Zelutos-Serii — The Vampire Inn
Published: 2005-09-27 09:16:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 349; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 1
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Description The Vampire Inn

                                              Screenplay By: Zelutos Serii

“The world as we know it isn’t really what it appears to be…”

[Camera moves through street, hurriedly, then showing a young woman walking, nervously down an empty, dark street in New Orleans. Dark figures, not able to be seen as anything other than black outlines, can be seen darting through the street behind her. Not knowing she is in danger, she heads into a back ally where, she finds herself surrounded by the black figures, who now can be seen as something not human.]

“Almost everywhere you look, evil is lurking…”

Figure One [grabbing the woman’s arm and pulling her towards him]: Hand over the purse lady!


“And for every evil, there is good…”

[Camera is then moved to behind two figures (Lithium and Niobium) standing on top of a tall building. The big bright full moon is in front of them. Screaming can still be heard from below]

Lithium [looking at Niobium, his hair covering his eyes and face, only his nose and mouth showing]: Should we help her?

Niobium [looking back at Lithium, his red eyes glowing and his pointed teeth outlined by the moon]: I am feeling a bit hungry… Let me handle this one.

Lithium [laughs a bit]: Heh, your always hungry when evil is afoot.  

[Niobium walks to the edge of the building; his long, spiked tail can now be seen moving in a slow sort of ‘wagging’ motion. The camera moves in front of him as he jumps off the building and begins his transformation into his dragon form. Niobium spreads his wings and lands behind the crowd, making a loud noise, and also cracking the cement below him. Niobium folds his wings back and stomps towards the crowd, grabbing the closest member of it in his hands and throwing him into the wall of a building. The crowd stops and the woman falls to her knees. Niobium leans in towards the next closest member of the group and breathes down his neck. Camera moves in front of the member Niobium is behind. The figure’s eyes widen as Niobium opens his mouth and engulfs the figures head in it, completely decapitating it.]

Figure 3 [Backing away from Niobium]: Let’s get out of here!!!

[Camera moves up to beside Lithium’s head as if looking through his eyes down on what is happening. The remaining members of the group try to escape, but Niobium can be seen tearing them apart with his claws, blood running down the slated ally into the street and down the gutters. Lithium then steps to the edge of the building and leaps off, landing almost gracefully on the sidewalk in the street.]

Lithium [camera shows Lithium looking down at the blood, as if hungry now himself…camera closes up on Lithium’s eyes. Blood can be seen reflected in the eyes that show pain and misery…yet a deep sense of caring]: Nio, you aught to be a little cleaner when doing this. You know I can’t stand the smell of human blood…you know I don’t drink it either.

Niobium [Camera is behind Niobium. He turns around, and arm hanging from his mouth]: Yeah, yeah, Lith, you really need to have some fun. You always do things so clean! A slice of the sword, little bloodshed, boy, life sure must be dull for you.

[Camera moves to the woman, just staring at Lithium and Niobium talking. She weakly stands up, holding her purse]

Woman [nearly toppling over, fear in her voice]: W...who are you two?

[Niobium and Lithium both turn to the woman. Niobium transforms back into his human form and they both walk up to the woman]

Lithium [Holding out his hand]: Where do you live? We’ll make sure you get home safely.

Woman [Lulled by the kindness she can see in Lithium’s eyes, puts her hand into his]: I live at –Insert New Orleans Address for an Apartment Here-.

[Screen goes black]

“We are the good that vanquish the evil!”

[The title, The Vampire Inn, fades in, in a wave-like fashion. Gothic violin music plays while the opening credits play over a quick-paced, semi-blurred background of people walking in streets, cars driving down highways, children playing in school at lunch]

[Title screen fades out and a large, dark hotel, with a cemetery beside it, is shown. The full moon in the background gives the inn and cemetery an eerie look, almost as if it were evil. Inside, figures can be seen pacing back and forth in a lit window]

Lithium [Leaning in, examining a decapitated body]: What are these things? I’ve never seen these guys before...Hrmm...It almost looks like it’s half-vampire, half-wolf. Perhaps it’s some sort of hybrid.

Niobium [Playing with the skull of the specimen]: Well who cares anyways. All that matters to me is that they tasted good!

Lithium [Looking at Niobium, a kind of confused look on his face]: Must you play with that skull…it’s kind of unnerving.

