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# Comments
Comments: 498
CuteLittleNerd In reply to ParryGubler [2012-10-04 19:26:56 +0000 UTC]
Omnomnomnomnomnom *noms on your head* Ima a zombie
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ParryGubler In reply to CuteLittleNerd [2012-08-10 03:39:56 +0000 UTC]
...But I am watching you. That's why I knew about that thing you wrote
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CuteLittleNerd In reply to ParryGubler [2012-08-10 03:45:34 +0000 UTC]
right, i need help with writing, i need pointers, and i like writing about dark things like death, sadness pain etc.
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lukstar97 [2012-05-30 13:59:14 +0000 UTC]
A random person has appeared!
And she has brought a random fact(s)!
Llama has two 'L's in it.
Alaska is the largest state.
And I'm done here.
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-05-31 03:12:25 +0000 UTC]
Information is Super Effect!
You know what time it is?
LEARNING TIME (sword moves through the logo)
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-03 18:05:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh, no one of consequence. ^^
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-05 00:48:46 +0000 UTC]
It is. It truly is. I'm glad to be of no consequence. It makes life so much.... simpler.
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-05 19:04:45 +0000 UTC]
Trully ^^ So other than bestowing random facts upon the masses, what else do you do for fun?
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-06 13:24:12 +0000 UTC]
I draw, I write. Tis the reason I'm on this website. Although, I haven't been doing much of either lately since I'm on vacation. What about you?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-06 14:42:31 +0000 UTC]
I love to sketch and write, but not usually for fan fic reasons, I always come up with my Own Universes, Molding the characters, Places, Factions, And every aspect of the universe. When I'm not coming up with stuff like that, I'm biking, hiking, or running
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-07 23:44:30 +0000 UTC]
>_9 I'm not a big fan of fan fiction. Writing wise. Drawings can be okay. I drew a few pics for Zenonia for my sister because she was grossly disappointed at the lack thereof. I'm working on an original story. I had to work from the ground up in the entire world/universe for it. It's so complicated that I find difficult to explain to others without them just flat-out reading the story... Which reminds me... I still need to write the rest of chapter six for Pale. Dang it! >_< Have you ever tried to write out one of your stories? Or do you just keep them in your head? Or, heck, do you just make up worlds, and people?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-08 14:52:25 +0000 UTC]
I usually make up the Universes, then I sketch out the Populations of the Universe, What they eat, how they live, and their opinion of the other populations, I come up with areas, and locations and maps, and then the environment, then the animals, And it usually takes off from there, I draw pictures of all this stuff, and now knowing all the variables, I makes up plots that happen within the universe itself. ^^ It's really fun, I have several major Universes that are completely thought up, and hundreds of small, half made up ones. It's my dream to become a Game Designer one day
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-09 15:54:52 +0000 UTC]
I think, with that kind of imagination, you could probably do that. It sounds like those games would be really interesting, so long as they aren't too cliche. Gosh, I hate cliches. I like things to be unexpected and original. ^^
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-09 16:31:31 +0000 UTC]
If you want, I could tell you about some of my favorite Ideas
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-10 15:17:51 +0000 UTC]
Ooooh, okay! Do tell, do tell. #pulls up a chair#
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-10 23:18:58 +0000 UTC]
Alright then. I'm not worried about this, but First Off, No stealing. Second Off, Once I FINALLY get some pictures on here, I'd love it if you wanted to do some fan art. ^^ Basically I have 3 main Ideas, But I'll be telling you about my Favorite one, Industrial Regular, It's based in a Underground Human Society focused on Industrial Construction and Mining, Aptly named: The Great Industry, The Industry is run by a Council of Entrepreneurs, Who run the Mass of Companies and Mining Platoons, Every Company is permitted to keep a Security force in mass, For the use of Guarding and Hostile Take overs of Competitor Operations, Whenever a Company or Living Compound wishes to Secede or Not follow the laws and Regulations, They become Separatists: Some being Freedom Fighters, or Revolutionists, Yet can be seen as Thugs and Warlords, only fighting a Corrupt Government for the reason of Fighting. Alright! Basic Culture Finished, What's Next? Technology? Or Environment?
