren't in the same clique." He opened one eye looking at me "Jonathan and I have been friends since we were children so we get away with it. I doubt anyone has the guts to tell Jonathan that we shouldn't be friends."

"Do you like being his friend? He seems so… mean." Jace laughed slightly at this "I'm sorry, he's mean? Are you five years old or something? There's other words you could use you know."

I shrugged "mean was the first word that came to mind. I could have said he was a dick." Jace smiled now having both eyes open "he can come across as a dick but you have to look beyond that to see he's a decent guy." I raised an eyebrow in question "just a decent guy?"

He shrugged before letting out a long tired sigh "I guess I should go back out there before people start looking for me." We stood up and he looked at my drink "make sure you get your own drinks okay? Some people at our school can be pretty shady." I nodded and chugged down the last of my drink "thanks for the warning."

He nodded and walked out of the room going over to some people on his soccer team. I walked back into the kitchen and chugged down two more drinks before filling up my fifth and standing in the doorway. I leaned on the doorframe looking around me at all the people. Even at a party they were all divided in their stupid cliques.

Jonathan and Seelie were in the center of the dance floor with the other popular kids all jumping to the loud music. Jace, as mentioned before was with his soccer buddies and Clary Morgenstern was sitting on the couch with Julian Blackthorn going over art in their sketch pads. Magnus was dancing with his arms wrapped around Camille's waist and watching them be so close together was making me feel sick. I will never have Magnus so I have to get over him and move on.

"Hey you're Alexander Lightwood right" a smooth male voice asked from behind me. I turned around seeing a handsome man smiling at me. He was taller than me which was rare and he had suntanned skin and sand blonde hair. His eyes were a chocolate brown like Izzy's.

I fully turned looking at him "I am but you can just call me Alec." He smiled at me and his smile was dazzling. "My name is Damon. Can I get you a refill Alec?" I looked down at my drink going to tell him that it was already full but it was empty. I must have drunk it without knowing. "oh well… sure you can get me a new one."

Damon smiled going to get us some drinks and I turned back around watching Magnus as a slow song started and he danced with Camille; looking into her eyes with all the love in the world. I clenched my fists watching them. Why did she get to be looked at that way? Why was it her and not me?

She didn't even give him the look back. He looked at her with such devoted undying love and she was looking into his eyes but not as deep and not as loving. If Magnus looked at me that way I would make sure he knew that I felt the same. I would use all my power to tell him he wasn't alone.

"Here you go" Damon said handing me my drink. I took it and chugged it quickly making Damon stare at me smiling "thirsty?" I licked my lips before looking at him "something like that. Thanks for the drink."

He nodded looking around "it's pretty loud even though a slow song is playing. Do you want to find somewhere quiet to talk?" I thought about that for a moment. I didn't even know this guy and he must know that I'm the Nobody. Why was he talking to me?

"What clique are you in" I asked looking at him curious. I couldn't remember his face or what group me might be associated with. I knew there were more cliques then just the ones that got the most attention. There were goths, skaters, delinquents, all kinds of groups that don't get as must spotlight as the others so they're mostly ignored.

Damon smiled at me "oh that stuff doesn't matter. I don't care about ranking and status. I figured since you were the Nobody you wouldn't care about that stuff either." "Oh I don't" I said watching him. "It's just a big part of our school."

I turned looking back at the ocean of bodies dancing in the living room and they were all starting to become blurry. I blinked a couple times trying to fix my eye sight before rubbing my head feeling lightheaded. "Are you okay" Damon asked, sounding concerned. I nodded leaning on the doorframe "yeah sorry… I must have drunk too much."

Damon grabbed my hand smiling "that tends to happen at your first party. There are plenty of rooms here lets' find a place for you to lay down." I nodded putting my head in my hand "yeah that's a good idea." Damon grabbed my free hand and led me out of the kitchen and up some stairs.

There was a sign on the stairs restricting guests from going up but Damon ignored it leading the way. I stumbled up the stairs and once we were off them I struggled to walk straight and everything around me was spinning. "I'm like this only after six drinks? I never knew I was such a lightweight."

Damon laughed directing me forward "this is your first party after all. Too bad you won't remember it." I blinked confused as we went into a bedroom "I doubt I'm drunk enough to forget my entire night." Damon shrugged letting go of my hands and closing the bedroom door "not from the alcohol no but the fact that I roofied your drink might do it."

I frowned trying to comprehend what he was saying. "You what? Why would you do that?" His sweet smile turned to a smirk as he grabbed my wrist and painfully pulled me closer to him "Because you're so attractive and I knew you wouldn't willingly be with me. Not when you're so madly in love with Magnus Bane."

I frowned shaking my heavy head "you're wrong… I don't like Magnus." "Oh but you do. It's sad that he will never see you the way you see him. I could help you forget about him Alec."

I shook my head pulling my wrist out of his grasp "I wanna go home. I'm leaving." "You're in no state to be alone Alec. Stay awhile and relax" he said shoving me onto the bed. The instant I was on the bed he climbed on top of me pressing his heavy body against mine so I couldn't move.

"Get the hell off me" I said throwing my fist at his face. I was so weak from the drug that my punch was more like a pat and had no effect. He laughed looking down at me "you're even cuter when you're helpless." He reached down undoing the buttons of my jeans and pulling down my zipper.

I stared up at the ceiling wide eyed as he slid his hand in and grabbed my member. I wanted to fight and get out of here but my body wouldn't move. My head got heaver and heaver and before I knew everything went black. The last thing I remember was Magnus's name escaping my lips.

  Magnus Pov- I walked around the party frowning looking for Alec. I highly doubt he was the type of person to leave without saying goodbye so he had to be here. "Magnus what are you doing? The drinking game is about to start" Camille said following me, sounding annoyed.

I looked back at her "I can't find Alec. Have you seen him anywhere?" She shook her head "no and who cares. He probably went home." I shook my head looking around more "I don't think he left." Camille let out a large grunt of annoyance "Magnus come on this is your party stop worrying about some stupid wannabe and have fun."

I looked at her "something could be wrong. I have to look for him." "You looking for the nobody" Jonathan Morgenstern asked walking up to us. I looked at him glaring "yeah what of it?" He shrugged "I wouldn't worry about him. He went upstairs with Damon and I bet they're fucking right now."

I got wide eyed hearing that "you saw him going with Damon and you didn't stop him?" Jonathan shrugged "if they want to be fags together I don't see why have to stop it." I glared "because we all know what Damon is known for. He drugs and rapes people everyone knows that."

"Apparently not everyone" Camille said shrugging "it's Alec's fault for not knowing any better." I looked at her shocked "you did not just say that. Alec could possibly be getting raped right now and you're saying it's his fault? What's wrong with you?"

"Alec could be possibly getting raped right now and you're just standing here arguing about it" Jonathan pointed out, smirking. I looked between him and Camille not able to believe how heartless they were both being before I ran to the stairs going up them two at a time. Once I got up them I searched room after room hoping I was over reacting and I wouldn't find Alec being taken advantage of. The first four rooms were empty meaning the only room left was my bedroom.

I rushed to my bedroom throwing the door open and there Damon was pressed up against Alec with his hand down his pants. Thankfully they were both fully clothed so I got there just in time. Damon looked up at me surprised before smirking "well if it isn't Magnus Bane?" I walked up to the bed glaring "what do you think you're doing Damon?"

Damon still had his hand down Alecs' pants and he did a tight squeeze on Alec making him groan out half in pleasure but mostly in pain. I'm not sure what came over me but the moment Alec let out that sound all I could see was red. I fist flew in the air smashing again Damon's face and the force of the punch made him roll off Alec and the bed; hitting the floor hard. I ran to Alec touching his cheek and looking him over.

He was obviously drugged. His body barely moved and he looked like he was in a deep sleep. "I'm so sorry Alexander. I shouldn't have left you" I said softly.

Damon sat up touching his cheek glaring at me. "Damn you Bane." I looked at him furiously "you don't want to pick a fight with me right now Damon. You hurt my friend and I don't take lightly to people hurting my friends."

Damon stood up still glaring "what does it matter if I mess around with him? He's the Nobody, no one cares about him." "I care about him" I snapped feeling like I wanted to murder him. "He may be labeled as no one but that doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings."

"You can't seriously care about this loser can you? You know he's in love with you right? Doesn't that freak you out?" I rolled my eyes at this "Alec isn't in love with me. Stop talking nonsense and get the hell out" I said pointing to the door.

Damon rolled his eyes and just walked out without another word. I watched him before looking back at Alec frowning. "Oh Alexander… I'm sorry." I covered him up with a blanket before sitting down and rubbing his head. He leaned into the touch and he sighed my name softly, a small smile coming to his face.

I watched him feeling a pang in my chest. Alec looking so safe and comforted by my touch made me feel fuzzy inside. "You sleep okay? I'll be back in a little bit." I rubbed his head a second longer before going back downstairs to get everyone to leave.

Camille met me at the bottom of the stairs "Damon came down here holding his face. Did you do something to him?" "I punched him in his stupid face" I said walking into the living room and walking up to the stereo. "All because he tried to take advantage of Alec?"

I looked back at her "he tried to rape Alec Camille. That's a big deal no matter what his title is. These groups we put ourselves in doesn't mean we have to be heartless." Camille rolled her eyes grabbing my arm "whatever, it's done now so come party with me."

I pulled away from her "no Camille this party is over." She frowned grabbing my arm again "Magnus you can't stop the party. That will make us look bad if the party stops early." I pulled away again looking at her "I don't care Camille."

I turned off the stereo making everyone complain and look at me. "What the hell Magnus" Seelie asked sending her bitch glare my way. "The party is over. Everyone please make your way out." Everyone groaned before making their way to the door.

Isabelle Lightwood looked around before walking up to me frowning "Magnus have you seen my brother? I haven't seen him since he got here." I frowned "yeah well… he drank way too much and is drunk upstairs. He'll be staying here for the night."

Isabelle looked shocked "my brother is drunk?" He nodded "blacked out drunk so he needs to rest." She hesitated on leaving without him before looking up at me "will you take good care of him?" I nodded "of course I will, he got drunk at my party so he's my responsibility."

She nodded hesitating a moment longer before leaving with everyone else. The house was now empty except for Camille. I looked at her frowning "I think you should leave too." Camille crossed her arms scowling "why should I have to leave; I'm your girlfriend so I'm staying."

I looked her over thinking for a moment before looking into her eyes. Her brown eyes were cold and heartless. I never really noticed that before. Not until I looked into Alecs' eyes and saw how kind they really could be.

"Camille… I think we should break up." She stood there staring at me with a shocked expression "we should what? Why would you want to break up with me? We're the king and queen of fashion Magnus that means we're meant to be together."

I shook my head "no we're not. You stood there and acted like someone being assaulted wasn't a bad thing. If you were getting raped do you think Alec would just leave it be because you are higher up on the scale and should 'know better'?" She clenched her fists glaring up at me "you're breaking up with me because of the Nobody?"

I shook my head "I'm breaking up with you because you are a heartless bitch who I know doesn't love me as much as I love you. I deserve better than you Camille. I want to be with someone who loves me just as much if not more than I love them. That's not you."

She crossed her arms over her chest "oh what? Are you going to turn gay and start dating Alec Lightwood? I knew it was only a matter of time till you turned into a fag. Everyone warned me about it but I told them they were crazy. Guess I was the crazy one to think that anyone who acts and dresses like you could be straight."

It was my turn to glare at her "I will not be dating Alexander and I'm not gay. I like girls and I like my sense of fashion. I can dress the way I do and still be attracted to girls." She shrugged "yeah but you must be attracted to men as well. Ever since Alec changed you have been drooling over him. Getting his lunch, having him sit with you, inviting him to parties."

"It's all to make him popular Camille" I yelled glaring down at her. "Alec is my friend and that's all. I want him to become popular not just for the bet but because he deserves to be in the spotlight. He's an amazing guy and I want to help everyone around him see that instead of seeing his label."

Camille watched me with a bored expression on her face "denial isn't a good look on you Magnus" she said before turning and walking out slamming the door behind her. I watched the door for a moment, gathering all my thoughts before sighing and going back upstairs. She was crazy in thinking I would be into Alec like that. Sure, he has all my favorite physical traits and has an adorable personality but that doesn't mean I find him attractive. There's no way I'm into any guy let alone someone as shy and awkward as Alec.

I walked into my room and couldn't help the small smile from coming to my face when I saw Alec. He was curled up in my blankets and hugging my pillow obviously in a deep sleep. I walked up to him and sat on the edge on the bed reaching over and touching his cheek.

His face was a little red but he didn't feel like he had a fever. Alec smiled in his sleep and leaned into my touch moving onto his back. The more he leaned in the more of his skin I could feel in my palm. His skin was surprisingly soft for someone who doesn't moisturize.

I caressed Alec's cheek with my thumb watching his steady breathing as he slept. "She's wrong… there's no way I could be attracted to another guy." I searched Alecs' face for a moment before leaning down getting closer to him. My face was inches away from him and I could feel his calm steady breath on my face.

I swallowed hard before leaning down to press my lips against Alec's. Before our lips could brush I quickly sat up and turned my back to Alec shaking my head. "No this is crazy I can't just kiss Alec in his sleep. I'm not into guys there's no need to do unnecessary things."

I looked back at Alecs' sleeping form again before standing up "I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms." I walked to the door going to leave but something made me stop. I looked back at Alec again frowning. Seeing him sleeping in my bed completely defenseless made me not want to leave him alone.

"Get a grip Magnus. It's just you and him here he is safe in your home." I glanced back at him one more time before walking out of the room going to the guest bedroom just next door.

The next morning, I got up and went downstairs to make Alec breakfast. I didn't know what he liked to eat so I made pancakes, eggs, waffles and got out some cereal ready just in case he liked a simpler breakfast. I put all the food on a tray before taking it upstairs to Alec. When I got to the room Alec was just waking up, sitting up and holding his heavy head.

