Zackirie — PMA:: Zarx the ampharos

Published: 2013-12-04 19:22:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 1814; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 4
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Description ::::: Pokemon ::::::
Ampharos #181
::::: Nickname :::::
Zark  , his owner used to call him Fluffy
:::::: Gender :::::::
Male ♂
:::::: Birthdate :::::::
June 8
::::::: Current Age :::::::::
::::::: Orientation :::::::
Bisexual , If he sees something he likes he's not afraid to bite the bait.

:::::::: Family :::::::::

::: Father ::: Aggron mountain man came down and was too much for the poor mated maiden
Mother ::::  Flaffy , Joslin
::::: Siblings :::  Lots of  Mareep little half brothers and sisters

::::::: Relationship::::  

::: Babies::::::
None yet ~

::::: Pokemon Stats ::::::

Faction:::::  Ursa Gang
Current Level::: 45
Nature:::  Quirky  

::::: Moves ::::

....... Iron tail - His tail glows and he deals steel type damage ( Egg move )
........ Power Gem- The jewel on his head glows then he sends out glowing shards from it that deal rock type damage

...….. Discharge- A strong discharge is released from his body sending out an electric charge.

......… Dragon Pulse- A ball of dragon type energy forms at his mouth then he fires it at the opponent.

::::::: Battle Stats ::::::

Sp. Attack:
Sp. Defense:

:: Residence ::
Lumiose City

:: PokeHuman Stats :::

:: Occupation ::

Repairman for the Prism Tower by day.  Karaoke Nights he works at a Cafe.

::::: Town Residence ::::

He lives in an apartment in Lumiose City

::: Appearance :::

   Height: 6'3

   He's tall and pretty lean, has some muscles, long flowing hair. Not much else. He wears black pants, white shirt, yellow jacket, white shoes and his double-looped collar with a red stone in it.
P.S. Glasses are just for show he doesn't really need them.

:: Personality :::  

Zarx will help out a pokemon in need. In public he likes to act flashy at times and look like he's having a good time. As much as he had to fight when he was younger he no longer likes to fight. Given he still trains for battle outside the city at times. He wants to be a protector not a battler. He's actually rather sensitive and will take things to heart ,but probably won't show it. He might frown when you're not looking or cry when everyone's gone. He doesn't cry in front of other's or show weakness. It's just how he is sadly. He doesn't want to show off his weaknesses. He wants to be strong and show others he does not need them. Zarx will let people lean on him ,but would rather never have to lean on others. He used to have some bad trust issues. After a few years his problems with trust  seemed to ease away.

:: History :::

It all started on one fateful day. Joslin the mareep had took a walk away from the herd. Her mate was busy with his buddies and was paying no attention to her when she walked off. The day was calmingly nice. Her eggs were back home in the care of her trainer's hatchery. While going down the path she saw him. The strong powerful male of her desires. The aggron was plenty big and he took to her instantly. There ends the story of the story of how the little lamb  and the mountain man made Zarx the mareep. Of course Joslin's mate was unhappy to have Zarx,but still forgave the little Flaffy for having an afar after a few months.

Zarx grew faster and bigger than the other mareeps at a young age. At one years old he was tailer than his mother, but then again she was a rather short flaffy. Zarx loved his mother. For one because not many of the other pokemon liked him. He was the child of his mother's affair. His real father he never met and his mother's mate told all his brothers and sisters to stay away from him. So spent most of his time helping his mother around the ranch following her and what not. The ranchers that owned them didn't play or really interact with them like other pokemon and trainers did.  No these mareep's were merrily for wool.

As the years went on Zarx was picked on by the older mareeps. Many times he found himself fainted outside in the field after they had ganged up on him. Sick of being beat on he trained alone with his best friend, Shane the Skiddo. He was the youngest of the ranches four Skiddo that had been bought off a friend of the owner. Shane was a perky little Skiddo , while Zarx was still smaller they were almost the same size. The two would escape from the ranch to go train by the stream. They spent hours using attack on rocks and sparing for fun. At the end of training they would both walk back home then return to their fences.

