Zincwolf — Vinci the Draca Elite

Published: 2019-04-30 23:41:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 6164; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 8
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Edit 05/04/20: Update art and bio to Apprentice!

Edit 22/06/20:: Added new information and history update for Apprentice things, allies and scar 

Edit 17/06/21::: Adult update finally! New art to come

Edit 06/03/22:::: Elite update. Information shifted to a word doc because its too long now for da's stupid software 


Name: Vinci - Named after the artist, Leonardo Da Vinci

Title meaning: No longer Subtle, Vinci's passion in both her attitude and her love for her job has exploded into a powerful force only really relocatable to the flames of the mythical reptile itself. Vinci has also been given the name Dragon by her mother

Previous titles: Vinci the Subtle Flame
- Vinci the Dragon's flame


Vin, Vince, Dragon (Rowan) , Hatchling (Rowan) , Vee (Levi), Little Flame (Eligos)

Rank: Hunter/Warden

Closest Allies: (Not including her family, whom she is VERY close to)

Birthday: April 30th, 42BC (2019)

Age: 2 years 11 months

Starting age: Newborn


Jaguar x Lynx x Caracal

When Papa discovers your fort, you attack  
Mud Friends (Part 1)  
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear

 Guard the Captives - Subtle Flame among the embers
 Fight in the Colosseum - An eye.. For a tooth? 
 Patrol the city - A Dragon's path
 Practice Mock Hunt - Running with the Stars
 Mock Hunt - Mock hunt whispers

 Eye of the Beholder - Ambush and Observations  
 The Will of  Hunter - Fate's Hands
 Final Task - Dawn of a new Era

H.U.R.T Graduate as of Feburary 40BC


Ice Empire 

 Magna the Iron Bull  - "An Iorn Bull Fears no Mice " = Apprentice (1 year old) / Puck  Escort, full capture / April 41 BC
- gained her eyebrow scar and the scar on the back of her leg
Silas of Sherwood Forest  - "The first Sacrifice"  = Full hunter. Full capture. 40BC
 Kai the Leaf Boy    - "Fallen Leaves " = Full hunter. Full capture. 40BC

Lightening Empire 
 Alexandria  - "Ambush and Observations " = Full Hunter. Full capture. Assisted by Levi . 41BC
 Liora  - "Sundown " = Full Hunter. Full capture. Assisted by Levi . 40BC 

Shadow Empire 
 Amor the Lovebird  - "The Shadow " - = Full Hunter. Full Capture. 40BC
Borya - These Woods - = Elite Hunter. Full Capture. 39BC
 Wisteria, the Valley of Paradise  - judgement day  - = Elite Hunter. Assist capture with Somnis , 39BC

Stone Empire 
 Sylvius, the Wood Sprite Fool  - "Dying light " = Full hunter. Full capture. 41BC
  Agathodaemon  - "A Failed Sneak"  = Full hunter. Full capture. 40BC

Rogue Empire 
 Yang, the Calming River  - "Dawn of a new Era " = Full hunter. Full capture. 41BC
 Rosemary, the Withering Rose  - "Further Afield " = Full Hunter. Full capture. 41BC
 Compass the Way Finder  - "Sing me a Song"  = Full hunter. Full capture. 40BC

 Sobek The Fearsome  - "Misty River Rumble"  = Full Hunter. Full capture. Assisted by Rhydian . 40BC
 Zita, The Ocean's Tide  - "High Tides"  = Full hunter. Full capture - 40BC  

 Emrys  - One Dusty Day  = Elite Hunter. Assist capture with Odetta . 39BC  

Total: 16 captures (15 official as of 26th Jan 2023)

