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| Xuan-Mai
# Statistics
Favourites: 12; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 0
Watching: 6; Pageviews: 3240; Comments Made: 16; Friends: 6
# Interests
Favorite bands / musical artists: KornOther Interests: Writing, Drawing
# About me
Name- Xuan MaiEye Color- Dark Brown
Hair Color- Red
Righty or Lefty- Righty
Inny or Outty- Inny D: (Outies are so cute)
Ethnicity- Asian
Worst Fear- Being alone in pitch blackness
Strengths- I'm not sure, never thought about it.
Goals/Dreams- Becoming a well known writer! It's been my dream since I started getting into writing. Also, getting a lot better at drawing and learning how to use different programs.
Soda- Dr. Peper
Food- Ramen
Ice cream- Chocolate
Music Artist/Band- Korn
Animal- Felines
Color- Hot Pink
Day of the week- Saturday
Item you currently own- (Typical) iPod
Song- Depends on my mood, sometimes.
Movie- Despicable Me
TV show- George Lopez
Cartoon- Tom and Jerry
Restaurant/Fast Food- Burger King :D
Pizza Topping- Sausage!
Book- Bliss
Thing in your room- Desk
Candy bar- Hershey's
Scent- People (SOMETIMES!) I always smell people and notice their personal smell. I like a vague hint of cologne sometimes.
Season- Fall
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla- Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee- Coffee
Rock or Pop- Rock
Pizza or Hot dog- Hot Dog
Ketchup or Mustard- Ketchup
Apple or Orange- Apple
Computer or TV- Computer
Pencil or Pen- Pencil
Color or Black and White- Color
Skating or Biking- Skating
Beach or Mountains- Beach
Naughty or Nice- Hmmmm~ ;3
Night or Day- Night
Gold or Silver- Gold
Late night or Early morning- Late Night
Sweet or Sour- Sweet
Kisses or hugs- Both
McDonalds or Burger King- Burger King
Single or group dates- Not sure
Heads or Tails- Heads
Do you's?
smoke- Nope
drink- Nope
play an instrument- Guitar
think you're attractive- Low Self Esteem (I am forced to say that as an answer now. My arm is in pain from certain friends if I tell the truth about myself.)
like yourself- Personality? Sometimes - I can be pretty awesome. Haha!
have a crush on someone- Yeah - Nerds are the shit
think someone has a crush on you- Yes - Confessions.
have a best friend- Of course!
draw on yourself- Used to a lot, now I'm trying to cut back. XD
believe in God- Hard to explain
have a cell phone- Yes
have a myspace- Nope
have AIM- Don't use it
have MSN- Don't use it
have a girlfriend/boyfriend- Nope
have piercings- Ears closing up, but when I'm out I'll hopefully get a lip piercing
have tattoos- Nope
Get motion sickness- I figured that out recently actually. So the answer now is: Why yes...yes I do.
swear- Absolutely and it is so fun. Parents don't know I cuss like a sailor!
shower daily- Yup!
want to get married- Yes :)
Sing- Yeah. Practicing to get better
want to go to college- Most likely
Get along with your parents- Most of the time; I love them.
want to have children- Absolutely not ever.
have pets- A little dog named Bear - he's my baby. <3
Have you ever?
Been in love- Nope :)
Fired a gun- I wish!
Shoplifted- I was a little klepto as a kid. Mostly things off desks in school.
moved- Lots of times
Random stuff
What makes you laugh- Friends! :)
Pet Peeve- When people call me kid in a rude way - thinking their cool.
What can't you live without- oxygen! :O
How many CD's do you own- Not many
My parents are...- Lovable and sweet at times.
The longest you've gone without sleeping- ... I-I don't know.
Dream vacation- I'm not sure, I guess to Germany, but you know when I learn...German. .-.
Are you popular- I'm known by a lot of people in the real world.
Have you ever broken the law- Don't think so.
Are you a very emotional person- Sometimes
What would you do with $1 million? Family, Personal
Would you rather be rich or famous? Wish I could be a singer and guitarist. You know but...people know it and think I'm talented.
Have you ever been arrested- Nope
Are you ticklish- ...I sound like a hentai girl when someone tickles me sometimes. Don't. Freaking. Ask.
Thoughts first waking up- Whoever woke me up must DIE. Or if someone didn't wake me up it's most likely "Fall back asleep!"
Bedtime- Since it's summer I'd say if I have work around 1 am. If I don't - when I'm sleepeh.
How do you want to die- Peacefully in my sleep.
Favourite genre of music: Rock
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch