yokodoko — (Story) Storm Clouds

#fat #orc #plump #story #gublox
Published: 2017-12-22 19:00:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1299; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description It was a rather humid day as Gublox and a small band of orcs were on a hunting expedition. The obese orc had already scored quite a few kills, but his eager steps let his two companions, Rez and Nora, know that he wasn't done yet.

“Hey, Gublox!” Rez called, adjusting the pack on his back carrying the large orc’s kills. “Let's call it a day! It's getting late.”

“C’mon, Rez! Where's your sense of adventure?!” Gublox replied, waving his axe to hurry them along.

“Back at the last encampment with my patience, now let's head back to the tribe!” Nora simply sighed, letting his fellow orc buddy know that it was most likely no use talking him down.

“Forget it,” Nora reasoned. “Once he sets his mind on something, he'll finish it damn the consequences.”

“But we can't stay out for too long!” Rez argued, pointing to the sky which had more clouds than when they left. “You remember what tonight is, right?” Nora looked up and saw the increasing clouds. He knew the signs better than most orcs. A warm humid day where the clouds slowly billow across the sky until the setting of the sun, only for them to break in the dead of night over the sea. A sign of Ocean's Moon. Meaning the ceremony was tonight. Meaning the sacrifice must be ready before moonrise. Nora sighed and decided to try his hand at reeling the chieftain’s son in.

“Hey, how about one more kill?!” Nora called, getting Gublox's attention. “Your old man wants you back early tonight, and if you get back early enough you might be able to get first dibs on tonight's feast!”

“Why didn't ya say so?!” And just like that, Gublox was convinced. Beaming like a puppy, he happily skipped in excitement as he searched for a suitable kill to mark the occasion.

“See?” Nora said, giving a wry smile. “All you gotta do is speak his language.”

“Of course, you’d know more than anyone,” Rez shrugged, pointing to Nora’s noticeably pudgy middle. While Rez was somewhat trim, Nora was rather beefy with a round belly that was not due to bulking but simple absent-minded self-indulgence. Perhaps he had spent too much time with Gublox.

In any case, Gublox merrily charged through the forest as the thought of eating more than his fill swam through his mind. While Gublox loved a good meal, he also just loved the pure joy of stuffing his face any chance he got. Being the chieftain's son had its perks, such as first call on all meals and having as much as he wanted, but he never truly fed himself to pure satisfaction. He dreamed of eating himself sick, drinking himself drunk, and just laying back in a stupor that would render him immobile for at least a day. A rather odd and simple dream, but Gublox was an odd and simple guy. He was thrown out of his momentary daydream when he spotted a large beefy ox in the distance. He smacked his lips in anticipation and slowly crept up on the beast. Just as he was within range, he leapt up high in the air and drove his axe into the beast’s backside. And just like that, the battle began! The beast danced about, trying to free itself from Gublox's hungry grasp. However, the rotund orc was not gonna let a good meal ticket escape so easily.

“You're not gettin’ away, big guy!” Gublox yelled as he grabbed a hold of the beast's neck and attempted to snap it off. However, it quickly caught on to what it was doing and swung its body violently to throw him off. By this time, Rez and Nora had caught up to Gublox and saw him mid-battle as he was about to lose his grip. Gublox soon caught his footing, however, and used all his strength to lift the ox up in the air. Rez and Nora watched in amazement as Gublox suplexed the beast hard to the ground, making it choke up some blood. As the dust settled, Gublox loosened his grip and massaged his back. His round figure didn't accommodate for his surprising flexibility.

“Damn,” Gublox sighed, grabbing his axe from the beast's hide. “That thing put up one hell of a fight!” He took a good look at the fresh carcass and prepared his axe to slice up the beast. Rez grimaced as Gublox hummed a jaunty tune as he butchered the poor ox, while Nora just chuckled in amusement. After a few moments, Gublox turned to his comrades and gave them a thumbs up. “Guess we can head back, huh?!”

The village was bathed in a warm orange light as yet another feast was underway within the Ttubbutt Clan. The air was filled with music and dance as well as the smell of well cooked kills. At the heart of it all was Gublox as he happily gorged himself on one of his many kills. Grease and juice oozed from the meat as he took large bites, with said juices and ale spilling onto his gargantuan gut. He occasionally let out loud hearty belches to make more room, but he was quickly running out. Mainly because many of the servants were serving him nonstop. “Have more horse steak!” “Have you tried this newest recipe from the cook?” “Surely you're not too full to have some more ribs?” They just kept egging him on, trying to give him more and more. He swore that he had already ate more than twice than what he usually ate. Naturally, being the proud glutton that he was, Gublox couldn't turn down the offer for more food.

Elsewhere, his father the chieftain watched nearby, alternating between his son and the sky. The ceremony would begin once the moon hit the bay near the cliff at the edge of the village. And judging from his size, Gublox was more than ready. He was fed a constant supply of food laced with mystic crystals to prepare him for tonight. This last feast was more for extra insurance, as well as a courtesy to his son. This was to be his last meal with his tribe after all. As he took one more glance at his son, he walked over to him to try to wake him from his food crazed stupor.

“My son,” the chieftain began, nudging the obese orc’s shoulder, grabbing Gublox's attention. “Are you satisfied?”

“More than… urrp… satisfied, Pops!” Gublox replied with his usual food filled smile before swallowing and happily jiggling his belly. “I've been so full in my life… But… I think you can cool it with the ale… and bring on… buurrrp… dessert. There is… dessert, right? Meals… not complete… without… BUUUUUURRRRAAAAAAP!! Oof! Excuse me… Uh… what was I saying?”

“Dessert, Gublox,” one of the servants reminded, readying to lift him up by his massive arms. “We prepared over a hundred apple pie bites, your favorite, which you can happily enjoy in the comfort of your room.” Gublox happily hummed to himself at the mention of apple pie. He loved apple pie more than anything. He remembered always being fed apple pie as a baby by his mother. As the servants escorted him to his room, the chieftain turned his attention to the remaining orcs in the vicinity.

“You all have done well,” he announced. “I am sure you all know what tonight is, correct? If so, you are all aware of the damage this village will sustain. If you wish to flee from the village, then may do so. I welcome it, in fact. I shall stay here to watch over the proceedings as chieftain.” As he announced this, several orcs bowed respectfully before taking their leave. However, he was surprised to see that most of the tribe had decided to stay with him. In fact, the round orc cook gave a hearty pat on the chieftain's back to show his support.

“With all due respect, chief, this is our tribe too! I ain't leaving my childhood home without a proper send off.” With that, the chieftain gave a warm smile as he turned to his loyal subjects, silently thanking them.

“Though I gotta say,” Rez started, looking at the sky once again and noticing the flashes of light in the distance. “I'm glad we ended this as soon as we did. Any latter, and we all could have gotten soaked.”

“Indeed,” the chieftain replied with a chuckle, before looking towards the oncoming storm that would decide his son's destiny. “There are storm clouds on the horizon.”

“Yep,” Rez reiterated. “That sky is looking pretty nasty, tonight…”
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