At seven years old Zarx and Shane were best of friends. Shane could freely go where we wanted on the farm while sadly Zarx's fence had been fixed. No longer could he get out on his own. But regardless Shane would bring him things to nibble on and they would still play around even though one was on the other side of the fence, One day the other mareep decided to take action. They came over and forced Zarx from the fence. Zarx not wanting his friend to witness anything that was about to go on cried for his friend to leave. Shane refused to leave as the other's verbally abused his friend. Zarx reused to move or give up on telling his friend to leave. Hoarding together the other mareeps started tackling him one by one. Even though he was stronger there were to many of them for him to handle. Angered Shane started to glow. Evolving into a Gogoat Shane was able to jump over the fence and quickly knock away the other mareeps from Zarx. Loading his friend onto his back Shane jumped over the fence and ran into the woods.

Waking up Zarx found himself at their training spot looking up at a tough looking pokemon. He tried to move ,but found he could not. The go goat offered him a berry then smiled. Zarx looked down ashamed and cried. Why was he so weak? Why did he want to push his friend away when he needed him the most? Shane didn't ask a word as the other sobbed he just sat down next to him and said," Let's run away." This shocked Zarx looking up he could barely believe it. But by the end of their conversation the two decided never to go back to the ranch.

The two went onto the normal way of pokemon living at age eight. They were happy. No longer being forced to wear an ever stone for his fur Zarx was able to evolve into a Flaffy. Shane spent a lot of time picking on his pinkness. So much pink. Zarx hated the pink ,but loved the power. He felt stronger, better, slower.  Two legs took some time getting used to after years of having for ,but he found it easier to sit on Shanes back and get the high berries this way. The two made their home in a small cave. The cave also had some lush bushes and trees. More pokemon started to move in. Life was a good. Everyone worked together in their little community. The young were cared for and the stronger pokemon would both protect and collect food for everyone.

All was well for four years. One day a rare thing happened. A trainer came into the pokemon haven. Everyone was told to hide if such a thing happened,but two little ones got trapped. Shane ran out to protect them. The trainer smiled. Shane was pokemon he just happened to not have. Sending out a sylveon the trainer started to battle Shane. Shane was able to take out the syvleon ,but couldn't handle the charizard that came next. Zarx sneaked around rescued the two smaller pokemon. Turning to his friend he saw as he leaned on one knee wincing. The flaffy's eyes widened. Shane's eyes locked with his friends for the last time. " Run," he said before closing his eyes. Running the electric type shielded his friends body from the poke ball. It bounced off him and Zarx felt the binding around his body, his will being forced. Fighting it with his will he managed to get out a few last words," Bye my friend."

Being summoned out of the ball Zarx looked around to see strange pokemon. Sparking he attacked the charizard that had hurt his friend. The charizard winced just a bit before knocking him down with little to no effort. " Fluffy stop." With the command Zarx froze. Why couldn't his body move? He shaker off the feeling and looked to the trainer with a glare. The trainer offered a hand and he bit it. The charizard used it's tail to send him flying. The other pokemon circled around him. Some tried to calm him, some laughed, some did nothing.

Days went on where Zarx continued to fight the charizard and it's trainer.  With pity the trainers sylveon was the only one to even go near Zarx. It always went something like this.
" You know you could be nicer." The sylveon would say as he licked his ribbon.
Zarx did not answer he just walked into the bushes leaving the other alone. Huffing the other would follow him only to be surprised. The electric type had oran berries in his arms. Passing the eeveelution Zarx walked farther back into the forest where they had walked by earlier. Without a word he stopped into front of a bush and set down the berries. " Here." Out rolled a pair of little panchams. " Pancham! What a good find Fluffy! Master Len will be so pleased!" Bouncing up and down the fairy type knew every pokemon that their trainer did not have and did have. Pancham was one on the not have list for sure. The Panchams ran after the mention of trainer. " Quick get them!" The syvleon was hit with an iron tail. Growling Zarx pushed down the other pokemon," We will let them go." Backing down Brace the sylveon nodded.

