Zuko-Kitty — AW | Wolfsong | Shadowclan

Published: 2016-12-16 03:18:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1420; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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   STATUS || Alive and in good health
    ACTIVITY LEVEL || Active, primary


    SKYPE || Ask, maybe
    NOTES || Yes, preferred
    CHAT || Depends, maybe
    COMMENTS || Yes, preferred

    ROLE-PLAY EXAMPLE || Taken from a previous rp with Crystalxhearts
Not even flinching at the growl, the she-cat stood in her leader's den confidently. "Yes- and some ideas. With leaf-bare coming prey is becoming harder to get. It's not scarce, but patrols have to go deeper in the tunnels and a pair of apprentices already got lost- they were found if you care- I was thinking that instead of all the battle and patrol training, perhaps we can focus on hunting." Whitesky said it more like a statement, but it was obvious she wouldn't go against Venomstar's choice. "Snow is already common in Iceclan, we may need to think of ways to block the tunnels near there so the freeze doesn't invade that area."

    NAME || Wolfsong
                        -Wolf; Tradition (All kits named after other animals)
                        -Song; Her clarity and independence

    PAST NAMES || Wolf
    NICK-NAMES || None

    AFFILIATION || Shadowclan

    SEX || Female
    GENDER || Female; She/Her pronouns

    BIRTH SEASON || Early Spring
    AGE || 25 Moons, 2 years 1 month

    RANK || Warrior

    MENTOR || Owl, Jessica, Drizzlestone

 BREED || Abyssinian 20% | American Short Hair 20% |  Chantilly-Tiffany 10% | Unknown 50%
    BUILD || Lithe and powerful hind legs

    SCARS || Y-Shaped scar across face; caught in a barbwire trap | Nicked ears; fights with other rogues/loners | Long claw-mark on right foreleg; fights with other rogues/loners


    FUR TEXTURE || Smooth and semi-soft
    FUR COLOUR || Dark-gray and black gradient 

    EYES || Hazel-Green

    SCENT || Pre-rain and pine

    VOICE || Zella Day

    QUICK DESCRIPTION || A gray-black tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.

  STRENGTH || 35/100

    AGILITY || 85/100

    SPEED || 70/100

    TACTICS || 90/100

    ENDURANCE ||  80/100

    STEALTH || 100/100

    SWIMMING || 15/100

    CLIMBING || 60/100

    JUMPING || 60/100

    EYESIGHT || 100/100

    HEARING || 100/100

    SCENT || 100/100

    HERBAL KNOWLEDGE || 50/100


    CRAFTING || 55/100

    BELIEF IN STARCLAN || 50/100


    Insightful || Positive |  Taking the term 'see it from their perspective' into her daily life, Wolfsong tries her best to see it from another's view. Having a deep-rooted want to understand others, Wolfsong is keen and perceptive of other's emotions- this has come to her by watching movements and such constantly so she can read others emotions to better understand them. Wolfsong shows this to others when she manages to predict what they need- such as perhaps a favorite food, to be left alone, or maybe just a few quick words. While she doesn't always get it right, Wolfsong is incredibly capable of looking at situations from another's eyes.

    Reliable || Positive |  Being hard-working, Wolfsong gets her jobs done. Not one to disappoint, she consistently puts all she can into her task, no matter how small. As a clan constant, she makes her way through the clan to make sure she is helpful and is consistent in this job. True to her words, Wolfsong shows her reliability when she can- usually during hunting, in which she can always track down prey.  Alongside this trait, she is trustworthy for tasks and secret-keeping alike, as she believes all cats deserve their secrets.

    Charismatic || Positive | Having a certain charm, Wolfsong is an agreeable and caring cat. Wolfsong devotes herself to others, not asking for anything in return. In this way, she unknowingly gains the devotions of others, eventually giving her a large friend group and obvious leader-like qualities. While she isn't a leader, she is strong in spirit, and so this boosts her charismatic charm, as she loves her clan and friends. Her charm is how bright and optimistic she is, obviously innocent in some ways but it is quite blatant that Wolfsong is not oblivious and is instead keeping note of things but not letting them bother her.
    Dedicated || Positive | Unwavering in her faith and loyalty, Wolfsong is steadfast in her work for the clan. While she used to be a rouge, it fuels her more to show that she is committed to her new family. While it seems she can be work-driven at times, it's just Wolfsong's way of showing that she won't stop in her dedication and devotion. If she had to choose her clan over anything, it would be the clan and never her, leading Wolfsong as self-sacrificing and with a small hero-complex.

