Zoleck — Benzhuo (saiyajin OC)

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Published: 2021-12-20 10:30:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 774; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description ESP: Nacido en una nave espacial siendo hijo de un pirata espacial saiyan y una princesa desertora del planeta Kabocha, Benzhuo creció en el espacio. Las constantes batallas, abordajes y matanzas hacían que su futuro estuviese decidido, Benzhuo sería igual que sus padres, un pirata espacial.

A medida que éste iba creciendo y sus padres lo ponían a prueba, Benzhuo tropezaba, se le caía la pistola o no encadenaba bien las cadenas para el abordaje. A los seis años, cuando intentaron enseñarle a luchar, no hubo manera. Su padre Khoselzon lo intentó, y nada. Su madre Annila lo intentó, y fracasó. Todos y cada uno de los tripulantes dio su mejor esfuerzo y ojo, él también, Benzhuo era quien más se esforzaba en todo lo que hacía… pero no podía luchar con fluidez, sin tropezar o chocar contra la pared. A pesar de que su potencial era un fuera de serie, una vez que le ponías un poco de presión encima la cagaba.

Se esforzaba mucho, pero como se menciona arriba, nada le salía bien. No era capaz de usar el ki. Los trabajos más fáciles los hacía mal, si limpiaba los platos, la mitad acababan rotos, si cocinaba, no había quien pudiera comer esa comida tan quemada. Si le tocaba fregar la cubierta… bueno… mejor ni pensar en qué podía suceder entonces.

Sus padres lo amaban, pero cuando cumplió 16 años, decidieron una cosa. Lo dejarían solo en un planeta llamado Tierra. Allí podría crecer como persona, conocer otros guerreros, otros saiyans, tal vez podría encontrar el maestro indicado para deshacerse de su torpeza y aprender a usar el ki. En el futuro, cuando estuviera preparado, Benzhuo mismo saldría al espacio a buscarlos.

Él no pudo ni opinar, lo dejaron en la Tierra a la primera de cambio. Lo que ellos no sabían, era que él no quería ser un pirata. Le asustaba mucho tantos disparos, el oscuro infinito del espacio,... no había casi nada que no le diera miedo de esa manera de vivir.

Desde entonces, Benzhuo ha vivido un año en la Tierra. El chico tiene buenas intenciones y parece confiable cuando lo conoces por primera vez. Por eso no tarda en encontrar trabajo. Sin embargo, una vez lo conoces ves que es muy pero que muy torpe y además, muy asustadizo. Esto solo le causa problemas y suele ser despedido como mucho en dos días.

ENG: Born in a spaceship, is the son of a saiyan space pirate and a deserted princess from the planet Kabocha, Benzhuo grew up in space. The constant battles, collisions and killings made his future determined, Benzhuo would be the same as his parents, a space pirate.

As he grew older and his parents put him to the test, Benzhuo stumbled, dropped his pistol, or did not chain the chains well for boarding. At six years old, when they tried to teach him to fight, there was no way. His father Khoselzon tried, and nothing. His mother Annila tried, and failed. Each and every one of the crew gave the best effort and watch out for him, he too, Benzhuo was the one who tried the hardest in everything he did... but he couldn't fight fluently, without tripping or hitting the wall. Even though his potential was off the charts, once he put a little pressure on him he would screw it up.

He tried very hard, but as mentioned above, nothing was going right for him. He was not able to use ki. The easier jobs were done badly, if he cleaned the dishes, half would end up broken, if he cooked, there was no one who could eat that burnt food. If it was his turn to scrub the deck... well... better not even think about what could happen then.

His parents loved him, but when he turned 16, they decided one thing. They would leave him alone on a planet called Earth. There he could grow as a person, meet other warriors, other Saiyans, perhaps he could find the right teacher to get rid of his clumsiness and learn to use ki. In the future, when he was ready, Benzhuo himself would go out into space to search for them.

He could not even give an opinion, they left him on Earth at the first exchange. What they didn't know was that he didn't want to be a pirate. He was very scared of so many shots, the dark infinity of space, ... there was almost nothing that did not scare him in that way of living.

Since then, Benzhuo has lived one year on Earth. The guy means well and seems trustworthy when you first meet him. That's why it doesn't take long for him to find work. However, once you meet him you see that he is very, very clumsy and also very scary. This only causes problems for him and he is usually fired in two days at most.
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