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-11 14:30:56 +0000 UTC]
Of course I'm not going to steal it! Gosh, what do you take me for?! And I'd be glad to do some fan-art if you want. Just make sure I'm not drawing a furry. I'm sick of furries. (no offense) I'm kind of curious about the technology, and perhaps the time frame that this is taking place. Because it's underground I guess that doesn't really matter that much, but I'm a curious people. And lastly, are there any consequences for being a Separatist? And if not, why doesn't everyone just go rogue?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-11 18:10:31 +0000 UTC]
Well being a Seperatist is almost the Worst Crime to the Great Industry, and to Humanity as a Whole, The Only Way Humans have been able to survive was because of Teamwork and Order, While the life of a Seperatist is filled with Freedom and Chaos, The Only Possible thing worse than a Speratist is a Unionizer (Treated almost as a Terroist among Goverment Entrepeneurs) The Idea of "Time Frame" Is that the Great Industry divides itself on a Caste Based Soeciety, the Higher the caste, thE Higher level of technology, Average Miners and Factory Workers can be seen wearing Bowler Hats and Leather jackets on top of Overalls, While Forman are clad in heavy forged steel hydralic Armor, Technology can range from proletariotes (lowest working class) using Steam and Clockwork Engines, to Heavy Transport Trucks from a Super Company Like Uber Corp With V15 Engines blasting through a Trans-Tunnel. Cultural Time Frame based on looks, I would probably based around the sixties, Men in suits with jelled hair and oily workers in coveralls, And it's based Underground because there ISN'T a Surface, as Far as Humanity knows, the Underworld Stretchs forever. Why doesn't everyone go rouge? Semi-Cult like Pride in the Industry and it's teachings, Profit Gain, The Supplies and Privilages being connected to it get's, and just general Order and Safety from Seperatists and Unionizers. Think of a Mining Operation or Security Company becoming Rouge and Setting up on the fringes of Industry space almost like a City in the U.S seceding from the Goverment.
What next? Enviorment or Xeno Threats? (Non-Human Threats)
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-13 00:32:25 +0000 UTC]
How about the Environment? I'm curious as to how people get light down there. >_9 I keep thinking of the City of Embers, but I can see that this is different. XD
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-13 03:20:29 +0000 UTC]
Well, The Environment is Split into Layers of the Earth, Each with it's own Vegetation and Tunnel Makeup. The Level Are: (Going from the Farthest Explorers have been up to the Core)
THE DEAD LEVEL: Abandoned Networks of Ruins and unreadable languages dot the Level, Few Resources Remaining, 0% Oxygen Caverns, 0% Dioxide Caverns, 100% Vacuum Caverns, No Economic Value. No Life, Temperature: Absolute cold.
THE BORDER LEVEL: Largely Unexplored Territory, As most Scout drones we've sent have...Vanished. Mainly Ice and frozen Rock, Unknown Amount of Resources Remaining, 100% Dioxide/Oxygen Caverns. Foreseeable Site for future Endeavors. Huge amount of Life, Notable Life: Heavy Sectoid Presence, Dirge Moths, Assorted Foreign Ice Inhabiting Creatures (They seem to exhaust hot air around them, allowing them to 'swim' through the Ice) Ascendant Activity, Presence of Primitive Sub-Human Clans (Possible Revenue Stream) Huge Root Based Plants, Heavy Foliage where Ice is not Present (Or least Present) Temperature: -30 to -50 Things of note: 1 Huge Gorge that seems to go on forever, Oxygen falls from plants and clings to the ground of cliffs and floors, keep workforce low to ground.