    Idiosyncratic || Neutral |  Being unique in her thought process, Wolfsong is quick-witted and creative when tackling debates and ideas. Her plans are distinctive in execution but are none-the-less successful. Being almost the poster-girl for being a linchpin and keeping a group together, Wolfsong is personal in her relationships that become close and can be described as having a special touch when it comes to interactions. 

    Outspoken || Neutral |  Direct and blunt when telling things, this trait seems to clash with her personality as a whole. But it doesn't. Wolfsong tells the truth as it is in a painfully candid way, not adding any sugar to her words. While this is negative in some ways, her outspoken voice gives her bravery to stand up for others. (Refer to the hero-complex mentioned before.) Her honest choices can sometimes get Wolfsong into trouble, but it is clear that she just means for the best, if she is sometimes misguided in her actions.

    Enigmatic || Neutral | Complex in thinking, Wolfsong is almost sphinxlike to cats that don't really know her. She is careful in giving out her personal life, but to her friends and clan, she is an open book. This is most obvious when she meets new cats- the most one may get is her name, but as she gets warmer Wolfsong slowly gives out information about her. For close friends, Wolfsong is the most open and laid-back individual, not minding if so much was known about her. To Wolfsong she finds she doesn't have much to be given or to lose, so she really is a mystery when it comes down to it- because cats look for what isn't there.

    Conformist || Negative |  Bending to others wills, at first Wolfsong simply appears as obedient, but that isn't the case. Being insecure about her past, Wolfsong tries too hard to make others like her at times. Instead of having others change for her, she prefers to make herself into something she isn't so that she doesn't burden anyone else. Due to this nature, Wolfsong is at times snappy to even close friends, but soon after apologies- this adds to her slight depression regarding relationships.

    Stressed || Negative |  Wanting to do her best at everything, Wolfsong puts extra pressure on herself that isn't needed. This can be seen when she volunteers for all the patrols and hunting groups, giving extra time to train apprentices, and even doing tasks for the medicine cat. She pushes herself to the limit as far as possible, yet not wanting to worry others about her degrading energy. It appears to be a downward spiral, but her friends keep her up when she feels overtaxed.

    LIKES || Stars, snow, running, dawn and dusk, contact, birds, feathers, pretty items, exploring, being in trees
    DISLIKES ||   Swimming, sudden loud noises, over-bearing cats, getting stuck, nagging

    STRENGTHS || Physical Capability | Intelligence | Alliance

    WEAKNESSES || Strength | Agoraphobia | Always tired

    QUIRKS || Incredibly light sleeper | Likes contact and touches | Appreciates pleasant surprises | Secretly loves ravens

    MOTHER || Jessica || A small brown tabby she-cat with light green eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge

    FATHER || Owl || A large black tom with a single white paw and amber eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge

    SIBLINGS || Bat || A small dark tabby she-cat with light amber eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge
Lion || A dark brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and white paws. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge

    MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Cloud || A thin white she-cat with pale yellow eyes. || NPC || Dead
    MATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Devin || A brown tabby tom with stunning green eyes. || NPC || Dead

    MATERNAL AUNTS || Jillian || A light brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge


    PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Robin || A large tortie she-cat with amber eyes. || NPC || Dead
    PATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Hawk || A large black and white tom with deep blue eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge

    PATERNAL AUNTS || Mouse || A large tortie she-cat with dark amber eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge
    PATERNAL UNCLES || Bear || A giant solid black tom with glassy blue eyes. || NPC || Dead

    PATERNAL COUSINS ||  Unknown                  

    NIECES || Lizzard || A tabby she-kit with deep green eyes. || NPC || Alive || Unknown; rouge
    NEPHEWS || N/A

    KITS || N/A


    CURRENT ATTRACTIONS || To be determined.

