ZOOBR — ?.? by-nd
Published: 2011-10-11 12:38:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 97; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 2
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Description Sometimes life takes its own path, and it drags us through dirt, and its hard to see what lies ahead, and sometimes all we do is break down and cry, we curse all who have done us wrong, and wish for all that we lost to be returned to us, We know that bad things happen, and we know nothing is lost forever, but all we can do now is wait for these tears to dry, and we will move on again...
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Comments: 60

ZOOBR In reply to ??? [2011-10-12 07:43:17 +0000 UTC]

"and we will move on again..."
is that the up side ??

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-12 21:48:19 +0000 UTC]

doesn't sound like much of one, it's more resigned ya know? it's not happy it's 'i don't care anymore'.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-13 07:43:25 +0000 UTC]

guess it depends on your point of view
its more, some bad happened, yer it sucks, yer it might take a while, but in stead of wishing to change some thing you know you cant you just move on..

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-14 04:13:11 +0000 UTC]

guess you could think of it that way.

...but moving on isn't really optimistic. it's like, admitting defeat to fate or whatever you believe in.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-15 01:15:23 +0000 UTC]

some battles just cant be won ..

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-16 03:39:44 +0000 UTC]

you know, i thought we went over this. too much pessimism!

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-16 04:52:07 +0000 UTC]

its reality

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-16 17:19:15 +0000 UTC]

to quote einstein, "there are only two ways to live your life. one is as though nothing is a miracle. the other is as though everything is a miracle."
hint hint: i think you're choosing the wrong one, genius.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-17 11:45:28 +0000 UTC]

just gonna make something up on the spot, witch is kinda what i do ,
there is no one way to live your life, no one path you must follow, life is about choice, and fate is a consequence of that choice, there for the fate you choose is a direct result of the choice you made, when you decided your fate, so i choose to take everything as it comes and make of it as i wish

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-18 02:46:29 +0000 UTC]

i suppose improv can get you through about half the time, but what do you do when it fails?
life is about freedom, the ability to choose the way to live your life, but no one person ever gets to choose for themselves, we're all influenced by society.
if you believe in fate, as far as i see, it doesn't seem to be much of a consequence. it depends on how you view it, i guess, you could say fate doesn't allow freedom because everything is predestined, or that fate is simply like karma, that the bad follows good.
'when you decide your fate'? i don't think anyone gets to decide their fate, lovey. more often then not, it's others who influence and affect our decisions, and therefore, our fate.
so, you're taking everything as it comes? pretty much a poetic way of saying, i have no plan, i'm just winging it?

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-18 12:11:25 +0000 UTC]

it will never fail beacuse you always go with the flow, some time easy some times bad,
pfft then it is not freedom, society is about rules, rules do not equaL FREEDOM.
i think fate is what the choice plays out to be,
isnt karma what goes around come around ?
but we make that choise,k i chould say right not F YOU ALL IM GOIN TO THE YOUKRAIN well boom no amount of ties you stop me, sure you fell bad but when dont you
O you have know idear how much of life i wing baby, if i were to wing life anymore then i do i would be i wing haha
( i must appolige again for the drunking reply

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-19 03:37:57 +0000 UTC]

of course improvisation fails. where have you been all your life? things don't come that easy- if only.
'rules do not equal freedom'? ok, that is twisted. what would happen if society had no rules? god, i can't even picture the mental stalkers and rapists and murderers- they'd have a party. there's a limit to where freedom can take you- fine line between the wise and the insane.
but we could also make stupid choices, like yelling out fuck you (or some other stupid thing) and then, boom, the authorities/police/or whoever stops you.
you don't feel bad when you don't care?
...is that supposed to be a good thing? 'cause as far as i'm seeing it, winging everything takes you nowhere in life.
what is it with you people and alcohol? can't you see what you're doing to your life?

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-19 08:03:24 +0000 UTC]

iv been in the flow just chillin being awesome and stuff haha
the world is a dark and twisted place, therefor it is still not freedom if there is a limit, i like to think im a bit of both haha
isn't that the point of not caring ?
and yet here we are ??
what this "you poeple" were not all the same here ???
no i cant but neither can anyone else, they can only see what they want..

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-20 00:31:25 +0000 UTC]

see, this baby, this takes everything back to square one. because the whole 'dark and twisted' thing? that is pessimism. that is a matter of opinion. i, for one, happened to think the world isn't all that bad. therefore rules do equal freedom.
that's practically admitting i'm right! 'freedom if there is a limit'? so, you are saying there have to be some rules!
yeah, but i bet i'm not the first one telling you not to drink. i'll bet that there have been plenty others, you're just not listening to them. so the point was that alot of people care, and the world isn't that dark.
yet here we are, but if this is all there is to life, it isn't much of one. i'd much rather stay on the up side, thanks.
no, you can't? what kind of answer is that? you can see what you're doing, you know what you're doing, you're just choosing not to stop which is a stupid and twisted kind of freedom if you ask me!