"Hey how are you feeling" I asked walking into the room. Alec flinched before looking up at me "Magnus? What happened? Why am I still here?"

I walked over to the bed setting the tray down and I wondered if I should lie and say he just got so drunk he blacked out. That wouldn't be fair to Alec though. He deserves to know what almost happened to him. Alec sat up more pulling off the blanket but quickly pulled it back on when he noticed his jeans were still undone. "What happened" he asked again but this time more frantically.

"Damon drugged you and tried to take advantage of you yesterday. I got there in time to stop him from doing anything too drastic. The most he got was a feel of what you got down there." Alec blushed at my last words and quickly zipped and buttoned up his jeans.

"So I was almost raped" He asked frowning. I nodded watching him "afraid so, you can't take drinks from others Alec the delinquents especially." Alec frowned "I couldn't remember what group he was in." He ran his hand over his face "Jace told me not to take drinks from others and I completely ignored his warning."

I shrugged "you were drinking a lot before he drugged you so you weren't in the mindset to make the right choices." He shook his head frowning "I should have known better than to drink that much. I was just so frustrated and angry." I looked at him confused "what were you frustrated and angry about?"

He shook his head "it's no big deal just forget about it." He looked over at the food sitting on the bed "that's a lot of food." I nodded looking at it "yeah sorry I didn't know what you like to eat so I made you options. You don't have to eat it all."

Alec looked at me his cheeks slightly red "you made me breakfast?" I nodded picking up a mug of coffee "I also brought you coffee and some pain killer. I'm sure you have a massive hang over." Alec nodded taking the mug and the pill "yeah thanks."

I watched him take the pill before pulling the pancakes onto his lap. I smiled "pancakes are your food of choice then? I'll remember that for next time." Alec choked on his bite of pancake and looked at me after having a coughing attack "next time?"

I shrugged "we're friends so I'm sure there will be other times you stay here." He frowned slightly before looking into his mug "oh, right." I watched him before grabbing the plate of waffles deciding to eat as well. "So Camille and I broke up last night."

Alec looked back at me wide eyed "you did? Why; you looked so happy dancing with her last night." I shrugged taking a bite of waffle "well I couldn't ignore how cruel she is to others. She wanted me to just let Damon hurt you."

Alec rolled his eyes "I always knew she was a heartless bitch" he said before looking at me "oh Magnus I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want anyone talking bad about her." I shrugged again taking another bite "she really was heartless. I was trying so hard to ignore it but last night was the last straw."

Alec looked back at his pancakes moving them around on his plate "did Damon say anything to you about me?" I shrugged finished off my waffles. "He said you were in love with me." Alec flinched before glancing over at me "what did you say to that?"

I looked at him "I told him he was speaking nonsense and he needed to get out of my house. I know you're into guys and there's nothing wrong with that but that doesn't automatically mean you're in love with me. I'm sure he was just trying to get under my skin."

Alec stared at me for a moment before putting his plate back on the tray and standing up "yeah… nonsense. I'm going to go" he said heading to the door. I frowned putting my plate down and following him "you don't have to go anywhere Alec. Stay a while and rest some more."

He shook his head no going down the stairs "this isn't working out Magnus. I don't want to be popular and I don't like all of this attention. You being friends with me is obviously spreading rumors and causing problems for you so I'll leave you alone from now on." He walked to the door opening it but I pushed it back closed holding my hand there so he couldn't open it again.

"Alexander you aren't causing me any problems. So there may be rumors of us being a thing it's no big deal. All they will be is rumors so there's no reason to keep your distance from me." Alec looked at his feet frowning "Magnus I need to go home."

I watched him frowning before reaching over and touching his cheek. Something wet hit my fingers making me pull his face up to look at me. Alec was crying. Tears were forming in his eyes and he glanced away not wanting to acknowledge them.

"Alexander why are you crying" I asked wiping away his tears. His crying face was making my heart speed up and all I wanted to do was make him smile. Alec wiped at his eyes "I'm just overwhelmed from last night. I don't want to be popular if it means I'm going to be targeted like that."

I could tell that he was lying and that wasn't the real reason for his tears. Was it me? Was it something I said that made him cry? "Alec… If I did or said something that upset, you I'm so sorry. Tell me what I did and I'll fix it."

He shook his head "you didn't do anything Magnus I'm fine really. I'm just tired and want to go home. Forget what I said about keeping my distance from you I didn't mean it. There would be no way I could ever distance myself from you."

I felt my face get hot at those words and my chest felt tight. I never felt this way before I don't know what it is. I moved away from the door watching Alec "I'll see you at school Monday right?" Alec nodded before opening the door and walking out leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts and confusion.

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