THE DIOXIDE LEVEL: Huge Population Hub for those who can not afford Oxygen Level, Regulations in Place to keep local population down (Due to the Dioxide Level being the only thing keeping the Heavy Oxygen Bottled at a Efficient Temperature) Consider Posing Unionist Safe Houses, Wipe out 'Suspects' Compensation for family members. Mainly Rock and Clay, Moderate Resources Remaining, 90% Dioxide Caverns, 10% Oxygen Caverns, No Animal Life: Large amounts of Deep dwelling Plants. Notable Flora: G-Shrooms, Dixen Stalks, Puffers, Root Stalks, Heavy Ascendant Activity Since The Black Heart Out break, The Jerry Wheat is still grown by Infected Dwellers, Consider New Scans, Send Conclave Justices to root out the In-Human, (Find Company Willing to Scavenge Loot from discovered Dens) Temperature: -20 to -10 Notable Features: Caverns built in interconnecting Bubbles, Use Ladders and Travelling Gear
THE OXYGEN LEVEL: The Heart of Conclave Space, Jewel Of the Industry, and Pride of Humanity, Green Ecolyie Colonies have been cultivated to Light the Level, Human Traffic Warehouses and Apartments fill the walls of Transport Roads, Filled with Eager minds Awaiting the Academy in Tau, and Droves of Patriotic Workers, Ready to do the Council Proud, 100% Oxygen Caverns, Large amounts of Animal Life: Notable Beasts, Runners, Dogs, Pack hounds, Takers, and the Dreaded Talverine. Ascendant Activity Wiped out. (Excluding Small Gangs in City Center, but Security keep them at no Threat, (Consider Campaign on Gangs to raise City Tycoon Moral)
Temperature: -10 to 0. Notable Features: Natural Caverns built in Stair like Patterns, Good for small, Up in coming Companies.
THE MAR LEVEL: Home to the River Mar, Largest Notable River Network. Home to Huge Fishing Corporations on the river. Mostly Clay and Tough Dirt, Submarines and small vessels should be Careful to avoid sink Holes leading down to the Vapor Level. Huge amount of Water Based Life, Notable : Puffer Fish, Eel Sharks, T-Drakes, Assortment of Average Fish, Large Colonies of Oxygen Producing Algae and Bacteria. Huge Agriculture Value. Notable Features: Huge Tunnels that Twist and Turn Filled with River and Banks.
THE VAPOR LEVEL: A Huge Expanse of Open Cavern Right Underneath the Mar Level, Water falls of White Rapids Trail down through the ceilings, while Huge trails of Heated Air trail up from the Charred Finger, they clash near the Center, turning the Water into Huge Banks of Steam Vapor, The Ceiling is a Virtual Jungle Clinging to the Dirt, while the floor is a Charred, Blacked Wasteland of cooled rock and melted slag seas, the ceiling can not be seen through the ground. INCREDIBLE economic Value, Temperature: 10 to 100. Notable Life: Too much to Name
THE SLAG LEVEL: The Ultimate Dream of Mining Companies, The Body of Slag and Molten Lava between the Vapor Level and the Core. Huge Chunks of New Metals are formed in the Core, and float in the Magma, INFINITE economic Value. Temperature 100 to 100 000 000 Degrees, Notable Tips: Super Heat Resistant Gear and Suits, Only known Vehicle to withstand the heats is the Industry Mine Cruiser, Cruisers land on the Metal Chunks, and Mine it from the inside out.
THE CORE: Impossible to pass through, a pity that we cannot explore what is underneath, all we know is that two things come from the core. Huge amounts of newly formed metals, and...Strange Skeletal Structures, fortunately Dead, these colossal Titan Bones seem to interest the Ascendants (Consider major investigations)
Thank you for using the Conclave Data Network, And remember- "Defeat Is but a Inch away. And Humanity but a handful of defeats to Extinction" -Conclaver Thax
Favorite Level???
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-13 14:02:41 +0000 UTC]
There are just so many of them! How am I supposed to pick a favorite? Although, if I had to live there, I have the feeling I would prefer the Oxygen Level... just because it seems more... livable. Yet, the Vapor Level seems nice, but I'm not sure it would be very hospitable, considering the wildlife, and lack of acquirable vegetation. I guess the people that live in these Levels must have a great tolerance for cold since they haven't really known anything else, unless they work in the Slag Level, I suppose. But that's immense heat, and I don't think that really counts.
