This Print is Available on Society6
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!
Did you have a nice new year's eve? Have you decided this year's ambition?
| Year: January 2014
| Size: 56.3 x 43.25 (cm)
| Medium: Digital (Photoshop, Painter)
This artwork was inspired by artificial reef .
The other day, my boyfriend was involved in searching about artificial reefs. In a short, artificial reefs are ships, tanks, tires, and special-shaped artificial stones which are laid on the sea bottom to preserve the sea environment. He showed me some documentary videos about this topic. Those artificial reefs showed the beauty of coexistence of nature and the human world.
This is for my new year's card.
This artwork is supposed to be uploaded January 1st. However, it was January 2nd when I get back normal condition from the whooping-it-up in the night of the new year's eve. (Oh, well, I should stop excusing.)
I put merry-go-round in the composition, because hose is 2014 Eastern Zodiacs Sign!
This painting video on YouTube!
As I mentioned on the previous post, I created my channel on YouTube.
I uploaded a video of the painting process of this artwork . Its length is 3 and half a minute, so it won't steal your time so much. Enjoy!→
A New Year's Card featuring this artwork is downloadable!
You can download it from my Loftwork page! Enjoy
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