Living in giant burrows that the people call "cathedrals", ghouls live in a strictly regulated society. Even though they are eusocial, individual ghouls display intelligence close to that of humans. They are able to understand and learn human languages, but their own language consists of clicks and squeaks that some people can understand, but cannot be reproduced by humans without magical aid.
Ghouls are highly terretorial towards other ghouls and even humans, which is why the spheres of influence of the cathedrals rarely overlap with those of human cities. Where there is contact, ghouls tend to dig up human graves and attack people, which is why they are frequently killed by adventurers. This has lead to some wars between humans and ghouls.
While most ghouls are strongly connected to their colony and would never think about leaving it, there are some individuals who yearn to leave their cathedrals. Those are called dispersers and tend to mate with dispensers from other colonies in order to start new colonies. Very rarely, dispersers associate themselves with humans, but most humans and ghouls don't trust each other.