Ytttrium — CBL application - smokesight

#warriorcatsrp #coldbrightlights #rpcharacter #warriorcats
Published: 2022-07-11 22:44:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1533; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 0
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Name: Smokesight
Age: 17 moons (~1.5 yrs)
Genetics: dilute calico + partial heterochromia

Gender: non-binary
Sex: intersex, DMAB
Pronouns: they/them
Sexual Orientation: asexual pan-romantic

Clan: StormClan
Rank: Warrior (young warrior)
Former Mentor: Pebblestep (NPC)
Mate: none
Kin: none known; assumed to be rogues or loners


- Reliable. They keep a level head even in high-stress situations; their clan-mates can rely on them to be calm and steady when everything else is going wrong. They can keep a secret and their loyalty is unwavering once it has been earned.
- Intuitive. Maybe it's just good observation skills, or maybe it's just luck, but Smokesight has a good sense of when things are about to go wrong. Like most StormClan cats, they are very in tune with the weather; they know when a storm is rolling in or when the tide is about to turn. However, Smokesight seems to have a very similar sense regarding the world around them that goes beyond just the weather.
- Kind, but not nice. Smokesight can be blunt and unsympathetic, but they have a kind heart. They do everything in their power to help others who are suffering, even cats from other clans. They have a strong sense of community and kinship with all other cats (perhaps this is because they never had much of a defined family). Because of this, they despise border skirmishes and battles against other clans.
- Skeptical. They don't not believe in Divines, but they don't feel much of a connection to them. They believe that the Divines are apathetic at the very least and that the clans shouldn't rely on them for help in times of need. They keep this to themself though, and just nod and "mm-hmm" along whenever their clan-mates talk about the Divines. 
- Anxious. They always seem to be worrying about something. They are easily startled and they can get very defensive about it. They have trouble relaxing or calming their mind and they always seem to expect everything to go horribly wrong. (This is most likely a direct result of their sensitive intuition). 
- Cold. Smokesight is not exactly friendly. They're very reserved and difficult to talk to in most scenarios. They can be hurtful, though not on purpose, and they're often surprised when they upset other cats.


    They were taken into the clan as a practically newborn kit found alone on the edge of StormClan's territory. They're assumed to be the kit of a loner or rogue that abandoned them. Without a family to raise them, all of the queens took care of them as if Smokekit belonged to all of them at once. They came to view the entire clan as their family and even as an adult they are perplexed by the concept of small, clearly defined family groups.
    As Smokekit grew older, they developed a love of the sea and the sky. They reveled in the foggy weather and stormy winds of the coast. They loved the sea birds (even though seagulls tried to eat them on multiple occasions) and they loved the fish. They hoarded shells and pebbles and little bits of wood that washed up onto the beach. The little scuttling crabs were much more fun to play with than the other kits were.
    As an apprentice, they became very proud of their ability to leap from stone to stone and climb steep jagged cliffs. They had an excellent sense of balance which helped them keep their footing on uneven terrain. Pebblestep, their mentor, encouraged this. She felt that a warrior of StormClan should be sure-footed so they could hunt and fight in even the most treacherous areas of the territory.
    Even as good as Smokepaw was at keeping their balance, they have slipped and fallen on wet rocks. One particularly bad fall resulted in the scars on their chin and lower jaw. Luckily, no bones were broken and the injuries healed without much trouble. Smokepaw definitely didn't learn their lesson, though, and they continued leaping recklessly across the territory.
    Smokepaw was good enough at hunting and fighting. Although they were not the most skilled apprentice of their age (not even close), they were definitely competent and, in most cases, more than capable of preforming the basic duties of a warrior. And that was enough for them, they didn't particularly care about being the best or pushing themself to rise above "competent".  
    They're now starting to get comfortable as a warrior. They've figured most of it out and they're beginning to settle into their role. Smokesight has become noticeably more comfortable within the clan now that they have a permanent role. They do their duties adequately and they're content with that.

Bans: dmab tortoiseshell


- Smokesight has Klinefelter Syndrome (xxy). They're infertile, but they don't know this and they're not inclined to have kits anyway, so they wouldn't really care.
- They have slightly weaker bones than most cats because of Klinefelter Syndrome. They're more prone to broken bones but so far they've managed to avoid serious injury.
- Their thick fur repels water. It isn't completely waterproof but it keeps them dry during light rain (extremely heavy rain can still get through) and it dries quickly when it does get wet.
- They have very thick, rough paw-pads and corse fur on their paws. Smokesight can walk on sharp stones easily but clods of dirt and sand tend to accumulate on the undersides of their paws. 

design note: their original design has a small moon-shaped white marking on the forehead. i have removed this for the roleplay group as i felt it would not fit with the worldbuilding.

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