Zer0-hero — FoT- Shin wardrobe/ bio

Published: 2017-08-15 05:23:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 2654; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 2
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Description Ahh, Shin, my beautiful child. I'm finally releasing them to the fandom and I hope you guys love them as much as I do. Regarding their scars please forgive me I am shit at drawing scars and also worth mentioning when out in public they cover up their scars. Also I forgot several of their beauty marks on their different outfits so please forgive that too OTL
Full name: 
Masahiko Himura 

Nickname(s) or Alias: everyday life Alias: Shin or Shiemi Yokai alias: Shinigami Nickname: Old man

Gender: Non-binary ( Prefers they/them terms. Born male. ) 

Age: 21 

Birthday: March 1st 

Sexuality: Pansexual panromantic 

Nationality: Japanese 

Religion: Strongly believes in the Shinto religion 

City or town of birth: Tokyo

Currently lives: Tokyo

Languages spoken: Basic English and Japanese 

Native language: Japanese 

Relationship Status: TBA


Height: 5'9

Weight: 150 lbs 

Figure/build: They have an athletically fit build that's lean but also on the small and  feminine side.  

Hair colour: Dark red close to maroon that fades into a lighter red that's almost pink. 

Hairstyle: They keep their hair long all the way down to their lower back. Its kept in many different hairstyles, from high ponytails to braids they don't wear their hair down fully very often 

Facial Hairstyle: none

Eye colour: Ruby red

Skin/fur/etc colour: Ivory 

Tattoos: Two koi fish and a lotus flower arm sleeve up their right arm, a tribal across their ribcage along with the kanjis for life and death and peony flowers that go down their hip and lower leg.

Piercings: none

Scars/distinguishing marks: They have burn scars on a large portion of their body but none of them are usually visible. Tattoos cover the majority of the scars and the ones they can't cover up with tattoos (the scars on their face) they cover with make up. They also have many beauty marks two on their forehead and many others.

Preferred style of clothing: Varies often. They like minimalist clothes with lots of black that make their tattoos stand out. Sometimes though they wear bright and bold Japanese and floral prints. They also like fashion based on traditional Japanese kimonos and they'll wear both male and female clothes. 

Frequently worn jewelry/accessories:  Larimar tear drop necklace that belonged to their mother 


Smoker? No

Drinker? Yes 

Recreational Drug User? Which?  No

Addictions: Herbal teas and sake 

Allergies: mild allergy to silver

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Often falls into deep depression, has weak lungs, and they're anemic. 

Any medication regularly taken: Doesn't believe in the medicine they're supposed to take for depression and prefers other remedies 


Personality: Shin is a very calm and stoic person, they can remain calm even in the most dire situations. Because of their stoic demeanor they often show the wrong emotion to certain situations and this often makes them appear uncaring. But this doesn't make them an uncaring person they're actually a very caring and passionate person that hides behind an unemotional mask to avoid getting too close to people out of fear they'll end up hurt. They have a very nice and formal way of speaking to those he respects, they're also very polite. Those who really get to know Shin know they aren't a completely unemotional stick. Once they're closer to someone they drop the stoic attitude slightly and start to show proper emotions to situations, they're also sarcastic with a strange sense of humor and offer wise advice when needed.  

Likes: Reading, poetry, plants (they like them and find them aesthetically pleasing but they always kill them. ), painting, art in general, mornings and sunsets, yoga, meditating, antiques, make up, swimming, designing/ decorating things, cats, theater/plays, supernatural animes (death note, Blue exorcist, Soul eater, death parade. ) 

Dislikes: Loud noises, rude nasty people, people in general, fire, getting too hot, being disrespected, the wrong gender terms being used on them, being touched without permission (especially their hair ), most technology

Fears/phobias: Pyrophobia and technophobia 

Favourite colour: Burgundy, gold, black and aqua 

Hobbies: Mask making, painting/drawing, sewing, and interior design 

Taste in music: classical, instrumental, alternative, indie and techno


Talents/skills: They're an excellent martial artist and master make up artist/ mask artist, this makes them a master in disguise that can make themselves and others unrecognizable. They're also an expert actor and manipulator, they can fake emotions and lie without it being detectable. 

