yustrology — P-N :: Kei Hisakawa

Published: 2018-02-18 04:27:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1409; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description I'm so excited to see a Persona RP group that follows an original story, ahhhh. Have my boy!! Crossing my fingers to get in.



Name: Hisakawa, Kei

Age: 16

Birthdate: July 3rd

Year: 2nd Year

Height: 5' 4"


Arcana: VI. The Lovers

Weapon: Scythe

Persona: Pyramus

Persona Info: One in a pair of ill-fated lovers from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Pyramus talked to his lover Thisbe through a crack in a wall that connected their houses. They planned to meet up by Ninus' tomb under a mulberry tree, but when Thisbe came, she saw a lion with a bloody mouth. She ran, leaving behind a veil. When Pyramus showed up, he saw Thsibe's veil and assumed she had been killed by a beast. He then killed himself, staining the white mulberries red with his blood.

Level: 1

Resist: Ice

Weak: Fire


HP: 6

STR: 2

MAG: 6

MND: 7

DEF: 2


LUK: 0

AGI: 2



BufuDoes light ice damage to one enemy.

SlashDoes light slash damage to one enemy by using his scythe.

DiaHelps a party member recover a small amount of HP.


likes: cute things, animals, sweets, music, dancing, helping people

dislikes: people talking to him with his earbuds in, spiders, sour things, rough sensations, fire, losing anything


 Kind  Calm  Charismatic  Intelligent  Quiet  Private  Analytical  Obsessive  Self-critical  Guarded  Bitter

Kei has always been one to be gentle and kind to most people. He is always willing to lend a helping hand if anyone needs it, and typically puts those he cares about before himself. He has a cool head, not much of a tempter, and always remains calm in times of adversity. He doesn't raise his voice very often. He is mildly excitable and has a warm personality, often attracting friends and attention with his charisma and intelligence. He comes off as a guy you can trust, and people seem to come to him for advice frequently. Otherwise, though, he doesn't usually spark conversations. He isn't shy, but he is quiet. He is seen as mysterious since he is one to keep details in his life private, and as such facts about him aren't generally well known, and he only discloses information to those who are super close. He has an analytical mind, always trying to figure out the details so he can see how something works. Sometimes this can cause him to be obsessive, and his brain will fixate on things and distract him at inappropriate times. He's very hard on himself. If things don't turn out perfectly or he messes up, he'll beat himself up for a long time. As such, he's very self-critical. He never feels he's good enough. He has a hard time letting people get close to him. He's guarded to a ridiculous measure. It's a miracle if anyone sees more than the face he presents to the world. All of this and experiences from his past have left him feeling very bitter. His unhappiness is usually concealed with a smile since he'd rather eat glass than have anyone be concerned about him.

 tl;dr: (t/w: mentions of divorce, fire, death)   

Kei grew up on a farm. Not being in the know about everything his peers was, a boy named Hiro befriended him and began to culture him in TV shows, music, and especially performing. They took dance and theater classes together and grew very close. Kei's parents divorced, and Kei's mom moved him and his sisters into the city, which allowed Kei and Hiro to hang out more. After a new theater opens up, Kei and Hiro get involved in a lot of productions. Kei got cast in a role Hiro really wanted, and fakes an injured ankle so Hiro can have his role. On the show's opening night, a faulty light starts a fire in the theater, and Hiro consequently dies of smoke inhalation. Kei blames himself for it because if he hadn't swapped roles, he would have died instead. Carrying his survivor's guilt, Kei's mom gets a new, better job in Tokyo and moves Kei and his siblings there, and Kei gets transferred into Kakumu High School.


A simple life is what Kei believed himself to have lived. At least at first. Born on rural lands to farmers in Osaka, Kei was the middle child of the Hisakawa family. He had a younger brother and an older sister, both whom he got along with about as well as siblings could. His relationship with his parents was always a little strained, however. Perhaps he was just a brat as a child, but he always found them to be super bossy and demanding. He didn't particularly like helping out on the farm all the time as it was boring. It fed into a long yearning he held for life off the farm. It was a longing that only grew once he started attending school and meeting more kids his age; city kids to be more specific.