Niobium [Laughs as he crushes the skull in his hands]: You always ruin all my fun! Oh well…

[Footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs. Shenwu steps out from the door.]

Shenwu [walks up to Lithium]: Master, how is the examination going? Have you figured out what this thing is? [He kind of looks at the specimen and shakes his head] I’ve done a little research upstairs in the library, but nothing comes up that matches this specimen.

Lithium [Looks at Shenwu, somewhat angry]: I can’t figure out what the hell this thing is. I see wolf, I see vampire. [Sigh] The smell of the blood suggests a half-breed.

Niobium [Smiling]: It tasted like a half-breed. Kind of chewy. [Extends claw on index finger and begins picking his teeth]

Lithium [shaking his head]: Nio…that’s disgusting…Anyways, the sun will be rising in a few hours, tell everyone to get to bed. Nio and I will continue our study and head back to the alley to examine everything there.

Shenwu [Nodding]: All right, master.

[Shenwu exits and his footsteps can be heard going up the stairs. Lithium sits down next to Niobium rests his head against the wall.]

Lithium [Staring at the ceiling]: I wonder who could have created something like this. If it were indeed a vampire-wolf half-breed, then someone would have needed to create it, rather than it be created itself. This would indeed take a mastermind…

[Camera is now outside, behind a dark figure looking in the window to the room that Niobium and Lithium are in.]

Figure: Brother, you will find out soon enough…

[Figure turns and jumps off into the forest]

End Scene.

[It is now the next day, the sun has risen and people are bustling about in the streets, not knowing the events that occurred the night before. Lithium and Niobium walk into the back alley where they had been.]

Lithium [Examining the walls and ground of the alley]: That’s interesting…I can’t smell the blood anymore… It doesn’t even look like anything happened here.

[Lithium kneels down and runs his hand along the ground where blood once lay. Confused, Lithium stands up and looked at Niobium, who is also confused looking.]

Niobium [Looking around for any sign that there was still a trace of some sort of evidence lying around. He sniffs the air.]: It smells different. Someone else has been here since we left it last night…someone NOT human.

Lithium: There’s no point in staying here. We might as well head back to the inn and try and figure out more about that “thing” that attacked that woman last night.

[Lithium walks back out into the street, Niobium following him. The screen changes into a black and white, blurry screen, the camera moving around quite quickly. It is supposed to be depicting a theft scene going on at the inn while Lithium and Niobium are gone. This is a very intense scene.]

Lithium [Stretching, putting his hands behind his head]: I love days like this, so warm outside, sun shining down on the plants, animals skittering around…Uhm…Nio…what are you doing?

[Camera turns around to where Lithium is looking, showing Niobium sitting, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting rabbit. Niobium looks at Lithium and the rabbit hops away.]

Niobium [Looking back where the rabbit was, seeing it’s not there anymore.]: Gah…ARG! Lithy! You let that rabbit get away!!! [Standing up, holding his stomach] And I was so hungry [Frowning]

Lithium [Shaking his head]: Is there never a time when you don’t think about your stomach? I mean, come on, you eat enough in one meal for a week’s worth of hunger time. [Pokes Niobium in the stomach with his left index finger] There a bottomless pit in there or something?

Niobium [Smacking Lithium’s hand away.]: Har, har, Lithy, you know I just work up a lot of hunger in a day. With all that…uhm…eating and such, you know, makes me hungry!

Lithium [Starting to walk again, nodding his head]: Uh-huh, sure. I believe you.

Niobium [Looks into the bushes]: Ah! It’s back!

[Niobium runs into the bushes and out of sight. Lithium continues walking, knowing that Niobium will join him again once he catches the rabbit. Light shines through the leaves, and the rays of light can be seen streaming down from the leaves to the leaf covered ground below. The leaves on the ground crunch as Lithium steps on them. His open shirt is pushed back by the light wind and his long silver hair flails in the light wind as well. A light crunch of a branch in the background can be heard and Lithium shifts his eyes to the right, but doesn’t turn his head. He continues walking and another crunch is head. This time, Lithium stops.]

Lithium [Almost sarcastic]: Did you catch that rabbit yet? …………...Nio?

[Nothing but silence. The wind seems to suddenly get stronger and a figure darts out of the trees and runs into Lithium and back into the trees. Lithium staggers and nearly falls over, but catches himself and looks around. A cut across the cheek opens up and a little blood comes out of it and runs down his neck. Lithium puts his hand up over it and pulls it away, looking at the blood on his hand.]

