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rani700 ♂️ [17763190] [2011-05-28 10:29:42 +0000 UTC] "Rani tahhouf" (Syria)

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Favourites: 1; Deviations: 70; Watchers: 25

Watching: 1; Pageviews: 8498; Comments Made: 153; Friends: 1

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Favorite visual artist: photograph
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# Comments

Comments: 61

Leo24788 [2018-11-03 11:53:42 +0000 UTC]

ايري بالاسد

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design4line [2015-03-06 13:11:18 +0000 UTC]

lan orospu çocouğu o TÜRK  bayrağını kaldır oradan. Sen kimsinki bizim bayrağımızı ayaklar altına alıyorsun. Kevaşenin çocuğu.

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zegkaas [2013-08-28 21:05:12 +0000 UTC]


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zegkaas [2013-08-28 21:05:05 +0000 UTC]

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manbej [2013-01-08 19:57:00 +0000 UTC]

لاحظت في إحدى صورك هذا الكلام الصادر منك جماعة فساد ولحى وعمامات وجوامع خرا)، يا صاحب الفكر التافه

أمثالك ما بحتاج نرد عليهم .. أمثالك ننتظر من الله يخسف فيهم الأرض أو يشلك أو يحزنك بأغلى ما عندك

جوامع خرا يا تافه .. قسما بالله ستعلو الجوامع وستدفنون في المجاري
وبإذن الله في يوم طرد بشار سآتي إلى هذه الصفحة وألعنك .. وخليك رجال ولا تحذف صفحتك يومها

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USAMENG [2012-10-14 15:30:13 +0000 UTC]

عاش الجيش الحر ويسقط بشار ومن ومعه من المرتزقة اقصدك انت يا شبيح

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dimajaber In reply to USAMENG [2012-12-30 10:34:34 +0000 UTC]

فلتسقط انت ومن يمثلك يا ارهابي وسيقسط الجيش الحر شئت ام ابيت وعلم بلدي سيبقى مرفوع شئت ام ابيت انت وامثالك

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USAMENG In reply to dimajaber [2012-12-31 14:08:58 +0000 UTC]

هههههههههههههههههههه هههههههههههههه انشوف بالاخير ونلتقي وبس يقسط الاله مالتك الا ارسلك رسالة تعزية وان شاء الله انت يلزموك الجيش الحر

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UmmahSecurity [2012-09-26 21:04:25 +0000 UTC]

يلعن روحك يا حافظ

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MohsenIT [2012-08-19 19:25:21 +0000 UTC]

Good and different work!

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lmr-ab [2012-05-23 12:53:52 +0000 UTC]

لك آآآآآآخ ....والله ياشباب حاولت كتير مع الناس (من هم خارج سوريا)ولكن ...عبس
يظنون اأننا ندافع عن ظالم مع أنهم لا بعرفون عنه إلا ما وجد في النت ...ولو أنهم بعرفون كيف هي الثورة عندنا لبكوا وعلموا أنهم هم من يدافعون عن الظلام المجرمين
....شو بدي قول غير حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل والحمد لله أن الأحداث لصالحنا.. وسيبان الحق في النهاية اإن شاء الله..

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F-Eagie In reply to lmr-ab [2012-09-12 20:28:06 +0000 UTC]

انشاء الله

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NaliaChan [2012-04-17 15:56:19 +0000 UTC]

يا رجل اصحا من يفيدك في دنيتك, سوف تندم بالنهايه

حس بالالم الذي يحس به الشعب السوري
هل قلبك صار حجر

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F-Eagie In reply to NaliaChan [2012-09-12 20:29:21 +0000 UTC]

For the love of god, don't watch TV and comment on People's profiles about what you just watched.
The propaganda is a LIE

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eskandeer [2012-04-13 12:33:01 +0000 UTC]

الأمة لا تجمع على ضلالة
بشار ظالم و ولكل ظالم نهاية
كن منصفاً ولا تتبع الهوى فتهوي
مع من أحببت
أصلح الله القلوب

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F-Eagie In reply to eskandeer [2012-09-12 20:29:51 +0000 UTC]

Wow! You are the Syrian and you are the one who knows?!

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eskandeer In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-13 12:03:32 +0000 UTC]

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

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F-Eagie In reply to eskandeer [2012-09-27 12:24:27 +0000 UTC]

Makes big sense... and so not off subject

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lmr-ab In reply to eskandeer [2012-05-23 12:58:44 +0000 UTC]

أخي الكريم من قال أن الأمة مجتمعة ....هذه هي المشكلة أصلاً أن الأمة متفرقة ولا تجتمع إلا على شيء يريده أعداء الأمة...