At first he would get teased for always being out of the loop. While there was a television in his home, he didn't watch it very often since he spent the majority of his time outside either doing chores or playing with his siblings. One boy in particular named Hiro would often talk to Kei and ask him to play with him. Kei would usually oblige. Hiro couldn't be anymore opposite from Kei. He lived in an apartment in the city, spent a lot of time inside watching TV and playing video games, and his parents were very lax with him. Hiro was an avid fan of Phoenix Ranger Featherman R, and he would bring the action figures from the show to school and try to get Kei into the series. When Kei admitted he didn't know anything about the series, Hiro was shocked and insisted that Kei should come over to his house to watch episodes. It took a while for Kei to get the permission from his parents to hang out with his school friends, but eventually they caved and allowed him to go home with Hiro. Kei loved hanging out with Hiro and going over to his house, as it exposed him to new media. TV Shows, games, music, it was all new and welcome to Kei.

As the years went by, more friends would come and go from Kei's life. He was always good at making friends, but a lot of them would eventually move on. Hiro was the main constant, as the two were inseparable. There was one day when they had initially planned to hang out after school, but Hiro had to cancel. Hiro's family was one that was enthusiastic about performing arts, and they had enrolled Hiro into dance classes. Before this, Kei had never had any interest in performing arts. He did, however, want to be with Hiro. Once more, it ended in Kei begging his parents to let him take the same class Hiro was in after school. It took a lot of convincing as well as promising to double down on helping with the farm on Sundays, but his parents caved once more and allowed him to take dance classes with Hiro. It was a lot of fun for both of them, and Kei realized a secret passion for dance that he never knew he had.

Their friendship followed like this for many years. Kei and Hiro would take dance lessons together, which eventually led to them joining clubs in later elementary school as well as in middle school and high school. If there was a dance club, they were in it. They also started to take interest in theatre, always joining clubs for that as well and auditioning for shows. They loved exploring new hobbies and interests together. But while Kei's social life was thriving, things at home were tense. His parents had been fighting with each other a lot more as the years went on, and when Kei was in his last year of middle school, it reached a boiling point. The farm was losing money and becoming a lot less profitable, which further put a strain on the marriage between Kei's parents. They decided to get a divorce. With the divorce talk, it made being at home uncomfortable, especially when custody was brought up. Kei would seek refuge at Hiro's place a lot more often, sometimes even bringing his brother and sister with him.

Eventually it was decided that Kei's mother would get custody over the kids. With the money left over from selling the farm and handling the divorce, she managed to find a decent apartment in the city, hoping that being closer to the kids' schools would cut down on transportation costs, thus saving them money. It didn't take long for her to line herself up a fairly decent job. It seemed the pressure of the divorce eased Kei's life a bit, but living closer to Hiro was the icing on the cake. Not having to worry about doing chores on the farm, Kei was found with more free time. It was right in time for word of a new theatre opening that summer. Kei and Hiro were ecstatic since it meant more shows to audition for. They were very involved in the productions at the theatre, usually auditioning for every show. Typically they were just cast in the chorus or ensemble cast. 

During their first year of high school, a theatre production looking to cast primarily teenagers opened up, and both Kei and Hiro wanted the lead role more than anything. Before this time, they had minor disagreements here and there, but nothing put a wedge into their friendship quite like the final casting results. Kei had landed himself the lead role, leaving Hiro with one of the supporting roles. Hiro didn't mean to get as mad as he did at Kei over the outcome, but all he could offer his friend was a curt, flat "Congratulations." before storming off. When they would show up to rehearsal, Hiro gave Kei the cold shoulder. When Kei would try to text Hiro, he would be lucky to get a response. This was very upsetting, but Kei wasn't one to get mad. Instead he was just sad. After all, it was Hiro that got him into dancing and acting in the first place. If anyone deserved the lead role, it was Hiro. Maybe next time, Kei would get the role and then they would be even. Kei put an ace bandage around his ankle and pretended to limp into rehearsal. He told the director that he could only sing and do minor dancing while his "injury" healed, thus getting himself demoted to supporting cast and swapping roles with Hiro.