Lithium [Yelling]: Coward! Show yourself!

[Lithium draws his katana from it’s sheath and looks around again. Nothing but silence again. The wind settles down slightly. Lithium sniffs the air.]

Lithium [With a surprised look]: Could it be…? The scent is the same…it must be… but it can’t be…

[The bushes rattle and Lithium sticks his katana into the bushes. Niobium pops up.]

Niobium [Yelling]: Lith! You nearly impaled me with that pig-sticker!!! Watch where you’re putting that thing!!!!

Lithium [Sheathing his katana and sighing]: Sorry Nio. I was just attacked. I was a little on the edge there.

Niobium [Surprised]: Attacked? By who?

Lithium [Shaking his head]: Not sure. But I do have an idea who it was but…[Lithium collapses.]

[Dream Sequence. Camera fades into a black screen. Scenes of a large building set aflame and people fighting flash quickly on the screen. Lithium is shown leaning on a railing, his bare chest against it. His hands are holding onto the railing and blood is running down his face, arms and chest. Tears fall from his eyes down onto a dead body. The dead body is barely shown, as there is not much left to show.]

“Dreams like this had come and gone for me. I don’t know quite yet what they mean, though.”

End Scene.

[Lithium quickly wakes up and sits up in his bed; sweat running down his face. Niobium walks in and sits on the chair next to Lithium’s bed.]

Niobium [Puts his hands on Lithium’s shoulders, gently pushing him back to lay down again. He then takes the covers, which are partially kicked off, and covers Lithium back up with them.]: It looks like the weapon used to cut you was poisoned. You’ve been out for quite awhile…. I was…worried about you.

[Niobium looks at the ground, like he was about to cry and is trying to stop himself.]

“I had never seen Niobium show so much emotion towards anyone before…this was like a new him, a side no one knew he had.”
[Lithium closes his eyes, feeling very safe and secure with Niobium here. Niobium gets up and tries to hide his wiping away his tears.]

Lithium [with his eyes half-open]: Nio…were you just crying?

Niobium [Sounding accused]: What? Why the hell would I cry! [Turning towards the door] You want anything Lith?

Lithium [Smiling]: No, I’m all right

[Niobium walks out the door, doing a two-fingered wave. Lithium sinks down into his pillow with a big smile on his face.]

I always kind of knew Niobium cared for me like that, but this proved it.

End Scene.

Dies irae, dies illa

Solvet saeclum in favilla

Teste David cum Sibylla

Quantus tremor est futurus...

Recordare, Jesu pie,

Quod sum causa tuae viae...

These words were read to me when I was still a child. My brother and I were always told to remember them, for one day, they would unlock mysteries beyond what anyone else could imagine.

[Flashback Scene. 1495 on a large plantation in Southern Africa. It is night and the big full moon and is seen through the window behind the two boys laying on their separate beds.]

Lithium’s Mother [Sitting at the end of two beds, a young Lithium laying in one bed, a young Zelutos laying in the other. The mother is speaking in a soft, nearly singing tone]: Dies Irae, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla. Teste David cum Sibylla, Quantus tremor est futurus... Recordare, Jesu pie, Quod sum causa tuae viae...Remember these words, boys, for in the future, you may need them to release the lock…

[End of flashback. Camera is on sleeping Lithium.]

I longed to know what those words meant. They made no sense to me or anyone around me. Nothing but lost words in a dead language. That is all they are in this date and time.

[The old inn’s floor creaked as someone approaches Lithium’s bedroom. Shenwu stands in the doorway.]

Shenwu [Looking at Lithium]: Master, are you awake?

Lithium [Opening one eye and looking at Shenwu]: I am now. What do you need?

Shenwu [Walking in and sitting on the chair next to Lithium’s bed]: You remember when you first made me?

Lithium: Yes

Shenwu: You told me that one day you would tell me about your past. Where you were born. Where you grew up. How you met Niobium and everyone else.

Lithium: Old tales, nothing more.

Shenwu: You say that every time I ask. Please master, will you just tell me.

Lithium [Sitting up in his bed, his bare chest exposed]: Fine, if you wish to know, then I shall tell you. I’ll begin from where I was born to darkness, as some call it…

[Flashback Scene: 1499, Large Mansion in Venice]

[Lithium is sitting in a large library reading a fairly thick, tattered old book. Camera closes up on Lithium’s eyes; some text can be seen reflecting in them. Lithium can be heard whispering to himself, but what he is saying cannot be made out.]

