YoungLioness — SP: Kahawia

#lion #lioness #sp #kahawia #savannahpanthera
Published: 2020-05-05 20:00:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1052; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Name: Kahawia

Meaning: 'Brown', African origins.

Pronunciation: ka-ha-wee-ah

Age: 3 years (Adult)

Age When Entered: 3 years (May 1st 2020)


Size: Average

Build: Slighty Scrawny, with twiggy limbs and little muscle. 

Height: 3'7

Eye Shade: Bright Orange

Aroma/Scent: Crisp Dead Leaves

Pelt Shades: Dusty brown

Pride: Rogue

Personality Traits:


Independent- Kahawia is quite good at surviving on her own. She doesn't rely on others to take care of her and won't wait around for guidance when things need to be done. 

Humble- Not one to brag about herself, Kaha keeps most of her accomplishments to herself and won't actively show off. Compliments are accepted with a thanks and nothing more.

Generous- Knowing what it is like to go without has led Kaha to be a very giving lioness. She'll share what she has to whomever she believes needs it most. Whether it be food, shelter, or protection.


Apprehensive- Stranger danger is very real. Kaha will purposefully keep herself aloof and alert around anybody she doesn't know or trust very well. She always assumes the worst in every situation and prepares accordingly. 

Lazy- Unless forced to do otherwise, she will do the bare minimum in everything. Hunting she usually goes for already dead or dying targets, and she won't move around unless absolutely necessary. 

Narrow-minded- Her opinions of others is rather low, and she is quite stubborn when it comes to changing her mind. She's quick to make judgement of others during first meetings and it can take quite a bit of trying to convince her she is wrong about something.

Relationship Info:    

   Relationship Status: Single

   Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual

   Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


   Past Relationships: None

   Current Relationship: None


Kahawia's beginning was quite standard. She was born to an older low ranking couple in a distant pride alongside three sisters and one brother. Kaha was the runt of her litter, and by the time she came out the only name her tired mother could think come up with was the color of the little cub's pelt, brown. While never living in luxury, the start of her life was rather comfortable and safe. It wasn't too long though before nature took its course and their pride was attacked by rogues. There was a short battle, but in the end neither side won and the pride was disbanded. The older couple decided to take their family and flee, setting out on their own to become a small coalition of rogues.

Without the safety of a pride, Kahawia and her siblings grew up in a very unstable world. Almost every night they had to move locations, whether it be from threatening rogues or accidentally trespassing on claimed lands. Their parents tried hard to hunt and keep them all fed, but there were some nights when food was scarce and they had to survive on bugs and small fish to keep themselves alive. As the cubs all grew they learned to hunt alongside their mother and became quite capable of providing for themselves. One summers morning shortly before their first birthday, the family came under attack from a group of hyenas. The cubs were still too young to fight properly, so it was up to the parents to protect the family. The older lions fought hard, but in the end tradgey struck and the mother was killed in battle. Father managed to finish off the enemies, but it was too late to save his mate's life.

-father takes second younger mate, who has a dislike for the female cubs
Desperate to keep his family together and protected, the father took it upon himself to find his cubs a new 'mother', completely ignoring the fact they were almost old enough to survive on their own. Who he found was a young lioness, no more than three or four years old. She wasn't fond of having to 'babysit' somebody elses cubs, but she craved the attention and protection the older male provided. Kahawia despised her stepmother, and the lioness returned the feelings.

The father and his mate eventually had a litter of their own, and the coalition was nearly the size of a real pride. Four new cubs, four new mouths to keep fed. Suddenly there was competition among the older cubs on things that used to be standard. Who got to eat first, where they would sleep at night, and who would have to stay up and keep guard while the others rested. Being the smallest of her litter, Kaha was usually the loser in most fights and basically became the coalition's workhorse. She would watch the little cubs while stepmother was away hunting with the others and she spent many sleepless nights keeping watch to protect the pride.

Soon Kaha and her littermates reached their second year, and it was decided by the stepmother that they should head out on their own. The father didn't object, seeing as they were close enough to adulthood that they could survive on their own. Some of her siblings chose to head out together, but Kaha was denied the option and had no choice but to leave her family solo and become a true rogue. She began her travels alone, learning quickly the world was an unfriendly place. Becoming paranoid with every passing night, she continued the family tradition of never spending the night in the same place twice. Over the year she ventured far away from where any of her family was, discovering new lands with slightly less hostile conditions to what she was used to. There were a couple prides, but their lands were clearly marked so she could easily avoid trespassing. Liking the area enough, Kahawia decided this land was pretty habitable and chose to stay in the general area for the time being. Maybe she'll move on someday, but for now these lands are her home.

third times the charm, right?

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