Yu-chyan — [HRTD] Rei Futabatei

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Published: 2017-06-30 18:02:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1727; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 5
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Super late.. .fuck.. .im just done

 0.1 █ BASICS

"Two is ALWAYS better than one! Juts like cherries they come in pairs! Kinda like friendship don't you think!?"Name: Rei Futabatei
Alias: 022/ Fuuta/ Rei Futatsu (its her online name)
Age: 17 
Gender:Female [she/her]  
Date of Birth21th December [Sagittarius ♐]
Ethnicity Japanese
Height: 155 cm / 5 feet 
Weight: 48 kg / 105 pounds
Blood TypeA+

 0.2 █ SCHOOL FILE"There are SOOO many new things to learn out there! And sooo little time! I wish we didn't need sleep, we are missing out on so many wonderful adventures because of it!"
01. ❙❚ Ultimate Talent: 

❙❚Game Developer❙❚

A Game Developer is a person who, simply put, makes games. They develop and engineer video games. Rei is one of a kind, well known for her fun dynamic games and stories. Rei makes games suitable for all ages, and skill levels. No matter who you are, the controls and dynamic cameras would suck you into the game, and you simply wouldn't be able to stop. The storylines for her games were unique and exceptionally fun. Rei has created many free-to-play pixel rpgs, and horror/adventure games, all with considerable following. However, the thing that really made her popular was being a lead developer for the acclaimed MMO, “Elkinfe”, which received over 2 million downloads and over 1 million active players.

02. ❙❚ Dangerousness Level: 2

03. ❙❚ Trial skill: 

❙❚Reality Check:❙❚
“Guys this isn't the time to argue over who has bigger. . ." cofs "pants. . .The point has been lost let's Re-cap!” 

Rei is an organized individual, in mind as well as in life. She can easily distinguish important information from non important information. When arguments get heated and people start losing point, Rei can easily calm the situation down and put forward only the most important information, which in turn helps guide the dispute in the right direction and back on track.

04. ❙❚ Inventory: 

▎MP3 with a cherry keychain (8GB all filled with Music, and a cherry key chain her mother both her once)
▎Mostly used tissues (ew)
▎One pack of used tissues (smells like flowers)
▎Few Hairbands (5 yellow Headbands)


"Sometimes we feel the need to hide things from each other. . .and that causes more problems! I think everyone should always tell the truth! Cuz then we can all be honest with ourselves and eachother!"


[Rei is very determined, and will do anything she sets her mind to. Even if people tell her she shouldn't or it’s a bad idea. Until she proves to herself and others that she is capable of doing it, she won't stop trying. ]
+ Honest+
[Rei will tell you what she thinks and, if she believes it’s something that you don’t wanna hear, or it will hurt you, she will sugar coat it and make it sound sweet.]
[Whether it be her goals, or relationships. Rei is very committed. She will put her everything into tasks, and will try to keep up with any relationships she's made along the way. She won’t stop until she is satisfied with her accomplishments] 
[Rei is very easygoing and approachable. She has no problem communicating with fresh faces, so it's very easy for her to make friends.]
[Whether she's scared or not, Rei will fearlessly go on. She will stand up to whatever danger she might face, and fight for what she believes is right. She has a very strong sense of justice and if she believes you were wronged, she will do anything in her power to fix your problems.]

[Rei is not really somebody who you would call normal. She has her own special way of dealing with, well everything. If you insult yourself or others, she will first warn you, then beat you up. After, she will literally kiss the spot she punched. Rei believes pain is best medicine, and best way to teach people. Even though this may seem a bit odd, It’s how she expresses certain things, although in her own special way.] 
 >[Rei doesn't stress about things she can't do anything about, she simply relaxes and shrugs it off with a smile, if its something simple. Rei is very informal, she doesn't care who or what you are in society she will treat you like everyone else. She is a person who doesn't pay any attention to fashion and dresses comfortably.]
[Rei changes her moods fast, from happy to angry then to sad. While she is usually happy, there are certain actions and conversations that can trigger her anger or sadness.]
[Rei loves to be around people and socialize. Everyday she needs to go outside or see at least one of her friends during the day, or meet somebody new. She loves spreading positive energy to people around her and thrives to see them smile. But Rei also has the need to constantly have that contact with humanity and dislikes being disconnected from others.]
[Rei believes there’s a way out of any situation and a light at the end of every tunnel. She has no problem keeping spirits up and will find a million answers to one problem just to make a hopeless situation more hopeful.]

-Impulsive -
[Most of the time, Rei rushes in to everything without properly assessing the situation. However, most of the time it won't become that big of a problem.]
-Stubborn -
[Rei simply won't accept that she did something wrong, if she doesn't believe so. You can show her proof, or explain in a matter of different ways, however it won't change her view.]
[she loves to fight and compete in anything. Whether or not she has a chance of winning she's not backing down.]
[If she gets pissed, be ready for payback because she will not let it go. she will go to any lengths necessary to pay you back with interest. She likes to get creative with payback, ranging from pranks to hacking and virtually destroying you.]
[Rei will confront anyone she believes is wrong and has no problem resulting to violence if people don't listen to her. She demands respect from people.]