Lithium: A half-dragon…Egypt…murder…how horrible…

[Lithium runs his finger along a page, reading something to himself. His eyes widen and he jumps up from his chair and runs out of the room. Screen fades out, then back into Marcellus walking down the main hallway, Lithium following closely behind him. Marcellus’ boots make clunking sounds on the hardwood floors, which are polished magnificently. Paintings with gold frames hang from the walls and the ceiling is one huge painting.]

Marcellus: Why is that you wish to become a vampire?  

Lithium: So I can be with you forever.

Marcellus [Stops walking. Voice sounding sarcastic.]: So you can be with me forever…Tell me, what is the truth!

Lithium: That is the truth! You are all I have left these days. My brother left me, my parents are dead, and you’ve all I have!

Marcellus: And if I do this, you will obey my every command.

Lithium: As always.

Marcellus: Fine, tonight we shall do it.

Lithium: All right, I will go finish my studies.

[Lithium turns and runs off back to the library. Marcellus stands in the center of the main hall, which is a large room with a domed roof, painted with scenes of death and mayhem. Lithium enters the library and back to where he was before. He picks up the book he was reading, folds over the topside of the page he was on, and runs out of the library to his room. He stuffs the book in a drawer. Screen fades out, then to Lithium sucking on Marcellus’ wrist. Lithium is now a vampire. His skin pale, his long silver hair seems shinier. His eyes, even more seducing than before.]

Marcellus: Now, my child, you have been reborn to darkness. Tomorrow night, we shall go out hunting for your first taste of food. But for now, retire to your room and rest.

“But there was no time for rest. I needed to act as soon as possible. However, the next full moon was a month away.”

[Lithium walks out of the room. Marcellus is rubbing his wrist, the wound left by Lithium’s teeth nearly 100% healed. Camera is in front of Lithium; Marcellus can be seen in the background. Lithium has a slight smile on his face as he walks to his room. Lithium lies on his bed, still smiling.]

“I had to wait a month. So during that time, Marcellus taught me to be like him.”

[Flashback Scene: In a dark forest]

“One night, however, I decided to venture out on my own. That is when I met you.”

[A boy, about nine-teen, is leaning over a stream, cleaning what appears to be blood, off his hands. The boy takes a drink of the water after the blood has been cleaned off.]

Lithium [Cannot be seen]: How long do you expect to live like this?

[The boy looks around. Confused, he stands up and turns to walk away. Lithium is seen standing face to face with the boy as he turns around. The boy seems frightened, but keeps a courageous posture.]

Lithium: What is it you hope to achieve by running away?

Boy: To be free of this wretched life. I have no purpose anymore. I am forgotten…useless.

[Lithium steps back with a smile on his face.]

Lithium: What if I told you that I had the power to change all that, Shenwu?

Boy [In an uncertain tone of voice]: I would surely accept it, but I'm not so sure it is possible. And how did you know my name?

[Lithium moves quickly, he is but a blur on the screen. He is seen standing behind the Shenwu, his fangs piercing Shenwu’s neck. Blood runs down Shenwu’s neck and down his chest. Shenwu’s mouth is open, in pain, but doesn’t say a word. His skin can be seen growing pale, as Lithium’s skin seems to radiate with a pink sort of blush. Shenwu’s eyes close and the screen goes black. A few seconds later, the camera is lying facing up looking into the trees. What is on the screen is blurry; the audience can still make out what they are seeing. The camera pans from Lithium, who is now sitting next to the stream, Shenwu, who is lying on the ground. As the camera reaches Shenwu, he weakly sits up.]

Shenwu: What did you do to me? [Silence. Nothing but the birds chirping and the sound of the water in the stream can be heard.] Do you hear me?

[Again, there is no response from Lithium. Lithium stands up, turns around, and walks towards Shenwu. As he reaches his destination, he kneels down and rests the nail of his thumb on his own wrist, then pierces it. Blood flows down his wrist, onto his hand and drips onto the ground. Lithium holds Shenwu in a sitting position with his other hand and holds out the bleeding wrist to Shenwu. Shenwu stares at the blood.]