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Ability to drive cars and motorcycles, owns a Lexus LC 500 in silver 


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): omnivore

Favourite food(s): Sushi, Gyūdon, Nabemono and Sashimi ( They really like fish and Japanese dishes, they're very proud of their culture. )apples, mochi 

Favourite drink(s): 
Sake, Green tea, Oolong tea, Jasmine tea, and sparkling water 

Disliked food(s): They don't like fried or unhealthy junk food. 

Disliked drink(s): Coffee, soda, any kind of caffeinated drink 


Describe the character's house/home: Their home is structured and decorated in traditional Japanese structures and decorations. They have plants decorating the inside and outside of their house but most of them are fake since they're a plant killer. Part of their home also has a Kamidana alter for at home worship. 

Do they share their home with anyone? Who? TBA 

Significant/special belongings: Their mother's Larimar tear drop necklace, their mask studio, and their daruma that's other eye is painted yet 


Level of education: High school education and currently going to college majoring in art. 

Current job title and description: Mask maker and Yokai leader 


Peaceful or aggressive attitude?   Aggressive when provoked 

Fighting skills/techniques: Expert in different forms of martial arts and very stealthy good at blending in to their surroundings to sneak up on their enemies. They're also a very skilled manipulator. 

Weapon of choice (if any): Scythe, war fans or naginata ( Haven't decided ) 

Weaknesses in combat: Anyone who uses brute force, long distance combat, their weak lungs also give them a short stamina 

Strengths in combat: Close combat, and hand to hand fighting with martial arts and basic parkour skills 


Parents names: Akane Himura and Isamu Amari 

Are parents alive or dead? Dead

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Little sister Akira, died with their parents 

Other Important Relatives: Adoptive father James Williams, and family they are unaware of (3 cousins and an adoptive sister) they also consider the Yokai their family

Partner/Spouse: TBA 

Children: None

Best Friend: -

Other Important Friends: Vanity, Bast, and Kaz (also ex but they're still on good terms ) 

Acquaintances: The rest of the Yokai and Fire of Tokyo 

Pets: Black Persian named Ryuk  


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): 
Masahiko Himura was the first male born to the wealthy Himura family in generations, it was such a big deal that his father Isamu Amari allowed his wife to pass on her last name to their son. Because of the importance of Masahiko being the first born male in generations they were showered with gifts and affection from all of their family, eventually the effect wore off. They were born to two very rich CEOs of a high tech business company so throughout their entire childhood Masahiko only got the best in life, they got whatever they wanted, except for the amount of attention and affection they craved from their parents who were absorbed into their careers and believed buying Masahiko whatever they wanted was parenting enough. Their parents also had them home-schooled because they thought it would 'protect' them when in reality in just made them lonely and have no idea how to properly interact with people, the only person Masahiko ever had to interact with was the family bodyguard James Williams who was the closest thing they had to a father figure since their father was too busy to pay them any attention. To occupy Masahiko's and have to deal with them less their parents pushed them into child modeling and acting that they were very successful in. This all took a toll on Masahiko's personality and made them into a spoiled brat who expected to get everything they wanted when they wanted, if their wants weren't granted they wanted something they'd pitch royal fits, they would also be very disrespectful towards their parents and other authority figures. Life went on like this for Masahiko, they spent their childhood getting everything they wanted except for what they truly wanted, love and affection. 

Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): 
Life took a turn for the worst when Masahiko's little sister Akira was born when they were 10 ears old. Being the new baby of the family what little attention Masahiko received from their parents was now directed on Akira. This gave Masahiko a spark of jealousy and dislike for their sister whom he ignored very often. It wasn't until their parents attention and affection started to slip away from Akira and back into their busy careers that Masahiko finally took interest in their baby sister. They refused to let their little sister go through the bitter loneliness that they went through and vowed to be the best big brother they could be. So Masahiko showered his little sister in love and affection and gave her all the attention they believed she deserved, their attitude even improved as they wanted to be a positive influence on their little sister. All of this was short-lived though, when Masahiko was 13 and his little sister was 3, tragedy struck. One day when all 4 of the family members were peacefully asleep, the unexpected happened, a wild fire broke out into their home. The fire worked quickly burning down their home, and it wasn't merciful to the occupants. The family burnt alive that night all except for Masahiko. James made it for his night shift just in the right amount of time. When he saw the fire he immediately took action, first he called for help then he braved running into the burning house to see if any of the family was still alive. The only surviving member of the family James found was Masahiko, who was severely burnt and on the verge of death themselves. James acted quick and took the boy in his arms and saved them from the burning house only to be burned himself. Both were rushed to the hospital for their injuries and the fire was extinguished, hardly anything survived the fire. When Masahiko woke up they woke up in extreme pain, over 75% of their body had been burnt in the fire. They were also told that none of their family survived the fire that was blamed on bad circuitry and that they would be going into the custody of their aunt Asami despite the fact James begged authorities to let him adopt Masahiko. After Masahiko was healed they were sent to live with their aunt whom they never had anything to do with because their parents wanted to keep them away from her bitter nature. And their aunt turned out to be just as bitter as rumored. She showed no sympathy towards what happened to Masahiko. She refused to take them to the therapy and counseling they needed for the incident and Masahiko suffered through far worst neglect then what they witnessed from their parents, they never got what they wanted and they hardly got what they needed. At this point in their life Masahiko was also realizing their gender identity, they had their hair grown out long and were experimenting with make up and girls clothes. Their aunt wouldn't have this though, she refused to let the first boy of the Himura family in generations do themselves up like a girl. When their aunt caught Masahiko in her room using her make up to cover up their burn scars she had had enough. She struck Masahiko hard enough to knock them out their chair and then she forcefully removed all the make up and cut off all their hair, this was emotionally scarring for Masahiko. After this incident their aunt's attitude became violent and abusive towards Masahiko. On one of her abusive yelling fits toward Masahiko she revealed a horrible truth. It turns out the fire that killed Masahiko's family wasn't accidental at all, and that their family riches weren't earned earnestly. Their aunt revealed that Masahiko's parents success came from a loan from the mafia, that the cellphone product they invented wasn't successful at first until they got a loan from the mafia and made improvements that got the product to be noticed by a large and successful business product eventually Isamu and Akane climbed there way to the top of the business and became the CEOs of the company. They became consumed by greed and when it was time to pay the mafia what they owed they refused to pay up. Payment had to be made and because they wouldn't pay up, so because of this, the entire family's lives were threatened. Instead of paying what they owed they decided to take precautions to prevent their family from being hurt, they moved locations, pulled Masahiko out of school to home school them and hired security guards and got a new security system. None of this did any good though, when none other then Asami revealed the family's location and one of the mafias assassins were sent to kill the family. Masahiko snapped learning this, in a fit of rage Masahiko ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and stabbed their aunt, they stabbed her countless times until she was unrecognizable and lifeless. Then James came by to check up on Masahiko and found the young teen in a panicked state covered in blood next to Asami's lifeless body. James helped clean up the panicked teen and calmed them down long enough that they could explain the situation, they went over everything, from his aunt's abuse, to the details of how their parents made their fortune, to how their family met their demise by Aasami's hands. Learning this James decided it was his turn to take action, he was tired of seeing Masahiko whom he loved like his own child being hurt, he decided that it was time Masahiko got a fresh start in life. James hired someone to erase all records of Masahiko's existence, in order to protect them from the mafia and let them get a proper fresh start. Masahiko was now no longer allowed to use their name and started going under the alias Shin or Shiemi (depending on their mood ). Age 16-18 for Shin was spent healing over their misfortunes, training themselves to be stronger for plans they had, and temporarily living a normal with the help of James who had officially adopted them and took them in. 
Describe their  adult years (20+):
James had all records and evidence of Masahiko Himura removed so it looked like they died with the rest of their family. Thanks to this they were able to now live a normal peaceful life under the alias Shin or Shiemi. All of this was short-lived though when Shin had time to think about all that's happened and who caused it, they wanted revenge and to prevent others from going through what they went through because of the mafia. When they were out on their own they started going into the shadier sides of Tokyo to find out the location of the mafia base, how to get in and what other horrible things they've done. Once they collected enough information, they set themselves out on a mission to rescue a young girl who he heard was rumored to be sold into prostitution by the mafia. James being a concerned father figure found out what Shin was up to and although he didn't approve of them putting themselves in danger to save this girl they knew Shin wouldn't let this go and decided if he couldn't stop them then he could at least help them. Together the two set out to save the girl, breaking into mafia headquarters, it was no easy task the two went through a great ordeal finding the girl. By the time they found her it was almost too late, she was attacked by a man who she refused to sleep with when she was sold off to him. Shin and James took the frightened girl and ran away with her, not without conflict though, mafia guards were sent after them, and they managed to get the girl out safely, but not without Shin ending up shot in the shoulder. James managed to get both Shin and the girl to safety, but couldn't get Shin to a hospital without blowing their covers. Luckily for them though they were followed out by one of the mafia's lab workers  and former army nurse Yuki, after she saw the act of heroism from Shin and James she offered to treat both Shin and the girl. At first Shin refused to take any help from someone who worked for the mafia, but eventually they passed out from blood loss and James gave Yuki permission to treat Shin and the girl. After this event the four of them stuck together and rumors spread of what Shin and James accomplished. Soon after other people that have been wronged by the mafia came to them seeking help and the girl wasn't the only one they went out to save. With some of the fortune they inherited from their parents Shin bought out an old theater building where the group could continue their work with the safety of a hide out. They all continued their work of saving mafia victims and took on aliases and started calling themselves the Yokai when rumors of Fire of Tokyo came up. Eventually they became allies of Fire of Tokyo and Shin continues to work as the leader of the Yokai. 
more tbh