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-13 17:39:01 +0000 UTC]
(DO NOT REPLY THIS MESSAGE) It appears my Science was wrong, (Yes this entire world is Scientifically Sound) Carbon Dioxide is actually Heavier than Oxygen, SO Universe Change! The Dioxide Level Air will be Carbon Monoxide Based, which is Colorless, Tasteless, Breathless and SLIGHTLY lighter than Oxygen. The Dioxide Level will be renamed the Carbon Level. Sound good?
With this change the Carbon Monoxide in the Carbon Level open tunnels that connect with other levels will keep the Oxygen in The Oxygen Level Bottled Up! Perfect!
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-13 17:33:20 +0000 UTC]
Who would have known the Oxygen Level was the most Habitable? XD And you'd be surprised by the number of Rich folk who've tried to build in the Vapor Level, Most Notably Jerry Amter, Who built a Large Hanging Mansion on the Ceiling, no one would suspect the horrors he would reek on the Underworld with the Black Heart Outbreak, and the Jerry Wheat. And Yes, the People in Industrial Regular Have a huge tolerance for the Cold, when Mining Groups are sent into the Slag level, they require billion dollar Suits and Equipment, and even with that, they require Months of Heat Training, Days under Heat lamps At Camp Con. on the Charred Finger. Alright! Time to dump more information of you! What's next? Sectoids? Ascendants? Or Human History? (Great Industry and Separatist)
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-16 00:29:03 +0000 UTC]
It is a lot of information to take in. 9_6 I'm almost having a hard time keeping it all straight. How about history next. That sounds interesting. ^^
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-16 06:01:19 +0000 UTC]
(I hope they don't discover my evil plan to make their mind overload >.<) Alright! Human History: Underworld Style!
Industrial Mythos: First was Iron, without purpose, cold, hard, and black as Darkness,Then came the Smiths, who beat the Iron till it was red hot, and thus began the core, The Smiths worked the Iron till it was Silver, to gift their Wives, Till it was Bronze, to forge rings of stature, till it was Steel, to Smite down the Evil, till it was Copper, to forge the gears of their industry. They worked it till it was nothing but Stone, to shape the Underworld, And looking into that Underworld, we saw potential. We taught the Core to Smith the Iron itself, And in Ships of Bronze and Diamond we broke from the Core, leaving it to it's eternal Job. But in the Underworld, We grew weak, Our bodies cooled, our metals shattered from the cold, Our mines lost out knowledge, Our lungs screamed for Air, And our Eyes cried for Light But we kept on the path, In our Rotting Ships, that steamed and melted into the rock, we brought a Artifact, A Master of the Outside, A machine that turned Iron into Life, And when the Key was inserted, It shook the foundations of our industry. The Iron Spilled into Water, which formed into plants, which birthed Animals, And once again, we smiths had something to work. The Key was lost, and the machine stands silent, but on our watch we build The Industry, And we work the land we created.
Alright! ^^ Mythos Done! Too tired to keep writing When you comment back I'll write Modern Underworld History
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-16 12:33:39 +0000 UTC]
That seems like a very far fetched history. >_9 Alright, what's the modern tale?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-16 17:39:12 +0000 UTC]
My Mythos sounds like any other Religion to me XD Alright
Notable Modern Historical Events:
9000 O.R (On Record) Explorers Finally moving out of the Oxygen Zone Discovered a Race of Hostile Beasts that are organized enough to pose a threat, Called Sectoids, 10 R.C's (Recorded Cycles(Years)) Sectoid Hunting has become a Profitable Business
9104 0.R Mining Group Stationed in Carbon Level Discover Strange Ancient Canister, While Bringing it Back to Eon Compound, there were discovered to be carrying a Unknown, Mutational Pathogen. Conclave Justices were Sent out to Intercept them, Upon Arrival The Crew had Grown Pale, Lost Hair, Skin grown tough, And on Sight of the Justices; Attacked them. 61% of the infected crew escaped, And would grow to become the Ancient-G Threat (Nicknamed Gassers,Or Ancients) Over the Ages Many more of these Ancient Canisters have been found
9152 O.R Dr. Tax Drogum (All Underworld names are like that) Effectively Based down the Mutagen into a reliable substance, completely Safe as long as it was kept to perfect Temperature. Able to Genetically Create new Species of Feed Animal and Advanced Medicines.