Lithium: Drink…. Shenwu…

[Shenwu hesitantly puts one hand on one side of the wound and the other hand on the other side of the wound. Shenwu slowly pulls Lithium’s wrist towards his mouth. As Shenwu gets his first taste of the blood, his eyes widen and he begins to drink furiously. Lithium closes his eyes as the blood is now being drained from his body. After a few moments, Lithium pulls away, smiles and sits down; holding his wrist as it instantly heals. Shenwu is now paler than before. The piercing on Shenwu’s neck heals. The audience can see an immediate change in the look of Shenwu’s eyes and face. Shenwu stands up and looks at Lithium.]

Shenwu: When can I have more?

[Lithium smiles and points in the direction of Shenwu’s hometown. Shenwu knew exactly what he meant. Screen fades out into a night sky, full of stars. The camera slowly moves down onto a burning village. Screams can be heard coming from the smoke and fire. Camera is behind Shenwu, who is clinging to a man; his fangs bore deep into the man’s neck, drinking all his sweet, warm blood.]

Lithium: That’s enough Shenwu. Stop when you feel their heart slow.

[Shenwu drops the man’s now dead body onto the ground and turns around to face Lithium. Flames are all around them; everything seems to be on fire. Special Effect: Slow motion. Lithium and Shenwu turn and begin to walk out of the burning village, right through the flames. Lithium’s long silver hair shines brilliantly from the fire and flutters with the heat from the flames. Shenwu’s black, spiked back hair flutters from the heat of the flames as well.]

[End of Flashback: Present date]

Lithium: You stayed at Marcellus’ mansion with us. Soon, a month was over and the full moon hung in the night sky. The sky was free of stars. You had no idea of what was going on.

[Flashback Scene: Roof of Marcellus’ mansion]

[Lithium is sitting on the roof of Marcellus’ mansion. A pentagram is on the roof with a lit candle at each point of the star. The full moon seems to glow a slight red. It seems as large as the roof of the mansion. Lithium stands up and pulls out a dagger with a handle shaped like a coiled Chinese dragon. He holds his arm out over the center of the pentagram and cuts into his hand. Blood begins to pour out into the pentagram. The outline of the pentagram begins to glow and the eyes of the dragon on the dagger glow. Camera Shot: Close up on the hand, which Lithium is holding the dagger. The dagger comes to life and wraps around Lithium’s wrist.]

Lithium [stepping back]: What the…?!

[A portal opens where the pentagram was. The wind kicks up. Camera moves inside to Marcellus, who is sitting in the library. He looks out the window and realizes what’s going on when he looks up to find that one of his books is missing. Marcellus runs out of the library and up the stairs to the roof. Just as Marcellus gets there, Lithium is pulled into the portal, which closes behind him.]

Marcellus: That fool…He stole my book and then he did this…He will pay dearly…IF he returns.

[Screen fades out, then back in to a dark forest. Lithium is lying on the ground, the dragon still wrapped around his wrist. The full moon is high in the sky, still large, only now a blood red. Lithium sits up and holds his head.]

Lithium: Ugh…Where am I?

Shadow Man: You are in a realm of shadows…

Lithium [looks around, not seeing anything]: A realm of shadows?

Shadow Man: Yes, I’ve been here for what seems an eternity. [Slight Pause. Saddened voice] Alone.

[Lithium looks behind him and notices an outline of a person sitting on a rock. He is nothing but an outline; the rest of him is black.]

Lithium: You must be Niobium…

Niobium: What of it…Are you here to cast judgment upon me?

Lithium [Taking a few steps towards Niobium]: No. Not at all. I know what you’ve been through. I know that the pharaoh of Egypt slaughtered your father. I know you then took your revenge. Believe it or not, I know how you feel. My parents were slaughtered when I was young. The only person I had left was my brother…then even he abandoned me. I’m here to save you, Niobium, from this eternal hell. No one deserves to be treated like this.

[Niobium looks towards Lithium. Only part of Niobium’s face can be seen due to it’s the only thing the moons rays are hitting.]

Niobium [Can be heard sniffing the air]: You’re not human, are you.

Lithium: Not entirely. And you’re not either.

Niobium: Where did you learn of all this?

Lithium: My master’s library.

[Niobium turns his head away, now he is completely shadowed again.]

Niobium: I can see that you have my father’s memento. He told me that only a true friend would bring this to me.

Lithium: Memento? You mean this dragon wrapped around my wrist?