: Brief Physical description :
When Vinci was younger, she resembled her mother a lot. But as she grew, it became a bit more obvious what traits she had that came from her father - around the face she looks a little more jaguar, as well as the lanky leaness of her bone structure and her long, smooth tail. Her fur thickens up around her chest and neck, and her cheeks are decorated with the long tufts divided half way by a bold dark stripe thats a singniture of a lynx; And Rowan. Her fur is spotted with the occassional rossette, especially her back, where they've curiously murged togeher in some places to form a large pattern from her ears to her lower back, some more spots merging into V like marks from above. Her size was vastly influence by Mihail as well, and she's the second largest of the siblings, Amity being the smallest while Inky, being a fraction bigger then Vinci, is the largest. Her two little siblings are too small to tell where they come in the rankings yet. Her colours, while similar to Ro, are influenced with quite a lot of tan, making her a warm brown in some palces and a reddish gold in others. Theres no doubt she is their daughter. She has bright, vibrant light green eyes. 

As a full adult, she looks relatively the same, except now, she has a very drawn look about her. Life hardened. 

: Present fighting tactics :
Vinci tends to try to avoid a fight as much as she possibly can, using her words or tricks to make the other cat give in or agree with her. If she's forced to fight though, she'll use all the skills and knowledge she's accumulated over the last 3 years to render them unconscious as fast as possible. She hates having to use her claws and teeth, but if its needed, she has to.

Has started to care less about using her claws if she has to 

: Scars :

Back of right foreleg
- This smallish scar was from when her paw was almost crushed against a rock while riding Magna's back in their near deadly fight , back when she was apprentice. Her first scar, and her first capture. 

Left temple
- Two large lion-shaped claw marks. These were given to her while under Bello's guard, when she was captured by stone in the June of 40BC

Left thigh
- One large scratch mark. Given to her at some point during Ragnarok in the August of 40BC

: Accessory(ies) :

- One single pretty striped green ribbon that her owner gave her. Originally it sat on the back of her neck like her Mum's, but after her tumbling around and playing, it slid down to her neck like a little bow tie. It was decided there and then thats where it should stay. She wears it 24/7, but will occasionally take it off if she knows for a fact it may get shredded or damaged. Its her most treasured possession. As of 40BC, Vinci doesn't wear her bow when she's out hunting or guarding, and will instead leave it at home. aka, if she has on her armour, no bow will be seen besides the one she ties her cloak in. 
- One dark velvet ribbon of very high quality material. Given to her by her very close friend, Eligos , on her birthday. 
- Fancy peacock tail brace also from Eligos . She rarely wears it because she's terrified of breaking something so gorgeous.
- ?? Given to her by Rhydian 

Vinci's armour is custom made from a base design available at the market. A design she saw while on her own celebratory day out with her mother, who purchased it for her. The cloak is also custom made and was picked out with Mihail during a little father-daughter bonding time around the same period. She adores her armour and shines it whenever she gets the chance to, tying the cloak in a bow similar to her cubhood one, since she removes the precious item while training or going out on missions lest it get shredded.  Kind of makes it obvious green is her favourite colour, too. As an adult she's toned it down a little bit, making the spikes on her lower half a bit smaller since they were continuously knocked off in fights or got caught on things, but otherwise it has stayed the same

She now wears Mihail's gauntlets and threads Ro's bell into the inside of her armour. 

April 30th

 Rowan the Firebrand
 Mihail the Silent Ocean

Gen 1
 Amity  -''Ammy'' - Sparaze
 Inchiostro the Hopeful  - ''Inky'' - Rain847

Gen 2
Misthios the Heir to Fire  - "Thio" - Kattykinz  
Delphinus  - "Delphi" - SwordFangs  


(Sweet) (Honerable) (Fiesty) (Confident) / (Protective) (Empathetic) (Bad liar) (Curious) / (Reckless) (Sensitive) (Exhausted)

 Good traits! 