9167 O.R CEO Tax Drogum of Drogum Medicinal Incorporated Receives a huge Research Grant from Land Speculator and Billionaire Frank Amter, Under express Details that Beast Soilder Strains be developed for Security Usage
9188 O.R First Signs of Ancient Sentience discovered, As Groups of them are Spotted constructing Buildings from Mud and Stone Brick, Carbon Smith Industrial Military Wing Contracted to Wipe out any Ancient Compounds discovered.
9190 O.R Signs of Ancient Hierarchy and Military Strength Discovered, as Several Conclave Installations are Invaded at the Same time in Precise Attack, Witnesses take note to Warriors using Weapons and Armor Not looted from previous attacks, Ancient Industry as it were. Official Cycle of the Beginning of the Beast Wars.
9198 O.R End of First Beast War, as Gasser Forces cease Attack and Carbon Smith Military Wing resigns from Contract
9220 O.R Beginning of Second Beast War, Military Contract given to Uber-Corp Invasion Wing. Magnum Thax, Forman of Black Valley Compound in Mar Level and Carbon Smith approved 'Supreme Defender' of the Mar Level Catacombs, Uses the War as a Opportunity to Separate from The Great Industry, Instantly 30% Percent of all Separatist Factions flock to the Catacombs, Safe behind Thax's Defensive Lines, 40% of that group swear loyalty to Magnum Thax, the Rest continue on their Agenda's
9227 O.R, Turning Point in the Second Beast War, as Scientists Perfect the Beast Soldiers, Named Ascendants "The Next step in Human Evolution"-Jerry (Very Much like Ancients, But Black Ascendant-G runs through their dark veins, Skin grows into dark carapace on Vital Areas of the body) Jerry Amter (Frank Amter's son) Donates the Beast Security force of 3000 Ascendants to The War Effort "Fighting Fire with Fire"
9230 O.R End of Second Beast War, With the Great Industry holding the Advantage. Conclave forces now finally push into Magnum Thax Space, Meeting Heavy resistance from Prepared Troops, As a Sign of Peace, Jerry Amter sends Wheat Surplus (Most plants grown in Vats and Labs) All over the Great Industry and even to Separatist Space.
9231 0.R THE BLACK HEART INCIDENT- 100% of Humans who ingested the Wheat (24% of Humans Overall) Are Mutated and Warped into the Next Ascendant Strain, Whole Compounds are Wiped out. Utter Chaos Reigns as the Ascendant-G is secretly put into other food sources. Jerry Amter's Hanging Mansion; Amter Grounds, Is Heavily defended by the original Beast Security Force.
9232 O.R Both the Great Industry and Separatists regain Stability, But the Ascendants still blanket the Underworld, Huge Gangs roam Dilapidated Slums of Larger Compounds, Tribes Make Stronghold of the edge of Industry Space; Raiding Mining Operations, Secretly Infected Compounds Grow Jerry wheat to infect their Neighbors. And thousands of abandoned Ascendant-G Canisters turn foul without supervision. Warping into different Strains, Growing thoughts, Calling to people, And controlling them, twisting them into Ascendants, And forcing them to follow their wills (Although it seems all stains have different agenda's as it were, as Strain fights against Strain, And the New Strains even battle the first Jerry Wheat Strain.
9234 0.R Amter Grounds is Nuked. Several Times. Ancients Seen Battling Ascendants
9235 O.R MODERN TIMES- Through Hard Times, The Great Industry is at it's most powerful. Industry booms even alongside Huge and devastating Wars. It's enemies claw it feebly, hungry for it's power. These are troubling times Forman, A third Beast War looms dangerously close, and we do not have the luxury of using Ascendants this Time. But look into our past and See that after every Beating, Our muscles grow stronger.