Niobium: Yes.

Lithium: Then you’ll come back to the world with me?

Niobium: I’ve no choice.

[Niobium gets up. He can now be entirely seen. He is tall, with spiky blonde hair. His clothing was that of an ancient Egyptian. His upper body was bare. Only a few Egyptian amulets hung on a necklace around his neck. His skin was pale, much like Lithium’s. Niobium walks towards Lithium and stops in front of him. Niobium reaches out his hand and touches the dragon coiled around Lithium’s arm. It immediately reacts and a tattoo appears where it was on Lithium and also the same spot on Niobium.]

Niobium: This is a sign of my eternal friendship.

Lithium: Let’s get on our way then.

[Niobium takes one last look up at the red moon. Lithium begins walking into a new portal. Niobium turns and follows. Screen fades, then un-fades back to the roof of the mansion. Marcellus is standing there.]

Marcellus: And what do you think your doing, Lithium! How dare you bring that filth back into this world!

Lithium: I had to do it. The second I read about him, I knew it was something I had to do!

Marcellus: You’ve damned the entire planet!

Lithium: You’ve damned me, Marcellus.

Marcellus [Now very obviously furious]: How dare you call me anything other than master! I have raised you! Taken you in as my own for all these years. And now you defy me by doing such a thing!

Lithium: And now it’s time I moved on!

Marcellus [grabs Lithium by the neck and lifts him as high as his arm can reach]: Insolent child!

[The point of a sword is held up to Marcellus’ neck]

Niobium: I suggest you put him down before I decapitate you and devour your flesh.

Marcellus: If that’s what you want!

[Marcellus tosses Lithium off the side of the mansion, and it’s quite a ways down. Niobium sheathes his sword, spreads his dragonic wings, which couldn’t be seen before, and dives off the edge to catch Lithium. Niobium catches Lithium just before they hit the ground, and Niobium swoops up, flying along the surface of the ground and into the forest.]

Lithium: Niobium…thank you.

Niobium [setting Lithium down]: I did what had to be done.

“In that moment, I knew Nio and myself would be friends for a very long time.”

[Back to present time, Lithium is still lying in bed, Shenwu in the chair beside him.]

Lithium [looking at the blankets on his feet]: We left him there. I left you there as well.

[Flashback Scene: Venice; Marcellus’ Library]

“I don’t know what sort of things he put you through after I left you there.”

Marcellus [pacing back and forth behind Shenwu]: Idiot! Fool! This is absurd! How dare he leave me! How dare he betray me for that pompous half-dragon! How dare he steal my book!
Shenwu: Master, do not worry.

Marcellus: Do not worry! Do not worry! Do not worry!

[Marcellus walks out of the room, very furious about what has happened.]

“2 months later is when I came back to get you. I struck when Marcellus was out feeding.”

[Camera is focused on Shenwu, sitting at a desk in his room, reading a text. Lithium appears at the window.]

Lithium: Shenwu, hurry, come with me.

Shenwu [looking up from his book, a big smile on his face]: Master Lithium! You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited for you to come back and get me.

Lithium: I’m sorry it’s been so long.

Shenwu: Don’t! Just get me out of here.

Lithium: Right.

[Lithium holds out his hand. Shenwu takes it and Lithium pulls Shenwu out the window and jumps down to the ground below. Lithium lights a torch, and throws it into the window. The house goes up in bright red and yellow flames. Lithium leads Shenwu through the forest behind the burning house and to where a carriage is waiting.]

Niobium: Glad to see you two didn’t get caught.

Lithium: Yeah. Let’s just get going, Nio.

[Lithium and Shenwu jump into the back of the carriage where Niobium already was. As the door closes, the driver whips the horses and they speed off into the night.]

[A few hours later, the carriage pulls up to a dock where a large boat is waiting.]

Lithium: Shenwu, this is your stop. Get on the boat and head out.

Shenwu: But why!
Lithium: It’s too dangerous for you to stay with us. I want you to go.

[Shenwu steps out of the carriage and Lithium close the door. The driver whips the horses again and they speed off.]

“I sent you away for 200 years. It was for your own safety. We left Marcellus behind as well. I’m sure he wasn’t too happy when he returned home to find that his was burnt down. I’m sure he knew it was my doing, but I haven’t seen any sort of revenge since.”

[Screen fades out and back onto Lithium and Shenwu]

Shenwu: You came back for me.