Voice meme: 
Who would do his voice: Takahiro Sakurai ( English: Aaron Roberts ) 
Any particular role he played: Uta from Tokyo Ghoul
Language which he can speak: Japanese and English 

Face Claim:  xing ye zhi
 (c) Kinga-of-Queens NatRaingerMadafakas  egoetrexmeus  Sapphire-Blossom-Mai  Zer0-hero  Mira-chii  JavaJoJo  

Kaz, Vanity and Bast// Kinga-of-Queens  
And I got the wave patterns and the pattern on their kimono from free google wallpapers so credit to that 

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Comments: 13

Kinga-of-Queens [2017-08-21 09:46:47 +0000 UTC]

Look at the most beautiful old man ever 💖

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NatRaingerMadafakas [2017-08-18 23:18:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sapphire-Blossom-Mai [2017-08-15 18:42:00 +0000 UTC]

Shin looks amazing and I really like Shin's bio so far
oh Shin haves old burn scars right? maybe Tamotsu can maybe get along since they both have old burn scars

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rosavampira [2017-08-15 16:57:58 +0000 UTC]

loving his mission outfits

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Peanutso-BuTTer [2017-08-15 09:51:48 +0000 UTC]

*coughs and splutters on tea* heLLO THERE...

In love with this character's design especially his tats...    

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

avrillfan29 [2017-08-15 06:03:29 +0000 UTC]

whoa,,,i'm even more queer
But like,,,I love them so much??? I know I've said that before but I can't help saying it again.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zer0-hero In reply to avrillfan29 [2017-08-15 06:12:51 +0000 UTC]

Good Job Shin, mission accomplished! 

Ahh, i'm so glad you do love them! I've actually been working on developing their character for months(probably closer around a year now), so I truly appreciate any kind of love for them <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

avrillfan29 In reply to Zer0-hero [2017-08-15 06:18:01 +0000 UTC]

i want to marry them, they deserve all my love

!!! That just makes me love them more.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

darkcatt [2017-08-15 05:31:49 +0000 UTC]

What's their animal?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zer0-hero In reply to darkcatt [2017-08-15 05:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, they're not actually a member of Fire of Tokyo, they're apart of the yokai who take on Japanese spirits/supernatural creatures as aliases instead of animals. Their creature is a shinigami though.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

darkcatt In reply to Zer0-hero [2017-08-15 05:37:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zer0-hero In reply to darkcatt [2017-08-15 05:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

darkcatt In reply to Zer0-hero [2017-08-15 05:46:56 +0000 UTC]


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