Thank you for using the Conclave Data Network, and remember: "With every hill climbed we stand taller than the Beast and Inhuman." -Conclaver Doz
This is going Awesome! ^^ Half this material I came up with while writing it! you listening to my ideas is really getting me some good material! So what next?
Ancient Hierarchy and Biology?
Ascendant Hierarchy and Biology?
Sectoid Biology?
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-22 11:06:06 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a while. Busy busy busy! I'm glad I'm helping. ^^ This story sounds awesome. How about we move into the Ancients first?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-23 05:58:54 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, it's fine ^^ more time to flesh out things and enjoy my summer. Alright, On to the Gasser Hordes!
When first discovered by Conclave Justice Amx Leo, Gassers were depicted as horribly pitiful specimens. The Infected Men and women's Hair had completely fallen out, they're veins bulged from their skin, and Eye's had grown full black, animal like. Easily Killed they posed no threat...If only we knew what they would become.
As time went on People began using cpatured and trained gassers as Guard Dogs, Pets, Test Subjects, and in the case of Humphrey Pez; Secret Slaughter animals for his 'Mystery Meat'. But as time went on, changes began showing. Specimens were growing an un-natural amount of hair all over their bodies to compensate for the cold, it was thin, nearly invisible to the naked eye on their white skin, and incredibly strong, it never split, never frayed, never grew the wrong way, Men like Pez began selling coats of it! Ironically fitting into the role of being 'guard dogs' Gasser fingers began Hardening, the front halves of the fingers (after every generation) turned into black talons of condensed bone and carbon.
At this time the conclave ruled that they were unsafe for Non-Company Hands, and all Gassers were handed over to the Entrepreneurs such as Pez. In the days of Scouting Parties and mining groups discovering Gasser Intelligence, Installations, and even noted Military, The Conclave conducted a extensive dissection of several Gassers, And we suddenly realized what Beasts we had let slip under our noses, Exo skeleton had grown underneath the skin, protective tumors of bone surrounded Vital Organs, their brains throbbed with collective knowledge of Human Culture, Knowledge to run and fix cars, Human Tactics, even how to build Guns! All of it stored and kept from every new generation. and it was all thanks to Goo that ran through their veins.
Tax Drougum had barely scratched the surface of the Goo's potential! Specimens were shown next to pictures taken back when Gassers were first discovered. They were Strong, Muscled, a Specimen bit one of the Guards Heads off! One was caught building a functional Pistol out of Scrap Parts! Action had to be taken. The Conclave ruled that every Gasser in the Industry was to exterminated.
But 3 days before the offical date of Genocide. A Scream-Nay, A Roar echoed through the tunnels, A Cry of a Thousand miss-treated Souls tearing at their Slavers. In minutes of that Roar, All 16 of the Company facilities interning the Gasser Populace went Dark. When Conclave Justice's along with a Platoon of Con-Troopers and Carbon Smith Forces broke through, it was too late.
The ground was brown with the Stench of Dried Blood. Whole Herds of naked, wild Gassers roamed through the streets, hunting and fighting with one another, Pools of Blood and Ancient-G Ooze stank and bubbled with Dead Humans and Gassers, Melting them down into Bio-Mass. While the streets were taken back by the wild, The Facilities themselves smoked with Industry. Armored Warrior Packs Stalked the Streets, the Wild Gassers ran and Hid from them, and were caught. They were dragged back to the Strongholds, Industry knows what happens to them there, but in the end they exit clad in the same armor of their captors, ready to follow orders. They pulled new Gassers and even more horrendous Beasts from the the Pools of Biomass, Creatures of Use and Burden, Viscous Beasts of Killing and Hunting and War. Complex Vehicles sped out of the Facilities. And with that, The Beast Wars had begun.