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ramamoon [2012-02-19 11:04:09 +0000 UTC]

حفظ الله بشارنا الغالي

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F-Eagie In reply to ramamoon [2012-09-12 20:30:10 +0000 UTC]

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09o [2012-01-29 13:21:14 +0000 UTC]

ye2borne rabak ya raniiiiiiiiiii

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Alalem [2011-12-11 11:38:30 +0000 UTC]

ليبي حُر يقولك ..

احـــذر .. فقـد تعايشت مع أمثالك في ليبيا أيام الثورة .. وأراهم اليوم يلزمون منازلهم خائفين من أن يُطرق بابهم لرحلة بلا عـودة ..

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ZainSy In reply to Alalem [2012-01-11 04:17:17 +0000 UTC]

سوري حر يقلك
خليك بحالك و ببلادك و بحبايبك الناتو ولا تتدخل بغيرك
صحي القذافي كان مجنون بس المعارضة الليبية اكثر جنوناً! لكن في حدا بيجيب الناتو عبلادو !!!

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emoXlina94 [2011-10-24 18:32:09 +0000 UTC]

what the hell is wrong with you people !! don't disrespect others ! obviously there is two opinions in Syria now ! despite that .. we all still Syrians ! we don't fight each others ! we are all one , stop the cussing and the ugly words ! by supporting bashar in deviantart wont get Syria back on the top , and by saying down with bashar wont get him out of Syria ! for god's sake u are all on a web paaaaaage !!!!!!!! STOP the ignorance !!!! we are all Syrians !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to emoXlina94 [2012-02-24 03:09:13 +0000 UTC]

*sigh*...if only those who supported him would stop backlashing at the small opposing comments, for example:

"Down with Bashar" or "I hope his regime falls"

Those who support him end up replying with a paragraph of crap with dips of hatred to those who don't.

I'm Syrian and on the rebel side, but I still don't want to see us Syrians fighting each other like this...

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-12 21:25:54 +0000 UTC]

You are not even living in Syria are you? then how do you know? Just watching T.V?

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-13 00:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Just gonna get this off my chest here, I really hate answering to people like you. Nazis who worhip Bashar as if he's some kind of God??? Like, sheesh, man.

Second, I don't watch T.V. for the news, I talk to my family in Syria. Oh wait, I mean my fleeing family. My family, who's houses got burned to the ground by your idiotic Shabiha and Bashar's Iranian ally. My family, of whom my kidnapped cousins and murdered uncles come from. And don't go telling me that the FSA did it.

I've answered to about a million comments like these, and asking me if I watch this on TV and then telling me that CNN and other stupid channels lie is just what you kind of people do.

The reason I know that Bashar is the murderer here is because...how can this all be a lie when more than 30,000 civilians have died so far? Huh? Is this just a try to topple the government with a controversial theory? No. Because this isn't controversial when children, women, and babies are involved.

Your beloved Bashar the Devil bombed my grandparents house, threw two missiles into the top of my apartment building in Syria, and forced my more than 25 cousins and relatives away from their homes. Don't go telling me that the government didn't do this. We all know what happens when presidents become dictators, because it's happened before. February of 1982, to be exact.

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-13 21:26:32 +0000 UTC]

Nazis worshiping Bashar? do you even know what WW2 is? or who are the Nazi party? What does the Nazi thing have to do with Bashar? *face palm*
Also I'm not worshiping him and if you got this idea from the videos that shows you the army forcing people to do it then you must be a fool, come to think about it.. is it logical to take a video of them doing a wrong thing? LOL seems legit.

I bet that your poor family is lost in the FSA acting, they kill the OSA, take their cloth kill people by the name of the OSA and start taking videos and act.
Besides the OSA do not bomb any building with normal people and they give warnings and total blockade the area.
However I'll tell you the story my own family in Syria and me when I was there too.
Your peaceful FSA knocked on My mom's friend house and threatened her if she didn't leave the house for them to fight the OSA from it they will kill her.
We couldn't even go to the beach because the terrorists a.k.a FSA rape women and kill any guy with a military ID

The 30,000 who have died did die because ot the terrorist's bombs not tanks, tanks always know when to hit and where,
Did you know that 3 days ago a school, hospital and a building were removed with 70 person dead because of 2 cars were set by the FSA.
As I told you before all the crimes were done by the FSA but when they do it they do it by the name of the OSA. So the ones who bombed your GP's house were the FSA

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-13 22:03:40 +0000 UTC]

Dude, I got this Nazi stuff from this thing called your PROFILE PAGE. I've seen this on a lot of Pro-Assad supporters pages. They support Hitler and Bashar. Anyone who can support Hitler is obviously a nutjob, same goes with Bashar. Also, whether or not you worship Bashar, there's a lot of crazy nutjob supporters of him who claim that he's a God. Sorry if I misinterperated something, k?

Oh yeah, of course, the OSA doesn't bomb buildings with people in it. Tell that to the people who've experienced it. Give me CLEAR PROOF of the FSA doing that to a building. I don't want a biased YouTube video, and I don't want a Syrian website. I don't want an opinion or a blog, I want ACTUAL PROOF of it. Anything.

