YumKiwiDelicious — Fireflies in Central Park: Chapter 30 [NSFW]
Published: 2012-07-06 00:49:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 185; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 30: Helping Hands

"I's just wanted ta say that…yous is a really great goil," Spot murmured, keeping his eyes locked with hers.

"R-Really?" she asked, chest tightening up. The older boy nodded, and scooted even closer so that their bodies were pressed together in the cold night air. Leech's breathing hitched as warm spread through out her. She could practically feel herself growing warmer.

"And I's know I wasn't the nicest to ya when ya first got ta Brooklyn, but I came up heat a ask ya if…yous wanted to be my goil."


Firefly cried quietly feeling weak as she stood again and watched Spot be beaten back by Fin. She didn't know why, but he was getting weak. She shook her head, again walking to the side to see everything from a different perspective. Henry went to follow her, but she held him back, not wanting him to be too close to the two boys. He didn't need to see the blood smeared over the left side of Spot's face.

Leech was having trouble concentrating but she knew what Spot was asking, and she knew her answer. She nodded slowly, her head swimming from all this news. Spot smiled again, and she knew there was nothing in the world she liked more than his smile. Not even money could beat it.

She watched, transfixed as Spot landed a solid upper cut to Fin's jaw. The boys eyes rolled in his head as he fell to the dock. He rolled onto his stomach, arm disappearing as he wrapped it around himself.

"Give up, Fin," Spot panted, sweat dampening his forehead. "Yous lost." Fin didn't answer, seeming to curve into himself as he tried to stand. Firefly frowned at his back as a feeling of dread settled into her stomach. Something was definitely wrong.


"Your goil?" Leech gasped, sweat starting to appear on her brow. Spot nodded, smirking a bit now.

"Yeah. Yous could be like da queen a Brooklyn…if ya want to that is."

Leech was having trouble concentrating but she knew what Spot was asking, and she knew her answer. She nodded slowly, her head swimming from all this news. Spot smiled again, and she knew there was nothing in the world she liked more than his smile. Not even money could beat it.

"Yeah, Spot," she whispered, leaning forward. "I do want to."


As Fin began to stand, his back to Spot, Firefly noticed his arm was back his side, large hand curved around something she couldn't see. He took a moment to catch his breath, hunched over his knees as spot waited for his reply. Firefly shot a wary glance at Patches who had been watching her facial expressions for the last minute or so.

"Ya know, Conlon," Fin laughed now, sounding out of breath as he straight completely and turned his head up to the sky. "Yous was always too big fa ya own good." Spot shot Firefly a confused and worried look as Fin turned slowly, the thing he held in his hand finally becoming visible…


The two moved even closer, Spot leaning over her small frame. She kept her eyes locked with his as she tilted her head back so he could reach her lips. When their skin finally touched, Spot could feel how hot she was at the moment of the kiss.


"Knife!" Sparks yelled too late as Fin dived forward. Firefly screamed as Spot barely dodged it falling to the planks before picking himself up quickly. He glanced at her as her mouth covered her mouth in shock.

Again Fin dived for Spot and again he dodged it, again facing his newsies. Firefly lowered her hands to her chest, feeling like she couldn't catch her breath as she watched Fin flip the knife dangerously from hand to hand. Looking back to Spot she saw that he was staring hard at her, his eyes stony to everyone else but open to her.

"Spot, catch!" Baby-Face yelled suddenly, tossing a knife into the air. Spot's eyes snapped away from Firefly, breaking the connection as he reached an arm up to catch it…leaving his front exposed as Fin dived forward again.


He moved to run a hand through her hair and she shivered. The kiss was tender and Leech felt treasure for the first time since her mother died as Spot cradled her head in his large hand.


After that things began to happen all at once. Firefly screamed as Fin drove his knife into Spot's side just as he caught Baby-Face's blade, hilt first. Yelling in pain or fury, Spot brought the knife down hard and fast, driving it into Fin's chest fiercely. The world went suddenly still and quiet as the Bronx newsies eyes widened and he backed away, knife no longer in hand as it was buried in Spot side.

He looked at the knife protruding from his chest in shock. Blood was quickly spreading out over his shirt, turning it a frightening red color. Firefly watched, merciless as he staggered back, hand reaching up to grab the hilt. He didn't have a chance to pry it from his chest before he fell to the dock. Dead.

Firefly immediately turned back to Spot only to see him swaying dangerously. Rushing to his side, she propped her shoulder up under his own, trying to support him. "Spot," she sobbed. "Are ya alright?"