01. ❙❚ Likes: 
Cherries [“They always come in pairs, like friends! Plus they are delicious!”]
Badges (“They are cool and colorful! Colors are nice!”)
Plushies (“They are soft and cute! I can sleep on them”)
Horror (“Games, movies, stories you name it! It's so thrilling to be scared sometimes you know!”)
Games (“Games are fun way to kill time and meet new people online. MMOs are especially fun! Well as long as you don't hacked!” //a scary laugh left Rei's lips//)
Books (“Depending on how their written, they can be fun and exciting!!”)
Writing (“A lot of fun, and helps me relax!!”)

02. ❙❚ Dislikes:
▎Biting Nails (“gross.. How can live with yourself!”)
▎Birds (“They have very cold and soulless eyes! Ugh! And mom told me they eat eat dead people. . .gross!”)
▎Bullies (“people who enjoy making others feel less then them should be punched really hard.”)
▎Messes (“How are you supposed to find anything or do anything in a mess!!”)
▎When Cherries are separated (“w-what is this abomination?! Where’s it’s friend!! WHO DID THIS!?”)
▎When people underestimate her because of her size (“DON'T THINK I CAN’T BEAT YOU UP JUST CUS’ I'M SMALL!!” //cracks knuckles)
▎Self Deprecation (“everyone's worth something! There isn't a single human that is worthless!!! SO DON'T EVER CALL YOURSELF USELESS!!” //punches you)

03. ❙❚ Hobbies: 
❚ Writing (Rei likes to write stories in her spare time. Sometimes its just for fun and sometimes she makes stories for her games)
❚ Joga ("Gotta keep fit you know!")
❚ Evening runs (It's another way for her to stay healthy and moving, she has too much energy so this way she tires her self out)
❚ Programing (As strange as it seems, its her favorite hobby. Rei loves making new programs and improving her computer skills.)

█ █ █Biography: 

Rei was born into a standard family, 13 years after the tragedy. Her mother was a veterinarian, and her father a construction worker. The family was small, but happy. Rei didn't have any extended relatives left after the tragedy. Some were known to be dead and others, they assume, are out there somewhere. Her mother was a woman with a very strong will, and determination, which is what kept her alive through the chaos. And her father was somewhat of a muscle head, with a heart the size of the earth. Their hope for a better future kept them going day after day. The couple were each-others light in the dark, cold world that was riddled with war. That light only shone brighter when Rei was born.   
Rei was a little ray of sunshine, a new hope for a bright and better future. They promised they would protect her and give her the world on a silver plate if she so wished. They never wanted their daughter to see the ugliness and horror of what the world had become.

6 years later, just as Rei started elementary school, her father got into an accident that ended his life. Her mother was devastated and almost fell into depression, but she looked at her only child, whom she loved, and pulled herself together. She promised that Rei would continue to have the best life she could offer her. From that day on she lived only for Rei’s sake, to raise her to be an honorable, kind, strong, bright and happy girl. She raised her with a firm hand but a kind heart.
Rei became very attached to her only parent. She idolized her mother, everything she is and knows today was thanks to her. Rei would do anything for her and she would do anything her mom tells her to do.
As the girl grew, she gained many friends, but none compared to one. That one was a shy girl she met when she was 10. Takeo was one year older than Rei, but the two got along like sisters. Takeo, who was usually shy, became more open and loud around Rei. And Rei, who never backing down from a challenge, liked to bicker with her. Their friendship was one of a kind and they were inseparable.
When Takeo showed Rei games, and got her hooked. The younger found herself in love with MMOs and played them whenever she found time. Rei certainly was a salty person so whenever she felt something was unfair she ranted to Takeo.
One day while playing one of her favorite games, she found out her account has been hacked. What irritated her even more was that the person who hacked her was taunting her. It triggered her saltines. So she ranted, cried and moaned to Takeo. As the older girl listened to her friend rant and rave, she simply decided to motivate her friend to do something about it. “So Rei, if he annoys you so much why don't you do something about it?”

That flipped the switch. 12 year old Rei sat down in front of the computer, and put all her free time into learning how to program, the basic knowledge that was needed before you begin learning anything more complex. As she looked for information Rei found that programming was much harder than just a few 1s and 0s. She found some good free programming courses online. Programming was a useful skill to have, especially since her mother didn't know anything about it, since she was more of a ‘mend the wounds’ and cook kind of person. What Rei had learned first, is that she would need to know the programming language. Though thanks to her good math knowledge, there wasn’t as much sweat and tears as their could’ve been. 
It was hard and confusing process but while she was working on it she learned to be patient and calm, and slowly process the information given to her. Through all her gained knowledge and experience she learned how to hack, and prevent herself from being hacked again. Rei isn’t great at hacking, she knows the basics enough to low-key hack, some online games that have bad protection and computers that don't have firewalls. After a year and a half, she hacked the hacker and left a note of warning “never hack me again fucker or i will destroy you! Signed: 022” but, she wasn't done yet she wanted to make sure she wouldn't be hacked again. So she got firewall protection. Rei know had some programing knowledge, she wasn't great but good enough.