The FSA has never raped women. But I know that the OSA did. There's actual news and interviews on that. When they kill a guy with a military ID, it's because he's done something to someone, killed someone, or murdered families and whatever the rest of the crap that the OSA does. Never has the FSA killed someone for no reason. Give me proof that they did, and I'll say that they did. That's how it goes. If you're going to state something, give me proof.

For example, I was talking to another pro-Assad deviant earlier and they told me that 90% of the Syrians support Assad. When I asked him for proof, he never replied back.

The FSA doesn't even have bombs, you moron. All they have are guns. When they get a tank, they got it in a battle against your precious OSA. Also, show me proof that those 2 cars were set up by the FSA. All the car bombings that have happened were OSA operated. All the hospitals that were bombed were by OSA helicopters. The crimes were not done by the FSA. They were indeed done by the Government.

Also, the ones that bombed my grandparent's house and lit it on fire were not FSA. They were Iranian militants. She could hear them speaking Persian from right outside her home. Don't go telling me that they were FSA. They were wearing those Shiite headdresses and wore beards and had tanks and machinery used for knocking down buildings. They hardly spoke any Arabic.

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-13 22:36:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, didn't you read the former NS thing? Besides The Hitler story is too long and CORRUPTED. But still Bashar is no way compared to Hitler only their blue eyes and nothing in personality.
Those people who worship him are stupid and dumb, he is a human after all but he is a good one.
" Give me CLEAR PROOF of the FSA doing that to a building" Didn't that story I told you about a good prove? Also if you realized that buildings do not get bombed by tanks but by cars.

How can you prove that the FSA never raped a woman?
Did you know that every over 18 guy who have other brothers goes to military training and get the military ID which means that every older than 18 boy get killed by them.

"Never has the FSA killed someone for no reason. Give me proof that they did, and I'll say that they did."
A famous doctor in Aleppo got beaten up to death by FSA and now he is in Jordan. My family have a strong contact with him.

"I was talking to another pro-Assad deviant earlier and they told me that 90% of the Syrians support Assad. When I asked him for proof, he never replied back." I can tell you that not all people want Bashar BUT they all do not want the FSA and this is the truth
Also you can't prove that most of Syrians want FS to rule.
Syrians who support FSA are Syrians who live out side.

"The FSA doesn't even have bombs, you moron" pffffffft YOU ARE THE MORON. They don't have tanks but they do have bombs more than Binladden ever had himself you idiot.

"show me proof that those 2 cars were set up by the FSA." as I told you before and it's clear as the sun, the OSA uses tanks NOT rotten cars, also why would they do something to hurt them?

"All the hospitals that were bombed were by OSA helicopters" Wrong 1)Not that one in Aleppo.
2)When the FS took over that hospital and it was full of them only.

"The crimes were not done by the FSA. They were indeed done by the Government" True because it feels great when they destroy their country and waist their bullets and time for nothing.

Well they aint bomb a random house, as I told you they know where and when to hit, which means there was FSA including it.
And if its not then remember that they are Iranian and you dont know what is their plan for Syria.

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-13 23:28:26 +0000 UTC]

Dude, telling me a story is not proof. However, linking me to an official interview or report that's sourced and backed up COUNTS AS PROOF. THAT'S WHAT I WANT. Not a statement like "Oh, well that hospital in Aleppo was run by whatever, that's proof"... NO IT'S NOT. GIVE ME SOURCED INFORMATION, FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Also, you actually believe in that whole Bin Laden conspiracy? Wow, you are certainly not smart. Bin Laden was a CIA backed mission. All of those terrorist/Al Qaeda claims are just excuses for America to run into our nations and steal oil, kill civilians, and destroy lives, just like in Iraq.

Oh, yeah, my grandparents house had FSA in it...suuuure. So there's no excuse for the government to be hitting my grandparents' house.

Also, the reason that some people do not want the FSA is because they worship that ibn-kelb-Assad and his family of donkeys. Also, the rest of the people who don't oppose him don't want to be killed or don't support a full out civil war that could possibly hurt more and more people and turn the entire country into a bloodbathed battlefield. More than 50% of people are against Al-Assad. Sourced in places like this online poll: [link] . See? THAT'S HOW YOU SOURCE THINGS. And mind yourself that this isn't a Syrian website, nor is it a Middle Eastern website, like AlArabiya. This is an unbiased news article. Not a story that's not backed up.

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-14 00:23:13 +0000 UTC]

How could I link that to you if the news hiding it? I'm not sure if there is any channels showed what happened.
Aljazera and AlArabia always show pro-FS so they didn't even talk about it, so if you don't believe me ask anyone who is living in Aleppo.
However if I was you I wont accept any links because of the lies an corrupted stuffs.