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-20 08:43:44 +0000 UTC]

the world is a happy place, i still fail to see how that makes any scene haha
no i said "not freedom if there is a limit", freedom would have to be limitless otherwise the limit would eliminate freedom would it not ??
no yo9ur not the first one, and no im not listening to them, they can care all they want, im the one not careing
but this isnt all that life is, life can be anything
ok so i can see, kinda, i think lol, well its my freedom and i can do what i want with it, after all its freedom

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-21 01:44:04 +0000 UTC]

well, the world is a happy place a lot. today just happens to not be one of those days for me, so message me after two weeks and the world will be happy again.
insanity. yeah, let's just go grant all the murderers and rapists freedom, all the criminals and abusive parents, let's go give them freedom! that's a great idea...not.
obviously you're not caring, but you should.
everytime i hear that it just pisses me off. life can be anything? what kind of stupid daydream is that? so, the homeless man can become rich? the blind boy can see again? those are just fantasies. welcome to reality. divorced parents don't magically fall in love again, life isn't going to be anything you want it to be, you just have to work with what you get- which usually isn't what you wanted.
*sigh*. i'm wondering whether to tell you it's no fun to argue if you agree or that you should do something else with your freedom.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-21 12:59:11 +0000 UTC]

i think its pretty close to a 50/50 split
ok i will ask you in two weeks
theyd be shot on the street, and yer
y should i ?, so far all i gotten back form caring is having it throwin back in my face, but hey all it good, i move and keep living
its all about perspective, what makes a man rich ?
who said seeing is all there is to life ?
now whos being pessimistic ??
life only gives us what we need, it up to us to make the up the rest
well pick one and run with it

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-22 02:01:21 +0000 UTC]

alright, that's good enough for me. 50/50 it is then : )
i was kidding! anyways, you'll probably forget by then...i would.
they'd be shot on the street for FREEDOM? hmm...i wonder why? it's not because there are no rules, is it?
why should you care? because all these people that are trying to help you? those that are telling you to make the right decision? you're throwing it back in their faces, ignoring them, and being unreasonable. so you have no right to complain about others who supposedly wronged your care, because you're doing the same damn thing.
well, this is your perspective, right? so even if you think happiness makes you rich, that poor guy just wants money, so he's not happy, so he's not rich, but life goes on.
seeing is pretty much all there is to life- look around you!- unless you're hallucinating, which i doubt.
trust me, if you were where i am, you'd be pessimistic too. just give it two weeks, and everything will be back to normal. i hope.
that's a good quote, i gotta keep that in mind, but it would've been kinder to give us two chances at life, don't ya think? then again, we're only human- we'll always want more.
fine. it's no fun to argue if you agree.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-22 10:50:56 +0000 UTC]

woo lol
forget what ?? haha
no, but there are still opinions and feeling, and other human emotions,etc
you say right like theres a wrong way for me to live my life ??
yes but i haven't made the same mistake twice or more times
i dont just have a one perspective, i have many
like if all he wants is money then hes just another greedy bastard, and can not see the value of life its self
so if you were to go blind they you would just give up on life ?
whats this two weeks thing, is the step dad moving away or something ??
na, cause we would make the same mistakes again anyway
i do like the idea of a simpler life
but i dont agree ??

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-22 21:00:57 +0000 UTC]

there is a wrong way to live your life...being unhappy.
who said caring was a mistake?
so, you're judging him because he wants money? what if his mom was disabled, or something and he needed the money for that? is he still greedy? it's the same difference, people judge you no matter what you do, drinking just makes their job easier.
i wouldn't give up on life, i would give up the pretense of having sight, because even if surgeons or whatever told me i could see again, that' false hope. i would keep moving on past blindness.
i'm staying with my real dad & twin brother for two weeks, and somehow they're worse than my stepdad. i didn't really think that was possible, but apparently it is.
i guess we would- it's a disadvantage of being human : )
doesn't everyone like a simple life?

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-23 14:05:48 +0000 UTC]

but im not unhappy ??
who said it wasn't ?
well if that the case he should stop feeling sorry for him self, go out and find a job, and start working towards helping his mum
well they can judge me all they like, because there the one with the problems not me
so your gonna give up of ever seeing again ?
whys that ?
sure do, but everyone has there version of a simple life

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-23 22:52:28 +0000 UTC]

most people seem to be unhappy these days.
i do. caring is important.
but what if it was really hard from him to find a job because he was in a war and lost an arm and never finished high school? how is he supposed to help his mom then?
if that's the case, then everyone in the world has problems, cause everyone judges.
yeah, because it's pretty much hopeless!
i just don't fit in, really. they have their own lives now, and i have mine. it's just taken me this long to realize that. plus the fact that my twin's girlfriend absolutely hates me.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-25 11:54:08 +0000 UTC]

and will forever been unless they find happyness
but not necessary
the army takes care of its personal
everyone does have problems, some like to share theres while other dont,
"pretty much" = 99.9% hop
hope = even if there is 0.1% chance people still hold onto it
well yer that part of being an individual, and people are always gonna hate, just means there scared