And so ends the History Lesson Students and Future Foremen. Know what your fellow Militant Students will have to Deal with, and if a Unlucky band of Gassers happen upon your mining operation; what YOU will have to deal with. from the First Beast War until Modern times Gasser tech ha gotten substantially more complex and effective, EVEN at a Higher rate then ourselves. But they are still DECADES from becoming more advanced then ourselves. For Humans will always triumph over the Inhuman. Because WE. ARE. HUMAN.
Man that felt good to right ^^ I hope it isn't flustered, but I wanted to bust out a lot of material in one sitting Your going to have to wait till I finish the Unit Page until you can find out what all the Gasser-Ancient Beasts are though. Including Vehicles and Warrior Types. So what's next? The Ascendant Gassers? Or a Special Treat! ^^ A Data File of a Psychologist talking to a Man recently infected by the Ancient-G Virus Choose wisely!
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-06-25 16:25:25 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... What to choose, what to choose. Gosh... so hard to pick one... um... how about the Data File! That one sounded interesting. ^^
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-06-27 19:29:46 +0000 UTC]
-1st Beast War Era
My latest studies of the Gasser Swarm lead me to believe that there is a huge psychological aspect to the Gasser Infection. My last Experiment of 1 infected Human seemed to...fail somehow. It was Stupid. Mentally Stagnant. It just stood there. taking into account that Gassers are usually in Large groups leads me to try a different theory. This new experiment is going to be 30 men all infected with a Canister of Ancient-G Ooze. This File will be my log for jotting down effects as the Hours Pass.
Hour 1
-The First hour has past, The infected individuals have slipped from Healthiness to Gut wrenching Sickness...Now it appears the 4 of them are Vomiting. (Send Guard in to collect sample)
-Guard has returned with Sample, 27 of the patients are now vomiting...Upon closer inspection of the vomit, it appears to be..blood and pigment. and trace amounts of the Goo. I'll have to scan one of the Patients to see what's going on.
Hour 2
-The Scans have come back. It seems the Goo is invading the bodies through the orifices, making it's way to the lungs and stomach. Microscope shows that the Virus is actually rearranging air atoms as the lungs are converting it into carbon dioxide. Instead of breathing out CO2, they're breathing out more Ooze. Chemically speaking; they're probably able to Ingest the goo to survive as well. it ending up Oxygen as it leaves the system.
Hour 3
-2 of the subjects have died. New Scans show the Virus is invading the circulatory system and the Nervous System. Subjects are having Spasms. One is being clamped to to a chair. I'll be questioning them soon enough.
Hour 4
"How are you Feeling?"
"I dOn'T KnOw."
"Why is that?"
"It's alright, just vomit in the bucket"
"I sEEe shapes! I HHAER a voice!"
"That's just me, what shapes are you seeing?"
"NO! Noot YoU! I HEar a Scream! A ROAR! It's Calalls!"
"What is it calling?"
"Tam! Tam do you understand me!?"
-Tam is being taken back to the test room. I attached a monitor to Tam, and when the uplink comes up I'll be able to see what he's seeing.
Hour 5
-This is.....Amazing, Uplink links with the eyes have be met, and the screen is showing us the world through his eyes. It all seems tinted a nasty bright orange..a off orange, somewhat brown. Biological matter is glowing brightly, almost blinding. and all over everything, it appears jagged shapes and veined lines, almost like a light show, and dancing, twisting, and growing all around his vision. It hurts my Eyes to look at it for too long. But that's not the strangest part, every couple of seconds his sight changes, flashes into different locations in the room, once he was even looking at himself, and then I realized, He's looking through the other gasser's Eyes! that's why the single experiments always failed! Gassers are passing along trace amounts of information and brain power through the air! (good thing this facility is sterile and we're suited) 90% of a person's brain power is never used, so the Goo is using that left over brain power from EVERYONE to store all of their collective information and pass it on through the electrons in the Air! In lamen's terms, a Huge mental Bank of Information! Larger groups equals smarter gassers and higher tech! Mr. Altmer is going to be pleased to hear this, given enough time, we could somehow regulate the mental bank to give the each Gasser node, (or Drone) specific informationto keep until we deem! instead of a jumble of mass information being pushed in and ripped out! The first step to creating the Beast Soldiers is....Oh Smith! there's a breach on the glove of my suit! I need a surgery team state! How long could I have been infected...one hour?...ONE HOBLEEAAGHPFF-
*The rest of the log has been deleted, as the next hour of the Late Dr. Perd's log is merely him screaming and vomiting in his suite. But know that Dr. Perd made one of the most amazing leaps in Gasser Knowledge ever. And remember students, when your out there, KEEP your mask on. Your re breather is the only thing keeping you from Dr. Perd's fate.