At 14 Rei realized the knowledge she had allows her to program a game of her own. So she read up on what was needed to make a game. Rei wanted to make an MMO, but as she began she realized it's much more complicated than it seemed at first, and her skills weren't at the level where she could make MMO’s. So instead she decided to make a pixel RPG, it's easier and perfect practice for a beginner, and softwares were easy to obtain for making them. Since coding and story wasn't all that made a game, she asked her friend Takeo to do the art part of it. Long days and nights were put into making the game  work and run as smoothly as possible. After they ran and tested the game Rei decided to take it to her IT professor for consulting. In his professional opinion the  game was good, especially for such a young age at which she was able to achieve it. Thus he told Rei to send the game to an on ongoing “best game” contest at the time. Rei’s game “Legend of Zock” won first place in the contest.
Rei was encouraged to work and make more games. The girl was interested more in the storyline of the games, she had great ideas for how the camera and mechanics of the games could work. 
As she progressed her games become the biggest hits in the gaming community, some were free to play pixel rpgs and some, more advanced were sold online. They ranged from first person shooters to Adventures and Visual novels. On every project she worked on, Rei collaborated with all kinds of people that helped with 3d models and concept art and programing the harder mechanics she couldn't make herself.

As Rei grew in popularity and made more and more games she became a well known game developer, so popular that a big game company at the time wanted her to work for them. But everyone agreed it would be best to wait till Rei was legally an adult since by this time she was only 16.
Rei believed that by now she had enough experience and knowledge to try and make her own MMO. However it was such a huge project, that one person alone wouldn't be able to make it. So Rei called up her acquaintances she meet at the contest and people that she was introduced to thanks to her games. A team was formed and Rei as the leading developer made one of the most popular MMO’s named “Elkinfe”. Thanks to Rei’s popular sold games and donors, “Elkinfe” had the budget it need to pull through. And they got even more money after the game's release, so much the whole team become rich and Rei even more so for organizing the whole operation.

Her growing popularity eventually caught the attention of the most prestigious school of the world, Future's Road Academy. The agents came to her house and invited her to join the school under the title of “Ultimate Game Developer” at the age of 17. They gave her a day to think about it, tho the girl didn't really need it she already knew her answer. Rei was blown away by the invite, i mean she knew she was good but, god damn, was she really that good?
Her mother, and best friend Takeo were ecstatic for her and encouraged her to follow her dreams. It was where she was meant to be and what she was meant to do.

Even though she was nervous, Rei held her head up high, with pride and bright hope for her future. She said her goodbyes to her mom, friends and life she knew up until then, and took her very first step, followed by a full blown run into a bright and hopeful future that was surely waiting for her.
. . .and so exactly 30 years after The Tragedy, history was about to repeat itself once again. . . .

❙❚ Her signature is  because it spells out her online name (0-Rei;2-Futa;2-Tsu)
❙❚ Voice Actress: Hanazawa Kana  (as black rock shooter) This is Rei singing  (if u are curious)
❙❚ Theme: Flow- Go!!!
❙❚Games Rei made:
❚ Rpg:

“Legend of Zock” 
“Corpse Gathering”
“Allen Mare” 
“Witch’s Household” 
“Dang-Gun Roomba” 
“Arse Creed”
“Noisy Hill” 
“Call of Burden” 
❚ MMO:


❙❚ She is allergic to pollen (not too bad but she does sneeze a lot in summer)
❙❚ Rei cant sing or dance to save her life but she stills enjoy doing both non the less
❙❚ Her favorite color is Yellow~
❙❚ While she is good at house chores she is very very bad at cooking!
❙❚ She is a salty loser and hates it when people act all ‘high and mighty’ with her
❙❚ Rei is an organized person, in head and in life. She was raised doing house chores and picked up a lot of skills.
❙❚"During day time i'm a husband but when the sun goes down, that's when i become a magical girl!" //wink
❙❚ Rei was born and raised in Kyoto

 0.4 █ RP

"You should wear your flaws so that everyone can see them and be proud of them! Cuz then when people see them you become that much more amazing!! And its what makes us all human, we are all the same just different shades of different colors!"

01. ❙❚ Timezone: CET [UTC +01:00]

02. ❙❚ Availability: All the time, but Fridays are usually no good for me
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Comments: 1

BlueBlueFox [2017-07-10 06:34:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness I love her?? So much??? And her talent's a compliment (complement? cousin?) to my boy's!!!
I hope to get to know this lassie more +v+

👍: 0 ⏩: 0