- Sweet/Social -
"My parents said I'd grow up to be a heartbreaker when I was little - Silly, huh? What sort of stuff did yours say to you?"
Vinci is the type of cat that is very hard to find reasons not to like. She's gentle, sweet and has a puppy face you'd be hard pressed to beat when she puts her mind to it, a trait she likely shares with her siblings. She loves the world around her and is always trying to get involved with everyone and everything she can. Very chatty hunter who's always willing to give cuddles when you're sad and lend an ear when you're excited, and also not afraid to get in your face if she feels you're being mean for no reason. Tends to try and mediate but can also explode without warning if you really get a good dig at her.

- Empathetic -
"You're not feeling so good, are you...?"
As she's grown, Vinci has found she has a knack of pinpointing what others are feeling before they themselves know sometimes. She just has a gut feeling if someone is sad, or angry, missing something or someone. She can't explain it. An especially strong emotion can effect her, such as full on rage, especially if its directly aimed at her. As a cub she was the type to cry if another cub did despite not knowing why, was the same when she was an apprentice, and still is just as bad as an adult as well. This is why she tends to surround herself with happy energetic people, and people who don't express too much who find comfort in the fact they don't have to really speak much to be understood.

- Honerable/Confident -
"Aw, thank you so much! I thought that toy was yours. I'm glad I finally found you to give it back"
Vin has a strong moral compass in her little heart when it comes to most things and rarely makes exceptions. After being taught that something is good or bad, it sticks with her and she follows it as best she can, willing to adjust with the times if she learns what she thouht before was wrong. If she's going against her morals, then she feels it like a burr in her fur until she corrects it however she can, from an apology to telling someone something she was told in secret if it severely effected someone else. She will defend those she feels needs defending and she will shout her opinion if she believes its the right one, or calmly agree with someone elses'. Always says please and thank you, and asks before she takes something. Always does what her parents tell her.

- Fiesty/Bold -
"You're wrong - I know you're wrong and I'm going to make sure everybody else knows too."
Vin has a strong moral compass in her little heart when it comes to most things and rarely makes exceptions. After being taught that something is good or bad, it sticks with her and she follows it as best she can. If she's going against her morals, then she feels it like a burr in her fur until she corrects it however she can, from an apology to telling someone something she was told in secret if it severely effected someone else. She will defend those she feels needs defending and she will shout her opinion if she believes its the right one, or calmly agree with someone elses'. Always says please and thank you, and asks before she takes something. Always does what her parents tell her

  Neutral traits! 

- Protective/Possessive -
"Hey! Get away from that."
She's pretty protective of those close to her as well as sometimes with stuff she owns. This is one of the rare times she can ever come across as arrogant, rude, stubborn or boulshy. She always tends to eventually cave on the latter thing though and lets people borrow her stuff, or back off from trying to protect a friend or family member from someone she gets a bad feeling for. She can only do so much, and she does have her breaking point.

-  Bad Liar -
"I have cubs at home. Please. Don't kill me"
Due to her honerable nature, Vinci is a partiuclarly bad lair - as an adult, she's learned to manipulate the truth instead, because she's found it works out more if she has that inner conviction. She assumes its her expression that gives her away, and she's right - but half truths? She's not technically lying. This came to a head, a test of her new half lies, when she was under the stone leader's claws searching for any reason for him to spare her life. In the end she'd told him she had cubs at home. This was mostly true, since she saw herself as a role model for Leviathan's little siblings alongside her own younger siblings, Mist and Delphi. He believed her. She was grateful. 

-  Curious  -
"Is that a new crate...? Whats in it?"
If curiosity is going to kill a cat, that cat is probably going to end up being this hybrid hunter. She can't not follow a juicy lead to some secret or something she's not supposed to know about, or a clue thats going to result in them getting a cat they need that could be dangerous. Getting into new things and getting stuck is a thing she does a lot. As a cub she'd get into vases, boxes, fire grates, along with any other dangerous place cubs probably  shouldn't have been in. If barred access, she would've likely keep trying to find out unless convinced theres nothing of interest. She's.. not changed much since then.

 Bad traits! 