After a few times where Zarx had helped out a pokemon in need on the way without the help of their trainer , Brace had earned a new respect for Zarx. Zarx gave up on fighting his trainer after almost a year. Getting to know the other pokemon better he made friends,but was still reminded on Shane every time he looked at the charizard. Sometimes his emotions would explode and without warning he would attack the charizard.

Thirteen years old and he trained beside his trainer. Helping him win battles. Never helping him catch pokemon. We was always against it. So his trainer learned not to bring out Zarx when it came to a new encounter. Zarx grew closer to the sylveon which was one of his trainer's main pokemon. The two would sleep curled up together if it was a nice day for a nap. The two had secrets. They were good friends. Not the same as him and Shane though.

As the years(he's around sixteen) went on the trainer became more power crazy. He started to capture pokemon and sell them Not what happened to then. At age seventeen Brace and him had a talk.
Crying the sylveon looked to the moon," Zarx. You saw what he did today. H-he's." He couldn't find the words they hurt to much to say. Zarx licked his friend's cheek and nuzzled him for comfort," He's changed? I know."
" B-but. How could he have gotten this bad?"
" ……"
" Zarx? Zarx. Zarx!?" The sylveon cried.
" We have to stop this. We can't help him anymore." The ampharos picked up his friends face and looked him in the eyes.

The next day when called out to battle Zarx refused. His trainer laughed and sent out his charizard. The pokemon they were battling had ran away. Staring down each other the charizard and ampharos stayed still. " Blaze use flamethrower." Doing as commanded the loyal pokemon smirked as Zarx winced from the burn. Next the trainer brought out the sylveon. He looked up at the trainer confused then looked to Zarx for an answer. " Brace use Dazzling Gleam." Brace looked back shocked then looked to Zarx.
" Don't do it. You don't have to listen to him."
" Brace use Dazzling Gleam," the trainer said. Brace looked down and readied to do the attack. Zarx backed up in disbelief. Looking away he growled," I thought we were friends."

After being beat until near death by his fellow pokemon it took two weeks before he was well enough to run away. He left without a word to the other pokemon. Weeks of being on the road in poor health took a tole on his body. He became very sick. He struggled to go on farther. One day he just dropped. Laying there on the ground a trainer found him.

Next thing Zarx knew he woke up in a pokecenter. Scared he tried to run ,but his body could only move enough to roll him off the table. The nurse's team of chansey helped him back onto the table. Then he was put under hypnosis. It took a day or two for him to calm down and just accept their help. He spent a total of a week in the pokecenter's care with a boy visiting him each day. The boy upset him at first ,but then after seeing how much the little boy cared for his own little pokemon. Zarx began to open up to humans again first with the little boy then with the nurses at the pokecenter.

When he was well enough to leave Zarx followed the little boy home. At the boy's home he meet to scientist which were the boy's mother and father. The boy was rather lonely and home schooled for various reasons. To keep the boy that saved him company he would even sit though boring home schooling with him.

At age seventeen Zarx was pretty sure he was the only ampharos who could read and do math. Not that it mattered to him at this point in life in life ,but it would later on. The electric type spent his time as a volunteer test subject or playmate of course he still had his freedoms though. When the boy was taking a nap or the parents were very busy with tests he would walk off and find food. Aside from treats Zarx refused to be feed by the family it made him feel like their's instead of just a friend.

When he was eighteen one day while he was out for a walk Zarx felt he was being watched. Looking behind himself he saw a bush russle then something came out. A strange something he had never found in the lab before. But it must have been from the lab. He picked it up and on accident turned it on. He felt strange. Looking down he saw human legs and hands holding onto the technology. The pokemon in the bushes ran away snickering. Left alone and freaked out Zarx took awhile to adjust, also find out how to work the digitech.