Well if your grandfather is helping and hiding them then he is a traitor or one of them.

I still want him and I'M NOT WORSHIPING HIM, he is a human geez, besides I've been living the whole time in Syria and no one forced me for begging or worshiping him, the whole worshiping thing is an idea you got from propaganda.
People supports him because he made them a good place to live and a good political relationship with countries, other than he donate electricity to Lebanon and a Palestine supporter, he never harmed them and protected them from the terrorists, so why will the hate him?
An online poll? Seems legit anyone could vote in this Syrians or non-Syrians, and it's soooo public that everyone knows about it... seriously seems legit.

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-14 01:12:04 +0000 UTC]

I apologize, I have to go to bed. I'll have to answer back when I wake up.

By the way, if I insulted you in any way, shape, or form, please forgive me. I really hate arguing about political things.

Just gonna tell you this now, I didn't say you in particular were worshipping Bashar, I was just talking about a majority of people. If you misinterpreted something, then I apologize if I worded it wrong.

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-14 09:22:32 +0000 UTC]


Its fine. I'm sorry too if I said something offends you.

Yeah, I think people who worship him are animals who doesn't have brains and I get ashamed of them but they are very few. He is a human and he should be respected not worshiped.

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TheArtisticGenius In reply to F-Eagie [2012-09-14 20:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Is it okay if we drop the argument? I mean we aren't really progressing anywhere with all these backlashes being thrown at each other. I'm still going to have my opinion and you'll still have yours, right? Nothing's gonna change if we continue to argue.

Sorry if I sound a bit wierd, I never like to leave a conversation un-compromised ^^"

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F-Eagie In reply to TheArtisticGenius [2012-09-14 21:01:24 +0000 UTC]

LOL its fine ^^ you are right.

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vertebrae242 [2011-10-17 06:09:58 +0000 UTC]

I look forward to the day when scumbags like yourself will be banned from deviantART.


Take your Islamofascism elsewhere.

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Rahawangy [2011-09-19 08:56:10 +0000 UTC]

أحلى شباب سوريا والله ويا رب تتضح الصورة في قادم الايام ويكتشف العالم حقيقة ما يجري في سوريا ولو كان في ثورة حقيقية فأعتقد أنها ستكون بالملايين كثورة مصر وفي الساحات والميادين العامة كثورة اليمن وستكون نهارا وجهارا مش مساءا و في الأزقة والحارات والضيع وبأعداد لا تتجاوز المئات وكل فئات المتظاهرين من الأطفال والنساء !!! والله عيب

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most-toufik [2011-08-21 13:19:16 +0000 UTC]

راني انا من الجزائر ويهمني كثير مصلحة الشعب السوري وانت اعتقد مازال الوقت مبكرا لتتوب الى الله عز وجل لعله يغفر لنا ولك ذنوبنا

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rani700 In reply to most-toufik [2011-09-19 16:34:10 +0000 UTC]

احلى شباب الجزائر ومصر وتونس ...

لو كان ما يجري في سورياثورة لما ظلت مقتصرة على الارياف والازقة

ما يجري هو محاولة اسقاط اخر نظام ممانع للكيان الصهيوني وفهمكم كفاية

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seemo7 In reply to rani700 [2011-09-21 02:54:14 +0000 UTC]

كمان شوي بعد اذنك

تفه على عقلك إن وجد ..!!

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Shahwanoo In reply to seemo7 [2011-10-06 13:04:21 +0000 UTC]

هذه هي عقلية الثوار في سوريا!
"تفه على عقلك إن وجد" !

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BK11111 [2011-07-21 01:30:48 +0000 UTC]

deviantART is not made for people like you.
please go put ur political shit out of here.
and keep deviantart from you dirty pictures that dont make sense
have some respect fro your self and to deviantart
your ridiculous with the lies your trying to spread
its not going to work
we here will stand up for dirty people like you
and don't think your guna get away with all the dirty stuff you spreading
your gona get it back. your guna get it hard.

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alidesignr In reply to BK11111 [2011-08-18 01:03:10 +0000 UTC]

thumps up

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EyeDoorCinema In reply to alidesignr [2011-10-06 22:42:37 +0000 UTC]

I second that!

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alidesignr In reply to EyeDoorCinema [2011-10-27 17:32:48 +0000 UTC]

thanx dear

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Bouvardia89 [2011-07-21 01:19:40 +0000 UTC]

على فكرة انت واحد وسخ و حرام الواحد ياخود و يعطي معك

يسقط rani700
يسقط بشار الاسد و يسقط النظام السورة
Deal with it !

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F-Eagie In reply to Bouvardia89 [2012-09-12 21:28:46 +0000 UTC]

How about you deal with Satan's dick up your mother's asshole?

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Shoostar [2011-07-10 03:16:39 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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