- Reckless - 
"If you want to punish someone, punish me. What you're doing is unfair, and it was my idea in the first place."
Vinci is a passionate and moral driven cat tends to get very carried away if what she thinks is just isn't being done. Apollo is a clear example of her reckless side coming out and getting her into trouble. Her emotions tend to control her actions more then anything else, tending to follow her 'gut' rather then her heart in situations. This can usually lead to reckless behaviour that can put herself, but never, ever others, in danger. Some would call it the heart of a lion in a lambs body.

- Sensitve - 
"... That kind of hurt, you know...?"
Due to her emotional background, she also tends to feel a little too hard in some cases. While she doesn't broadcast it, small things can leave a lasting effect on her and its easy to hurt her in that regard. She liked to give the illusion she had thick skin in her adolescence, and its only carried over into adulthood. 

- Exhausted - 
Vinci sometimes has moments of complete apathy, where she wont want to get up and leave the house, wont want to participate in conversation, and goes inside of herself, eyes faded. She also has less patience then she had before, and can stand even less then she could before.  Life has wittled down her resolve piece by piece, and she's slowly recovering it. Physically also from the fact she works way more then she used to. She has little energy for playing or unnecessary excursions. A sharp contrast to what she was like as a cub 


Childhood and teenage years now moved to a doc with her full history


A Dragon's flame - Early adulthood (Late 41BC - early June 40BC)
Vinci passed all her assignments with flying colours, and she was awared not only her adult rank as a true hunter. She was so excied and proud of herself to be there, standing amoungst her friends. There were a few ups and downs afterwards though, mainly to do with the Stone raid that happened around the beginning of 40BC. She'd taken part in it, capturing a cat she later found out was named Sylvie, but the events to follow with the boars being let out to attack any and all that stood in their way, including the stone silver at the time who was tied down, disgusted her. It was only afterwards when she'd found out they had used that event to escape that she felt a little better about it. She hadn't been there, and she was glad of it. 

Another bad thing happened after that, inloving her brother this time. She was sure he'd been being bullied, but she only found out about it after the event that nearly shook her to her core hapened. She'd been sitting just behind him, him and levi and somnis and their other friends, when she'd seen him just. Fall. Fall straight over the wall, seen the larger cat push him after snarling something. She was frozen in shock, moving to reach for him too late, watching him go down, down, down... and then a whisk of air and a shadow flew over her head. She barely had time to look up before Majora's shockingly red fur swept past her and down into the pit. She watched everything happen after that, still half hanging over the barrier, barely registering Levi and Somnis' fight behind her as her friend held him back.

She'd been involved in the clean up afterwards, but didn't actually get to see Inky until he was in the local vet's clinic, bandaged up. She'd yelled at him at first, yelled at him for not telling her, not sharing things with her, for not even thinking before he spoke, but then she had just broke down and held him. She'd been certain he was going to die, and having him there in her arms, it made her legs weak with relief. She'd do anything for Inky, even if he pissed her off beyond all belief sometimes, or hurt her feelings with him not thinking.

She made up with Majora, begrudginly, after that though. She'd quietly thanked him for saving her brother and that was the end of it, for now. She felt she must've just been wrong about him, even if her gut still twisted when he was around. While she'd made it clear she didn't hate him anymore, she still didn't like to be alone with him. She didn't chastize Inky for wanting to be close to him anymore either, but that didn't mean she approved verbally, either.  

Things picked up a bit after that though, Vinci making a couple more captures, hanging out with her friends. She also completed her H.U.R.T assignments as well, awarding her with the honoured crest of a hunter who had been recognised the gathering after her graduation. It wasn't elite, but it was close. She was so full of pride it was near bursting out of her.

Rhydian's family ended up being sent away to fight the Syrian war not long after that though, and she made sure to be there for her friend as much as she could be. 