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-25 22:32:48 +0000 UTC]

love is necessary to life. there's plenty of love in the world for you, you just don't see it (not claiming that i see it either) but, hey, we're teenagers. (or at least i am) it's a valid excuse for sadness.
most would like to share their problems, but they're a) too scared b) have no one to tell
not everyone would hold on to that 0.1%, only hopeful people would. i may be christian, but my faith doesn't extend into stupidity. that 0.1% you talk about doesn't exist outside of books.
individuality obviously don't suit me.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-27 10:26:42 +0000 UTC]

im a teenager for like another 3 months lol D:
well you can keep your love to yourself haha
c) can clearly see that the world has enough problems as it is and do not wish to just add more to it, rather they would perfur to find there own solution to said problem.
i am 93.2136% of that 0.1%
and i choose neather

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-29 16:15:18 +0000 UTC]

psh, old man. i still got a couple years.
i'd rather share it, the world seems to need more love.
the world's problems have nothing to do with it. don't tell yours to the world- tell them to a friend, close family member or something.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-30 10:17:47 +0000 UTC]

so very old haha
the world has plenty of love, but everyone always wants more
or i could not and everyone remains in a slightly happier state

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-10-30 19:17:56 +0000 UTC]

well, we're only human. we'll always want more.
slightly happier, slight unhappier. it's only a slight difference, after all. XD. tell someone.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-10-31 10:46:14 +0000 UTC]

that slight difference might be the edge for someone

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-02 05:22:23 +0000 UTC]

find someone who's not on the edge

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-02 07:29:11 +0000 UTC]

everyones on the edge

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-02 21:17:14 +0000 UTC]

no they're not. just because you might be, doesn't mean everyone else is.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-03 08:01:21 +0000 UTC]

they are, there just faceing the wrong way, and me, well i jumped a long time ago

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-06 06:18:17 +0000 UTC]

if you put it that way then i'd rather be facing the "wrong" way. right is relative.
you can climb back up. you'll always have a choice.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-06 11:18:28 +0000 UTC]

i could but falling is the same as flying, you just hit the ground a bit harder, and take i little longer to get back up,

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-07 05:21:00 +0000 UTC]

you never hit the ground if you're flying. and how long it takes depends on you, so you still have a choice.
pick yourself up, and dust yourself off, and back in the saddle...it's my inner shakira right there XD waka waka

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-07 07:40:15 +0000 UTC]

no your gonna hit the ground and by hit i mean land, but still,
ok hold on i havnt hit the ground yet lol

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-08 03:24:05 +0000 UTC]

there's a difference between falling on your face and landing on your feet. same thing.
ground is relative, so at any point you could be hitting the ground so you might as well prepare. so...so so many so's. lol.
you know, i kinda forgot what we were talking about. the falling and falling metaphor thing...but what was it for...? crap, i feel stupid. imma go back and find it.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-08 07:56:30 +0000 UTC]

but you still end up on the ground anyway ?
tis a few so's going around lol
lol i dont even get that far i just use your comment and hope for the best , but have fun with the hole finding thing lol

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-09 22:24:46 +0000 UTC]

well, yeah, but you could end up on the top of the mountain or the bottom.
so what, so maybe i use too many so's, so? XD
get this: "Due to excessive replies to a comment, this page of comments could not be shown." so, (again! grr.) i don't even really know what we're talking about and i can't find out. grr.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-10 08:43:03 +0000 UTC]

both are good places to be
so nothing ..... ? ,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,,,..,,.,/.,.?<>.,/,,.,/, ( sorry lol )
lol and now we will never know MHAHaHahhahahaaaarr >:-D

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-10 22:49:25 +0000 UTC]

...who likes the bottom of a mountain? personally, i'd like the top better...
so, so what??? XD lol
never know, all because DA is too lazy to upload comments. damn it :/ XD

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-11 08:00:50 +0000 UTC]

at the top you can see the world sure, but at the bottom you can see the detail
that we are

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-11 18:24:06 +0000 UTC]

you can't see much from the bottom but the top, in my opinion.
we're only human, we deserve our lazy days...like today. no school. should be working on project. i am, kind of. multitasking. a little. well, not really...imma go do that.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-13 07:17:27 +0000 UTC]

but its the detail ...
like every day for me lol,
haha have fun with it

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-13 23:15:29 +0000 UTC]

sure it is. (rolls eyes)
lucky butt. i can't wait for high school to be over. but wait- then there's COLLEGE! joy.
pshhh. since when is bacteria evolution fun?

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-14 07:29:12 +0000 UTC]

(shakes head)
lol you'll cry
since whens it not ?

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-15 03:09:00 +0000 UTC]

of course i'll cry. for like a day. and then i'll smile and yell SUMMER!!!
since forever. bacteria evolution is the worst. topic. ever. they're bacteria.

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ZOOBR In reply to CatchingWind [2011-11-15 11:23:34 +0000 UTC]

i think there cute

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CatchingWind In reply to ZOOBR [2011-11-15 22:32:24 +0000 UTC]

it's only true : )
BACTERIA? cute? are you out of your mind? i knew you should have taken the tylenol, i told you to take tylenol!

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