    ORIENTATION || Pansexual | Panromantic
    ACTIVITY || Virgin | Open to relationship

    PHYSICAL PREFERENCES || Dark fur | Bigger than her | Fast | Light eyes | Interesting scars
    PERSONALITY PREFERENCES || Strong | Brave | Intelligent

    BEFORE BIRTH || Jessica and Owl had a pre-arranged 'joining' of sorts, where their parents expressed openly that the two should get together. Eventually, they did. It was awkward at first, but the two did become close like mates. With their families incredibly happy, the couple left in search of something new when a large group of cats moved into the abandoned city. Leaving their families behind, the young couple found peace near a small pond relatively still close to their families. Over time, they decided it was time to start a family, but the wild just didn't seem right for Jessica. After talking with Owl, they both decided to leave for a city once more. After a year they came across another city that had very few cats- they loved it instantly. And so, the two conceived three small kits right after the last snow of leaf-bare.

    KIT-HOOD || Nothing truly happened during Wolfsong's kit-hood. For the first two moons she and her siblings would play and mock-fight, which her parents were pleased with. The city was harsh with the fiery leaf-green coming, it was time that Wolf, Bat, and Lion learned to hunt. While very young, Jessica and Owl knew that for their kits to learn about surviving, it was better to start sooner. Wolf was decent at the tasks given, while her sister excelled at hunting and her brother at fighting- it seemed that Wolf was the median of her elder siblings. Just when the siblings were just short of six moons, The Clan came into the city, taking territory where her family resided. Taking this as a sign, Jessica and Owl moved their small family into a small sky-den, where shattered wood and glass kept it safe from intruders. And so Wolf watched. She watched the new cats come and go, saw that they wouldn't be leaving. It intrigued her.
    APPRENTICESHIP || With no real mentor, Wolf learned more from her parents. Steadily she became efficient in her own rights, able to live if she left her family. But Wolf and her siblings continued to live with Jessica and Owl, content with their family. One day, Wolf went out to hunt and ran into a rogue bent on chasing her family out. Instead, though, the two fought for a short time, ending moments after Wolf was pinned and her siblings came to the rescue. (She got her left ear nicked during the scuffle.)  Soon after, during a storm, her family's den was smashed, sending the cats flying to the street below. With the howling wind and shock clouding her senses, Wolf went directly opposite from any of her family members. At only twelve moons, Wolf was alone. Yet she was oddly OK with it, as she knew that one day she would have to leave and start a life for herself- away from the family. So she took to watching the new clans form. Wolf found it to be inspiring to watch as the cats came together. So just a day after the meeting, she joined Shadowclan.

    WARRIORSHIP || Renamed as Wolfsong, she found new life. Wolfsong found she loved clan life, taking to it like a fish to water. At first, it was shaky- as most cats didn't like outsiders- something she could understand. But gradually they came to like her, once she showed her dedication and drive. Wolfsong was revealed to be excellent at teaching others, and so became the apprentices go-to for advice. Wolfsong found peace in her life, enjoying this new family that she had come across. Over time, while she was overlooked as a mentor, she grew in skills, after many trials and errors. When she was reaching her 18th moon, Wolfsong got caught in a barbwire trap, where it caught her face in the tangles of barbwire. She ended up in it for three days, in which her friends and medicine cat frantically tried to free her. In the end, she just tore herself out, out of patience with the prodding and poking. Soon after the wound closed, Wolfsong fought with her sister. The two met on the border of Shadowclan- and they didn't recognize each other. Bat was incredibly scarred, muddy, and was in bad shape- while Wolfsong was covered in mud and it was dark out. Wolfsong chased her sister out unknowingly, earning a nick on her right ear. Moons later, she still doesn't know about Bat. 

    |Mortal Enemy
    |wants dead


    |Major Crush

    |Visually Appealing
    |Physical attraction
    |Has had a fling with

    |Would die for

    |Best friend
    |Platonic love

    |Nervous of
    |Scared of


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"






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Comments: 5

Voltaic-Soda [2016-12-16 04:00:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow she's so pretty *w* 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Demonized-Star [2016-12-16 03:30:47 +0000 UTC]


so tempted to join the group


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ten-th [2016-12-16 03:19:53 +0000 UTC]

adorable character!!
what roleplay group is this from, if this oc is from one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zuko-Kitty In reply to ten-th [2016-12-16 03:21:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ten-th In reply to Zuko-Kitty [2016-12-16 03:22:26 +0000 UTC]

thanks for telling me!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0