Life was calm and nice, and looking up. She'd gotten closer to Rhydian since her friend Apollo's death, and they'd been doing a lot more together when she wasn't hanging out with Levi. She was with him when Inky had rejected him, and he was with her when she had needed someone the most. Being with him just made her feel safe. Not the same kind fo safe she felt with Levi, similar, but. Different. Warm. Nice. How she used to feel about Eligos, before they'd decided just to be friends so he could focus on his training more. She caught herself thinking of him as handsome every now and again, but she knew it could never happen. He was gay, and she was a girl. But that didn't stop her thinking it sometimes. 

It was a cool day in June when she decided to try and get another capture. She'd had a run of good ones lately, and she was feeling confident, really confident. Levi had called her out on it but she'd not listened to her friend. She really should've, because the result of her solo hunt would physically and mentally scar her for a long time to come. 

And then there was Majora

Traitor had been the right instinct to get. She had been right all this time, and she'd doubted herself. Majora escaped into the woods with the cubs. The search was vast, and intensive, but nothing could be found

And nobody could have ever predicted the destruction just over the horizon

The Truce (June, 40BC)
Her plans to hunt in stone territory didn't go exactly to plan, and started a set of events that would haunt her and scar her for years to come. She was cornered by Bello, and shuffled off into the heart of Stone Empire to be made  an example of. She was there for days, guarded and weak and very very hurt. She only found the strength to breathe and move and eat when she was given food because of thoughts of her family. 

And because, days later, she was granted friendship in an unlikely place - in a set of rogue cats. They identified themselves as Lazarus and Ryu, father and adopted son. Both were very clever, and Ryu, as it came to be known, would be heavily scarred as well from the experience. He was also made an example of for his smart mouth in the way of his face being shoved into hot coals. 

Vinci will remember his screams for the rest of her life. 

Together, they formed a truce. They would help eachother to get out, and then Vinci would help them find herbs for their sick family, and then they would be treated and left to return safely home. And it all went according to plan in the end, somehow. They distracted the guards with Lazarus' bulk, and they streamed from the hole that had become their home and fled, Vinci only managing to grab scraps of her armour in the process. 

The group got split up, tired and aching and fuelled by adrenaline, and evnetually carried out their future plans. The herbs were found, wounds were healed, and friendships forged. And even stranger, Ryu had decided to come with her. 

She waited a total of 2 days under a tree for the cub to come find her. And together, they made their way back to the city, where he registered as a cat in taming, and Vinci was finally reunited with her family. 

... and Rhydian. 

Many things would change in the small time of rest between this low period and the next. Some happier, some scarier, and some just strange. For one, the family grew by two members, Del and Mist, her new brothers. Their mother hadn't even know she was pregnant when labor pains started to kick in. Vinci, still a little shellshocked, was eliated at both the new distraction and worried about being a role model for even more kids. 

He took it hard, and she tried to juggle her time between them. She even made a new friend in  Arvid. Charisma had her cubs, and she grew close to them. Levi's parents had another litter too, and she threw herself into that

Her brother was lost to Lightening Empire for a time, but he returned, safe and sound. It was stressful, and it broke what was left of Vinci's resolve for a while, but. He was okay.

Ragnarok (August, 40BC)
August 1st, 40BC is a date that changed every cat in that space of Rome for decades to come. War. The first hint of real war for a long time, and the first *real* war Vinci had ever been in. Death flooded from every corner of the city, as did fire and pain. Missing cubs and missing humans, torn flesh and cats as dark as crows picking amoungst the rubble. No order. No care. And it had all happened in a matter of hours. 

It had been a good day. It had been a desperately nice day, taking the Arkadios cubs, her own little siblings, and Charisma's kids for their first trip to the colosseum. It was a group event, excitement bubbling in the air. She was entrusted with their care alongside Levi, Anya, Eclipse, Melachit, Amity and Donovan.

