This is my entry for Scarlet-Wings-Kaili contest ( Yeah.. I will not lie, I should have work on it a bit more... * A LOT * ) But oh well... this is not unrelated to me so I think it counts n.n''
My reason to enter this contest was to teach my lazy brain to analyze things a bit more... "What do I want to change about the world"? ( There's a lot of things I would like to change, but it seems cliche and by now impossible, the human being is a stubborn creature, selfish and sometimes ( more frequently than sometimes* ) doesn't believe in equality.. And that will always continue.. Because there are a LOOOT of humans with different thoughts and teachings... )
So... I decided to make "A SILENT VOICE"
This is me, trapped, in a world where people will always tell you what to do... What I sometimes want to tell people is... "Shut up! I don't want to listen to you! I don't care!", but yeah... In this century you're supposed to be understanding, and respect others believes and ideas but what I don't understand, though I know is really hard to refrain from doing it; is why we try to make others think like we do, accepting and adopting our ideas; it's good when the other person actually wants to learn or hear about them, but is not nice to force them.
In my case, my family is super religious so basically what my parents taught me was to live as "God" wanted me to; in church the teacher told us that a lot of things were evil and most of the things we liked, worshipped the Devil, for example: the Hippie symbol was bad, most cartoons were bad, cartoon posters could be possessed, and some more rubbish. Well... now that I grew up a bit I think they said that to make kids avoid inappropriate shows, but there are grown-up people who actually believe in everything the church says, I think religion is a mental support for humans, but nowadays is more like an addiction.
( I'll stop now, and remember people.. I'm not trying to insult anyone ) peace~