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-07-02 22:41:31 +0000 UTC]
^^ That's pretty cool. I can't remember what the other options were to choose from,so how about you surprise me? I really like where this is going.
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-07-04 06:00:21 +0000 UTC]
Well I'm glad your enjoying my Ideas The next subject is Gasser Ascendant Biology. But I'd like to get my thoughts on it worked out before hand. So if it's alright with you. I like to take a break while I work on that and my other ideas before continuing on. And until then I have a favor to ask. ^^ You like my ideas yes? Well if your not too busy, I'd like to ask when you have some spare time, if you could draw a Gasser for me, I've drawn tons of them. and soon I'd like to start putting them on my profile (when I finally get a working scanner) And I'm very interested to see what your interpretation is of them based on what I've told you. And I find adding the opinions of others into my works often helps them become better, so ya. If it's not to much trouble draw a Gasser for me when it's complete, don't post it on your DA, I'd like to make my ideas perfect before setting them in stone on the internet. just email the picture to me please ^^ And I can give my opinion of it. (what you got right, what I've forgotten to mention because I'm a idiot XD ) It could be fun!
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-07-04 12:59:03 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... I'll have to look back at some of your other posts to remember most of the finer details, but I'm up for it. ^^ Been really busy lately so don't expect it anytime soon. Eheh Also, if you're taking a break, maybe I could try to sort out a story I've been writing. I have most if not all of it thought out, but there are a few plot-holes I've been meaning to fill in, so maybe writing it out might help with that.(Or I'll end up stuck a plot-hole) I realize that I don't have mine anywhere NEAR as thought through as you have your. ^^"
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-07-04 17:51:14 +0000 UTC]
I would LOVE to hear your Story Idea! ^^ Go right ahead! And btw, I'm still adding to the gasser look, cause I don't think they're perfect yet, so I guess I'd love to see this picture cause I want to see how it's going so far Best of luck on the picture! And send me that story! I'm excited to hear about it.
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lukstar97 In reply to ParryGubler [2012-08-07 02:30:48 +0000 UTC]
O_O I'm so sorry I took so long! Gosh, I feel so bad, and I haven't even typed my idea out for you! >_< Well, it's all awfully confusing... and I'm not sure where to start... Do you want to know about Golell, or Emari and the Pale first?
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ParryGubler In reply to lukstar97 [2012-08-07 03:05:52 +0000 UTC]
Emari and the Pale sounds interesting
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ParryGubler In reply to InconspicuousNeon [2011-09-09 15:10:59 +0000 UTC]
gtg go to school, ten I'll do it.
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987nightroad [2011-08-11 02:04:50 +0000 UTC]
just lettin' ya know that i'm holding a crack pairing contest. check out my journal for the details
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ParryGubler In reply to 987nightroad [2011-08-11 04:47:17 +0000 UTC]
OKAY FIRST I'D LIKE TO SAY I LOVE YOUR HELLS INC. COMIC! Are u gay? Or Just a fangirl? And I have the PERFECT IDEA! a comic with Louis from left 4 dead and a Assassin from Assassin's Creed being all kissy. with it saying "I got 99 problems but fighting Assassin ain't one of them.'
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987nightroad In reply to ParryGubler [2011-08-11 13:47:05 +0000 UTC]
haha omg that would flippin' rock! and yes i have had relationships with the same sex before, honestly it seems that i prefer it. also i am indeed a fangirl ^_^.
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