This seemed to fix things for the time being. Kei revealed to Hiro that he faked the injury so that Hiro could have the lead role, to which Hiro was extremely grateful. He apologized for his attitude and promised that next time, Kei could have the lead role all to himself. With that conflict out of the way, things were back to normal and all that was on their minds was the show. Opening night finally came around, and Kei and Hiro shared a fist bump before Hiro went on to perform. It was going great until partway through the second act. During a dance number, a faulty stage light broke and fell, which started a fire. The fire caught on the curtain and started to spread. It all happened so fast, Kei barely even realized what was going on from backstage. All he knew was that the fire started, there were alarms and panicked yelling, and the next thing he knew, he was outside, watching as the smoke and flame enveloped the theater. He looked around immediately, worried for Hiro's safety, as well as his mother and siblings who had been spectating. Soon enough, his family had found him which was a minor relief, but his dear friend was nowhere to be found outside.

Kei tried to rush back inside the burning building, only thinking of how scared he was for Hiro since he was on stage when the fire started. However he was held back by his older sister and mother. Minutes went by like hours, and fire fighters brought victims out. Much to Kei's horror, Hiro was one of the unconscious bodies brought out and immediately loaded onto an ambulance. Hiro didn't look to be badly burned or anything, so Kei was hopeful. His mother went home with his brother, but his sister gave Kei a ride to the hospital. He was joined there by Hiro's family, and all of them waited with anticipation and hope that they would get good news; that Hiro would be all right.

After what seemed like a lifetime, a doctor came out with a solemn look on his face. He pulled Hiro's family out of earshot. Kei watched them intently, but when Hiro's mother started crying as his father pulled her into an embrace, Kei's heart dropped. He wanted to believe Hiro's mother was just crying in relief, but when she and Hiro's father came back, the delivered the grim news to Kei that Hiro had died, likely from smoke inhalation. Kei sat in his chair, catatonic, the only part of him moving being the tears rolling faster and faster down his cheeks. It wasn't something he could easily process.

Following Hiro's death was his funeral, and as Kei had more time to process what happened, the worse he felt. If he hadn't switched roles with Hiro, then Hiro wouldn't have died. Sure Hiro would have been mad at Kei, but Kei couldn't help but feel that it should have been him. It's guilt that he would continue to have a hard time letting go of. As Kei's first year of high school came to a close, his mother had gotten a better job opportunity in Tokyo. She took it and moved the family there, thus forcing Kei to transfer schools and leave behind his previous life. It seemed to be somewhat of a fresh start. He still missed Hiro dearly and still felt blame for his friend dying, but he knew he had to move on, if not for himself than because Hiro would have wanted him to. The school he was to begin attending was Kakumu High School, and with a heavy heart and his head held high, he tried to carry on. It was all that he could do now.


 Kei bleaches his hair. He tries to pass it off as strawberry blonde, but in reality he messed up and it came out brassy

 He has access to a scythe because his mom ended up with some of the farm equipment in the divorce, and it's kept in a trunk in their apartment.

 Kei became a lot more guarded after Hiro's death because he's afraid that if someone gets close to him, they'll disappear or he'll hurt them somehow.

 He chose a scythe over a sickle because handling it reminds him of dancing.

 He still loves performing, but feels guilty taking part in it. He hasn't quit, though, because Hiro wouldn't want that.

 Kei holds dear a blue Featherman R action figure because it was the one that Hiro gave him as a child.

 Kei's favorite music genres are alternative and rock.

 He loves sweets and can be bribed by them very easily.

 His sister is three years older than him, and his brother is 4 years younger than him.

 catch him playing just dance in his spare time

 He can't cook to save his life.

 He tries not to let himself get hung up too much on Hiro's death, and it doesn't consume his every thought.
 Link to all my app art!! ( sta.sh/219nahnurovc )

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