Lithium: Yes. But how long after did it take me? I am truly sorry for putting you through that.

Shenwu: You came back for me, that’s all that matters.

Lithium: I know one day he going to come back to get his revenge on me.

Shenwu: I won’t let him hurt you.

Lithium: No, when that day comes, I will defend you with my life. All of you.

Shenwu: Master, you are so noble. I’ve never seen anyone like you in my entire life.

                                                       MORE TO COME...!!!!
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Comments: 13

Angels-Advocate [2006-07-19 08:29:37 +0000 UTC]

That has to be one of the BEST stories I have read in a veeery...very long time...and the fact that it has well described vampires just makes it all the better! I've been looking for so long for a good vampire story...books, fanfics, deviant stories, ANYTHING...but this kept me up longer than I expected I was going to cause I couldn't stop READING. O_O...

If...if I beg..and cry... and be sad...will you continue?....*sad puppydog eyes*....@-@....pweeeaaaase?...

>.>....aaaand here comes the fangirl-ism...*begins dreaming of Lithy and Nio plushies*....^___^....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zelutos-Serii In reply to Angels-Advocate [2006-07-19 22:05:36 +0000 UTC]

Aheheheheh I'm glad you enjoyed it and was hooked so easily!

Unfortunatly, the real life friendship between Lithium[me] and Niobium[an ex-friend of mine] has ended in a rather....angry manner.....*cough* Anyways, i do have lots of ideas still from back when i began writing it, but it involves things i'm no longer interested in...so i'll probably end up changing it anyways...i may go back and change things in the first part because i was probably too sentimental back then.

And if you feel like drawing plushies, go ahead....*thinks* I wonder where i put my original drawings for Lithium...Mm....lemme go find one...

....here it is! after half an hour of searching, here you go: [link] Chibified Lithium and Niobium. Enjoy, i guess.

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Angels-Advocate In reply to Zelutos-Serii [2006-07-19 23:10:20 +0000 UTC]

GAAAAAAH CHIBIS!!!!!!....nuu...nothin need to be changed...o.o...aww man...whether you change it or not, I still hope you write more. I wish I could have this as a book though...O.o...seriously...hmmm...

Maybe try thinking of Lithy and Nio as their own peoples, so hopefully they don't end up like your own friendship? Cause they pwn so much right now....AAACK gotta freak out over the awesome chibis now. ^__^....

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Zelutos-Serii In reply to Angels-Advocate [2006-07-20 04:39:44 +0000 UTC]

Haha, we'll see how it goes

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IKilledSociety [2006-07-18 06:28:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow.... That was really good! You're a great writer! That was one of the most interesting stories I've read in a loooong time!

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Zelutos-Serii In reply to IKilledSociety [2006-07-18 07:10:43 +0000 UTC]

You actually went through and read it all????

Wow...maybe i should write more!

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IKilledSociety In reply to Zelutos-Serii [2006-07-18 07:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I read it all! I especially liked the part where Lithy met Nio. I'd really like to watch that if it were to air on anything! Maybe if I get flash I can animate it out if you want me to....

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Zelutos-Serii In reply to IKilledSociety [2006-07-18 08:03:49 +0000 UTC]

that would be so cool!!! But the voices...!!! What of the voices?????

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IKilledSociety In reply to Zelutos-Serii [2006-07-18 09:17:02 +0000 UTC]

I have no clue at the moment.... And I need to get flash.... I know how to work the program, it's just that I don't have it.... The voices can either be recorded on YIM through talk, or simulated using a voice simulator....

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Zelutos-Serii In reply to IKilledSociety [2006-07-18 21:00:29 +0000 UTC]

I can get your Flash

*shifty eyes*

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IKilledSociety In reply to Zelutos-Serii [2006-07-19 02:50:37 +0000 UTC]

Really? It'll have to work on Windows Millenium Edition.....

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SpookyCasper [2006-01-12 16:03:20 +0000 UTC]

Interest... *waitsfor the rest* you did a good job on this and I like how the characters conversation are in a nice follow... *tips hat*

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Zelutos-Serii In reply to SpookyCasper [2006-01-12 17:13:11 +0000 UTC]

lol, i don't know if there will be a "rest". It was more of a school thing than a leisure thing. Mmm...well i might add more if i can manage to download Microsoft Word [why the hell don't new computers come with it??].

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