And then on their way, all hell broke loose. Flames crawled up buildings, humans started to scream, and empire cats flooded the streets carrying torches and death gleaming in their eyes. She didn't even have time to know which empire they were from. Rubble fell and blocked each of them on different sides of it, and in an effort to recollect themselves, they were split apart. 

She went with Levi and the others, entrusting the cubs to the other adults and hoping desperately that they would be okay. As hunters, they had to protect the other citizens. Their side had the most empire cats. Amity and Eclipse's next to theirs. 

Melachit was engulfed in flames and she never saw where the other cubs that had gotten cut off had gone. All she could do was shout to find shelter and hide, to get away from the fire, and streak away with Levi and Anya, tears and smoke burning her eyes as she threw herself into battle and embers. 

It wasn't until far into the days battle did Vinci come across Levi in a death match with Majora and Inky. She launched herself up onto the rooves, but fell short of being able to save her completely. She saved her life maybe, sure, but not her leg. By the time she was dragging her away, crouching over her, her father, Pacino and Inky had already taken over the fight on Majora. 

And by the time Vinci had gotten her unconscious friend onto her back, and started running after them, keeping her safe from the other attacking cats and staying close enough to help should they need her, she saw something she could never unsee. Would never unsee. 

She saw her father fall. And she heard Inky wail. And then her mother roar, nearby. 

They had all seen. And she felt her paws and blood turn to ice. Her stomach drop. And then her mind shut down, and she began running, streaking through the streaks and paths and fences, only thoughts on getting to the otherside of the wall, and seeing. Seeing if he'd lived. If he took Majora with him. If... if he'd lived. 

She was there for his last wheezing breaths. His blood creeping into her paws, between her toes. His broken body giving it all it had left. 

Then her memory was black, and resurfced hours later, cuddled into her mother, Levi missing. Her blood joining her mate's between her children's claws, staining their fur. 

And then... she didn't know what happened after that. The next thing she remembers, is staring numbly at a wall in Karim's vet clinic as Levi, awake now, shouted at Inky. Cursed him out. Blamed him for their parent's deaths. Inky walking away. Levi glaring. 

She hurt all over. She felt sticky with blood and soot. Tired, and awake, all at the same time. 

And then... Rhydian again. Rhydian, holding her close. Rhydian, leaning exhaustedly into her side. No words needed. He knew. The whole city knew, she was sure at this point, even if she didn't remember much past the flashes. 

Her parents were dead. And they were alone now. 

Alone in the ruins of their home.

Rubble (August 40BC - December 30BC)
Building their lives back up wasn't easy. Never was easy. They'd had to do a lot in their lifetimes, and now, they had to do it again. They had Del and Mist to take care of. They had a city to take care of. They had... a lot. 

Amity lost an eye. Vinci lost a piece of herself. And inky seemed to lose himself entirely, to the point where Vinci practically gave up on him. Gave up trying to stop him doing stupid things, gave up on trying to push him like she used to to tell her things. He'd snapped visciously at her, and... she didn't have the energy. Didn't have the drive. And she wasn't there for her little siblings, as much as she wanted to be. As much as she showed up for their important dates, as much as she tried to connect with them, she was just too broken. Too numb still. 

She threw herself into her work, threw herself into things that kept her mind busy. She doesn't remember much in this time period, but she did spend most of her time at the Arkidios estate that wasn't spent working or being with her family. Trying to stay tight. Trying to stay toghether. But the apathy that haunted her was a storng, lumbering beast, and it still found her. Dreams or reality, her past experiences dug their claws into her pelt and didn't let go. 

Somnis even had the fortitude to understand she wasn't herself, and tried his best to comfort her. And she loved her old friend for that. 

She loved everybody who tried to comfort her. But she learned to wear a mask, one she would grow attached to in years to come. One she wore with ease as a cub, as an apprentice, but was slowly starting to fuse to her face. Soon she wouldn't be able to take it off at all around others - show her vulnerable side. Show her worried, her fears, her lack of control and the anger she felt. No. She needed to be Vinci, daughter of Mihail. And she could relate to Rhydian, in that way. Being the child of a leader who was expected great things from. 