He didn't answer as he stared into her eyes blearily. Firefly barely noticed as Slick, Dash, Fish, Dash, Mits, Fly, Ace, Bull, Ash and Baby-Face rushed by her to get help leaving her with Spot, Henry and Patches. Spot lowered his head slowly drawing her attention to the hilt of Fin's knife that was sticking out of his side.

"Oh God."


Pulling apart the two smiled, Leech's face flaming in the cold air. Spot moved in for another kiss to which Leech immediately complied, smiling as she moved forward. Spot smiled in return, realizing how right this all was.


Spot winced, arm tightening around Firefly's shoulder as he grabbed the knife and yanked it out in one swift motion. It clattered over the wood planks as he tossed it away from them. He looked paler than Firefly had ever seen him and she wiped a hand over his sweaty brow.

"You're gonna be okay now, Spot, see?" she said lowly, her arm wrapping around his middle to rest on his own over the wound. "We're gonna get ya all fixed up, no problem."

Spot looked at her now as if just noticing she was there. She cried, tears flowing from her swollen eyes as he swayed again, making them both tumble a few steps backward. He stared at her still, not seeming to notice the dangerous amount of blood her was loosing as he took his hand away from the wound. Firefly curse, trying to ebb the blood flow on her own now as his hand came up to touch her face.

"Firefly," he whispered hoarsely. She looked up at him, knees starting to shake from supporting him. He smiled at her, as if they were back at the party and not standing on a bloody dock in the middle of the cold night air. Firefly sobbed as she herd thunder roll across the sky. Could this night get any worse?


Their lips were only centimeters apart when Leech suddenly felt dizzy. The look of confusion barely registered on her face before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell backwards onto the roof, everything going black in the cold night air.


"Spot?" she sputtered as his face suddenly went blank. He slumped forward and she gasped as his dead weight was suddenly placed all on her. She yelped as she felt herself stagger back towards the edge of the dock. She'd barely glanced over his shoulder to cry for help from Patches when she felt her bare foot slip into open air and she and Spot went crashing into the freezing cold water.

The water felt like a thousand knifes piercing into her flesh, her face hurting the worst as she wrapped her arms firmly around Spot. Her large dress quickly became water logged and began dragging them down. She couldn't see anything in the dark murky water and her legs were too tired to kick both her and Spot back to the surface. As if from far away she heard the splash of someone else diving in above them. She tried to find the person, cheeks full of air as she struggled to hang on to Spot.

A hand wrapped around her upper arm in the dark and tugged. She kept her grip on Spot as the hand disappeared and a set of arms replaced it, wrapping under her arms. She could feel the force of someone's legs kicking near her own, but it was no use. They were too heavy. Her chest was beginning to feel like there was an elephant sitting on it and soon she opened her mouth, letting all the bubbles cascade around her face, soon replaced by water that poured into her mouth. She was drowning

Then from above her she faintly heard four more splashes and suddenly she was covered with hands. She tried to struggle as Spot was pulled from her grasp but her arms were too heavy, her head beginning to grow as foggy as the water she was in. With the help of all the hands, she and Spot were quickly breaking the surface of the river and Firefly gasped as she took in the sweet oxygen, quickly beginning to cough up all the water.

Blinking she saw that Racetrack, Jack, Mush, and Kid-Blink were the ones that had come to their rescue, and that Patches had been the arms trying to save her in the first place. Up on the dock, the rest of Manhattan and Brooklyn had appeared, all reaching out helping hands to pull the Brooklyn royals out of the freezing cold water.

Dutchy grabbed her by her elbows, pulling her clear of the water with the help of Ash and Sarah. She noticed Bumlets and Skittery taking Spot from Jacks hold as she was placed down on the docks. The Brooklyn leader was almost crowed surfed out of the water, passing through the hands of Pie Eater and David and Bull and many others before being placed in the center of the circle of newsies. Boots helped Firefly to her feet as she staggered towards her king.

"Spot!" she sobbed as she reached the center of the crowd. She fell to her knees beside him, head going over his chest to listen for a heart beat. She couldn't hear anything over her own sobs however and began beating at his chest weakly. "Spot! Wake up! Please!"

She buried her face in his shirt sobbing desperately as she hadn't done since she'd found her mother dead. A hand rested on her soaked head and she somehow knew it was her brother. She ignored him, crying loudly as Manhattan and Brooklynites alike formed a circle around her and Spot.
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Comments: 1

Beatothegolden08 [2013-05-20 18:34:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm actually crying~

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