He thought out a plan after a few days of what he could do with his new Digitech. Then it hit him. He liked to learn ,but sadly he couldn't do anything before beside watch. Now he could go on with his learning in human math and english. Also maybe he would no longer have to rely on humans.

So he wrote a note to the family saying that he was the ampharos's trainer, he thanked them for how nice they were to his pokemon and that he would let the pokemon come back to see them every so often. He does still go to see them every so often both in pokehuman and pokemon form(not at the same time of course).

Some schooling , some odd jobs, some happy times with humans he met at school and work later and now we have Zarx. Zarx owns and apartment in Lumiose CIty. He still pretends that he's pokemon with a trainer and trainer with a pokemon. His apartment is very small ,but he keeps it looking nice and clean. His days are spent doing the following: working at his two jobs(Repairman & Bartender on Karaoke Nights) , he likes to go for walks in the woods outside the city as a pokemon, taking online courses , taking care of sick or weak pokemon that he can help.

::: Extras :::

:: Notes::
- Zarx shows affection. Causally he will lick and nuzzle when a pokemon. When human he likes to steal kisses and see people's reactions. He's a little bit of a flirt.
- The red orb on his head in pokehuman is just a hair clip. He can take it off.
- He has a lovely singing voice in pokehuman form. During his schooling he was forced to learn guitar by some friends that needed someone new for their band.
- He doesn't eat meat. Ever. He would rather starve.

::: Likes ::::
- repairing electronics
- singing
- berries
- Chocolate
-  little kids
- School
- Smart people
- Hugs
- board games

:::: Dislikes ::::::
- fellow mareeps
- Sylveons
- Charizards
- Strong looking trainers
- alcohol
- shocking people on accident

:: Items ::
- Double-Loop collar with a red stone on it. It contains his room key, credit cardand key to his toolbox for work. The black collar bark is made out of fire resistant rubber. 

::: Relationships :::
Relationship, chart coming soon


:: User info :::

Time Zone:: Eastern Standard Time
Chat Availability:
Skype: I'm on skype even when I'm in school at times so you can find me randomly logged on alot. Feel free to hit me up for my skype.
Chat: I'm on most nights that I can be on. Usually 10-12 is my cut off time I start on around 3 some weekends much earlier.  
Notes: Notes are the only thing I'm not very good with. Sadly
Comment:: Hit me baby. I have a blast with comment rps.

Role-Play Example:: Script and Lit. I'm not very good at multi-paragraph

The pokemon looked around and smelled the air for any trainers nearby. Taking two steps forward he smelled the air again. It was a crisp smell of fallen leaves mixed with the sweet smell of pies from the nearby bakery. Other than some lingering smells of human's that had walked by he sensed no trainers around. Calmly the electric type walked to a water pond and took a sip from the cool , freshwater. He found a rock to lay on as he relaxed in what little sun there was left out.
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Comments: 7

CoulroCarnivalesque [2013-12-10 12:02:43 +0000 UTC]

Wow he's got such luscious looking hair~

I really like his design! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Artistic-Twist [2013-12-10 03:56:24 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh I'd love to RP with this guy sometime<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zackirie In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-12-10 04:12:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm on skype alot cause the chat has an unsettlingly large amount of people in it for me. Or I can do notes. I usually reply when I get the time. Also I apologize for how bad I am at rping before had. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artistic-Twist In reply to Zackirie [2013-12-10 05:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Thats alright with me, I don't do chats anyway. ;w; Notes would be just fine<3 and don't worry, I'm not very good at RPing either<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Slayer-1412 [2013-12-04 23:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Curious, quite curious.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zackirie In reply to Slayer-1412 [2013-12-04 23:51:13 +0000 UTC]

No, no ,no You are in too many groups and you mod them is the worst part. You don't need a new one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Slayer-1412 In reply to Zackirie [2013-12-04 23:55:33 +0000 UTC]

How'd you read my mind? Aha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0