Even as the humans upended their way of life, told cubs of this generation that they didn't have to be hunters or guards anymore. That they could choose. They had the choices she never had. None of them ever had. And she was happy for them, but she was also desperately, desperately jealous of them. But she hid it. Only whispering of it to her older siblings, Levi or Rhydian. Trusting them with her bare face. Without her perfect mask. 

Levi was pushed into a breeding she hadn't wanted to be part of because of a mistake, a secret heavily kept between her and her bestfriend until that Saturnalia, where Inky also found out accidentally.

That Saturnalia was a grim one, but they were all in attendence, minus the Elite leader, and his mate. Her parents absense was strongly felt. She hadn't even wanted to come to it, but after making up with her brother, she had been convinced. And while she mostly just hung out with Rhydian in the snow, like that cold night all those months ago beside Apollo's grave. 

She enjoyed herself. Just a bit. 

And things seemed to be at least... easier. If not happier.

The Draca Elite (Janurary 39BC - Present)
It had been a tough two years for the family of five. But relationships were on the rise, spring was finally coming to thaw the ice and snow, and the city was rebuilding. Some were leaving - a lot were, in fact, in the wake of the event. But the woes she experienced were nothing compared to the year previous.

Then came one of the toughest days of her life since Rangarok. Accepting her role as an Elite. Named for her heroic deeds and bravery, after her departed parents. A symbol of fire and protection. 

She couldn't help looking at her paws, and seeing the blood that clung to them that day. The blood from her forced captures that put her on his pedestal to begin with. How she was being praised for the harm of other cats. 

Her morals could only have ever gotten her so far. And her hard work had gotten her to this position... to walking in her father's footsteps. Only he wasn't there in the crowd to gaze upon her with the pride she'd always imagined. Her mother wasn't there, beaming. 

Her siblings were. All but Mist, anyway. And she couldn't help but also feel bad for getting this award, days after her little sibling had ranked up. 

She didn't want this award. It weighed heavy on her chest, and crushed her bones, but she smiled and held her head high. Because thats what was expected of her. She acted proud, excited, humble, and she held back her tears until she was home and rested. If she showed her sadness, people would assume she was ungrateful. And she had to be there to hold their families legacy, alone for now.

And then she had the true release she'd been wanting that whole ceremony. She cried. And she felt better for it. 

She felt like if she was now an Elite Warden... she would do her best to use that power to change things.

She would be the best cat  she could be. Now she'd already become the best hunter.

With Rhydian once again by herside.

Developing Quirks and Other info

- Vinci has a tendency to sleep everywhere, and on everything, be it shoved into a sandle with her nose poking out the toe, stretched at an uncomfortable angle that doesn't look possible without breaking her spine, face smushed into the blanket or upside down in a bowl; Sleep comes easiest to her in a weird position apparently. This hasn't changed with her growing up.
- While she used to hate bells, she treasures her mothers that was given to her, and wears it most of the time below her bow. 
- Tries to sleep on her siblings and friends instead of next to them when napping
- Tends to like to invite Rhydian to everything and anything they do in order to try and get the antisocial hybrid to actually have a social life. Also because he gives her a sense of comfort she'd never felt before from another cat. 
- Likes to give people gifts more then anything
- Enjoys being a good aunt/big sister figure to her friends little siblings
- Tries to help out with Donovan's school when she can, not that he really needs her with Temptist and Karim lurking around as much as they do
- Has become something of a workaholic

Vinci's playlist

Idina Menzel

(added as they're posted/found)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqvk7s… <-- Cub announcement video
The Subtle Flame
Vinci Relationship Tracker
Mud Friends (Part 1)
Mud Friends (Part 2)
Mud Battle Among Friends (Lilin and Vinci RP)
When Papa discovers your fort, you attack
The Girl Who Dances with Fire
EBC: Waiting on Papa
''Wanna come over?!''
EBC: Amity AC Oct-Dec '19
A Hunters Honour
The Insomniac and the Firecracker - Part 1
The Insomniac and the Firecracker - Part Two
a page of zinc's babes keeps the bed bugs away
Ribbons and Paper | EBC SS
Wynter AC
''See? I told you you weren't that far''
is it worth it, though?
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Talk to me
Vinci's old ref art
Big girl now
Dragon's Flame
The First Lesson of Many
Subtle flame among the embers
An Iron Bull fears no Mice
Running with the Stars
A Dragon's path
EBC: Hey! Wanna play??
EBC: Good Intentions (Charisma/Birdie RP)
EBC - An eye.. For a tooth? (COLLAB)
Working Hard and Running Fast
Onto the Big Leagues
EBC - Know Thy Enemy, Become the Hunter (COLLAB)
Friends in Dark Places| EBC
Under the Moon, Address Unknown
Dawn of a new Era
Ambush and Observations
After the capture (All)
School of Hardknocks
Dying light
i'd rather drown
After the capture (Vinci/Chrisma)
Vinci Monet - BNHA AU
Mixed bag
Further Afield
Grace of the Sun - part 2
Fate's hands, Act 2
EBC: To Guard one's home
EBC: Soldier, Poet, King
Grace of the Sun - part 3
Girls Club - AC
Grace of the Sun - Part 4
Grace of the Sun - Part 5
Grace of the Sun - Part 6
Misty river rumble

Roleplay examples and the Roleplayer
Zincwolf (Reanna). 'Zinc', 'Zin', 'Reanna'
Pronouns & Age
She/her, 23
Preferred Roleplay platform
I like things that alert me and alert others when I've replied, so I tend to like instant messengers over Docs. So Notes, Discord, ect. I will go on Docs if you prefer though ^^

Roleplay example

Warrick let a soft purr rumble along his body as he languidly stretched, muscles warming in the chilled air of winter and his eyes closing, shielding his sleepy vision from the low, diluted brightness of the early morning sunlight. He'd only woken up a short time ago, and, as he shook out his paws and peered around the den, he wondered if he'd missed something during his nap. Catching sight of his mother, he relaxed his shoulders and yawned tiredly, showing off tiny, needle sharp cub teeth. His claws appeared briefly in a reflect to his stretch, before he started to move slowly back over to her warm, familiar side.

It was too early to be awake yet, he decided

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Comments: 14

Rain847 [2022-03-07 07:43:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheBIueCryptid [2020-04-05 15:38:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to TheBIueCryptid [2020-04-20 16:01:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HollerHowlz [2019-09-26 01:15:04 +0000 UTC]

Som: "Oh hey there, Amity."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to HollerHowlz [2019-09-27 14:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Vinci: "-rAGE-"

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VertigoCrime [2019-05-03 02:27:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to VertigoCrime [2019-05-03 05:16:18 +0000 UTC]

*chants friend*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hawkweed [2019-05-01 01:28:21 +0000 UTC]

ahh i love all these EBC kids. i keep remembering the group when it's closed though heck

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to hawkweed [2019-05-01 02:24:05 +0000 UTC]

Hi dude! Theres an opening in July

you'll know because im going to inadvertantly spam because of plot characters comin in lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hawkweed In reply to Zincwolf [2019-05-01 02:56:34 +0000 UTC]

i saw!! i was snoopin around a bit! i'm definitely marking it on my calendar

(give me all the spam aaa i love all these cat designs)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sparaze [2019-05-01 00:16:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to Sparaze [2019-05-01 02:24:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheBIueCryptid [2019-04-30 23:46:37 +0000 UTC]

T H E  B O W

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zincwolf In reply to TheBIueCryptid [2019-05-01 02:24:23 +0000 UTC]

ThaNk yOU

👍: 0 ⏩: 0